:- multifile user:file_search_path/2. :- dynamic user:file_search_path/2. user:file_search_path(jar, ('.')). %:- shell('touch jpl.jar'). %:- ignore(shell('killall -9 xterm')). po(O):- format(user_error,'~N % LO: ~w ;; ~w~n',[O.toString,O.getClass.getSimpleName]),!. po(O):- format(user_error,'~N % PO: ~q ~n',[O]),!. dwq(Q):- format(user_error,'~N % DWQ: ~q~n',[Q]). :- meta_predicate dwq_call(0). dwq_call(Q):- Q *-> dwq(success:Q); (dwq(failed:Q),!,fail). /* -*- Prolog -*- SWI-Prolog personalization file */ mp:- sys, meta_predicate(system: write(7)), meta_predicate(system: writeq(7)), meta_predicate(system:is(7,7)),meta_predicate(system: =:=(7,7)),usys. :- load_files(library(prolog_stack)). prolog_stack:stack_guard(none). :- use_module(library(base32)). :- set_prolog_flag(access_level,system). :- set_prolog_flag(report_error,true). :- set_prolog_flag(fileerrors,false). :- set_prolog_flag(debug_on_error,true). :- set_prolog_flag(debug,true). :- set_prolog_flag(optimise,false). :- set_prolog_flag(last_call_optimisation,false). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, true). % :- set_prolog_flag(logicmoo_include,fail). :- ensure_loaded(udt). cl_eval(L):- cl_eval(L, O),po(O). cl_read_lisp(L):- cl_read_lisp(L, O),po(O). cl_eval_string(L):- cl_eval_string(L, O),po(O). % cl_eval(L,O):-cl_lisp_eval(L,O). call_ctrl(Head):- call_ctrl(Head,_). call_ctrl(Head,O):-oo_deref(Head,HeadE),dwq_call(call_crtl(call_ctrl,[{HeadE}],O)). call_crtl(Name,Args,O):-jpl_call('org.logicmoo.system.BeanShellCntrl',Name,Args,O). /* :- use_module(library(prolog_history)). % :- '$toplevel':'$clean_history'. % :- '$toplevel':setup_history. ps -ef | grep pts\/1 | grep -v grep | awk '{print "sudo kill -9", $2}' | h */ :- debug. :- nodebug(_). :- Six = 6, set_prolog_stack(global, limit(Six*10**9)),set_prolog_stack(local, limit(Six*10**9)),set_prolog_stack(trail, limit(Six*10**9)). :- set_prolog_flag(gc,false). :- set_prolog_flag(gc,true). % user:file_search_path(pack,'/devel/LogicmooDeveloperFramework/PrologMUD/pack' ). :- if(exists_directory('D:/workspace')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(pack,'D:/workspace')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(library,'D:/workspace/logicmoo_base/prolog')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(runtime,'D:/workspace/runtime')). :- else. :- asserta(user:file_search_path(pack,'/mnt/dddd/workspace')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(library,'/mnt/dddd/workspace/logicmoo_base/prolog')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(runtime,'/mnt/dddd/workspace/runtime')). :- endif. :- attach_packs. :-if(\+ exists_source(library(gui_tracer))). :-asserta(guitracer). :-asserta(noguitracer). :-endif. sys :- set_prolog_flag(access_level,system). usys :- set_prolog_flag(access_level,user). lmv:-lm,call(call,use_listing_vars). lm :- use_module(system:library(logicmoo_utils)). lmb :- use_module(library(pfc)). lmu :- ensure_loaded(library(logicmoo_user)). lmp:- attach_packs,pack_list_installed. lmcd:- user:file_search_path(runtime,DIR),cd(DIR). ss:-lmcd,ensure_loaded(init_mud_server). lm_repl :-lmcd,system:ensure_loaded(logicmoo_repl),qsave_program(lm_repl). lms:-lmp,lmcd,call(call,swicli). :- lmcd. :- lmp. %:- user:use_module(library(lists)). %:- user:use_module(library(make)). /******************************* * PLDOC SETUP *******************************/ % :- set_prolog_flag(access_level,system). % :- set_prolog_flag(gc,false). %:- user:use_module(library(lists)). mw:- use_module(library(prolog_modewalk)). :- dynamic(user:type_modes/3). nopt :- (initialization((set_prolog_flag(optimise,false), set_prolog_flag(last_call_optimisation,false))), use_module(library(pce)), use_module(library(prolog_xref)), use_module(library(pldoc/doc_access)), assert((doc_access:can_edit(X):-nonvar(X))), assert((doc_access:allow_from(X):-nonvar(X)))). sf:- forall(source_file(SF), call(call,load_all(SF))). ds:- doc_server(3020,[allow(ip(_,_,_,_)),can_edit(true),workers(8)]), use_module(library(pldoc/doc_library)), call(call,doc_load_library), use_module(library(pldoc/doc_access)), assert((doc_access:can_edit(X):-nonvar(X))), assert((doc_access:allow_from(X):-nonvar(X))). % current_module(M),catch(M:'$pldoc'(F//A, Det,O,I),_,fail),format('~q.~n',[M:'$pldoc'(F//A, Det,I)]),fail. % current_module(M),catch(M:'$mode'(Head, Det),_,fail),format('~q.~n',[M:'$mode'(Head, Det)]),fail. gm:- current_module(M),catch(M:'$pldoc'(F/A, Loc,Text,_),_,fail), functor(Head,F,A), \+ catch(M:'$mode'(Head,_Det1),_,fail), format('~q.~n',[M:'$pldoc'(F/A, Loc,Text)]), format('~q.~n',[M:'$mode'(Head, _Det2)]). sm:- current_module(M), catch(M:'$mode'(Head, Det),_,fail), \+ user:type_modes(M,Head,Det), asserta(user:type_modes(M,Head,Det)),fail. sm:- current_module(M),catch(M:'$pldoc'(F/A, _,_,Sum),_,fail), functor(Head,F,A), \+ user:type_modes(M,Head,_Det),\+ user:type_modes(M,_:Head,_Det2), format('~q.~n',[parse_modes(M:Head, Sum)]),fail. sm:- current_module(M),catch(M:'$pldoc'(F//Am2, _,_,Sum),_,fail), A is Am2+2, functor(Head,F,A), \+ user:type_modes(M,Head,_Det),\+ user:type_modes(M,_:Head,_Det2), format('~q.~n',[parse_modes(M:Head, Sum)]),fail. % :- ds. /******************************* * XREF SETUP *******************************/ :- multifile(check:predicate_name/2). :- multifile prolog_xref:xref_source_file/3. :- use_module(library(check)). check:predicate_name(A, D):- prolog_clause:predicate_name(A, D). %:- gxref. %:- check. :- set_prolog_flag(access_level,user). :- if(current_predicate(prolog_ide/1)). :- prolog_ide(debug_monitor). :- endif. %:- interactor. % :- set_prolog_flag(access_level,user). % :- set_prolog_flag(scce,pure). % :- set_prolog_flag(scce,scce_orig). :- set_prolog_flag(scce,setup_call_cleanup). /******************************* **** JPL SETUP ***** *******************************/ clean_bad_chars(PATH,Path10):-name(PATH,Chars),delete(Chars,0,Chars0),delete(Chars0,1,Chars1),delete(Chars1,10,Chars10),name(Path10,Chars10). clean_path:- getenv('PATH',PATH),clean_bad_chars(PATH,Path10),setenv('PATH',Path10). :- clean_path. :- if( \+ getenv('CLASSPATH',_)). :- if(current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension,'so')). :- setenv('CLASSPATH', '/usr/share/ant/lib/ant.jar:/mnt/dddd/workspace/phase02-jrtl/AppdapterGUI/bin-eclipse:/mnt/dddd/workspace/phase02-jrtl/CycJava/bin-eclipse:/mnt/dddd/workspace/phase02-jrtl/platform/bin-eclipse:/mnt/dddd/workspace/phase02-jrtl/platform-deps/bin-eclipse:/mnt/dddd/workspace/phase02-jrtl/platform/dist/abcl-contrib.jar:/cp/ZorillaAdaptor.jar:/cp/zoni.jar:/cp/xstream-1.1.1-patched.jar:/cp/xpp3-'). :- else. :- setenv('CLASSPATH', 'd:\\workspace\\phase02-jrtl\\AppdapterGUI\\bin-eclipse;d:\\workspace\\phase02-jrtl\\CycJava\\bin-eclipse;d:\\workspace\\phase02-jrtl\\platform\\bin-eclipse;d:\\workspace\\phase02-jrtl\\platform-deps\\bin-eclipse;d:\\workspace\\phase02-jrtl\\platform\\dist\\abcl-contrib.jar;g:\\cp\\ZorillaAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\zoni.jar;g:\\cp\\xstream-1.1.1-patched.jar;g:\\cp\\xpp3-;g:\\cp\\xmlsec.jar;g:\\cp\\xmlParserAPIs.jar;g:\\cp\\xml-apis.jar;g:\\cp\\xml-apis-1.4.01.jar;g:\\cp\\xml4j.jar;g:\\cp\\xercesImpl.jar;g:\\cp\\xbean-2.1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\xalan.jar;g:\\cp\\wstx-asl-3.2.9.jar;g:\\cp\\wss4j.jar;g:\\cp\\wss4j-1.5.0-itinnov-2.jar;g:\\cp\\wsrf_tools.jar;g:\\cp\\wsrf_provider_jce.jar;g:\\cp\\wsrf_mds_usefulrp_schema_stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\wsrf_mds_index_stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\wsrf_core_stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\wsrf_core.jar;g:\\cp\\wsdl4j.jar;g:\\cp\\wms3.1.jar;g:\\cp\\unicode_panel.jar;g:\\cp\\ublsupport.jar;g:\\cp\\trilead-ssh2-build213-RK.jar;g:\\cp\\tcljava-1.2.6.jar;g:\\cp\\syntax.jar;g:\\cp\\swingx-1.6.jar;g:\\cp\\stax-api-1.0.1.jar;g:\\cp\\SshTrileadAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\srm.jar;g:\\cp\\smartsockets-1.51.jar;g:\\cp\\slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar;g:\\cp\\slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar;g:\\cp\\SgeAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\SftpTrileadAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\SftpGanymedAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\SftpAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\servlet.jar;g:\\cp\\servlet-api-3.0.20100224.jar;g:\\cp\\services_IndexServiceProxyService_stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\services_AdvertServiceEntry_stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\scala-reflect-2.10.2.jar;g:\\cp\\scala-library-2.10.2.jar;g:\\cp\\scala-compiler-2.10.2.jar;g:\\cp\\saaj.jar;g:\\cp\\runnersFramework-2.0.jar;g:\\cp\\rhino-;g:\\cp\\reflections-0.9.8.jar;g:\\cp\\puretls.jar;g:\\cp\\procyon-core-0.5.33-enigma.jar;g:\\cp\\procyon-compilertools-0.5.33-enigma.jar;g:\\cp\\postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar;g:\\cp\\pddl4j.jar;g:\\cp\\owlsyntax.jar;g:\\cp\\owlim-big-3.1.a7.jar;g:\\cp\\owlapi-osgidistribution-4.1.4.jar;g:\\cp\\owlapi-distribution-4.1.4.jar;g:\\cp\\orphanNodesAlg.jar;g:\\cp\\org.osgi.core-4.2.0.jar;g:\\cp\\org.osgi.core-1.4.0.jar;g:\\cp\\org.osgi.compendium-4.2.0.jar;g:\\cp\\org.openl.lib.poi.dev-;g:\\cp\\org.appdapter.lib.remote-1.2.4-20160803.212630-10.jar;g:\\cp\\org.appdapter.lib.core-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\org.appdapter.lib.bind.jena-1.2.3.jar;g:\\cp\\org.appdapter.bundle.xload-1.2.4-20160803.212610-8.jar;g:\\cp\\org.appdapter.bundle.fileconv-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\org.appdapter.bundle.debug-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\org.appdapter.bundle.core-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1-1.8.0.jar;g:\\cp\\org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlresolver-1.2_3.jar;g:\\cp\\org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xerces-2.11.0_1.jar;g:\\cp\\org.apache.servicemix.bundles.lucene-3.0.3_2.jar;g:\\cp\\org.apache.servicemix.bundles.junit-4.7_3.jar;g:\\cp\\org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javax.mail-1.4.1_4.jar;g:\\cp\\ordi-trree-adapter-3.1.a6.jar;g:\\cp\\ordi-model-0.5.jar;g:\\cp\\opensaml.jar;g:\\cp\\openrdf-sesame-2.2.4-onejar.jar;g:\\cp\\openrdf-rio-ntriples-2.0.1.jar;g:\\cp\\openrdf-rio-api-2.0.1.jar;g:\\cp\\openrdf-model-2.0.1.jar;g:\\cp\\omii-security-utils-1.1.jar;g:\\cp\\naming-resources.jar;g:\\cp\\naming-java.jar;g:\\cp\\naming-factory.jar;g:\\cp\\naming-common.jar;g:\\cp\\mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar;g:\\cp\\monetdb-1.7-jdbc.jar;g:\\cp\\miglayout-swing-4.2.jar;g:\\cp\\miglayout-core-4.2.jar;g:\\cp\\MercuryAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\mail.jar;g:\\cp\\looks.jar;g:\\cp\\log4jdbc3-1.1alpha2.jar;g:\\cp\\log4j-1.2.12.jar;g:\\cp\\LocalAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\lb.jar;g:\\cp\\kshared-2.0.jar;g:\\cp\\KoalaAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\kazuki.jar;g:\\cp\\kaon2.plain.jar;g:\\cp\\kaon2.jar;g:\\cp\\junit-4.10.jar;g:\\cp\\jsr305-1.3.9.jar;g:\\cp\\jsp-api-2.1-glassfish-2.1.v20100127.jar;g:\\cp\\jsp-2.1-glassfish-2.1.v20100127.jar;g:\\cp\\json.jar;g:\\cp\\jide-oss-3.5.5.jar;g:\\cp\\jgss.jar;g:\\cp\\jgraph.jar;g:\\cp\\JGoWeb.jar;g:\\cp\\JGoSVG.jar;g:\\cp\\JGoLayout.jar;g:\\cp\\JGo.jar;g:\\cp\\JGoInstruments.jar;g:\\cp\\jfreechart-1.0.13.jar;g:\\cp\\jfreechart-1.0.0.jar;g:\\cp\\JFlex.jar;g:\\cp\\jetty-xml-8.0.4.v20111024.jar;g:\\cp\\jetty-webapp-8.0.4.v20111024.jar;g:\\cp\\jetty-util-8.0.4.v20111024.jar;g:\\cp\\jetty-servlet-8.0.4.v20111024.jar;g:\\cp\\jetty-server-8.0.4.v20111024.jar;g:\\cp\\jetty-security-8.0.4.v20111024.jar;g:\\cp\\jetty-io-8.0.4.v20111024.jar;g:\\cp\\jetty-http-8.0.4.v20111024.jar;g:\\cp\\jetty-continuation-8.0.4.v20111024.jar;g:\\cp\\jep-2.4.1.jar;g:\\cp\\jena-dig.jar;g:\\cp\\jdom.jar;g:\\cp\\jcommon-1.0.16.jar;g:\\cp\\jce-jdk13-131.jar;g:\\cp\\jcalendar.jar;g:\\cp\\jaxrpc.jar;g:\\cp\\jaxen-1.1.1.jar;g:\\cp\\java_websocket.jar;g:\\cp\\javassist-3.12.1.GA.jar;g:\\cp\\java-json.jar;g:\\cp\\javaff_lrta_bounded_children_heap-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\jakarta-slide-webdavlib-2.0.jar;g:\\cp\\jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar;g:\\cp\\jacl-1.2.6.jar;g:\\cp\\jaas.jar;g:\\cp\\j2ssh-core-0.2.9.jar;g:\\cp\\j2ssh-common-0.2.2.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-utils-omii1.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-types-omii1.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-gridservit-0.3.0.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-service-utils-omii1.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-service-types-omii1.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-comms-omii1.1.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-client-swing-omii1.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-client-staterepos-omii1.1.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-client-helpers-omii1.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-client-echo-omii1.jar;g:\\cp\\itinnov-grid-client-cli-omii1.1.jar;g:\\cp\\iri.jar;g:\\cp\\icu4j_3.4.4.jar;g:\\cp\\httpcore-osgi-4.3.jar;g:\\cp\\httpclient-osgi-4.3.1.jar;g:\\cp\\hivemind-lib-1.1.1.jar;g:\\cp\\hivemind-jmx-1.1.1.jar;g:\\cp\\hivemind-1.1.1.jar;g:\\cp\\hamcrest-core-1.1.jar;g:\\cp\\h2-1.3.157.jar;g:\\cp\\guava-12.0-sources.jar;g:\\cp\\guava-12.0.jar;g:\\cp\\gson-2.3.1.jar;g:\\cp\\gridsam-schema-2.0.1.jar;g:\\cp\\gridsam-core-2.0.1.jar;g:\\cp\\gridsam-client.jar;g:\\cp\\GridsamAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\graphlayout-1.2.1.jar;g:\\cp\\gram-utils.jar;g:\\cp\\gram-stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\gram-client.jar;g:\\cp\\globus_wsrf_rft_stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\globus_wsrf_rft.jar;g:\\cp\\globus_wsrf_rft_client.jar;g:\\cp\\globus_wsrf_rendezvous_stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\globus_wsrf_rendezvous_service.jar;g:\\cp\\globus_wsrf_mds_aggregator_stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\globus_delegation_stubs.jar;g:\\cp\\globus_delegation_service.jar;g:\\cp\\GlobusAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\glite-security-util-java.jar;g:\\cp\\glite-security-trustmanager.jar;g:\\cp\\glite-security-delegation-java.jar;g:\\cp\\glite-jdl-api-java.jar;g:\\cp\\GliteAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\GenericAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\GAT-engine.jar;g:\\cp\\GAT-API.jar;g:\\cp\\ganymed-ssh2-build211beta4.jar;g:\\cp\\forms-1.3.0.jar;g:\\cp\\ext.bundle.xml.xerces-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\ext.bundle.xml.dom4j_161-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\ext.bundle.osgi.common-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\ext.bundle.openconverters-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\ext.bundle.math.jscience_50SNAP-1.0.9.jar;g:\\cp\\ext.bundle.jena_all_2_10_1-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\ext.bundle.apache_httpclient-1.1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\ekitspell.jar;g:\\cp\\edtftpj-1.5.2.jar;g:\\cp\\ecj-3.5.1.jar;g:\\cp\\drmaa.jar;g:\\cp\\dom4j-1.6.1.jar;g:\\cp\\docking-frames-core.jar;g:\\cp\\docking-frames-common.jar;g:\\cp\\cycSparqlEndpoint.jar;g:\\cp\\customSysParam.jar;g:\\cp\\cryptix.jar;g:\\cp\\cryptix-asn1.jar;g:\\cp\\cryptix32.jar;g:\\cp\\concurrent.jar;g:\\cp\\com.springsource.org.apache.log4j-1.2.16.jar;g:\\cp\\com.springsource.com.ibm.icu-3.4.5.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-vfs2-2.1.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-vfs-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-math-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-logging-1.1.3.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-lang3-3.1.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-lang-2.4.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-httpclient-3.1.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-discovery-0.4.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-digester.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-collections-3.0.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-codec-1.6.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-cli-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\commons-beanutils.jar;g:\\cp\\commonj.jar;g:\\cp\\CommandlineSshAdaptor.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-util-0.91.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-url.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-trap-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-setup-0.91.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-resources-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-webdav-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-ssh-2.1.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-local-2.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-gt4_0_0-2.3.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-gt3_2_1-2.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-gt2ft-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-gt2-2.2.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-condor-2.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-clref-gt4_0_0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-provider-clref-gt3_2_1.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-karajan-0.33.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-jobmanager.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-jglobus.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-gridshell-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-gridfaces-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-grapheditor-0.47.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-certrequest-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-certmanagement-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-axis.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-abstraction-examples-2.1.jar;g:\\cp\\cog-abstraction-common-2.1.jar;g:\\cp\\castor-1.1.1-xml.jar;g:\\cp\\castor-0.9.6.jar;g:\\cp\\bsf-utils-3.1.jar;g:\\cp\\bsf.jar;g:\\cp\\bsf-api-3.1.jar;g:\\cp\\bsf-all-3.1.jar;g:\\cp\\BrowserLauncher2-1_3.jar;g:\\cp\\bcprov-jdk15-133.jar;g:\\cp\\backport-util-concurrent.jar;g:\\cp\\axis-jaxrpc-1.4.jar;g:\\cp\\axis-1.4.jar;g:\\cp\\arq-extra.jar;g:\\cp\\antlr-2.7.5.jar;g:\\cp\\ant-1.6.5.jar;g:\\cp\\addressing-1.0.jar;g:\\cp\\activation.jar;g:\\cp\\2p.jar'). :- endif. :- endif. append_to_classpath(WildCard):- expand_file_name(WildCard,O), maplist(prolog_to_os_filename,O,Fs), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> Separator = ';' ; Separator = ':' ), atomic_list_concat([''|Fs],Separator,Extra), getenv('CLASSPATH',WAS), atom_concat(WAS,Extra,NEW), setenv('CLASSPATH',NEW),!. % :- append_to_classpath('G:/cp/*.jar'). % :- call(call,swi_cli:jpl_start_dbg(5005)). :- dynamic(jdwp_available/0). :- if(false). jdwp_available. :- if( \+ jdwp_available). :- catch(( tcp_connect('':5005, StreamPair, []),close(StreamPair),asserta(jdwp_available)),_,true). :- endif. :- endif. :- if(jdwp_available). jvm_opts( ['-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=,server=n','-XX:PermSize=512m', '-XX:MaxPermSize=4g','-Xmx26g','-Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true','-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false' % ,'-Dfile.encoding=Cp1252', %,'-Xbootclasspath:C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\resources.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\rt.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\jsse.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\jce.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\charsets.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\jfr.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\lib\\tools.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\lib\\sa-jdi.jar' ]). :-else. jvm_opts( [ '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,suspend=n,address=5005,server=y', '-XX:PermSize=512m', '-XX:MaxPermSize=4g','-Xmx26g','-Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true','-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false' % ,'-Dfile.encoding=Cp1252', %,'-Xbootclasspath:C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\resources.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\rt.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\jsse.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\jce.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\charsets.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\jfr.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\lib\\tools.jar;C:\\pf\\java\\jdk\\lib\\sa-jdi.jar' ]). :-endif. :- multifile oo_started/0. :- dynamic(oo_started/0). jpl:- oo_started,!. jpl:- asserta((oo_started)), ensure_loaded(library(jpl)), getenv('PATH',PATH),getenv('JAVA_HOME',JH),current_prolog_flag(home,HOME),atomic_list_concat([JH,HOME],';',NEWPATH), setenv('PATH',NEWPATH), use_module(library(jpl)), setenv('PATH',PATH), jvm_opts(Opts), jpl_set_default_jvm_opts(Opts), getenv('CLASSPATH',WAS),format('CLASSPATH=~q~n',[WAS]), jpl:setup_jvm, jpl_classname_to_class('java.lang.Class', _CC). % :- jpl. % :- set_prolog_flag(verbose_load, silent). /******************************* **** SWICLI SETUP ***** *******************************/ swicli:- oo_started,!. swicli:- lmp,ensure_loaded(library(swicli)), cli_type_to_classname('java.lang.Class', _CC), cli_ensure_classpath. swc:- cli_type_to_classname('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory',Found1), writeln([found,Found1]), cli_type_to_classname('org.logicmoo.system.BeanShellCntrl',Found), writeln([found,Found]), jpl_call('org.logicmoo.system.BeanShellCntrl',start_from_prolog_ikvm,[],_O). :- if(not(current_module(prolog_server))). :- if(not(current_module(jpl))). %:- swicli. :- endif. :- endif. :- if(not(current_module(swicli))). :- jpl. :- endif. uabcl:- jpl_call('org.armedbear.lisp.Main',main,[[]],_Out). jabcl:- jpl_call('org.armedbear.lisp.Main',main,[[]],_Out). % :- swc. % :- jpl. % :- set_prolog_flag(verbose_load, silent). startDmiles:- dwq_call(jpl_call('org.logicmoo.system.BeanShellCntrl',start_from_prolog,[],_O)). :- thread_create(startDmiles,_,[detached(true),debug(false),alias(startDmiles)]). :- set_prolog_flag(access_level,system). :- debug. do_rn:- ensure_loaded(rs), forall(rn(B,A),do_rn(B,A)). p_rn:- ensure_loaded(rs), forall(rn(B,A),p_rn(B,A)). p_rn(B,A):- atom_string(B,BS),atom_string(A,AS),format('(safely-rename-or-merge ~q ~q).~n',[BS,AS]). do_rn(B,A):- atom_string(B,BS),atom_string(A,AS),cl_eval(['safely-rename-or-merge',BS,AS], _O),!. test_e:- cl_eval('*package*'). test_e:- cl_eval([+,1,2], O),po(O). test_e:- cl_eval_string("(+ 1 2)", O),po(O.toString). test_e:- cl_read_lisp("(+ 1 2)", O), po(O.cdr.toString). test_x:- jpl:jpl_class_to_methods('org.logicmoo.system.BeanShellCntrl',_C). end_of_file. cl_eval(['cyc:safely-rename-or-merge',"Rebelliousness","vtRebelliousnessFeeling"]). cl_eval(['cyc-rename-fast',"Rebelliousness","vtRebelliousnessFeeling"]). do_rn('Rebelliousness', vtRebelliousnessFeeling). bsh % org.jpl7.Query.oneSolution("thread_self(ID)"); Target exception: org.jpl7.JPLException: unknown term type=8 (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) help all import com.sun.jna.Library; import com.sun.jna.Native; import com.sun.jna.Platform; Command class: aliases ni -- Step one instruction rc -- Continue program being debugged but run it in reverse rni -- Step backward one instruction rsi -- Step backward exactly one instruction si -- Step one instruction exactly stepping -- Specify single-stepping behavior at a tracepoint tp -- Set a tracepoint at specified location tty -- Set terminal for future runs of program being debugged where -- Print backtrace of all stack frames ws -- Specify single-stepping behavior at a tracepoint Command class: breakpoints awatch -- Set a watchpoint for an expression break -- Set breakpoint at specified location break-range -- Set a breakpoint for an address range catch -- Set catchpoints to catch events catch assert -- Catch failed Ada assertions catch catch -- Catch an exception catch exception -- Catch Ada exceptions catch exec -- Catch calls to exec catch fork -- Catch calls to fork catch load -- Catch loads of shared libraries catch rethrow -- Catch an exception catch signal -- Catch signals by their names and/or numbers catch syscall -- Catch system calls by their names and/or numbers catch throw -- Catch an exception catch unload -- Catch unloads of shared libraries catch vfork -- Catch calls to vfork clear -- Clear breakpoint at specified location commands -- Set commands to be executed when a breakpoint is hit condition -- Specify breakpoint number N to break only if COND is true delete -- Delete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions delete bookmark -- Delete a bookmark from the bookmark list delete breakpoints -- Delete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions delete checkpoint -- Delete a checkpoint (experimental) delete display -- Cancel some expressions to be displayed when program stops delete mem -- Delete memory region delete tracepoints -- Delete specified tracepoints delete tvariable -- Delete one or more trace state variables ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- disable -- Disable some breakpoints disable breakpoints -- Disable some breakpoints disable display -- Disable some expressions to be displayed when program stops disable frame-filter -- GDB command to disable the specified frame-filter disable mem -- Disable memory region disable pretty-printer -- GDB command to disable the specified pretty-printer disable probes -- Disable probes disable tracepoints -- Disable specified tracepoints disable type-printer -- GDB command to disable the specified type-printer disable unwinder -- GDB command to disable the specified unwinder disable xmethod -- GDB command to disable a specified (group of) xmethod(s) dprintf -- Set a dynamic printf at specified location enable -- Enable some breakpoints enable breakpoints -- Enable some breakpoints enable breakpoints count -- Enable breakpoints for COUNT hits enable breakpoints delete -- Enable breakpoints and delete when hit enable breakpoints once -- Enable breakpoints for one hit enable count -- Enable breakpoints for COUNT hits enable delete -- Enable breakpoints and delete when hit enable display -- Enable some expressions to be displayed when program stops enable frame-filter -- GDB command to disable the specified frame-filter enable mem -- Enable memory region enable once -- Enable breakpoints for one hit enable pretty-printer -- GDB command to enable the specified pretty-printer enable probes -- Enable probes enable tracepoints -- Enable specified tracepoints enable type-printer -- GDB command to enable the specified type printer enable unwinder -- GDB command to enable unwinders enable xmethod -- GDB command to enable a specified (group of) xmethod(s) ftrace -- Set a fast tracepoint at specified location hbreak -- Set a hardware assisted breakpoint ignore -- Set ignore-count of breakpoint number N to COUNT rbreak -- Set a breakpoint for all functions matching REGEXP rwatch -- Set a read watchpoint for an expression save -- Save breakpoint definitions as a script save breakpoints -- Save current breakpoint definitions as a script save gdb-index -- Save a gdb-index file save tracepoints -- Save current tracepoint definitions as a script skip -- Ignore a function while stepping skip delete -- Delete skip entries skip disable -- Disable skip entries skip enable -- Enable skip entries skip file -- Ignore a file while stepping ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- skip function -- Ignore a function while stepping strace -- Set a static tracepoint at location or marker tbreak -- Set a temporary breakpoint tcatch -- Set temporary catchpoints to catch events tcatch assert -- Catch failed Ada assertions tcatch catch -- Catch an exception tcatch exception -- Catch Ada exceptions tcatch exec -- Catch calls to exec tcatch fork -- Catch calls to fork tcatch load -- Catch loads of shared libraries tcatch rethrow -- Catch an exception tcatch signal -- Catch signals by their names and/or numbers tcatch syscall -- Catch system calls by their names and/or numbers tcatch throw -- Catch an exception tcatch unload -- Catch unloads of shared libraries tcatch vfork -- Catch calls to vfork thbreak -- Set a temporary hardware assisted breakpoint trace -- Set a tracepoint at specified location watch -- Set a watchpoint for an expression Command class: data agent-printf -- Agent-printf "printf format string" append -- Append target code/data to a local file append binary -- Append target code/data to a raw binary file append binary memory -- Append contents of memory to a raw binary file append binary value -- Append the value of an expression to a raw binary file append memory -- Append contents of memory to a raw binary file append value -- Append the value of an expression to a raw binary file call -- Call a function in the program disassemble -- Disassemble a specified section of memory display -- Print value of expression EXP each time the program stops dump -- Dump target code/data to a local file dump binary -- Write target code/data to a raw binary file dump binary memory -- Write contents of memory to a raw binary file dump binary value -- Write the value of an expression to a raw binary file dump ihex -- Write target code/data to an intel hex file dump ihex memory -- Write contents of memory to an ihex file dump ihex value -- Write the value of an expression to an ihex file dump memory -- Write contents of memory to a raw binary file dump srec -- Write target code/data to an srec file dump srec memory -- Write contents of memory to an srec file dump srec value -- Write the value of an expression to an srec file ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- dump tekhex -- Write target code/data to a tekhex file dump tekhex memory -- Write contents of memory to a tekhex file dump tekhex value -- Write the value of an expression to a tekhex file dump value -- Write the value of an expression to a raw binary file dump verilog -- Write target code/data to a verilog hex file dump verilog memory -- Write contents of memory to a verilog hex file dump verilog value -- Write the value of an expression to a verilog hex file explore -- Explore a value or a type valid in the current context explore type -- Explore a type or the type of an expression valid in the current explore value -- Explore value of an expression valid in the current context find -- Search memory for a sequence of bytes init-if-undefined -- Initialize a convenience variable if necessary mem -- Define attributes for memory region or reset memory region handling to output -- Like "print" but don't put in value history and don't print newline print -- Print value of expression EXP print-object -- Ask an Objective-C object to print itself printf -- Printf "printf format string" ptype -- Print definition of type TYPE restore -- Restore the contents of FILE to target memory set -- Evaluate expression EXP and assign result to variable VAR set ada -- Prefix command for changing Ada-specfic settings set ada print-signatures -- Enable or disable the output of formal and return types for functions in the overloads selection menu set ada trust-PAD-over-XVS -- Enable or disable an optimization trusting PAD types over XVS types set agent -- Set debugger's willingness to use agent as a helper set annotate -- Set annotation_level set architecture -- Set architecture of target set args -- Set argument list to give program being debugged when it is started set auto-connect-native-target -- Set whether GDB may automatically connect to the native target set auto-load -- Auto-loading specific settings set auto-load gdb-scripts -- Enable or disable auto-loading of canned sequences of commands scripts set auto-load libthread-db -- Enable or disable auto-loading of inferior specific libthread_db set auto-load local-gdbinit -- Enable or disable auto-loading of .gdbinit script in current directory set auto-load python-scripts -- Set the debugger's behaviour regarding auto-loaded Python scripts set auto-load safe-path -- Set the list of files and directories that are safe for auto-loading set auto-load scripts-directory -- Set the list of directories from which to load auto-loaded scripts set auto-load-scripts -- Set the debugger's behaviour regarding auto-loaded Python scripts set auto-solib-add -- Set autoloading of shared library symbols set backtrace -- Set backtrace specific variables set backtrace limit -- Set an upper bound on the number of backtrace levels set backtrace past-entry -- Set whether backtraces should continue past the entry point of a program set backtrace past-main -- Set whether backtraces should continue past "main" set basenames-may-differ -- Set whether a source file may have multiple base names set breakpoint -- Breakpoint specific settings ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- set breakpoint always-inserted -- Set mode for inserting breakpoints set breakpoint auto-hw -- Set automatic usage of hardware breakpoints set breakpoint condition-evaluation -- Set mode of breakpoint condition evaluation set breakpoint pending -- Set debugger's behavior regarding pending breakpoints set can-use-hw-watchpoints -- Set debugger's willingness to use watchpoint hardware set case-sensitive -- Set case sensitivity in name search set charset -- Set the host and target character sets set check -- Set the status of the type/range checker set check range -- Set range checking set check type -- Set strict type checking set circular-trace-buffer -- Set target's use of circular trace buffer set code-cache -- Set cache use for code segment access set coerce-float-to-double -- Set coercion of floats to doubles when calling functions set compile-args -- Set compile command GCC command-line arguments set complaints -- Set max number of complaints about incorrect symbols set confirm -- Set whether to confirm potentially dangerous operations set cp-abi -- Set the ABI used for inspecting C++ objects set data-directory -- Set GDB's data directory set dcache -- Use this command to set number of lines in dcache and line-size set dcache line-size -- Set dcache line size in bytes (must be power of 2) set dcache size -- Set number of dcache lines set debug -- Generic command for setting gdb debugging flags set debug arch -- Set architecture debugging set debug auto-load -- Set auto-load verifications debugging set debug bfd-cache -- Set bfd cache debugging set debug check-physname -- Set cross-checking of "physname" code against demangler set debug coff-pe-read -- Set coff PE read debugging set debug compile -- Set compile command debugging set debug displaced -- Set displaced stepping debugging set debug dwarf-die -- Set debugging of the DWARF DIE reader set debug dwarf-line -- Set debugging of the dwarf line reader set debug dwarf-read -- Set debugging of the DWARF reader set debug entry-values -- Set entry values and tail call frames debugging set debug expression -- Set expression debugging set debug frame -- Set frame debugging set debug infrun -- Set inferior debugging set debug jit -- Set JIT debugging set debug libthread-db -- Set libthread-db debugging set debug lin-lwp -- Set debugging of GNU/Linux lwp module set debug linux-namespaces -- Set debugging of GNU/Linux namespaces module set debug notification -- Set debugging of async remote notification set debug observer -- Set observer debugging set debug overload -- Set debugging of C++ overloading ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- set debug parser -- Set parser debugging set debug py-unwind -- Set Python unwinder debugging set debug record -- Set debugging of record/replay feature set debug remote -- Set debugging of remote protocol set debug serial -- Set serial debugging set debug stap-expression -- Set SystemTap expression debugging set debug symbol-lookup -- Set debugging of symbol lookup set debug symfile -- Set debugging of the symfile functions set debug symtab-create -- Set debugging of symbol table creation set debug target -- Set target debugging set debug timestamp -- Set timestamping of debugging messages set debug varobj -- Set varobj debugging set debug xml -- Set XML parser debugging set debug-file-directory -- Set the directories where separate debug symbols are searched for set default-collect -- Set the list of expressions to collect by default set demangle-style -- Set the current C++ demangling style set detach-on-fork -- Set whether gdb will detach the child of a fork set directories -- Set the search path for finding source files set disable-randomization -- Set disabling of debuggee's virtual address space randomization set disassemble-next-line -- Set whether to disassemble next source line or insn when execution stops set disassembly-flavor -- Set the disassembly flavor set disconnected-dprintf -- Set whether dprintf continues after GDB disconnects set disconnected-tracing -- Set whether tracing continues after GDB disconnects set displaced-stepping -- Set debugger's willingness to use displaced stepping set dprintf-channel -- Set the channel to use for dynamic printf set dprintf-function -- Set the function to use for dynamic printf set dprintf-style -- Set the style of usage for dynamic printf set editing -- Set editing of command lines as they are typed set endian -- Set endianness of target set environment -- Set environment variable value to give the program set exec-direction -- Set direction of execution set exec-done-display -- Set notification of completion for asynchronous execution commands set exec-wrapper -- Set a wrapper for running programs set extended-prompt -- Set the extended prompt set extension-language -- Set mapping between filename extension and source language set filename-display -- Set how to display filenames set follow-exec-mode -- Set debugger response to a program call of exec set follow-fork-mode -- Set debugger response to a program call of fork or vfork set frame-filter -- Prefix command for 'set' frame-filter related operations set frame-filter priority -- GDB command to set the priority of the specified frame-filter set gnutarget -- Set the current BFD target set guile -- Prefix command for Guile preference settings set guile print-stack -- Set mode for Guile exception printing on error ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- set height -- Set number of lines in a page for GDB output pagination set history -- Generic command for setting command history parameters set history expansion -- Set history expansion on command input set history filename -- Set the filename in which to record the command history set history remove-duplicates -- Set how far back in history to look for and remove duplicate entries set history save -- Set saving of the history record on exit set history size -- Set the size of the command history set host-charset -- Set the host character set set inferior-tty -- Set terminal for future runs of program being debugged set input-radix -- Set default input radix for entering numbers set interactive-mode -- Set whether GDB's standard input is a terminal set language -- Set the current source language set libthread-db-search-path -- Set search path for libthread_db set listsize -- Set number of source lines gdb will list by default set logging -- Set logging options set logging file -- Set the current logfile set logging off -- Disable logging set logging on -- Enable logging set logging overwrite -- Set whether logging overwrites or appends to the log file set logging redirect -- Set the logging output mode set max-completions -- Set maximum number of completion candidates set max-user-call-depth -- Set the max call depth for non-python/scheme user-defined commands set max-value-size -- Set maximum sized value gdb will load from the inferior set may-insert-breakpoints -- Set permission to insert breakpoints in the target set may-insert-fast-tracepoints -- Set permission to insert fast tracepoints in the target set may-insert-tracepoints -- Set permission to insert tracepoints in the target set may-interrupt -- Set permission to interrupt or signal the target set may-write-memory -- Set permission to write into target memory set may-write-registers -- Set permission to write into registers set mem -- Memory regions settings set mem inaccessible-by-default -- Set handling of unknown memory regions set mi-async -- Set whether MI asynchronous mode is enabled set mpx -- Set Intel Memory Protection Extensions specific variables set mpx bound -- Set the memory bounds for a given array/pointer storage in the bound table set multiple-symbols -- Set the debugger behavior when more than one symbol are possible matches set non-stop -- Set whether gdb controls the inferior in non-stop mode set observer -- Set whether gdb controls the inferior in observer mode set opaque-type-resolution -- Set resolution of opaque struct/class/union types (if set before loading symbols) set osabi -- Set OS ABI of target set output-radix -- Set default output radix for printing of values set overload-resolution -- Set overload resolution in evaluating C++ functions set pagination -- Set state of GDB output pagination set print -- Generic command for setting how things print ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- set print address -- Set printing of addresses set print array -- Set pretty formatting of arrays set print array-indexes -- Set printing of array indexes set print asm-demangle -- Set demangling of C++/ObjC names in disassembly listings set print demangle -- Set demangling of encoded C++/ObjC names when displaying symbols set print elements -- Set limit on string chars or array elements to print set print entry-values -- Set printing of function arguments at function entry set print frame-arguments -- Set printing of non-scalar frame arguments set print inferior-events -- Set printing of inferior events (e.g. set print max-symbolic-offset -- Set the largest offset that will be printed in form set print null-stop -- Set printing of char arrays to stop at first null char set print object -- Set printing of object's derived type based on vtable info set print pascal_static-members -- Set printing of pascal static members set print pretty -- Set pretty formatting of structures set print raw -- Generic command for setting what things to print in "raw" mode set print raw frame-arguments -- Set whether to print frame arguments in raw form set print repeats -- Set threshold for repeated print elements set print sevenbit-strings -- Set printing of 8-bit characters in strings as \nnn set print static-members -- Set printing of C++ static members set print symbol -- Set printing of symbol names when printing pointers set print symbol-filename -- Set printing of source filename and line number with set print symbol-loading -- Set printing of symbol loading messages set print thread-events -- Set printing of thread events (such as thread start and exit) set print type -- Generic command for setting how types print show print type methods -- Set printing of methods defined in classes show print type typedefs -- Set printing of typedefs defined in classes set print union -- Set printing of unions interior to structures set print vtbl -- Set printing of C++ virtual function tables set prompt -- Set gdb's prompt set python -- Prefix command for python preference settings set python print-stack -- Set mode for Python stack dump on error set radix -- Set default input and output number radices set range-stepping -- Enable or disable range stepping set record -- Set record options set record btrace -- Set record options set record btrace bts -- Set record btrace bts options set record btrace bts buffer-size -- Set the record/replay bts buffer size set record btrace pt -- Set record btrace pt options set record btrace pt buffer-size -- Set the record/replay pt buffer size set record btrace replay-memory-access -- Set what memory accesses are allowed during replay set record full -- Set record options set record full insn-number-max -- Set record/replay buffer limit set record full memory-query -- Set whether query if PREC cannot record memory change of next instruction ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- set record full stop-at-limit -- Set whether record/replay stops when record/replay buffer becomes full set record function-call-history-size -- Set number of function to print in "record function-call-history" set record instruction-history-size -- Set number of instructions to print in "record instruction-history" set remote -- Remote protocol specific variables set remote P-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `P' (set-register) packet set remote TracepointSource-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `TracepointSource' (TracepointSource) packet set remote X-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `X' (binary-download) packet set remote Z-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Z' packets set remote access-watchpoint-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Z4' (access-watchpoint) packet set remote agent-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `QAgent' (agent) packet set remote allow-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `QAllow' (allow) packet set remote attach-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vAttach' (attach) packet set remote binary-download-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `X' (binary-download) packet set remote breakpoint-commands-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `BreakpointCommands' (breakpoint-commands) packet set remote btrace-conf-bts-size-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Qbtrace-conf:bts:size' (btrace-conf-bts-size) packet set remote btrace-conf-pt-size-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Qbtrace-conf:pt:size' (btrace-conf-pt-size) packet set remote catch-syscalls-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `QCatchSyscalls' (catch-syscalls) packet set remote conditional-breakpoints-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `ConditionalBreakpoints' (conditional-breakpoints) packet set remote conditional-tracepoints-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `ConditionalTracepoints' (conditional-tracepoints) packet set remote ctrl-c-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vCtrlC' (ctrl-c) packet set remote disable-btrace-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Qbtrace:off' (disable-btrace) packet set remote disable-randomization-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `QDisableRandomization' (disable-randomization) packet set remote enable-btrace-bts-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Qbtrace:bts' (enable-btrace-bts) packet set remote enable-btrace-pt-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Qbtrace:pt' (enable-btrace-pt) packet set remote exec-event-feature-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `exec-event-feature' (exec-event-feature) packet set remote exec-file -- Set the remote pathname for "run" set remote fast-tracepoints-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `FastTracepoints' (fast-tracepoints) packet set remote fetch-register-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `p' (fetch-register) packet set remote fork-event-feature-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `fork-event-feature' (fork-event-feature) packet set remote get-thread-information-block-address-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qGetTIBAddr' (get-thread-information-block-address) packet set remote get-thread-local-storage-address-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qGetTLSAddr' (get-thread-local-storage-address) packet set remote hardware-breakpoint-limit -- Set the maximum number of target hardware breakpoints set remote hardware-breakpoint-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Z1' (hardware-breakpoint) packet set remote hardware-watchpoint-length-limit -- Set the maximum length (in bytes) of a target hardware watchpoint set remote hardware-watchpoint-limit -- Set the maximum number of target hardware watchpoints set remote hostio-close-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:close' (hostio-close) packet set remote hostio-fstat-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:fstat' (hostio-fstat) packet set remote hostio-open-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:open' (hostio-open) packet set remote hostio-pread-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:pread' (hostio-pread) packet set remote hostio-pwrite-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:pwrite' (hostio-pwrite) packet set remote hostio-readlink-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:readlink' (hostio-readlink) packet set remote hostio-setfs-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:setfs' (hostio-setfs) packet set remote hostio-unlink-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:unlink' (hostio-unlink) packet ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- set remote hwbreak-feature-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `hwbreak-feature' (hwbreak-feature) packet set remote install-in-trace-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `InstallInTrace' (install-in-trace) packet set remote interrupt-on-connect -- Set whether interrupt-sequence is sent to remote target when gdb connects to set remote interrupt-sequence -- Set interrupt sequence to remote target set remote kill-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vKill' (kill) packet set remote library-info-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:libraries:read' (library-info) packet set remote library-info-svr4-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:libraries-svr4:read' (library-info-svr4) packet set remote memory-map-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:memory-map:read' (memory-map) packet set remote memory-read-packet-size -- Set the maximum number of bytes per memory-read packet set remote memory-write-packet-size -- Set the maximum number of bytes per memory-write packet set remote multiprocess-feature-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `multiprocess-feature' (multiprocess-feature) packet set remote no-resumed-stop-reply-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `N stop reply' (no-resumed-stop-reply) packet set remote noack-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `QStartNoAckMode' (noack) packet set remote osdata-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:osdata:read' (osdata) packet set remote p-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `p' (fetch-register) packet set remote pass-signals-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `QPassSignals' (pass-signals) packet set remote pid-to-exec-file-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:exec-file:read' (pid-to-exec-file) packet set remote program-signals-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `QProgramSignals' (program-signals) packet set remote query-attached-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qAttached' (query-attached) packet set remote read-aux-vector-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:auxv:read' (read-aux-vector) packet set remote read-btrace-conf-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:btrace-conf' (read-btrace-conf) packet set remote read-btrace-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:btrace' (read-btrace) packet set remote read-fdpic-loadmap-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:fdpic:read' (read-fdpic-loadmap) packet set remote read-sdata-object-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:statictrace:read' (read-sdata-object) packet set remote read-siginfo-object-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:siginfo:read' (read-siginfo-object) packet set remote read-spu-object-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:spu:read' (read-spu-object) packet set remote read-watchpoint-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Z3' (read-watchpoint) packet set remote reverse-continue-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `bc' (reverse-continue) packet set remote reverse-step-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `bs' (reverse-step) packet set remote run-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vRun' (run) packet set remote search-memory-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qSearch:memory' (search-memory) packet set remote set-register-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `P' (set-register) packet set remote software-breakpoint-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Z0' (software-breakpoint) packet set remote static-tracepoints-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `StaticTracepoints' (static-tracepoints) packet set remote supported-packets-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qSupported' (supported-packets) packet set remote swbreak-feature-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `swbreak-feature' (swbreak-feature) packet set remote symbol-lookup-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qSymbol' (symbol-lookup) packet set remote system-call-allowed -- Set if the host system(3) call is allowed for the target set remote target-features-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:features:read' (target-features) packet set remote thread-events-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `QThreadEvents' (thread-events) packet set remote threads-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:threads:read' (threads) packet set remote trace-buffer-size-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `QTBuffer:size' (trace-buffer-size) packet set remote trace-status-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qTStatus' (trace-status) packet ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- set remote traceframe-info-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:traceframe-info:read' (traceframe-info) packet set remote unwind-info-block-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:uib:read' (unwind-info-block) packet set remote verbose-resume-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vCont' (verbose-resume) packet set remote verbose-resume-supported-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vContSupported' (verbose-resume-supported) packet set remote vfork-event-feature-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vfork-event-feature' (vfork-event-feature) packet set remote write-siginfo-object-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:siginfo:write' (write-siginfo-object) packet set remote write-spu-object-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `qXfer:spu:write' (write-spu-object) packet set remote write-watchpoint-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `Z2' (write-watchpoint) packet set remoteaddresssize -- Set the maximum size of the address (in bits) in a memory packet set remotebreak -- Set whether to send break if interrupted set remotecache -- Set cache use for remote targets set remoteflow -- Set use of hardware flow control for remote serial I/O set remotelogbase -- Set numerical base for remote session logging set remotelogfile -- Set filename for remote session recording set remotetimeout -- Set timeout limit to wait for target to respond set remotewritesize -- Set the maximum number of bytes per memory write packet (deprecated) set schedule-multiple -- Set mode for resuming threads of all processes set scheduler-locking -- Set mode for locking scheduler during execution set script-extension -- Set mode for script filename extension recognition set serial -- Set default serial/parallel port configuration set serial baud -- Set baud rate for remote serial I/O set serial parity -- Set parity for remote serial I/O set solib-absolute-prefix -- Set an alternate system root set solib-search-path -- Set the search path for loading non-absolute shared library symbol files set stack-cache -- Set cache use for stack access set startup-with-shell -- Set use of shell to start subprocesses set step-mode -- Set mode of the step operation set stop-on-solib-events -- Set stopping for shared library events set struct-convention -- Set the convention for returning small structs set substitute-path -- Usage: set substitute-path FROM TO set sysroot -- Set an alternate system root set target-async -- Set whether MI asynchronous mode is enabled set target-charset -- Set the target character set set target-file-system-kind -- Set assumed file system kind for target reported file names set target-wide-charset -- Set the target wide character set set tcp -- TCP protocol specific variables set tcp auto-retry -- Set auto-retry on socket connect set tcp connect-timeout -- Set timeout limit in seconds for socket connection set tdesc -- Set target description specific variables set tdesc filename -- Set the file to read for an XML target description set trace-buffer-size -- Set requested size of trace buffer set trace-commands -- Set tracing of GDB CLI commands set trace-notes -- Set notes string to use for current and future trace runs ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- set trace-stop-notes -- Set notes string to use for future tstop commands set trace-user -- Set the user name to use for current and future trace runs set trust-readonly-sections -- Set mode for reading from readonly sections set tui -- TUI configuration variables set tui active-border-mode -- Set the attribute mode to use for the active TUI window border set tui border-kind -- Set the kind of border for TUI windows set tui border-mode -- Set the attribute mode to use for the TUI window borders set unwind-on-terminating-exception -- Set unwinding of stack if std::terminate is called while in call dummy set unwindonsignal -- Set unwinding of stack if a signal is received while in a call dummy set use-coredump-filter -- Set whether gcore should consider /proc/PID/coredump_filter set use-deprecated-index-sections -- Set whether to use deprecated gdb_index sections set variable -- Evaluate expression EXP and assign result to variable VAR set verbose -- Set verbosity set watchdog -- Set watchdog timer set width -- Set number of characters where GDB should wrap lines of its output set write -- Set writing into executable and core files undisplay -- Cancel some expressions to be displayed when program stops whatis -- Print data type of expression EXP x -- Examine memory: x/FMT ADDRESS Command class: files add-symbol-file -- Load symbols from FILE add-symbol-file-from-memory -- Load the symbols out of memory from a dynamically loaded object file cd -- Set working directory to DIR for debugger and program being debugged core-file -- Use FILE as core dump for examining memory and registers directory -- Add directory DIR to beginning of search path for source files edit -- Edit specified file or function exec-file -- Use FILE as program for getting contents of pure memory file -- Use FILE as program to be debugged forward-search -- Search for regular expression (see regex(3)) from last line listed generate-core-file -- Save a core file with the current state of the debugged process list -- List specified function or line load -- Dynamically load FILE into the running program nosharedlibrary -- Unload all shared object library symbols path -- Add directory DIR(s) to beginning of search path for object files pwd -- Print working directory remote -- Manipulate files on the remote system remote delete -- Delete a remote file remote get -- Copy a remote file to the local system remote put -- Copy a local file to the remote system remove-symbol-file -- Remove a symbol file added via the add-symbol-file command reverse-search -- Search backward for regular expression (see regex(3)) from last line listed ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- search -- Search for regular expression (see regex(3)) from last line listed section -- Change the base address of section SECTION of the exec file to ADDR sharedlibrary -- Load shared object library symbols for files matching REGEXP symbol-file -- Load symbol table from executable file FILE Command class: internals flushregs -- Force gdb to flush its register cache (maintainer command) maintenance -- Commands for use by GDB maintainers maintenance agent -- Translate an expression into remote agent bytecode for tracing maintenance agent-eval -- Translate an expression into remote agent bytecode for evaluation maintenance agent-printf -- Translate an expression into remote agent bytecode for evaluation and display the bytecodes maintenance btrace -- Branch tracing maintenance commands maintenance btrace clear -- Clears the branch tracing data maintenance btrace clear-packet-history -- Clears the branch tracing packet history maintenance btrace packet-history -- Print the raw branch tracing data maintenance check-psymtabs -- Check consistency of currently expanded psymtabs versus symtabs maintenance check-symtabs -- Check consistency of currently expanded symtabs maintenance cplus -- C++ maintenance commands maintenance cplus first_component -- Print the first class/namespace component of NAME maintenance cplus namespace -- Deprecated placeholder for removed functionality maintenance demangle -- This command has been moved to "demangle" maintenance demangler-warning -- Give GDB a demangler warning maintenance deprecate -- Deprecate a command maintenance dump-me -- Get fatal error; make debugger dump its core maintenance expand-symtabs -- Expand symbol tables maintenance flush-symbol-cache -- Flush the symbol cache for each program space maintenance info -- Commands for showing internal info about the program being debugged maintenance info bfds -- List the BFDs that are currently open maintenance info breakpoints -- Status of all breakpoints maintenance info btrace -- Info about branch tracing data maintenance info program-spaces -- Info about currently known program spaces maintenance info psymtabs -- List the partial symbol tables for all object files maintenance info sections -- List the BFD sections of the exec and core files maintenance info symtabs -- List the full symbol tables for all object files maintenance internal-error -- Give GDB an internal error maintenance internal-warning -- Give GDB an internal warning maintenance packet -- Send an arbitrary packet to a remote target maintenance print -- Maintenance command for printing GDB internal state maintenance print architecture -- Print the internal architecture configuration maintenance print c-tdesc -- Print the current target description as a C source file maintenance print cooked-registers -- Print the internal register configuration including cooked values maintenance print dummy-frames -- Print the contents of the internal dummy-frame stack ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- maintenance print msymbols -- Print dump of current minimal symbol definitions maintenance print objfiles -- Print dump of current object file definitions maintenance print psymbols -- Print dump of current partial symbol definitions maintenance print raw-registers -- Print the internal register configuration including raw values maintenance print reggroups -- Print the internal register group names maintenance print register-groups -- Print the internal register configuration including each register's group maintenance print registers -- Print the internal register configuration maintenance print remote-registers -- Print the internal register configuration including each register's maintenance print statistics -- Print statistics about internal gdb state maintenance print symbol-cache -- Dump the symbol cache for each program space maintenance print symbol-cache-statistics -- Print symbol cache statistics for each program space maintenance print symbols -- Print dump of current symbol definitions maintenance print target-stack -- Print the name of each layer of the internal target stack maintenance print type -- Print a type chain for a given symbol maintenance print user-registers -- List the names of the current user registers maintenance set -- Set GDB internal variables used by the GDB maintainer maintenance set ada -- Set Ada maintenance-related variables maintenance set ada ignore-descriptive-types -- Set whether descriptive types generated by GNAT should be ignored maintenance set bfd-sharing -- Set whether gdb will share bfds that appear to be the same file maintenance set btrace -- Set branch tracing specific variables maintenance set btrace pt -- Set Intel Processor Trace specific variables maintenance set btrace pt skip-pad -- Set whether PAD packets should be skipped in the btrace packet history maintenance set catch-demangler-crashes -- Set whether to attempt to catch demangler crashes maintenance set demangler-warning -- Configure what GDB does when demangler-warning is detected maintenance set demangler-warning quit -- Set whether GDB should quit when an demangler-warning is detected maintenance set dwarf -- Set DWARF specific variables maintenance set dwarf always-disassemble -- Set whether `info address' always disassembles DWARF expressions maintenance set dwarf max-cache-age -- Set the upper bound on the age of cached DWARF compilation units maintenance set internal-error -- Configure what GDB does when internal-error is detected maintenance set internal-error corefile -- Set whether GDB should create a core file of GDB when internal-error is detected maintenance set internal-error quit -- Set whether GDB should quit when an internal-error is detected maintenance set internal-warning -- Configure what GDB does when internal-warning is detected maintenance set internal-warning corefile -- Set whether GDB should create a core file of GDB when internal-warning is detected maintenance set internal-warning quit -- Set whether GDB should quit when an internal-warning is detected maintenance set per-command -- Per-command statistics settings set per-command space -- Set whether to display per-command space usage set per-command symtab -- Set whether to display per-command symtab statistics set per-command time -- Set whether to display per-command execution time maintenance set profile -- Set internal profiling maintenance set show-debug-regs -- Set whether to show variables that mirror the x86 debug registers maintenance set symbol-cache-size -- Set the size of the symbol cache maintenance set target-async -- Set whether gdb controls the inferior in asynchronous mode maintenance set target-non-stop -- Set whether gdb always controls the inferior in non-stop mode ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- maintenance show -- Show GDB internal variables used by the GDB maintainer maintenance show ada -- Show Ada maintenance-related variables maintenance show ada ignore-descriptive-types -- Show whether descriptive types generated by GNAT should be ignored maintenance show bfd-sharing -- Show whether gdb will share bfds that appear to be the same file maintenance show btrace -- Show branch tracing specific variables maintenance show btrace pt -- Show Intel Processor Trace specific variables maintenance show btrace pt skip-pad -- Show whether PAD packets should be skipped in the btrace packet history maintenance show catch-demangler-crashes -- Show whether to attempt to catch demangler crashes maintenance show demangler-warning -- Show what GDB does when demangler-warning is detected maintenance show demangler-warning quit -- Show whether GDB will quit when an demangler-warning is detected maintenance show dwarf -- Show DWARF specific variables maintenance show dwarf always-disassemble -- Show whether `info address' always disassembles DWARF expressions maintenance show dwarf max-cache-age -- Show the upper bound on the age of cached DWARF compilation units maintenance show internal-error -- Show what GDB does when internal-error is detected maintenance show internal-error corefile -- Show whether GDB will create a core file of GDB when internal-error is detected maintenance show internal-error quit -- Show whether GDB will quit when an internal-error is detected maintenance show internal-warning -- Show what GDB does when internal-warning is detected maintenance show internal-warning corefile -- Show whether GDB will create a core file of GDB when internal-warning is detected maintenance show internal-warning quit -- Show whether GDB will quit when an internal-warning is detected maintenance show per-command -- Show per-command statistics settings show per-command space -- Show whether to display per-command space usage show per-command symtab -- Show whether to display per-command symtab statistics show per-command time -- Show whether to display per-command execution time maintenance show profile -- Show internal profiling maintenance show show-debug-regs -- Show whether to show variables that mirror the x86 debug registers maintenance show symbol-cache-size -- Show the size of the symbol cache maintenance show target-async -- Show whether gdb controls the inferior in asynchronous mode maintenance show target-non-stop -- Show whether gdb always controls the inferior in non-stop mode maintenance space -- Set the display of space usage maintenance time -- Set the display of time usage maintenance translate-address -- Translate a section name and address to a symbol maintenance undeprecate -- Undeprecate a command Command class: obscure checkpoint -- Fork a duplicate process (experimental) compare-sections -- Compare section data on target to the exec file compile -- Command to compile source code and inject it into the inferior compile code -- Compile compile file -- Evaluate a file containing source code compile print -- Evaluate EXPR by using the compiler and print result complete -- List the completions for the rest of the line as a command expression -- Command to compile source code and inject it into the inferior ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- compile code -- Compile compile file -- Evaluate a file containing source code compile print -- Evaluate EXPR by using the compiler and print result guile -- Evaluate a Guile expression guile-repl -- Start a Guile interactive prompt monitor -- Send a command to the remote monitor (remote targets only) python -- Evaluate a Python command python-interactive -- Start an interactive Python prompt record -- Start recording record btrace -- Start branch trace recording record btrace bts -- Start branch trace recording in Branch Trace Store (BTS) format record btrace pt -- Start branch trace recording in Intel Processor Trace format record delete -- Delete the rest of execution log and start recording it anew record full -- Start full execution recording record full restore -- Restore the execution log from a file record function-call-history -- Prints the execution history at function granularity record goto -- Restore the program to its state at instruction number N record goto begin -- Go to the beginning of the execution log record goto end -- Go to the end of the execution log record instruction-history -- Print disassembled instructions stored in the execution log record save -- Save the execution log to a file record stop -- Stop the record/replay target restart -- Restart : restore program context from a checkpoint stop -- There is no `stop' command Command class: running advance -- Continue the program up to the given location (same form as args for break command) attach -- Attach to a process or file outside of GDB continue -- Continue program being debugged detach -- Detach a process or file previously attached detach checkpoint -- Detach from a checkpoint (experimental) detach inferiors -- Detach from inferior ID (or list of IDS) disconnect -- Disconnect from a target finish -- Execute until selected stack frame returns handle -- Specify how to handle signals inferior -- Use this command to switch between inferiors interrupt -- Interrupt the execution of the debugged program jump -- Continue program being debugged at specified line or address kill -- Kill execution of program being debugged kill inferiors -- Kill inferior ID (or list of IDs) next -- Step program nexti -- Step one instruction ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- queue-signal -- Queue a signal to be delivered to the current thread when it is resumed reverse-continue -- Continue program being debugged but run it in reverse reverse-finish -- Execute backward until just before selected stack frame is called reverse-next -- Step program backward reverse-nexti -- Step backward one instruction reverse-step -- Step program backward until it reaches the beginning of another source line reverse-stepi -- Step backward exactly one instruction run -- Start debugged program signal -- Continue program with the specified signal start -- Run the debugged program until the beginning of the main procedure step -- Step program until it reaches a different source line stepi -- Step one instruction exactly target -- Connect to a target machine or process target core -- Use a core file as a target target ctf -- Use a CTF directory as a target target exec -- Use an executable file as a target target extended-remote -- Use a remote computer via a serial line target native -- Native process (started by the "run" command) target record -- Log program while executing and replay execution from log target record-btrace -- Collect control-flow trace and provide the execution history target record-core -- Log program while executing and replay execution from log target record-full -- Log program while executing and replay execution from log target remote -- Use a remote computer via a serial line target tfile -- Use a trace file as a target task -- Use this command to switch between Ada tasks thread -- Use this command to switch between threads thread apply -- Apply a command to a list of threads thread apply all -- Apply a command to all threads thread find -- Find threads that match a regular expression thread name -- Set the current thread's name until -- Execute until the program reaches a source line greater than the current Command class: stack backtrace -- Print backtrace of all stack frames bt -- Print backtrace of all stack frames down -- Select and print stack frame called by this one frame -- Select and print a stack frame return -- Make selected stack frame return to its caller select-frame -- Select a stack frame without printing anything up -- Select and print stack frame that called this one Command class: status ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- info -- Generic command for showing things about the program being debugged info address -- Describe where symbol SYM is stored info all-registers -- List of all registers and their contents info args -- Argument variables of current stack frame info auto-load -- Print current status of auto-loaded files info auto-load gdb-scripts -- Print the list of automatically loaded sequences of commands info auto-load libthread-db -- Print the list of loaded inferior specific libthread_db info auto-load local-gdbinit -- Print whether current directory .gdbinit file has been loaded info auto-load python-scripts -- Print the list of automatically loaded Python scripts info auto-load-scripts -- Print the list of automatically loaded Python scripts info auxv -- Display the inferior's auxiliary vector info bookmarks -- Status of user-settable bookmarks info breakpoints -- Status of specified breakpoints (all user-settable breakpoints if no argument) info checkpoints -- IDs of currently known checkpoints info classes -- All Objective-C classes info common -- Print out the values contained in a Fortran COMMON block info copying -- Conditions for redistributing copies of GDB info dcache -- Print information on the dcache performance info display -- Expressions to display when program stops info exceptions -- List all Ada exception names info extensions -- All filename extensions associated with a source language info files -- Names of targets and files being debugged info float -- Print the status of the floating point unit info frame -- All about selected stack frame info frame-filter -- List all registered Python frame-filters info functions -- All function names info guile -- Prefix command for Guile info displays info handle -- What debugger does when program gets various signals info inferiors -- IDs of specified inferiors (all inferiors if no argument) info line -- Core addresses of the code for a source line info locals -- Local variables of current stack frame info macro -- Show the definition of MACRO info macros -- Show the definitions of all macros at LINESPEC info mem -- Memory region attributes info os -- Show OS data ARG info pretty-printer -- GDB command to list all registered pretty-printers info probes -- Show available static probes info probes all -- Show information about all type of probes info probes dtrace -- Show information about DTrace static probes info probes stap -- Show information about SystemTap static probes info proc -- Show /proc process information about any running process info proc all -- List all available /proc info ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- info proc cmdline -- List command line arguments of the process info proc cwd -- List current working directory of the process info proc exe -- List absolute filename for executable of the process info proc mappings -- List of mapped memory regions info proc stat -- List process info from /proc/PID/stat info proc status -- List process info from /proc/PID/status info program -- Execution status of the program info record -- Info record options info registers -- List of integer registers and their contents info scope -- List the variables local to a scope info selectors -- All Objective-C selectors info set -- Show all GDB settings info sharedlibrary -- Status of loaded shared object libraries info signals -- What debugger does when program gets various signals info skip -- Display the status of skips info source -- Information about the current source file info sources -- Source files in the program info stack -- Backtrace of the stack info static-tracepoint-markers -- List target static tracepoints markers info symbol -- Describe what symbol is at location ADDR info target -- Names of targets and files being debugged info tasks -- Provide information about all known Ada tasks info terminal -- Print inferior's saved terminal status info threads -- Display currently known threads info tracepoints -- Status of specified tracepoints (all tracepoints if no argument) info tvariables -- Status of trace state variables and their values info type-printers -- GDB command to list all registered type-printers info types -- All type names info unwinder -- GDB command to list unwinders info variables -- All global and static variable names info vector -- Print the status of the vector unit info vtbl -- Show the virtual function table for a C++ object info warranty -- Various kinds of warranty you do not have info watchpoints -- Status of specified watchpoints (all watchpoints if no argument) info win -- List of all displayed windows info xmethod -- GDB command to list registered xmethod matchers macro -- Prefix for commands dealing with C preprocessor macros macro define -- Define a new C/C++ preprocessor macro macro expand -- Fully expand any C/C++ preprocessor macro invocations in EXPRESSION macro expand-once -- Expand C/C++ preprocessor macro invocations appearing directly in EXPRESSION macro list -- List all the macros defined using the `macro define' command macro undef -- Remove the definition of the C/C++ preprocessor macro with the given name show -- Generic command for showing things about the debugger ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- show ada -- Generic command for showing Ada-specific settings show ada print-signatures -- Show whether the output of formal and return types for functions in the overloads selection menu is activated show ada trust-PAD-over-XVS -- Show whether an optimization trusting PAD types over XVS types is activated show agent -- Show debugger's willingness to use agent as a helper show annotate -- Show annotation_level show architecture -- Show architecture of target show args -- Show argument list to give program being debugged when it is started show auto-connect-native-target -- Show whether GDB may automatically connect to the native target show auto-load -- Show auto-loading specific settings show auto-load gdb-scripts -- Show whether auto-loading of canned sequences of commands scripts is enabled show auto-load libthread-db -- Show whether auto-loading inferior specific libthread_db is enabled show auto-load local-gdbinit -- Show whether auto-loading .gdbinit script in current directory is enabled show auto-load python-scripts -- Show the debugger's behaviour regarding auto-loaded Python scripts show auto-load safe-path -- Show the list of files and directories that are safe for auto-loading show auto-load scripts-directory -- Show the list of directories from which to load auto-loaded scripts show auto-load-scripts -- Show the debugger's behaviour regarding auto-loaded Python scripts show auto-solib-add -- Show autoloading of shared library symbols show backtrace -- Show backtrace specific variables show backtrace limit -- Show the upper bound on the number of backtrace levels show backtrace past-entry -- Show whether backtraces should continue past the entry point of a program show backtrace past-main -- Show whether backtraces should continue past "main" show basenames-may-differ -- Show whether a source file may have multiple base names show breakpoint -- Breakpoint specific settings show breakpoint always-inserted -- Show mode for inserting breakpoints show breakpoint auto-hw -- Show automatic usage of hardware breakpoints show breakpoint condition-evaluation -- Show mode of breakpoint condition evaluation show breakpoint pending -- Show debugger's behavior regarding pending breakpoints show can-use-hw-watchpoints -- Show debugger's willingness to use watchpoint hardware show case-sensitive -- Show case sensitivity in name search show charset -- Show the host and target character sets show check -- Show the status of the type/range checker show check range -- Show range checking show check type -- Show strict type checking show circular-trace-buffer -- Show target's use of circular trace buffer show code-cache -- Show cache use for code segment access show coerce-float-to-double -- Show coercion of floats to doubles when calling functions show commands -- Show the history of commands you typed show compile-args -- Show compile command GCC command-line arguments show complaints -- Show max number of complaints about incorrect symbols show configuration -- Show how GDB was configured at build time show confirm -- Show whether to confirm potentially dangerous operations show convenience -- Debugger convenience ("$foo") variables and functions show copying -- Conditions for redistributing copies of GDB ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- show cp-abi -- Show the ABI used for inspecting C++ objects show data-directory -- Show GDB's data directory show dcache -- Show dcachesettings show dcache line-size -- Show dcache line size show dcache size -- Show number of dcache lines show debug -- Generic command for showing gdb debugging flags show debug arch -- Show architecture debugging show debug auto-load -- Show auto-load verifications debugging show debug bfd-cache -- Show bfd cache debugging show debug check-physname -- Show cross-checking of "physname" code against demangler show debug coff-pe-read -- Show coff PE read debugging show debug compile -- Show compile command debugging show debug displaced -- Show displaced stepping debugging show debug dwarf-die -- Show debugging of the DWARF DIE reader show debug dwarf-line -- Show debugging of the dwarf line reader show debug dwarf-read -- Show debugging of the DWARF reader show debug entry-values -- Show entry values and tail call frames debugging show debug expression -- Show expression debugging show debug frame -- Show frame debugging show debug infrun -- Show inferior debugging show debug jit -- Show JIT debugging show debug libthread-db -- Show libthread-db debugging show debug lin-lwp -- Show debugging of GNU/Linux lwp module show debug linux-namespaces -- Show debugging of GNU/Linux namespaces module show debug notification -- Show debugging of async remote notification show debug observer -- Show observer debugging show debug overload -- Show debugging of C++ overloading show debug parser -- Show parser debugging show debug py-unwind -- Show Python unwinder debugging show debug record -- Show debugging of record/replay feature show debug remote -- Show debugging of remote protocol show debug serial -- Show serial debugging show debug stap-expression -- Show SystemTap expression debugging show debug symbol-lookup -- Show debugging of symbol lookup show debug symfile -- Show debugging of the symfile functions show debug symtab-create -- Show debugging of symbol table creation show debug target -- Show target debugging show debug timestamp -- Show timestamping of debugging messages show debug varobj -- Show varobj debugging show debug xml -- Show XML parser debugging show debug-file-directory -- Show the directories where separate debug symbols are searched for show default-collect -- Show the list of expressions to collect by default show demangle-style -- Show the current C++ demangling style ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- show detach-on-fork -- Show whether gdb will detach the child of a fork show directories -- Show the search path for finding source files show disable-randomization -- Show disabling of debuggee's virtual address space randomization show disassemble-next-line -- Show whether to disassemble next source line or insn when execution stops show disassembly-flavor -- Show the disassembly flavor show disconnected-dprintf -- Show whether dprintf continues after GDB disconnects show disconnected-tracing -- Show whether tracing continues after GDB disconnects show displaced-stepping -- Show debugger's willingness to use displaced stepping show dprintf-channel -- Show the channel to use for dynamic printf show dprintf-function -- Show the function to use for dynamic printf show dprintf-style -- Show the style of usage for dynamic printf show editing -- Show editing of command lines as they are typed show endian -- Show endianness of target show environment -- The environment to give the program show exec-direction -- Show direction of execution (forward/reverse) show exec-done-display -- Show notification of completion for asynchronous execution commands show exec-wrapper -- Show the wrapper for running programs show extended-prompt -- Show the extended prompt show extension-language -- Show mapping between filename extension and source language show filename-display -- Show how to display filenames show follow-exec-mode -- Show debugger response to a program call of exec show follow-fork-mode -- Show debugger response to a program call of fork or vfork show frame-filter -- Prefix command for 'show' frame-filter related operations show frame-filter priority -- GDB command to show the priority of the specified frame-filter show gnutarget -- Show the current BFD target show guile -- Prefix command for Guile preference settings show guile print-stack -- Show the mode of Guile exception printing on error show height -- Show number of lines in a page for GDB output pagination show history -- Generic command for showing command history parameters show history expansion -- Show history expansion on command input show history filename -- Show the filename in which to record the command history show history remove-duplicates -- Show how far back in history to look for and remove duplicate entries show history save -- Show saving of the history record on exit show history size -- Show the size of the command history show host-charset -- Show the host character set show inferior-tty -- Show terminal for future runs of program being debugged show input-radix -- Show default input radix for entering numbers show interactive-mode -- Show whether GDB's standard input is a terminal show language -- Show the current source language show libthread-db-search-path -- Show the current search path or libthread_db show listsize -- Show number of source lines gdb will list by default show logging -- Show logging options show logging file -- Show the current logfile ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- show logging overwrite -- Show whether logging overwrites or appends to the log file show logging redirect -- Show the logging output mode show max-completions -- Show maximum number of completion candidates show max-user-call-depth -- Show the max call depth for non-python/scheme user-defined commands show max-value-size -- Show maximum sized value gdb will load from the inferior show may-insert-breakpoints -- Show permission to insert breakpoints in the target show may-insert-fast-tracepoints -- Show permission to insert fast tracepoints in the target show may-insert-tracepoints -- Show permission to insert tracepoints in the target show may-interrupt -- Show permission to interrupt or signal the target show may-write-memory -- Show permission to write into target memory show may-write-registers -- Show permission to write into registers show mem -- Memory regions settings show mem inaccessible-by-default -- Show handling of unknown memory regions show mi-async -- Show whether MI asynchronous mode is enabled show mpx -- Show Intel Memory Protection Extensions specific variables show mpx bound -- Show the memory bounds for a given array/pointer storage in the bound table show multiple-symbols -- Show how the debugger handles ambiguities in expressions show non-stop -- Show whether gdb controls the inferior in non-stop mode show observer -- Show whether gdb controls the inferior in observer mode show opaque-type-resolution -- Show resolution of opaque struct/class/union types (if set before loading symbols) show osabi -- Show OS ABI of target show output-radix -- Show default output radix for printing of values show overload-resolution -- Show overload resolution in evaluating C++ functions show pagination -- Show state of GDB output pagination show paths -- Current search path for finding object files show print -- Generic command for showing print settings show print address -- Show printing of addresses show print array -- Show pretty formatting of arrays show print array-indexes -- Show printing of array indexes show print asm-demangle -- Show demangling of C++/ObjC names in disassembly listings show print demangle -- Show demangling of encoded C++/ObjC names when displaying symbols show print elements -- Show limit on string chars or array elements to print show print entry-values -- Show printing of function arguments at function entry show print frame-arguments -- Show printing of non-scalar frame arguments show print inferior-events -- Show printing of inferior events (e.g. show print max-symbolic-offset -- Show the largest offset that will be printed in form show print null-stop -- Show printing of char arrays to stop at first null char show print object -- Show printing of object's derived type based on vtable info show print pascal_static-members -- Show printing of pascal static members show print pretty -- Show pretty formatting of structures show print raw -- Generic command for showing "print raw" settings show print raw frame-arguments -- Show whether to print frame arguments in raw form show print repeats -- Show threshold for repeated print elements ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- show print sevenbit-strings -- Show printing of 8-bit characters in strings as \nnn show print static-members -- Show printing of C++ static members show print symbol -- Show printing of symbol names when printing pointers show print symbol-filename -- Show printing of source filename and line number with show print symbol-loading -- Show printing of symbol loading messages show print thread-events -- Show printing of thread events (such as thread start and exit) show print type -- Generic command for showing type-printing settings show print type methods -- Show printing of methods defined in classes show print type typedefs -- Show printing of typedefs defined in classes show print union -- Show printing of unions interior to structures show print vtbl -- Show printing of C++ virtual function tables show prompt -- Show gdb's prompt show python -- Prefix command for python preference settings show python print-stack -- Show the mode of Python stack printing on error show radix -- Show the default input and output number radices show range-stepping -- Show whether target-assisted range stepping is enabled show record -- Show record options show record btrace -- Show record options show record btrace bts -- Show record btrace bts options show record btrace bts buffer-size -- Show the record/replay bts buffer size show record btrace pt -- Show record btrace pt options show record btrace pt buffer-size -- Show the record/replay pt buffer size show record btrace replay-memory-access -- Show what memory accesses are allowed during replay show record full -- Show record options show record full insn-number-max -- Show record/replay buffer limit show record full memory-query -- Show whether query if PREC cannot record memory change of next instruction show record full stop-at-limit -- Show whether record/replay stops when record/replay buffer becomes full show record function-call-history-size -- Show number of functions to print in "record function-call-history" show record instruction-history-size -- Show number of instructions to print in "record instruction-history" show remote -- Remote protocol specific variables show remote P-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `P' (set-register) packet show remote TracepointSource-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `TracepointSource' (TracepointSource) packet show remote X-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `X' (binary-download) packet show remote Z-packet -- Show use of remote protocol `Z' packets show remote access-watchpoint-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Z4' (access-watchpoint) packet show remote agent-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `QAgent' (agent) packet show remote allow-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `QAllow' (allow) packet show remote attach-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vAttach' (attach) packet show remote binary-download-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `X' (binary-download) packet show remote breakpoint-commands-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `BreakpointCommands' (breakpoint-commands) packet show remote btrace-conf-bts-size-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Qbtrace-conf:bts:size' (btrace-conf-bts-size) packet show remote btrace-conf-pt-size-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Qbtrace-conf:pt:size' (btrace-conf-pt-size) packet show remote catch-syscalls-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `QCatchSyscalls' (catch-syscalls) packet ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- show remote conditional-breakpoints-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `ConditionalBreakpoints' (conditional-breakpoints) packet show remote conditional-tracepoints-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `ConditionalTracepoints' (conditional-tracepoints) packet show remote ctrl-c-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vCtrlC' (ctrl-c) packet show remote disable-btrace-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Qbtrace:off' (disable-btrace) packet show remote disable-randomization-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `QDisableRandomization' (disable-randomization) packet show remote enable-btrace-bts-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Qbtrace:bts' (enable-btrace-bts) packet show remote enable-btrace-pt-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Qbtrace:pt' (enable-btrace-pt) packet show remote exec-event-feature-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `exec-event-feature' (exec-event-feature) packet show remote exec-file -- Show the remote pathname for "run" show remote fast-tracepoints-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `FastTracepoints' (fast-tracepoints) packet show remote fetch-register-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `p' (fetch-register) packet show remote fork-event-feature-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `fork-event-feature' (fork-event-feature) packet show remote get-thread-information-block-address-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qGetTIBAddr' (get-thread-information-block-address) packet show remote get-thread-local-storage-address-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qGetTLSAddr' (get-thread-local-storage-address) packet show remote hardware-breakpoint-limit -- Show the maximum number of target hardware breakpoints show remote hardware-breakpoint-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Z1' (hardware-breakpoint) packet show remote hardware-watchpoint-length-limit -- Show the maximum length (in bytes) of a target hardware watchpoint show remote hardware-watchpoint-limit -- Show the maximum number of target hardware watchpoints show remote hostio-close-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vFile:close' (hostio-close) packet show remote hostio-fstat-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vFile:fstat' (hostio-fstat) packet show remote hostio-open-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vFile:open' (hostio-open) packet show remote hostio-pread-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vFile:pread' (hostio-pread) packet show remote hostio-pwrite-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vFile:pwrite' (hostio-pwrite) packet show remote hostio-readlink-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vFile:readlink' (hostio-readlink) packet show remote hostio-setfs-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vFile:setfs' (hostio-setfs) packet show remote hostio-unlink-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vFile:unlink' (hostio-unlink) packet show remote hwbreak-feature-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `hwbreak-feature' (hwbreak-feature) packet show remote install-in-trace-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `InstallInTrace' (install-in-trace) packet show remote interrupt-on-connect -- Show whether interrupt-sequence is sent to remote target when gdb connects to show remote interrupt-sequence -- Show interrupt sequence to remote target show remote kill-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vKill' (kill) packet show remote library-info-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:libraries:read' (library-info) packet show remote library-info-svr4-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:libraries-svr4:read' (library-info-svr4) packet show remote memory-map-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:memory-map:read' (memory-map) packet show remote memory-read-packet-size -- Show the maximum number of bytes per memory-read packet show remote memory-write-packet-size -- Show the maximum number of bytes per memory-write packet show remote multiprocess-feature-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `multiprocess-feature' (multiprocess-feature) packet show remote no-resumed-stop-reply-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `N stop reply' (no-resumed-stop-reply) packet show remote noack-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `QStartNoAckMode' (noack) packet show remote osdata-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:osdata:read' (osdata) packet show remote p-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `p' (fetch-register) packet ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- show remote pass-signals-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `QPassSignals' (pass-signals) packet show remote pid-to-exec-file-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:exec-file:read' (pid-to-exec-file) packet show remote program-signals-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `QProgramSignals' (program-signals) packet show remote query-attached-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qAttached' (query-attached) packet show remote read-aux-vector-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:auxv:read' (read-aux-vector) packet show remote read-btrace-conf-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:btrace-conf' (read-btrace-conf) packet show remote read-btrace-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:btrace' (read-btrace) packet show remote read-fdpic-loadmap-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:fdpic:read' (read-fdpic-loadmap) packet show remote read-sdata-object-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:statictrace:read' (read-sdata-object) packet show remote read-siginfo-object-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:siginfo:read' (read-siginfo-object) packet show remote read-spu-object-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:spu:read' (read-spu-object) packet show remote read-watchpoint-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Z3' (read-watchpoint) packet show remote reverse-continue-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `bc' (reverse-continue) packet show remote reverse-step-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `bs' (reverse-step) packet show remote run-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vRun' (run) packet show remote search-memory-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qSearch:memory' (search-memory) packet show remote set-register-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `P' (set-register) packet show remote software-breakpoint-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Z0' (software-breakpoint) packet show remote static-tracepoints-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `StaticTracepoints' (static-tracepoints) packet show remote supported-packets-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qSupported' (supported-packets) packet show remote swbreak-feature-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `swbreak-feature' (swbreak-feature) packet show remote symbol-lookup-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qSymbol' (symbol-lookup) packet show remote system-call-allowed -- Show if the host system(3) call is allowed for the target show remote target-features-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:features:read' (target-features) packet show remote thread-events-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `QThreadEvents' (thread-events) packet show remote threads-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:threads:read' (threads) packet show remote trace-buffer-size-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `QTBuffer:size' (trace-buffer-size) packet show remote trace-status-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qTStatus' (trace-status) packet show remote traceframe-info-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:traceframe-info:read' (traceframe-info) packet show remote unwind-info-block-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:uib:read' (unwind-info-block) packet show remote verbose-resume-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vCont' (verbose-resume) packet show remote verbose-resume-supported-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vContSupported' (verbose-resume-supported) packet show remote vfork-event-feature-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `vfork-event-feature' (vfork-event-feature) packet show remote write-siginfo-object-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:siginfo:write' (write-siginfo-object) packet show remote write-spu-object-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `qXfer:spu:write' (write-spu-object) packet show remote write-watchpoint-packet -- Show current use of remote protocol `Z2' (write-watchpoint) packet show remoteaddresssize -- Show the maximum size of the address (in bits) in a memory packet show remotebreak -- Show whether to send break if interrupted show remotecache -- Show cache use for remote targets show remoteflow -- Show use of hardware flow control for remote serial I/O show remotelogbase -- Show numerical base for remote session logging show remotelogfile -- Show filename for remote session recording show remotetimeout -- Show timeout limit to wait for target to respond ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- show remotewritesize -- Show the maximum number of bytes per memory write packet (deprecated) show schedule-multiple -- Show mode for resuming threads of all processes show scheduler-locking -- Show mode for locking scheduler during execution show script-extension -- Show mode for script filename extension recognition show serial -- Show default serial/parallel port configuration show serial baud -- Show baud rate for remote serial I/O show serial parity -- Show parity for remote serial I/O show solib-absolute-prefix -- Show the current system root show solib-search-path -- Show the search path for loading non-absolute shared library symbol files show stack-cache -- Show cache use for stack access show startup-with-shell -- Show use of shell to start subprocesses show step-mode -- Show mode of the step operation show stop-on-solib-events -- Show stopping for shared library events show struct-convention -- Show the convention for returning small structs show substitute-path -- Usage: show substitute-path [FROM] show sysroot -- Show the current system root show target-async -- Show whether MI asynchronous mode is enabled show target-charset -- Show the target character set show target-file-system-kind -- Show assumed file system kind for target reported file names show target-wide-charset -- Show the target wide character set show tcp -- TCP protocol specific variables show tcp auto-retry -- Show auto-retry on socket connect show tcp connect-timeout -- Show timeout limit in seconds for socket connection show tdesc -- Show target description specific variables show tdesc filename -- Show the file to read for an XML target description show trace-buffer-size -- Show requested size of trace buffer show trace-commands -- Show state of GDB CLI command tracing show trace-notes -- Show the notes string to use for current and future trace runs show trace-stop-notes -- Show the notes string to use for future tstop commands show trace-user -- Show the user name to use for current and future trace runs show trust-readonly-sections -- Show mode for reading from readonly sections show tui -- TUI configuration variables show tui active-border-mode -- Show the attribute mode to use for the active TUI window border show tui border-kind -- Show the kind of border for TUI windows show tui border-mode -- Show the attribute mode to use for the TUI window borders show unwind-on-terminating-exception -- Show unwinding of stack if std::terminate() is called while in a call dummy show unwindonsignal -- Show unwinding of stack if a signal is received while in a call dummy show use-coredump-filter -- Show whether gcore should consider /proc/PID/coredump_filter show use-deprecated-index-sections -- Show whether to use deprecated gdb_index sections show user -- Show definitions of non-python/scheme user defined commands show values -- Elements of value history around item number IDX (or last ten) show verbose -- Show verbosity show version -- Show what version of GDB this is ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- show warranty -- Various kinds of warranty you do not have show watchdog -- Show watchdog timer show width -- Show number of characters where GDB should wrap lines of its output show write -- Show writing into executable and core files Command class: support ! -- Execute the rest of the line as a shell command add-auto-load-safe-path -- Add entries to the list of directories from which it is safe to auto-load files add-auto-load-scripts-directory -- Add entries to the list of directories from which to load auto-loaded scripts alias -- Define a new command that is an alias of an existing command apropos -- Search for commands matching a REGEXP define -- Define a new command name demangle -- Demangle a mangled name document -- Document a user-defined command dont-repeat -- Don't repeat this command down-silently -- Same as the `down' command echo -- Print a constant string help -- Print list of commands if -- Execute nested commands once IF the conditional expression is non zero interpreter-exec -- Execute a command in an interpreter make -- Run the ``make'' program using the rest of the line as arguments overlay -- Commands for debugging overlays overlay auto -- Enable automatic overlay debugging overlay list-overlays -- List mappings of overlay sections overlay load-target -- Read the overlay mapping state from the target overlay manual -- Enable overlay debugging overlay map-overlay -- Assert that an overlay section is mapped overlay off -- Disable overlay debugging overlay unmap-overlay -- Assert that an overlay section is unmapped quit -- Exit gdb shell -- Execute the rest of the line as a shell command source -- Read commands from a file named FILE up-silently -- Same as the `up' command while -- Execute nested commands WHILE the conditional expression is non zero Command class: tracepoints actions -- Specify the actions to be taken at a tracepoint collect -- Specify one or more data items to be collected at a tracepoint end -- Ends a list of commands or actions passcount -- Set the passcount for a tracepoint save-tracepoints -- Save current tracepoint definitions as a script ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- tdump -- Print everything collected at the current tracepoint teval -- Specify one or more expressions to be evaluated at a tracepoint tfind -- Select a trace frame; tfind end -- De-select any trace frame and resume 'live' debugging tfind line -- Select a trace frame by source line tfind none -- De-select any trace frame and resume 'live' debugging tfind outside -- Select a trace frame whose PC is outside the given range (exclusive) tfind pc -- Select a trace frame by PC tfind range -- Select a trace frame whose PC is in the given range (inclusive) tfind start -- Select the first trace frame in the trace buffer tfind tracepoint -- Select a trace frame by tracepoint number tsave -- Save the trace data to a file tstart -- Start trace data collection tstatus -- Display the status of the current trace data collection tstop -- Stop trace data collection tvariable -- Define a trace state variable while-stepping -- Specify single-stepping behavior at a tracepoint Command class: user-defined boot -- User-defined ef -- User-defined public -- User-defined qpl -- User-defined test -- User-defined Unclassified commands add-inferior -- Add a new inferior clone-inferior -- Clone inferior ID eval -- Convert "printf format string" function -- Placeholder command for showing help on convenience functions function _any_caller_is -- Check all calling function's names function _any_caller_matches -- Compare all calling function's names with a regexp function _caller_is -- Check the calling function's name function _caller_matches -- Compare the calling function's name with a regexp function _isvoid -- Check whether an expression is void function _memeq -- $_memeq - compare bytes of memory function _regex -- $_regex - check if a string matches a regular expression function _streq -- $_streq - check string equality function _strlen -- $_strlen - compute string length jit-reader-load -- Load FILE as debug info reader and unwinder for JIT compiled code jit-reader-unload -- Unload the currently loaded JIT debug info reader ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- remove-inferiors -- Remove inferior ID (or list of IDs) unset -- Complement to certain "set" commands unset environment -- Cancel environment variable VAR for the program unset exec-wrapper -- Disable use of an execution wrapper unset substitute-path -- Usage: unset substitute-path [FROM] unset tdesc -- Unset target description specific variables unset tdesc filename -- Unset the file to read for an XML target description (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) (gdb)