; International Allegro CL Trial Edition Port: 3037 Pid: 10798 CL-USER> (load "dd") ; Loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd.cl ; Loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_get.cl ======================= Loading GATE 2.3, Common Lisp version of 2004-12-20... ======================= ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/compat.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/loop.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_macros.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_main.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_ty.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_cx.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_instan.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_prove.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_read_pr.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_unify.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_utils.fasl ; Loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/gate_obs.cl ======================= Welcome to GATE 2.3, Common Lisp version of 2004-12-20 ======================= ; Loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_get.cl ======================= Loading DAYDREAMER 3.5, Common Lisp version of 2004-12-20... ======================= ; Loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_macros.cl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_cntrl.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_epis.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_mutation.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_night.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_reversal.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_ri.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_rule1.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_rule2.fasl ; Fast loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_utils.fasl ; Loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_kb.cl Adding rule ENTERTAINMENT-THEME Adding rule ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1 Adding rule ENTERTAINMENT-INF1 Adding rule M-MOVIE-ALONE-PLAN Adding rule MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN Adding rule LOVERS-THEME Adding rule LOVERS-PLAN Adding rule ACQUAINTED-PLAN Adding rule M-CONVERSATION-PLAN Adding rule MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE-INF1 Adding rule MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE-INF2 Adding rule MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE-INF3 Adding rule M-AGREE-PLAN Adding rule LOVERS-THEME-PLAN Adding rule M-DATE-PLAN Adding rule ENABLE-FUTURE-VPROX-PLAN1 Adding rule ENABLE-FUTURE-VPROX-PLAN2 Adding rule FRIDAY-NIGHT-PLAN Adding rule NOT-LOVERS-PLAN1 Adding rule M-BREAK-UP-PLAN1 Adding rule M-BREAK-UP-PLAN2 Adding rule AT-PLAN Adding rule PTRANS-PLAN Adding rule BELIEVE-PLAN1 Adding rule BELIEVE-PLAN2 Adding rule MTRANS-PLAN2 Adding rule VPROX-PLAN1 Adding rule VPROX-INF Adding rule POS-ATTITUDE-PLAN2 Adding rule POS-ATTITUDE-PLAN3 Adding rule ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1 Adding rule ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN2 Adding rule STAR-PLAN Adding rule M-STUDY-PLAN Adding rule RATIONALIZATION-THEME Adding rule RATIONALIZATION-PLAN1 Adding rule RATIONALIZATION-INF1 Adding rule RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2 Adding rule LEADTO-PLAN1 Adding rule OTHER-RULE1 Adding rule ACTING-JOB-THEME Adding rule RPROX-PLAN Adding rule PTRANS1-PLAN Adding rule JOB-FAILURE Adding rule LOVERS-P-GOAL Adding rule WELL-DRESSED-PLAN2 Adding rule RATIONALIZATION-PLAN3 Adding rule MINIMIZATION-PLAN Adding rule REVENGE-THEME Adding rule REVENGE-PLAN1 Adding rule FAILED-REL-GOAL-PLAN1 Adding rule BELIEF-PERS-ATTR-PLAN1 Adding rule BELIEF-PERS-ATTR-PLAN3 Adding rule KNOW-TELNO-RULE1 Adding rule KNOW-TELNO-RULE2 Adding rule NEG-ATTITUDE-INF Adding rule SOCIAL-ESTEEM-FAILURE Adding rule WELL-DRESSED-PLAN1 Adding rule WEARING-PLAN Adding rule M-PUTON-PLAN Adding rule VPROX-PLAN2 Adding rule VPROX-PLAN4 Adding rule M-PHONE-PLAN1 Adding rule M-PHONE-PLAN2 Adding rule KNOW-PLAN2 Adding rule KNOW-PLAN3 Adding rule MTRANS-PLAN1 Adding rule VPROX-REFLEXIVE-PLAN Warning: CONCRETE? is defined more than once as `operator' in file /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_kb.cl. Adding rule BELIEVE-BELIEVE-INF Defining episode... Assert #{OB.1978: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RPROX...)......)} in CX.3 Assert #{OB.1980: (INTENDS linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.3 Assert #{OB.1975: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ACTING-EMPLOY...)......)} in CX.3 Generating rule automatically. Adding rule EPISODIC-RULE.1: (RULE subgoal (RPROX actor ?var248:PERSON location ?var249:CITY) goal (ACTING-EMPLOY actor ?var248:PERSON ?var250:ORGANIZATION) is 'PLAN-ONLY plausibility 0.7) Make episode for goal #{OB.1975: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ACTING-EMPLOY...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.1: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.1......)} under #{EPISODIC-RULE.1: (RULE subgoal (RPROX actor ......) goal ......)} Defining episode... Assert #{OB.2012: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)} in CX.4 Assert #{OB.2014: (INTENDS linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.4 Assert #{OB.2010: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in CX.4 Make episode for goal #{OB.2010: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.2: (EPISODE rule AT-PLAN goal ......)} under #{AT-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (PTRANS actor ......)......)} Assert #{OB.2016: (INTENDS linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.4 Assert #{OB.2017: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in CX.4 Assert #{OB.2019: (INTENDS linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.4 Assert #{OB.2008: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} in CX.4 Generating rule automatically. Adding rule EPISODIC-RULE.2: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT actor ?var252:PERSON obj ?var253:LOCATION) (AT actor ?var254:PERSON obj ?var253:LOCATION)) goal (LOVERS actor ?var252:PERSON ?var254:PERSON) is 'PLAN-ONLY plausibility 0.7) Make episode for goal #{OB.2008: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.3: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.2......)} under #{EPISODIC-RULE.2: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} Assert #{OB.2031: (INTENDS linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.4 Assert #{OB.2002: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} in CX.4 Generating rule automatically. Adding rule EPISODIC-RULE.3: (RULE subgoal (LOVERS actor ?var252:PERSON ?var254:PERSON) goal (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ?var252:PERSON ?var255:PERSON)) conseq (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ?var252:PERSON ?var254:PERSON))) is 'PLAN-ONLY plausibility 0.7) Make episode for goal #{OB.2002: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.4: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.3......)} under #{EPISODIC-RULE.3: (RULE subgoal (LOVERS actor ......)......)} Assert #{OB.2042: (INTENDS linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.4 Assert #{OB.1997: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} in CX.4 Generating rule automatically. Adding rule EPISODIC-RULE.4: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ?var252:PERSON ?var255:PERSON)) conseq (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ?var252:PERSON ?var254:PERSON))) goal (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ?var252:PERSON ?var255:PERSON)) conseq (SUCCEEDED-GOAL)) is 'PLAN-ONLY plausibility 0.7) Make episode for goal #{OB.1997: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.5: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.4......)} under #{EPISODIC-RULE.4: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} ; Loading /home/erik/daydreamer3.5/dd_gen.cl ======================= Welcome to DAYDREAMER 3.5, Common Lisp version of 2004-12-20 ======================= DAYDREAMER 3.5, Common Lisp version of 2004-12-20 Initialize DAYDREAMER Performing first-time initialization Creating primal reality... Assert #{OB.1995: (KNOW actor CHRIS obj BAR1-LOC......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1994: (KNOW actor ME obj BAR1-LOC......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1992: (AT actor BAR1 obj BAR1-LOC......)} in CX.5 Assert #{VENICE: (CITY name "Venice Beach")} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1781: (KNOW actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1710: (EMPLOYMENT actor CARMELITA1......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1679: (AT actor RAINCOAT1 obj HOME......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1662: (AT actor CHIC-OUTFIT1 obj ......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1647: (RICH actor MOVIE-STAR1)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1646: (POS-ATTITUDE obj MOVIE-STAR1......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1503: (MOVIE-STAR actor MOVIE-STAR1......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1412: (WEARING actor ME obj (NECKLACE...)......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1350: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1349: (RPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 location ......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1348: (RPROX actor ME location LOS-ANGELES......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1347: (RPROX actor MY-JOB location ......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1346: (EMPLOYMENT actor ME MY-BOSS......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.1200: (STAR actor MOVIE-STAR1 level ......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.594: (KNOW actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.395: (KNOW actor ME obj HOME)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.394: (ADDRESS actor ME obj HOME)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.393: (AT actor ME obj HOME)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.376: (KNOW actor ME obj OUTSIDE)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.372: (AT actor MAIL1 obj OUTSIDE......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.290: (AT actor NUART-THEATER obj ......)} in CX.5 Assert #{OB.285: (ROMANTIC-INTEREST obj MOVIE-STAR1......)} in CX.5 Creating initial reality context... #{CX.5: (CX)} --> #{CX.6: (CX)} Assert #{OB.241: (ENTERTAINMENT strength 0.1......)} in CX.6 Assert #{OB.242: (LOVE-RECEIVING strength 0.1......)} in CX.6 Assert #{FOOD-NEED: (FOOD strength 1.0)} in CX.6 Assert #{MONEY-NEED: (MONEY strength 1.0)} in CX.6 Assert #{OB.245: (POSSESSIONS strength 1.0)} in CX.6 Assert #{OB.246: (SEX strength 1.0)} in CX.6 Assert #{OB.247: (LOVE-GIVING strength 1.0)} in CX.6 Assert #{OB.248: (COMPANIONSHIP strength 1.0......)} in CX.6 State changes from SUSPENDED to DAYDREAMING Run inferences in #{CX.6: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** BELIEF-PERS-ATTR-PLAN1 BELIEF-PERS-ATTR-PLAN1 fired as inference in CX.6 ------------------------------------------------------- IF person is STAR THEN person BELIEVE person is STAR ------------------------------------------------------- ?LEVEL = SOME-LEVEL ?PERSON = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2205: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.6 Assert #{OB.2207: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (STAR...)......)} in CX.6 ****************** WELL-DRESSED-PLAN2 WELL-DRESSED-PLAN2 fired as inference in CX.6 ------------------------------------------------------- IF self WEARING necklace THEN self is WELL-DRESSED ------------------------------------------------------- ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2209: (WELL-DRESSED actor ME)} in CX.6 Assert #{OB.2210: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (WEARING...)......)} in CX.6 ****************** LOVERS-THEME LOVERS-THEME fired as inference in CX.6 ------------------------------------------------------- IF self not LOVERS with anyone THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for LOVERS with some person ------------------------------------------------------- ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ****************** Activate top-level goal #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.6: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.6 ================================================== I want to be going out with someone. ================================================== Add dependency from #{OB.2214: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.9)} to #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.6: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2215: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (POS-EMOTION...)......)} in CX.6 Assert #{OB.2214: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.9)} in CX.6 ================================================== I feel really interested in going out with someone. ================================================== Personal goal concern OB.2212: LOVERS motiv 0.9 status HALTED ****************** ENTERTAINMENT-THEME ENTERTAINMENT-THEME fired as inference in CX.6 ------------------------------------------------------- IF level of satisfaction of ENTERTAINMENT need below threshold THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for ENTERTAINMENT ------------------------------------------------------- ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ****************** Activate top-level goal #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in #{CX.6: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in CX.6 ================================================== I want to be entertained. ================================================== Add dependency from #{OB.2219: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.6)} to #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in #{CX.6: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2220: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (POS-EMOTION...)......)} in CX.6 Assert #{OB.2219: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.6)} in CX.6 ================================================== I feel interested in being entertained. ================================================== Personal goal concern OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT motiv 0.6 status RUNABLE Personal goal concern OB.2212: LOVERS motiv 0.9 status HALTED Running emotion-driven control loop... :Switching to new top-level goal #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} ----------------------CX.6-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.5: (CX)} Run inferences in #{CX.6: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.6: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.6: (CX)} for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in #{CX.6: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2218: (ENTERTAINMENT strength (UPROC...)......)} in #{CX.6: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} (T (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in #{CX.6: (CX)} #{CX.6: (CX)} --> #{CX.7: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.7: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.7-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.6: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1 fired as plan for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in CX.6 sprouting CX.7 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for ENTERTAINMENT THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for M-MOVIE with self ------------------------------------------------------- ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2227: (ORDERING)} in CX.7 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} obj #{OB.2228: (M-MOVIE actor ME)} in #{CX.7: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2230: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.7 Assert #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} in CX.7 ================================================== I have to go see a movie. ================================================== End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.7: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.7: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.7: (CX)} for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.7: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2228: (M-MOVIE actor ME)} in #{CX.7: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{M-MOVIE-ALONE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} (#{OB.393: (AT actor ME obj HOME)} (LOCATION1 #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{M-MOVIE-ALONE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.7: (CX)} #{CX.7: (CX)} --> #{CX.8: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. M-MOVIE-ALONE-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.8: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.8-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2243: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.7: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** M-MOVIE-ALONE-PLAN fired as plan for #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} in CX.7 sprouting CX.8 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for M-MOVIE with self THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to PTRANS to theater and ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS MOVIE from theater to self and ACTIVE-GOAL to PTRANS back to original location ------------------------------------------------------- ?LOCATION1 = #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.2227 in CX.8 Assert #{OB.2234: (ORDERING)} in CX.8 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2235: (AT actor ?THEATER obj ?LOCATION2......)} in #{CX.8: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2237: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.8 Assert #{OB.2236: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in CX.8 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2238: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)} in #{CX.8: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2240: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.8 Assert #{OB.2239: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.8 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2241: (MTRANS actor ME from ?THEATER......)} in #{CX.8: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2244: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.8 Assert #{OB.2243: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.8 ================================================== I have to watch a movie. ================================================== Activate subgoal for #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2245: (PTRANS actor ME from ?LOCATION2......)} in #{CX.8: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2247: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.8 Assert #{OB.2246: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.8 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.8: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.8: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.8: (CX)} for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2236: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in #{CX.8: (CX)} Try fact plans #{CX.8: (CX)} --> #{CX.9: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.9: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.9-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.8: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.2234 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2251: (ORDERING)} in CX.9 Fact plan #{OB.290: (AT actor NUART-THEATER obj ......)} found (AT actor NUART-THEATER obj ......) ?LOCATION2 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?THEATER = #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")} ****************** Goal #{OB.2236: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} succeeds in #{CX.9: (CX)} Instantiating plan for OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT Retract OB.2246 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.9 Retract OB.2247 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2254: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.9 Retract OB.2243 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.9 Retract OB.2244 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2258: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.9 Retract OB.2239 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2259: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.9 Retract OB.2240 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2261: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.9 Retract OB.2236 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2262: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......))} in CX.9 Retract OB.2237 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2264: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.9 Retract OB.2262 in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2262: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in CX.9 Assert #{OB.2265: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.9 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.9: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.9: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.9: (CX)} for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2259: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2260: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} (T (FREE-OBJ #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (LOCATION2 #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")}) (LOCATION1 #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")}) (PERSON #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} for #{OB.2259: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} #{CX.9: (CX)} --> #{CX.10: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. PTRANS-PLAN Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2256: (MTRANS actor ME from NUART-THEATER......)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} (T (PHYS-OBJ #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} #{CX.9: (CX)} --> #{CX.11: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2253: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} (T (FREE-OBJ #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (LOCATION2 #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")}) (LOCATION1 #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")}) (PERSON #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} #{CX.9: (CX)} --> #{CX.12: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. PTRANS-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.12: (CX)} #{CX.11: (CX)} #{CX.10: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.10-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.9: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** PTRANS-PLAN fired as plan for #{OB.2259: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.9 sprouting CX.10 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for person to PTRANS to location THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for person to KNOW location ------------------------------------------------------- ?FREE-OBJ = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?LOCATION2 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?LOCATION1 = #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.2251 in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2269: (ORDERING)} in CX.10 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2259: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2270: (KNOW actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2272: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2271: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.10 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.2271: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.10: (CX)} Retract OB.2271 in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2286: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.10 Retract OB.2272 in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2288: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.10 Retract OB.2286 in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2286: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2289: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (KNOW...)......)} in CX.10 Subgoals of #{OB.2259: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} completed About to perform real action but not in performance mode Change status of OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT to WAITINGRun inferences in #{CX.10: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) :Taking optional object or concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.6: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input No more goals to run; switching to performance mode Change status of OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT to RUNABLEState changes from DAYDREAMING to PERFORMANCE :----------------------CX.10-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.9: (CX)} Subgoals of #{OB.2259: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform external action Perform action goal #{OB.2259: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.2259: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.10: (CX)} Retract OB.2259 in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2292: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.10 Retract OB.2288 in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2296: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.10 Retract OB.2261 in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2297: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.10 Retract OB.2292 in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2292: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)} in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2293: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)} in CX.10 ================================================== I go to the Nuart. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.10: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** AT-PLAN AT-PLAN fired as inference in CX.10 ------------------------------------------------------- IF person PTRANS from location1 to location2 THEN person AT location2 and delete person AT location1 ------------------------------------------------------- ?LOCATION2 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?LOCATION1 = #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2298: (AT actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2299: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (PTRANS...)......)} in CX.10 Inference retract #{OB.2301: (AT actor ME obj HOME)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} Leafs = (#{OB.393: (AT actor ME obj HOME)}) Retract OB.393 in CX.10 Taking optional concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.10: (CX)} Parser> Input: Harrison Ford is at the Nuart. Input received Assert #{OB.2304: (AT actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in CX.10 ================================================== Harrison Ford is at the Nuart. ================================================== Parser> End of parser input Concepts entered Run inferences in #{CX.10: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** VPROX-PLAN1 VPROX-PLAN1 fired as inference in CX.10 ------------------------------------------------------- IF AT location of person THEN VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?LOCATION = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2307: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2308: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.10 Assert #{OB.2309: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.10 Rule intersection for OB.2212: LOVERS of length 6 verified Serendipity for OB.2212: LOVERS personal goal [OB.2315: (AG. (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)) EPISODE.6] [OB.2587: (AG. (ACQUAINTED ME MOVIE-STAR1)) EPISODE.7] [OB.2616: (AG. (M-CONVERSATION ME MOVIE-STAR1)) EPISODE.8] [OB.2583: (AG. (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE ME MOVIE-STAR1)) EPISODE.9] [OB.2635: (AG. (MTRANS ME ME MOVIE-STAR1 (ACTIVE-GOAL (KNOW ME (TIME-OF-DAY))))) EPISODE.10] [OB.2643: (AG. (VPROX MOVIE-STAR1 ME)) EPISODE.11] [OB.2647: (AG. (AT MOVIE-STAR1 NUART-LOCATION))] [OB.2650: (AG. (AT ME NUART-LOCATION))] [OB.2622: (AG. (MTRANS ME ME MOVIE-STAR1 (INTRODUCTION)))] [OB.2628: (AG. (MTRANS MOVIE-STAR1 MOVIE-STAR1 ME (INTRODUCTION)))] [OB.2591: (AG. (ROMANTIC-INTEREST MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.2596: (AG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (ACTIVE-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.2603: (AG. (M-DATE ME MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.2610: (AG. (M-AGREE ME MOVIE-STAR1 obj (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)))] #{CX.10: (CX)} --> #{CX.14: (CX)} Gc plans for (#{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)}) in #{CX.14: (CX)} Generate surprise emotion Assert #{OB.2654: (POS-SURPRISE strength 0.25......)} in CX.14 ================================================== What do you know! ================================================== Divert strength of #{OB.2654: (POS-SURPRISE strength 0.25......)} to #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} Null out charge of #{OB.2654: (POS-SURPRISE strength 0.25......)} Personal goal concern OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT motiv 0.6 status RUNABLE Personal goal concern OB.2212: LOVERS motiv 1.15 status HALTED Change status of OB.2212: LOVERS to RUNABLERunning p-goals in #{CX.10: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.10: (CX)} for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2256: (MTRANS actor ME from NUART-THEATER......)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} (T (PHYS-OBJ #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} #{CX.10: (CX)} --> #{CX.15: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2253: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} (T (FREE-OBJ #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (LOCATION2 #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")}) (LOCATION1 #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")}) (PERSON #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} #{CX.10: (CX)} --> #{CX.16: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. PTRANS-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.16: (CX)} #{CX.15: (CX)} #{CX.14: (CX)}) :Switching to new top-level goal #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} ----------------------CX.14-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2654: (POS-SURPRISE strength 0.0)} in #{CX.10: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2654: (POS-SURPRISE strength 0.0)} in #{CX.9: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2654: (POS-SURPRISE strength 0.0)} in #{CX.8: (CX)} Run inferences in #{CX.14: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.14: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.14: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.14: (CX)} Try existing analogical plans Run analogical plan for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.14: (CX)} #{CX.14: (CX)} --> #{CX.17: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. LOVERS-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.17: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.17-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2679: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in #{CX.14: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.2269 in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2676: (ORDERING)} in CX.17 Target-bd: ?MALE-PERSON = #{OB.714: ?OTHER:PERSON} ?OTHER = #{OB.686: ?MALE-PERSON:MALE-PERSON} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiating plan for OB.2212: LOVERS Replace obj of #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} with (T (MALE-PERSON #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)})) Apply suggested episode EPISODE.6 ****************** LOVERS-PLAN fired as analogical plan for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.14 sprouting CX.17 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for LOVERS with person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for ACQUAINTED with person and ACTIVE-GOAL for ROMANTIC-INTEREST in person and ACTIVE-GOAL for person to have ACTIVE-GOAL of LOVERS with self and ACTIVE-GOAL for M-DATE with self and person and ACTIVE-GOAL for self and person to M-AGREE to LOVERS ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?MALE-PERSON = #{OB.714: ?OTHER:PERSON} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2678: (ACQUAINTED actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2680: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2679: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in CX.17 ================================================== Harrison Ford and I have to be acquainted. ================================================== Activate subgoal for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2683: (ROMANTIC-INTEREST obj MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.2685: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2684: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ROMANTIC-INTEREST...)......)} in CX.17 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2686: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.2690: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2689: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.17 ================================================== He has to want to be going out with me. ================================================== Activate subgoal for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2691: (M-DATE actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.2693: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} in CX.17 ================================================== He and I have to go out on a date. ================================================== Activate subgoal for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2694: (M-AGREE actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.2697: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2696: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in CX.17 ================================================== He and I have to agree to be going out with him. ================================================== End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.2684: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ROMANTIC-INTEREST...)......)} succeeds in #{CX.17: (CX)} Retract OB.2684 in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2698: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ROMANTIC-INTEREST...)......)} in CX.17 Retract OB.2685 in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2700: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.17 Retract OB.2698 in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2698: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ROMANTIC-INTEREST...)......)} in CX.17 Assert #{OB.2701: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (ROMANTIC-INTEREST...)......)} in CX.17 Run inferences in #{CX.17: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.17: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.17: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2689: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2686: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{LOVERS-THEME-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ROMANTIC-INTEREST...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2689: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} #{CX.17: (CX)} --> #{CX.18: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. LOVERS-THEME-PLAN Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2679: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} Try existing analogical plans Run analogical plan for #{OB.2679: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} #{CX.17: (CX)} --> #{CX.19: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ACQUAINTED-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.19: (CX)} #{CX.18: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.18-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.17: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** LOVERS-THEME-PLAN fired as backward vicarious plan for #{OB.2689: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.17 sprouting CX.18 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for self to have ACTIVE-GOAL of LOVERS with person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for ROMANTIC-INTEREST in person and ACTIVE-GOAL for not LOVERS with anyone ------------------------------------------------------- ?FEMALE-PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} Retract OB.2676 in CX.18 Assert #{OB.2705: (ORDERING)} in CX.18 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2689: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2707: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.18: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2709: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.18 Assert #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.18 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2689: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2712: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.18: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2714: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.18 Assert #{OB.2713: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.18 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.18: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.18: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.18: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.18: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2707: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.18: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ATTRACTIVE...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.18: (CX)} #{CX.18: (CX)} --> #{CX.20: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2679: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in #{CX.18: (CX)} Try existing analogical plans Run analogical plan for #{OB.2679: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in #{CX.18: (CX)} #{CX.18: (CX)} --> #{CX.21: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ACQUAINTED-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.21: (CX)} #{CX.20: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.21-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in #{CX.18: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in #{CX.17: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.2705 in CX.21 Assert #{OB.2733: (ORDERING)} in CX.21 Target-bd: ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Apply suggested episode EPISODE.7 ****************** ACQUAINTED-PLAN fired as analogical plan for #{OB.2679: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in CX.18 sprouting CX.21 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to be ACQUAINTED with person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for M-CONVERSATION with person ------------------------------------------------------- ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2679: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} obj #{OB.2734: (M-CONVERSATION actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.21: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2736: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.21 Assert #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in CX.21 ================================================== I have to have a conversation with him. ================================================== End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.21: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.21: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.21: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in #{CX.21: (CX)} Try existing analogical plans Run analogical plan for #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in #{CX.21: (CX)} #{CX.21: (CX)} --> #{CX.22: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. M-CONVERSATION-PLAN Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.21: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2707: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.21: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ATTRACTIVE...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.21: (CX)} #{CX.21: (CX)} --> #{CX.23: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.23: (CX)} #{CX.22: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.22-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2742: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in #{CX.21: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.2733 in CX.22 Assert #{OB.2740: (ORDERING)} in CX.22 Target-bd: ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Apply suggested episode EPISODE.8 ****************** M-CONVERSATION-PLAN fired as analogical plan for #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in CX.21 sprouting CX.22 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for M-CONVERSATION between person1 and person2 THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE between person1 and person2 and ACTIVE-GOAL for person1 to MTRANS INTRODUCTION to person2 and person2 to MTRANS INTRODUCTION to person1 ------------------------------------------------------- ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} obj #{OB.2741: (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE actor ME......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2743: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.22 Assert #{OB.2742: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in CX.22 ================================================== I have to break the ice with him. ================================================== Activate subgoal for #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} obj #{OB.2744: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.2747: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.22 Assert #{OB.2746: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.22 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} obj #{OB.2748: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.2751: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.22 Assert #{OB.2750: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.22 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.22: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.22: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.22: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2742: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} Try existing analogical plans Run analogical plan for #{OB.2742: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} #{CX.22: (CX)} --> #{CX.24: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE-INF2 Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2707: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ATTRACTIVE...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} #{CX.22: (CX)} --> #{CX.25: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.25: (CX)} #{CX.24: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.24-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.22: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.2740 in CX.24 Assert #{OB.2765: (ORDERING)} in CX.24 Target-bd: ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Apply suggested episode EPISODE.9 ****************** MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE-INF2 fired as analogical plan for #{OB.2742: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in CX.22 sprouting CX.24 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE between self and person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for self to MTRANS to person that self has ACTIVE-GOAL to KNOW the time ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2742: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} obj #{OB.2766: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.24: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2771: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.24 Assert #{OB.2770: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.24 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.24: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.24: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.24: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2770: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.24: (CX)} Try existing analogical plans Run analogical plan for #{OB.2770: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.24: (CX)} #{CX.24: (CX)} --> #{CX.26: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.24: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2707: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.24: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ATTRACTIVE...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.24: (CX)} #{CX.24: (CX)} --> #{CX.27: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.27: (CX)} #{CX.26: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.26-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.24: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.2765 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2785: (ORDERING)} in CX.26 Target-bd: ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.2767: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.2637: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Apply suggested episode EPISODE.10 ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as analogical plan for #{OB.2770: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.24 sprouting CX.26 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.2767: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2770: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2786: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2788: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2787: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.26 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.2787: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.26: (CX)} Retract OB.2787 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2799: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.26 Retract OB.2788 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2801: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.26 Retract OB.2799 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2799: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2802: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.26 Subgoals of #{OB.2770: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform external action Perform action goal #{OB.2770: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.2770: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.26: (CX)} Retract OB.2770 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2803: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.26 Retract OB.2801 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2808: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.26 Retract OB.2771 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2809: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.26 Retract OB.2803 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2803: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2804: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in CX.26 ================================================== I tell him I would like to know the time. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.26: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** NEG-ATTITUDE-INF NEG-ATTITUDE-INF fired as inference in CX.26 ------------------------------------------------------- IF person is RICH and self is AT same location as person and self not WELL-DRESSED THEN person has NEG-ATTITUDE toward self ------------------------------------------------------- ?ANYTHING = #{OB.2805: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} ?LOCATION = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2810: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.26 ================================================== He does not think much of me. ================================================== Assert #{OB.2812: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (RICH...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2813: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2814: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2815: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2816: (NOT obj (WELL-DRESSED actor ......)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2818: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (NOT...)......)} in CX.26 ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN1 BELIEVE-PLAN1 fired as inference in CX.26 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS mental state to person THEN person BELIEVE self mental state ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.2805: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2820: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2822: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.26 ****************** MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE-INF2 MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE-INF2 fired as inference in CX.26 ------------------------------------------------------- IF self MTRANS to person that self has ACTIVE-GOAL to KNOW the time THEN MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE between self and person ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2824: (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE actor ME......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2825: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.26 ****************** SOCIAL-ESTEEM-FAILURE SOCIAL-ESTEEM-FAILURE fired as inference in CX.26 ------------------------------------------------------- IF person has NEG-ATTITUDE toward self and self has ROMANTIC-INTEREST toward person THEN FAILED-GOAL of SOCIAL-ESTEEM goal for person to have POS-ATTITUDE toward self ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2829: (FAILED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.26 ================================================== I fail at him liking me. ================================================== Assert #{OB.2832: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2833: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (ROMANTIC-INTEREST...)......)} in CX.26 Personal goal outcome #{OB.2829: (FAILED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Emotional responses for #{OB.2829: (FAILED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.2829: (FAILED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} to #{OB.2835: (NEG-EMOTION)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2836: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (FAILED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2835: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.95)} in CX.26 ================================================== I feel really embarrassed. ================================================== ****************** RATIONALIZATION-THEME RATIONALIZATION-THEME fired as inference in CX.26 ------------------------------------------------------- IF NEG-EMOTION of sufficient strength resulting from a FAILED-GOAL THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for RATIONALIZATION of failure ------------------------------------------------------- ?NEG-EMOTION = #{OB.2835: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.95)} ?FAILED-GOAL = #{OB.2829: (FAILED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ****************** Activate top-level goal #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.26 Add dependency from #{OB.2835: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.95)} to #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2840: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (NEG-EMOTION...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2835: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.95)} in CX.26 Assert: #{OB.2835: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.95)} already true in #{CX.26: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.2842: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.06)} to #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2843: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (NEG-EMOTION...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2842: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.06)} in CX.26 #{CX.26: (CX)} --> #{CX.28: (CX)} Daydreaming goal concern OB.2838: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.01 status RUNABLE Personal goal concern OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT motiv 0.6 status RUNABLE Personal goal concern OB.2212: LOVERS motiv 1.15 status RUNABLE Taking optional concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.26: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input ****************** Goal #{OB.2742: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} succeeds in #{CX.26: (CX)} Retract OB.2742 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2852: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in CX.26 Retract OB.2809 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2854: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.26 Retract OB.2743 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2855: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.26 Retract OB.2852 in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2852: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in CX.26 Assert #{OB.2856: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in CX.26 Subgoals of #{OB.2852: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} completed Run inferences in #{CX.26: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.26: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.26: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2746: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2744: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.2745: (INTRODUCTION)}) (PERSON2 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (PERSON1 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.2746: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} #{CX.26: (CX)} --> #{CX.29: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2707: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ATTRACTIVE...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} #{CX.26: (CX)} --> #{CX.30: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.30: (CX)} #{CX.29: (CX)} #{CX.28: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.29-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.26: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.2746: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.26 sprouting CX.29 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.2745: (INTRODUCTION)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.2785 in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2862: (ORDERING)} in CX.29 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2746: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2863: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.29: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2865: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2864: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.29 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.2864: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.29: (CX)} Retract OB.2864 in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2876: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.29 Retract OB.2865 in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2878: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.29 Retract OB.2876 in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2876: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2879: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.29 Subgoals of #{OB.2746: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform external action Perform action goal #{OB.2746: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.29: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.2746: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.29: (CX)} Retract OB.2746 in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2880: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.29 Retract OB.2878 in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2883: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.29 Retract OB.2747 in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2884: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.29 Retract OB.2880 in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2880: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2881: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in CX.29 ================================================== I introduce myself to him. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.29: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN1 BELIEVE-PLAN1 fired as inference in CX.29 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS mental state to person THEN person BELIEVE self mental state ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.2882: (INTRODUCTION)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2889: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.29 Assert #{OB.2891: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.29 Taking optional concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.29: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input Running p-goals in #{CX.29: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.29: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2750: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.29: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2748: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in #{CX.29: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.2749: (INTRODUCTION)}) (PERSON2 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (PERSON1 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.2750: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.29: (CX)} #{CX.29: (CX)} --> #{CX.31: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.29: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2707: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.29: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ATTRACTIVE...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.29: (CX)} #{CX.29: (CX)} --> #{CX.32: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.32: (CX)} #{CX.31: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.31-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.29: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.2750: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.29 sprouting CX.31 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.2749: (INTRODUCTION)} ?PERSON2 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.2862 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2900: (ORDERING)} in CX.31 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2750: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2901: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.31: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2903: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2902: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.31 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.2902: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.31: (CX)} Retract OB.2902 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2914: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2903 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2916: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2914 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2914: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2917: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.31 Subgoals of #{OB.2750: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform other action #{OB.2750: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.31: (CX)} Enter concepts in #{CX.31: (CX)} Parser> Input: He introduces himself to me. Input received Assert #{OB.2918: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in CX.31 ================================================== He introduces himself to me. ================================================== Parser> End of parser input ****************** Goal #{OB.2750: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.31: (CX)} Retract OB.2750 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2919: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2916 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2922: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2751 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2923: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2919 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2919: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2924: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.31 Run inferences in #{CX.31: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN1 BELIEVE-PLAN1 fired as inference in CX.31 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS mental state to person THEN person BELIEVE self mental state ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.296: (INTRODUCTION)} ?PERSON2 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2929: (BELIEVE actor ME obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2931: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.31 ****************** M-CONVERSATION-PLAN M-CONVERSATION-PLAN fired as inference in CX.31 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE between person1 and person2 and person1 MTRANS INTRODUCTION to person1 and person2 MTRANS INTRODUCTION to person1 THEN M-CONVERSATION between person1 and person2 ------------------------------------------------------- ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2934: (M-CONVERSATION actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2935: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2936: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2937: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.31 ****************** ACQUAINTED-PLAN ACQUAINTED-PLAN fired as inference in CX.31 ------------------------------------------------------- IF M-CONVERSATION with person THEN ACQUAINTED with person ------------------------------------------------------- ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.2939: (ACQUAINTED actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2940: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in CX.31 ****************** Goal #{OB.2735: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} succeeds in #{CX.31: (CX)} Retract OB.2735 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2950: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2855 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2952: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2884 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2953: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2923 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2954: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2736 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2955: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2950 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2950: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2956: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} in CX.31 Subgoals of #{OB.2950: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (M-CONVERSATION...)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.2679: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} succeeds in #{CX.31: (CX)} Retract OB.2679 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2957: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2955 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2959: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2680 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2960: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.31 Retract OB.2957 in CX.31 Assert #{OB.2957: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in CX.31 ================================================== I succeed at him and me being acquainted. ================================================== Assert #{OB.2961: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (ACQUAINTED...)......)} in CX.31 Subgoals of #{OB.2957: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ACQUAINTED...)......)} completed Run inferences in #{CX.31: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.31: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.31: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.31: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2707: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.31: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ATTRACTIVE...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.31: (CX)} #{CX.31: (CX)} --> #{CX.33: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.33: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.33-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.31: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** ROMANTIC-INTEREST-PLAN1 fired as backward vicarious plan for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.31 sprouting CX.33 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to have ROMANTIC-INTEREST in person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to have POS-ATTITUDE toward person and person to be ATTRACTIVE ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} Retract OB.2900 in CX.33 Assert #{OB.2971: (ORDERING)} in CX.33 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2973: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.33: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2975: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.33 Assert #{OB.2974: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.33 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.2977: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.33: (CX)} Assert #{OB.2979: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.33 Assert #{OB.2978: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.33 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.33: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.33: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.33: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2974: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.33: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2973: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.33: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Try subgoal relaxation #{CX.33: (CX)} --> #{CX.34: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.34: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.34-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2973: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.33: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2973: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.31: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2973: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.29: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2973: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.26: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2973: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.24: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2973: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.22: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.2971 in CX.34 Assert #{OB.2989: (ORDERING)} in CX.34 Subgoal relaxation, #{OB.2974: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds Assert #{OB.2973: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.34 ================================================== Maybe he thinks I am cute. ================================================== ****************** Goal #{OB.2974: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.34: (CX)} Retract OB.2974 in CX.34 Assert #{OB.2990: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.34 Retract OB.2975 in CX.34 Assert #{OB.2993: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.34 Retract OB.2990 in CX.34 Assert #{OB.2990: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.34 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.34: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.34: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.34: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2978: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.34: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2977: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.34: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{POS-ATTITUDE-PLAN3: (RULE subgoal (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} for #{OB.2978: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.34: (CX)} #{CX.34: (CX)} --> #{CX.35: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. POS-ATTITUDE-PLAN3 Debugging resumed. Run generic plan #{POS-ATTITUDE-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} for #{OB.2978: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.34: (CX)} #{CX.34: (CX)} --> #{CX.36: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. POS-ATTITUDE-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.36: (CX)} #{CX.35: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.36-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.34: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** POS-ATTITUDE-PLAN2 fired as backward vicarious plan for #{OB.2978: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.34 sprouting CX.36 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to have POS-ATTITUDE toward person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for person to have POS-ATTITUDE toward self MOVIES ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} Retract OB.2989 in CX.36 Assert #{OB.3011: (ORDERING)} in CX.36 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2978: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3015: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.36: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3017: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.36 Assert #{OB.3016: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.36 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.36: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.36: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.36: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3016: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.36: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3015: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.36: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{BELIEVE-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (MTRANS actor ......)......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.3013: (POS-ATTITUDE obj (MOVIES obj ......)......)}) (PERSON1 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (PERSON2 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{BELIEVE-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (MTRANS actor ......)......)} for #{OB.3016: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.36: (CX)} #{CX.36: (CX)} --> #{CX.37: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. BELIEVE-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.37: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.37-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.36: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN1 fired as plan for #{OB.3016: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.36 sprouting CX.37 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for person to BELIEVE self mental state THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.3013: (POS-ATTITUDE obj (MOVIES obj ......)......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3011 in CX.37 Assert #{OB.3027: (ORDERING)} in CX.37 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3016: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3028: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.37: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3030: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.37 Assert #{OB.3029: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.37 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.37: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.37: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.37: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3029: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.37: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3028: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.37: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.3013: (POS-ATTITUDE obj (MOVIES obj ......)......)}) (PERSON2 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (PERSON1 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.3029: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.37: (CX)} #{CX.37: (CX)} --> #{CX.38: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.38: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.38-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.37: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.3029: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.37 sprouting CX.38 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.3013: (POS-ATTITUDE obj (MOVIES obj ......)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3027 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3040: (ORDERING)} in CX.38 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3029: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3041: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3043: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3042: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.38 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.3042: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.38: (CX)} Retract OB.3042 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3044: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3043 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3046: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3044 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3044: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3047: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.38 Subgoals of #{OB.3029: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform external action Perform action goal #{OB.3029: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.3029: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.38: (CX)} Retract OB.3029 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3048: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3046 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3051: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3030 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3052: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3048 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3048: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3049: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in CX.38 ================================================== I tell him I like his movies. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.38: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN1 BELIEVE-PLAN1 fired as inference in CX.38 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS mental state to person THEN person BELIEVE self mental state ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.3050: (POS-ATTITUDE obj (MOVIES obj ......)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.3059: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3061: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.38 Taking optional concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.38: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input ****************** Goal #{OB.3016: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.38: (CX)} Retract OB.3016 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3073: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3052 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3077: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3017 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3078: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3073 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3073: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3079: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.38 Subgoals of #{OB.3073: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} completed Subgoals of #{OB.2978: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.2978: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.38: (CX)} Retract OB.2978 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3080: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3078 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3083: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.2979 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3084: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3080 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3080: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.38 Personal goal outcome #{OB.3080: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} Emotional responses for #{OB.3080: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.3080: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} to #{OB.3085: (POS-EMOTION)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3086: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3085: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.75)} in CX.38 ================================================== I feel really poised. ================================================== Assert #{OB.3081: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.38 ================================================== He likes me. ================================================== Subgoals of #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.2708: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.38: (CX)} Retract OB.2708 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3088: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.2993 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3091: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3084 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3092: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.2709 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3093: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Retract OB.3088 in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3088: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.38 Personal goal outcome #{OB.3088: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} Emotional responses for #{OB.3088: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.3088: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} to #{OB.3094: (POS-EMOTION)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3095: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.38 Assert #{OB.3094: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.42749998......)} in CX.38 ================================================== I feel poised. ================================================== Assert #{OB.3089: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.38 ================================================== He is interested in me. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.38: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.38: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.38: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2713: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2712: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Try subgoal relaxation #{CX.38: (CX)} --> #{CX.39: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.39: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.39-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2712: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.38: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2712: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.37: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2712: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.36: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.2712: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.34: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3040 in CX.39 Assert #{OB.3108: (ORDERING)} in CX.39 Subgoal relaxation, #{OB.2713: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds Assert #{OB.2712: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.39 ================================================== Maybe he is not going out with anyone. ================================================== ****************** Goal #{OB.2713: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.39: (CX)} Retract OB.2713 in CX.39 Assert #{OB.3110: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.39 Retract OB.2714 in CX.39 Assert #{OB.3114: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.39 Retract OB.3110 in CX.39 Assert #{OB.3110: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.39 End of delayed broadcast. Subgoals of #{OB.2689: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.2689: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.39: (CX)} Retract OB.2689 in CX.39 Assert #{OB.3115: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.39 Retract OB.3093 in CX.39 Assert #{OB.3119: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.39 Retract OB.3114 in CX.39 Assert #{OB.3120: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.39 Retract OB.2690 in CX.39 Assert #{OB.3121: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.39 Retract OB.3115 in CX.39 Assert #{OB.3115: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.39 ================================================== I succeed at him wanting to be going out with me. ================================================== Assert #{OB.3116: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.39 ================================================== He wants to be going out with me. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.39: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.39: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.39: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.39: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2691: (M-DATE actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.39: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{M-DATE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (M-AGREE...) ......)......)} (T (OTHER #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{M-DATE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (M-AGREE...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.39: (CX)} #{CX.39: (CX)} --> #{CX.40: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. M-DATE-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.40: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.40-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3136: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.39: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** M-DATE-PLAN fired as plan for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} in CX.39 sprouting CX.40 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for M-DATE with self and person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for self and person to M-AGREE to M-RESTAURANT with self and person and ACTIVE-GOAL for self and person to ENABLE-FUTURE-VPROX and ACTIVE-GOAL for it to be FRIDAY-NIGHT and ACTIVE-GOAL for self to be AT location of person and ACTIVE-GOAL for M-RESTAURANT with self and person and ACTIVE-GOAL for self and person to be AT initial location of person and ACTIVE-GOAL for self and person to M-KISS and ACTIVE-GOAL for self to be AT initial location of self ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3108 in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3133: (ORDERING)} in CX.40 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3134: (M-AGREE actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3137: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3136: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in CX.40 ================================================== He and I have to agree to have dinner with him at a restaurant. ================================================== Activate subgoal for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3138: (ENABLE-FUTURE-VPROX actor ......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3140: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3139: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENABLE-FUTURE-VPROX...)......)} in CX.40 ================================================== He and I have to be able to contact each other. ================================================== Activate subgoal for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3141: (FRIDAY-NIGHT)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3143: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3142: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (FRIDAY-NIGHT...)......)} in CX.40 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3144: (AT actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ?LOCATION2......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3146: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3145: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in CX.40 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3147: (AT actor ME obj ?LOCATION2......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3149: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3148: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in CX.40 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3150: (M-RESTAURANT actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3152: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3151: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-RESTAURANT...)......)} in CX.40 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3153: (LATER obj (AT actor MOVIE-STAR1......)......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3156: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3155: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LATER obj ......)......)} in CX.40 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3157: (LATER obj (AT actor ME obj ......)......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3160: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3159: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LATER obj ......)......)} in CX.40 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3161: (M-KISS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3163: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.40 Assert #{OB.3162: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-KISS actor ......)......)} in CX.40 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.40: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.40: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.40: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3136: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3134: (M-AGREE actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{M-AGREE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (MTRANS...) ......)......)} (T (MUTUAL-OBJ #{OB.3135: (M-RESTAURANT actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)}) (OTHER #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{M-AGREE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (MTRANS...) ......)......)} for #{OB.3136: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} #{CX.40: (CX)} --> #{CX.41: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. M-AGREE-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.41: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.41-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.40: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** M-AGREE-PLAN fired as plan for #{OB.3136: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in CX.40 sprouting CX.41 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for self and person to M-AGREE to thing THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for self to MTRANS to person that self has ACTIVE-GOAL for that something and ACTIVE-GOAL for person to MTRANS to self that person have ACTIVE-GOAL for thing ------------------------------------------------------- ?MUTUAL-OBJ = #{OB.3135: (M-RESTAURANT actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3133 in CX.41 Assert #{OB.3175: (ORDERING)} in CX.41 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3136: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3176: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.41: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3180: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.41 Assert #{OB.3179: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.41 Activate subgoal for #{OB.3136: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3181: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in #{CX.41: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3185: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.41 Assert #{OB.3184: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.41 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.41: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.41: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.41: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3179: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.41: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3176: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.41: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.3177: (BELIEVE actor ME obj (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)}) (PERSON2 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (PERSON1 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.3179: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.41: (CX)} #{CX.41: (CX)} --> #{CX.42: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.42: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.42-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.41: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.3179: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.41 sprouting CX.42 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.3177: (BELIEVE actor ME obj (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3175 in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3197: (ORDERING)} in CX.42 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3179: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3198: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.42: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3200: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3199: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.42 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.3199: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.42: (CX)} Retract OB.3199 in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3201: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.42 Retract OB.3200 in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3203: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.42 Retract OB.3201 in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3201: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3204: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.42 Subgoals of #{OB.3179: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform external action Perform action goal #{OB.3179: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.42: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.3179: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.42: (CX)} Retract OB.3179 in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3205: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.42 Retract OB.3203 in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3210: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.42 Retract OB.3180 in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3211: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.42 Retract OB.3205 in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3205: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3206: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in CX.42 ================================================== I tell him I would like to have dinner with him at a restaurant. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.42: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN1 BELIEVE-PLAN1 fired as inference in CX.42 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS mental state to person THEN person BELIEVE self mental state ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.3207: (BELIEVE actor ME obj (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.3220: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.42 Assert #{OB.3222: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.42 Taking optional concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.42: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input Running p-goals in #{CX.42: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.42: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3184: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.42: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3181: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in #{CX.42: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.3182: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)}) (PERSON2 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (PERSON1 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.3184: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.42: (CX)} #{CX.42: (CX)} --> #{CX.43: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.43: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.43-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.42: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.3184: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.42 sprouting CX.43 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.3182: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} ?PERSON2 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3197 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3237: (ORDERING)} in CX.43 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3184: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3238: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.43: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3240: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3239: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.43 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.3239: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.43: (CX)} Retract OB.3239 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3241: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.43 Retract OB.3240 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3243: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.43 Retract OB.3241 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3241: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3244: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.43 Subgoals of #{OB.3184: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform other action #{OB.3184: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.43: (CX)} Enter concepts in #{CX.43: (CX)} Parser> Input: He declines. Input received Assert #{OB.3245: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in CX.43 ================================================== He declines. ================================================== Parser> End of parser input ****************** Goal #{OB.3184: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.43: (CX)} Retract OB.3241 in CX.43 Retract OB.3243 in CX.43 Retract OB.3184 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3246: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.43 Retract OB.3185 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3251: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.43 Retract OB.3246 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3246: (FAILED-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3252: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.43 Run inferences in #{CX.43: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN2 BELIEVE-PLAN2 fired as inference in CX.43 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS NOT mental state to person THEN person BELIEVE self NOT mental state ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.308: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} ?PERSON2 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.3261: (BELIEVE actor ME obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3264: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.43 Subgoal of #{OB.3136: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} failed ****************** Goal #{OB.3136: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.43: (CX)} Retract OB.3246 in CX.43 Retract OB.3201 in CX.43 Retract OB.3210 in CX.43 Retract OB.3205 in CX.43 Retract OB.3211 in CX.43 Retract OB.3251 in CX.43 Retract OB.3136 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3280: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in CX.43 Retract OB.3137 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3283: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.43 Retract OB.3280 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3280: (FAILED-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in CX.43 ================================================== I fail at him and me agreeing to have dinner with him at a restaurant. ================================================== Subgoal of #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} failed ****************** Goal #{OB.2692: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.43: (CX)} Retract OB.3280 in CX.43 Retract OB.3162 in CX.43 Retract OB.3159 in CX.43 Retract OB.3155 in CX.43 Retract OB.3151 in CX.43 Retract OB.3148 in CX.43 Retract OB.3145 in CX.43 Retract OB.3142 in CX.43 Retract OB.3139 in CX.43 Retract OB.3140 in CX.43 Retract OB.3143 in CX.43 Retract OB.3146 in CX.43 Retract OB.3149 in CX.43 Retract OB.3152 in CX.43 Retract OB.3156 in CX.43 Retract OB.3160 in CX.43 Retract OB.3163 in CX.43 Retract OB.3283 in CX.43 Retract OB.2692 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3284: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} in CX.43 Retract OB.2693 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3286: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.43 Retract OB.3284 in CX.43 Assert #{OB.3284: (FAILED-GOAL obj (M-DATE actor ......)......)} in CX.43 ================================================== I fail at him and me going out on a date. ================================================== Subgoal of #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} failed ****************** Goal #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.43: (CX)} Run inferences in #{CX.43: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.43: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.43: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2696: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.43: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2694: (M-AGREE actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.43: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{M-AGREE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (MTRANS...) ......)......)} (T (MUTUAL-OBJ #{OB.2695: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)}) (OTHER #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{M-AGREE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (MTRANS...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2696: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.43: (CX)} #{CX.43: (CX)} --> #{CX.44: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. M-AGREE-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.44: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.44-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.43: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** M-AGREE-PLAN fired as plan for #{OB.2696: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in CX.43 sprouting CX.44 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for self and person to M-AGREE to thing THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for self to MTRANS to person that self has ACTIVE-GOAL for that something and ACTIVE-GOAL for person to MTRANS to self that person have ACTIVE-GOAL for thing ------------------------------------------------------- ?MUTUAL-OBJ = #{OB.2695: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3237 in CX.44 Assert #{OB.3301: (ORDERING)} in CX.44 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2696: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3302: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.44: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3306: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.44 Assert #{OB.3305: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.44 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2696: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3307: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in #{CX.44: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3311: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.44 Assert #{OB.3310: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.44 End of delayed broadcast. Subgoal of #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} failed ****************** Goal #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.44: (CX)} Run inferences in #{CX.44: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.44: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.44: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3305: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.44: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3302: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.44: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.3303: (BELIEVE actor ME obj (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)}) (PERSON2 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (PERSON1 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.3305: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.44: (CX)} #{CX.44: (CX)} --> #{CX.45: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.45: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.45-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.44: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.3305: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.44 sprouting CX.45 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.3303: (BELIEVE actor ME obj (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3301 in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3326: (ORDERING)} in CX.45 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3305: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3327: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.45: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3329: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3328: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.45 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.3328: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.45: (CX)} Retract OB.3328 in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3330: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.45 Retract OB.3329 in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3332: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.45 Retract OB.3330 in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3330: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3333: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.45 Subgoal of #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} failed ****************** Goal #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.45: (CX)} Subgoals of #{OB.3305: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform external action Perform action goal #{OB.3305: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.45: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.3305: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.45: (CX)} Retract OB.3305 in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3334: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.45 Retract OB.3332 in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3339: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.45 Retract OB.3306 in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3340: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.45 Retract OB.3334 in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3334: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3335: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in CX.45 ================================================== I ask him out. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.45: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN1 BELIEVE-PLAN1 fired as inference in CX.45 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS mental state to person THEN person BELIEVE self mental state ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.3336: (BELIEVE actor ME obj (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.3351: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.45 Assert #{OB.3353: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.45 Taking optional concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.45: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input Running p-goals in #{CX.45: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.45: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3310: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.45: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3307: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in #{CX.45: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.3308: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)}) (PERSON2 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (PERSON1 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.3310: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.45: (CX)} #{CX.45: (CX)} --> #{CX.46: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.46: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.46-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.45: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.3310: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.45 sprouting CX.46 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.3308: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} ?PERSON2 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3326 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3371: (ORDERING)} in CX.46 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3310: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3372: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.46: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3374: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3373: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.46 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.3373: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.46: (CX)} Retract OB.3373 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3375: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.46 Retract OB.3374 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3377: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.46 Retract OB.3375 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3375: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3378: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.46 Subgoal of #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} failed ****************** Goal #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.46: (CX)} Subgoals of #{OB.3310: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform other action #{OB.3310: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.46: (CX)} Enter concepts in #{CX.46: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input ****************** Goal #{OB.3310: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.46: (CX)} Retract OB.3375 in CX.46 Retract OB.3377 in CX.46 Retract OB.3310 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3379: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.46 Retract OB.3311 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3384: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.46 Retract OB.3379 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3379: (FAILED-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.46 Run inferences in #{CX.46: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Subgoal of #{OB.2696: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} failed ****************** Goal #{OB.2696: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.46: (CX)} Retract OB.3379 in CX.46 Retract OB.3330 in CX.46 Retract OB.3339 in CX.46 Retract OB.3334 in CX.46 Retract OB.3340 in CX.46 Retract OB.3384 in CX.46 Retract OB.2696 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3400: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in CX.46 Retract OB.2697 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3403: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.46 Retract OB.3400 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3400: (FAILED-GOAL obj (M-AGREE actor ......)......)} in CX.46 ================================================== I fail at him and me agreeing to be going out with him. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.46: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.46: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.46: (CX)} for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Pruning possibilities from NIL Attempting to backtrack for top-level goal #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.46: (CX)} Top-level goal #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} fails: all possibilities exhausted All possibilities failed for #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.46: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.2212: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} fails in #{CX.46: (CX)} Retract OB.2212 in CX.46 Assert #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.46 ================================================== I fail at going out with him. ================================================== Terminating planning for top-level goal #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} Leaf context #{CX.46: (CX)} [OB.2212: (FG. (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.2957: (SG. (ACQUAINTED ME MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.2950: (SG. (M-CONVERSATION ME MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.2852: (SG. (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE ME MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.2803: (SG. (MTRANS ME ME MOVIE-STAR1 (ACTIVE-GOAL (KNOW ME (TIME-OF-DAY)))))] [OB.2799: (SG. (VPROX MOVIE-STAR1 ME))] [OB.2880: (SG. (MTRANS ME ME MOVIE-STAR1 (INTRODUCTION)))] [OB.2876: (SG. (VPROX MOVIE-STAR1 ME))] [OB.2919: (SG. (MTRANS MOVIE-STAR1 MOVIE-STAR1 ME (INTRODUCTION)))] [OB.2914: (SG. (VPROX ME MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.2698: (SG. (ROMANTIC-INTEREST MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.3115: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (ACTIVE-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.3088: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (ROMANTIC-INTEREST ME)))] [OB.2990: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (ATTRACTIVE ME)))] [OB.3080: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (POS-ATTITUDE ME)))] [OB.3073: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (BELIEVE ME (POS-ATTITUDE (MOVIES MOVIE-STAR1)))))] [OB.3048: (SG. (MTRANS ME ME MOVIE-STAR1 (POS-ATTITUDE (MOVIES MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.3044: (SG. (VPROX MOVIE-STAR1 ME))] [OB.3110: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (NOT (LOVERS MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.3284: (FG. (M-DATE ME MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.3400: (FG. (M-AGREE ME MOVIE-STAR1 obj (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)))] Daydreaming goal concern OB.2838: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.01 status RUNABLE Personal goal concern OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT motiv 0.6 status RUNABLE Removing motivating emotions of #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.46: (CX)} Retract OB.2215 in CX.46 Retract OB.2214 in CX.46 Emotional responses for #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.46: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} to #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION to MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.46: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3422: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (FAILED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.46 Assert #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.15 to ......)} in CX.46 ================================================== I feel really angry at him. ================================================== Assert #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.46 Assert: #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} already true in #{CX.46: (CX)} #{CX.46: (CX)} --> #{CX.47: (CX)} Retract OB.3400 in CX.47 Retract OB.3284 in CX.47 Retract OB.3110 in CX.47 Retract OB.3044 in CX.47 Retract OB.3051 in CX.47 Retract OB.3048 in CX.47 Retract OB.3077 in CX.47 Retract OB.3073 in CX.47 Retract OB.3083 in CX.47 Retract OB.3080 in CX.47 Retract OB.2990 in CX.47 Retract OB.3091 in CX.47 Retract OB.3092 in CX.47 Retract OB.3088 in CX.47 Retract OB.3119 in CX.47 Retract OB.3120 in CX.47 Retract OB.3115 in CX.47 Retract OB.2914 in CX.47 Retract OB.2922 in CX.47 Retract OB.2919 in CX.47 Retract OB.2876 in CX.47 Retract OB.2883 in CX.47 Retract OB.2880 in CX.47 Retract OB.2799 in CX.47 Retract OB.2808 in CX.47 Retract OB.2803 in CX.47 Retract OB.2854 in CX.47 Retract OB.2852 in CX.47 Retract OB.2952 in CX.47 Retract OB.2953 in CX.47 Retract OB.2954 in CX.47 Retract OB.2950 in CX.47 Retract OB.2959 in CX.47 Retract OB.2957 in CX.47 Retract OB.2698 in CX.47 Retract OB.2700 in CX.47 Retract OB.2960 in CX.47 Retract OB.3121 in CX.47 Retract OB.3286 in CX.47 Retract OB.3403 in CX.47 :Switching to new top-level goal #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} ----------------------CX.47-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.46: (CX)} Run inferences in #{CX.47: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** REVENGE-THEME REVENGE-THEME fired as inference in CX.47 ------------------------------------------------------- IF NEG-EMOTION toward person resulting from a FAILED-GOAL THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to gain REVENGE against person ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?NEG-EMOTION = #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.0925......)} ?FAILED-GOAL = #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ****************** Activate top-level goal #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} in CX.47 Add dependency from #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.0925......)} to #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3435: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (NEG-EMOTION...)......)} in CX.47 Assert #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.0925......)} in CX.47 Assert: #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.0925......)} already true in #{CX.47: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.3437: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.05)} to #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3438: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (NEG-EMOTION...)......)} in CX.47 Assert #{OB.3437: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.05)} in CX.47 #{CX.47: (CX)} --> #{CX.48: (CX)} Daydreaming goal concern OB.3433: REVENGE motiv 1.1424999 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.2838: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.01 status RUNABLE Personal goal concern OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT motiv 0.6 status RUNABLE ****************** RATIONALIZATION-THEME RATIONALIZATION-THEME fired as inference in CX.47 ------------------------------------------------------- IF NEG-EMOTION of sufficient strength resulting from a FAILED-GOAL THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for RATIONALIZATION of failure ------------------------------------------------------- ?NEG-EMOTION = #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.0925......)} ?FAILED-GOAL = #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ****************** Activate top-level goal #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.47 Add dependency from #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.0925......)} to #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3445: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (NEG-EMOTION...)......)} in CX.47 Assert #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.0925......)} in CX.47 Assert: #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.0925......)} already true in #{CX.47: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.3447: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.06)} to #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3448: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (NEG-EMOTION...)......)} in CX.47 Assert #{OB.3447: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.06)} in CX.47 #{CX.47: (CX)} --> #{CX.49: (CX)} Daydreaming goal concern OB.3443: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.1524999 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.3433: REVENGE motiv 1.1424999 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.2838: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.01 status RUNABLE Personal goal concern OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT motiv 0.6 status RUNABLE ****************** LOVERS-THEME LOVERS-THEME fired as inference in CX.47 ------------------------------------------------------- IF self not LOVERS with anyone THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for LOVERS with some person ------------------------------------------------------- ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ****************** Activate top-level goal #{OB.3454: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3454: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.47 ================================================== I want to be going out with someone. ================================================== Add dependency from #{OB.3456: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.9)} to #{OB.3454: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3457: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (POS-EMOTION...)......)} in CX.47 Assert #{OB.3456: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.9)} in CX.47 ================================================== I feel really interested in going out with someone. ================================================== Personal goal concern OB.3454: LOVERS motiv 0.9 status HALTED Daydreaming goal concern OB.3443: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.1524999 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.3433: REVENGE motiv 1.1424999 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.2838: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.01 status RUNABLE Personal goal concern OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT motiv 0.6 status RUNABLE Running p-goals in #{CX.47: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.47: (CX)} for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2256: (MTRANS actor ME from NUART-THEATER......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} (T (PHYS-OBJ #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} for #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} #{CX.47: (CX)} --> #{CX.50: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2253: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} (T (FREE-OBJ #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (LOCATION2 #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")}) (LOCATION1 #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")}) (PERSON #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} #{CX.47: (CX)} --> #{CX.51: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. PTRANS-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.51: (CX)} #{CX.50: (CX)} #{CX.49: (CX)} #{CX.48: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.50-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.47: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN fired as plan for #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.47 sprouting CX.50 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS MOVIE from theater to self THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be AT location of theater ------------------------------------------------------- ?PHYS-OBJ = #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3371 in CX.50 Assert #{OB.3481: (ORDERING)} in CX.50 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3482: (AT actor NUART-THEATER obj ......)} in #{CX.50: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3484: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.50 Assert #{OB.3483: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in CX.50 Activate subgoal for #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3485: (AT actor ME obj ?LOCATION)} in #{CX.50: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3487: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.50 Assert #{OB.3486: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in CX.50 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.50: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.50: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.50: (CX)} for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3483: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in #{CX.50: (CX)} Try fact plans #{CX.50: (CX)} --> #{CX.52: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. Debugging resumed. Run plan for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.50: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2253: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.50: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} (T (FREE-OBJ #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (LOCATION2 #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")}) (LOCATION1 #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")}) (PERSON #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.50: (CX)} #{CX.50: (CX)} --> #{CX.53: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. PTRANS-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.53: (CX)} #{CX.52: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.52-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.50: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.47: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.46: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.45: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.44: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.43: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.42: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.41: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.40: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3481 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3513: (ORDERING)} in CX.52 Fact plan #{OB.290: (AT actor NUART-THEATER obj ......)} found (AT actor NUART-THEATER obj ......) ?LOCATION = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ****************** Goal #{OB.3483: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} succeeds in #{CX.52: (CX)} Instantiating plan for OB.2217: ENTERTAINMENT Retract OB.3486 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3514: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......))} in CX.52 Retract OB.3487 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3516: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.52 Retract OB.3483 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3517: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......))} in CX.52 Retract OB.3484 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3519: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.52 Retract OB.3517 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in CX.52 ================================================== I succeed at the Nuart being at the Nuart. ================================================== Assert #{OB.3520: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.52 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.3514: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} succeeds in #{CX.52: (CX)} Retract OB.3514 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3526: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......))} in CX.52 Retract OB.3516 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3530: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.52 Retract OB.3526 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3526: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3531: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.52 Subgoals of #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform external action Perform action goal #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.52: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.52: (CX)} Retract OB.2255 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3532: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.52 Retract OB.3519 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3537: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.52 Retract OB.3530 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3538: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.52 Retract OB.2258 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3539: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.52 Retract OB.3532 in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3532: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.52 Assert #{OB.3533: (MTRANS actor ME from NUART-THEATER......)} in CX.52 ================================================== I watch a movie at the Nuart. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.52: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Taking optional concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.52: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input Running p-goals in #{CX.52: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.52: (CX)} for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.52: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2253: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.52: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} (T (FREE-OBJ #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (LOCATION2 #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")}) (LOCATION1 #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")}) (PERSON #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.52: (CX)} #{CX.52: (CX)} --> #{CX.54: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. PTRANS-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.54: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.54-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.52: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** PTRANS-PLAN fired as plan for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.52 sprouting CX.54 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for person to PTRANS to location THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for person to KNOW location ------------------------------------------------------- ?FREE-OBJ = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?LOCATION2 = #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3513 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3560: (ORDERING)} in CX.54 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3561: (KNOW actor ME obj HOME)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3563: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3562: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.54 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.3562: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.3562 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3564: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.3563 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3566: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.3564 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3564: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3567: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (KNOW...)......)} in CX.54 Subgoals of #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform external action Perform action goal #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2252 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3568: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.3566 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3573: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.2254 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3574: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.3568 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3568: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)} in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3569: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in CX.54 ================================================== I go home. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.54: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** AT-PLAN AT-PLAN fired as inference in CX.54 ------------------------------------------------------- IF person PTRANS from location1 to location2 THEN person AT location2 and delete person AT location1 ------------------------------------------------------- ?LOCATION2 = #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.3589: (AT actor ME obj HOME)} in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3590: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (PTRANS...)......)} in CX.54 Inference retract #{OB.3592: (AT actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Leafs = (#{OB.2293: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)}) Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2293: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2299 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2298: (AT actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2308 in CX.54 Retract OB.2309 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2307: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2802 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2800: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.2800: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2879 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2877: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.2877: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2917 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2915: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.2915: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} already false in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.3047 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3045: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3045: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.3204 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3202: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3202: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.3244 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3242: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3242: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} already false in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.3333 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3331: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3331: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.3378 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3376: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3376: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} already false in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2307 in CX.54 Retract OB.2812 in CX.54 Retract OB.2813 in CX.54 Retract OB.2814 in CX.54 Retract OB.2815 in CX.54 Retract OB.2818 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2810: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Bottoms out at #{OB.2810: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} Retract OB.3531 in CX.54 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3527: (AT actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3527: (AT actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} already false in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2298 in CX.54 Retract OB.2293 in CX.54 Taking optional concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.54: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input Subgoals of #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.2229: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2229 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3604: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.2264 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3606: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.2297 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3607: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.3539 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3608: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.3574 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3609: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.2230 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3610: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Retract OB.3604 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3604: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE...)......)} in CX.54 ================================================== I succeed at have gone to see a movie. ================================================== Assert #{OB.3605: (M-MOVIE actor ME)} in CX.54 ================================================== I have gone to see a movie. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.54: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** ENTERTAINMENT-INF1 ENTERTAINMENT-INF1 fired as inference in CX.54 ------------------------------------------------------- IF M-MOVIE with self THEN ENTERTAINMENT need satisfied ------------------------------------------------------- ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.3621: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (M-MOVIE...)......)} in CX.54 ****************** Goal #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} succeeds in #{CX.54: (CX)} Replace obj of #{OB.2217: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} with (#{OB.241: (ENTERTAINMENT strength 1.0......)}) Retract OB.2217 in CX.54 Assert #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in CX.54 ================================================== I succeed at being entertained. ================================================== Assert #{OB.3624: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in CX.54 Subgoals of #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} completed Run inferences in #{CX.54: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.54: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.54: (CX)} for #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Terminating planning for top-level goal #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} Leaf context #{CX.54: (CX)} [OB.2217: (SG. (ENTERTAINMENT (UPROC 'NEED-SATISFIED?)))] [OB.3604: (SG. (M-MOVIE ME))] [OB.2262: (SG. (AT NUART-THEATER NUART-LOCATION))] [OB.2292: (SG. (PTRANS ME HOME NUART-LOCATION ME))] [OB.2286: (SG. (KNOW ME NUART-LOCATION))] [OB.3532: (SG. (MTRANS ME NUART-THEATER ME (MOVIE)))] [OB.3517: (SG. (AT NUART-THEATER NUART-LOCATION))] [OB.3526: (SG. (AT ME NUART-LOCATION))] [OB.3568: (SG. (PTRANS ME NUART-LOCATION HOME ME))] [OB.3564: (SG. (KNOW ME HOME))] Personal goal concern OB.3454: LOVERS motiv 0.9 status HALTED Daydreaming goal concern OB.3443: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.1524999 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.3433: REVENGE motiv 1.1424999 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.2838: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.01 status RUNABLE Removing motivating emotions of #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Retract OB.2220 in CX.54 Retract OB.2219 in CX.54 Emotional responses for #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} to #{OB.3633: (POS-EMOTION)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3634: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.54 Assert #{OB.3633: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.6)} in CX.54 ================================================== I feel amused. ================================================== Store episode #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} in #{CX.54: (CX)} Assess scenario desirability in #{CX.54: (CX)} #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} (1.15) #{OB.2829: (FAILED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} (0.95) #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} (0.6) Scenario desirability = -1.4999999 Store goal of episode #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.3604: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.2262: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.2292: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.2286: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)}, realism 1.0 Make episode for goal #{OB.2292: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.12: (EPISODE rule PTRANS-PLAN goal ......)} under #{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} Store goal of episode #{OB.3532: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.3517: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.3526: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)}, realism 1.0 Make episode for goal #{OB.3532: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.13: (EPISODE rule MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN......)} under #{MTRANS-MOVIE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} Store goal of episode #{OB.3568: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.3564: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)}, realism 1.0 Make episode for goal #{OB.3568: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.14: (EPISODE rule PTRANS-PLAN goal ......)} under #{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} Make episode for goal #{OB.3604: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (M-MOVIE...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.15: (EPISODE rule M-MOVIE-ALONE-PLAN......)} under #{M-MOVIE-ALONE-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} Make episode for goal #{OB.2217: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (ENTERTAINMENT...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.16: (EPISODE rule ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1......)} under #{ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.16: (EPISODE rule ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1......)} under #{OB.3633: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.6)} Assert #{OB.3633: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.6)} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.16: (EPISODE rule ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1......)} under #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")} Assert #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.16: (EPISODE rule ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1......)} under #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} Assert #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.16: (EPISODE rule ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1......)} under #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} Assert #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.16: (EPISODE rule ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1......)} under #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} Assert #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.16: (EPISODE rule ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1......)} under #{OB.3014: (MOVIES obj MOVIE-STAR1)} Assert #{OB.3014: (MOVIES obj MOVIE-STAR1)} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Activate index #{ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} Activate index #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")} Activate index #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} Activate index #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} Activate index #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} Activate index #{OB.3014: (MOVIES obj MOVIE-STAR1)} #{CX.54: (CX)} --> #{CX.55: (CX)} Retract OB.3564 in CX.55 Retract OB.3573 in CX.55 Retract OB.3568 in CX.55 Retract OB.3526 in CX.55 Retract OB.3517 in CX.55 Retract OB.3537 in CX.55 Retract OB.3538 in CX.55 Retract OB.3532 in CX.55 Retract OB.2286 in CX.55 Retract OB.2296 in CX.55 Retract OB.2292 in CX.55 Retract OB.2262 in CX.55 Retract OB.3606 in CX.55 Retract OB.3607 in CX.55 Retract OB.3608 in CX.55 Retract OB.3609 in CX.55 Retract OB.3604 in CX.55 Retract OB.3610 in CX.55 :No more goals to run; switching to daydreaming mode State changes from PERFORMANCE to DAYDREAMING :Switching to new top-level goal #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} ----------------------CX.49-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.47: (CX)} Run inferences in #{CX.49: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.49: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.49: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.49: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3444: (RATIONALIZATION obj (FAILED-GOAL...)......)} in #{CX.49: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{RATIONALIZATION-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} (T (STATE #{OB.2677: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}))) (#{RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} (T (STATE #{OB.2677: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{RATIONALIZATION-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.49: (CX)} #{CX.49: (CX)} --> #{CX.56: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. RATIONALIZATION-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Run generic plan #{RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.49: (CX)} #{CX.49: (CX)} --> #{CX.57: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.57: (CX)} #{CX.56: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.56-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.49: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** RATIONALIZATION-PLAN1 fired as plan for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.49 sprouting CX.56 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for RATIONALIZATION of failure THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for success to LEADTO failure ------------------------------------------------------- ?STATE = #{OB.2677: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3371 in CX.56 Assert #{OB.3662: (ORDERING)} in CX.56 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} obj #{OB.3663: (LEADTO ante (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in #{CX.56: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3667: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.56 Assert #{OB.3666: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.56 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.56: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.56: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.56: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3666: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in #{CX.56: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3663: (LEADTO ante (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in #{CX.56: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{LEADTO-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RCODE obj (QUOTE (LAMBDA (GOAL CONTEXT TOP-LEVEL-GOAL RULE BD) (LEADTO-PLAN1 GOAL CONTEXT TOP-LEVEL-GOAL RULE BD)))) goal ......)} (T (STATE #{OB.2677: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{LEADTO-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RCODE obj (QUOTE (LAMBDA (GOAL CONTEXT TOP-LEVEL-GOAL RULE BD) (LEADTO-PLAN1 GOAL CONTEXT TOP-LEVEL-GOAL RULE BD)))) goal ......)} for #{OB.3666: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in #{CX.56: (CX)} Try believe others Try subgoal relaxation #{CX.56: (CX)} --> #{CX.58: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.58: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.58-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3663: (LEADTO ante (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in #{CX.56: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3663: (LEADTO ante (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in #{CX.49: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3662 in CX.58 Assert #{OB.3695: (ORDERING)} in CX.58 Subgoal relaxation, #{OB.3666: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} succeeds Assert #{OB.3663: (LEADTO ante (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.58 ================================================== Say my succeeding at going out with Harrison Ford leads to a failure. ================================================== ****************** Goal #{OB.3666: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.58: (CX)} Retract OB.3666 in CX.58 Assert #{OB.3698: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.58 Retract OB.3667 in CX.58 Assert #{OB.3703: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.58 Retract OB.3698 in CX.58 Assert #{OB.3698: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} in CX.58 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.58: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.58: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.58: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Pruning possibilities from NIL Attempting to backtrack for top-level goal #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.58: (CX)} Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.58: (CX)}) Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.57: (CX)} #{CX.56: (CX)}) Backtracking to next context of #{CX.57: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} :----------------------CX.57-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} No.setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3663: (LEADTO ante (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in #{CX.49: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.49 sprouting CX.57 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for RATIONALIZATION of failure THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for failure to LEADTO success ------------------------------------------------------- ?STATE = #{OB.2677: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3371 in CX.57 Assert #{OB.3669: (ORDERING)} in CX.57 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} obj #{OB.3670: (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj ......)......)} in #{CX.57: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3674: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.57 Assert #{OB.3673: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.57 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.57: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.57: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.57: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3673: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in #{CX.57: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3670: (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj ......)......)} in #{CX.57: (CX)} 1 marks on #{EPISODE.5: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.4......)} Net thresh for #{EPISODE.5: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.4......)} is 1 epmem-retrieve1 returns (#{EPISODE.5: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.4......)}) Order candidates ((#{EPISODIC-RULE.4: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} (T (var255 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (var252 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})) #{EPISODE.5: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.4......)})) Assess similarity between #{OB.3670: (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj ......)......)} and #{OB.1998: (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj ......)......)} Similarity between #{OB.3670: (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj ......)......)} and #{OB.1998: (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj ......)......)} = 1.90625 Candidates to episodes ((#{EPISODIC-RULE.4: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} (T (var255 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (var252 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})) #{EPISODE.5: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.4......)})) Result = (#{EPISODE.5: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.4......)}) Run analogical plan for #{OB.3673: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in #{CX.57: (CX)} #{CX.57: (CX)} --> #{CX.59: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. EPISODIC-RULE.4 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.59: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.59-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3749: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in #{CX.57: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3669 in CX.59 Assert #{OB.3743: (ORDERING)} in CX.59 Target-bd: ?var255 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?var252 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?var254 = #{CHRIS: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Chris"......)} ?var255 = #{IRVING: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Irving"......)} ?var252 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Episodic reminding of #{EPISODE.5: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.4......)} I remember the time my failing at going out with Irving led to a success by failing at going out with him leading to succeeding at going out with Chris.Activate index #{EPISODIC-RULE.4: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} Index #{ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (M-MOVIE actor ......)......)} fades Apply episode EPISODE.5 ****************** EPISODIC-RULE.4 fired as analogical plan for #{OB.3673: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.57 sprouting CX.59 ?var255 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?var252 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3673: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} obj #{OB.3744: (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj ......)......)} in #{CX.59: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3750: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.59 Assert #{OB.3749: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.59 ================================================== My failing at going out with Harrison Ford has to lead to me succeeding at going out with someone. ================================================== End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.59: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.59: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.59: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3749: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in #{CX.59: (CX)} Try existing analogical plans Run analogical plan for #{OB.3749: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in #{CX.59: (CX)} #{CX.59: (CX)} --> #{CX.60: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. EPISODIC-RULE.3 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.60: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.60-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.59: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3743 in CX.60 Assert #{OB.3773: (ORDERING)} in CX.60 Target-bd: ?var255 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?var252 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?var254 = #{CHRIS: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Chris"......)} ?var255 = #{IRVING: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Irving"......)} ?var252 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Apply suggested episode EPISODE.4 ****************** EPISODIC-RULE.3 fired as analogical plan for #{OB.3749: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.59 sprouting CX.60 ?var255 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?var252 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3749: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} obj #{OB.3774: (LOVERS actor ME ?var254:PERSON......)} in #{CX.60: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3776: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.60 Assert #{OB.3775: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.60 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.60: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.60: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.60: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3775: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.60: (CX)} Try existing analogical plans Run analogical plan for #{OB.3775: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.60: (CX)} #{CX.60: (CX)} --> #{CX.61: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. EPISODIC-RULE.2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.61: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.61-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in #{CX.60: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in #{CX.59: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3773 in CX.61 Assert #{OB.3795: (ORDERING)} in CX.61 Target-bd: ?var252 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?var253 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?var254 = #{CHRIS: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Chris"......)} ?var252 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Apply suggested episode EPISODE.3 ****************** EPISODIC-RULE.2 fired as analogical plan for #{OB.3775: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.60 sprouting CX.61 ?var252 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?var253 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3775: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3796: (AT actor ME obj BAR1-LOC)} in #{CX.61: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3798: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.61 Assert #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in CX.61 ================================================== I have to be at Mom's. ================================================== Activate subgoal for #{OB.3775: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3799: (AT actor ?var254:PERSON obj ......)} in #{CX.61: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.3775: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.61: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.3801: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.61 Assert #{OB.3800: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in CX.61 ================================================== Someone has to be at Mom's. ================================================== End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.61: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.61: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.61: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in #{CX.61: (CX)} Try existing analogical plans Run analogical plan for #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in #{CX.61: (CX)} #{CX.61: (CX)} --> #{CX.62: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. AT-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.62: (CX)}) Emotion #{OB.3094: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.14559004......)} below threshold. Retract OB.3094 in CX.55 :----------------------CX.62-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.61: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3795 in CX.62 Assert #{OB.3820: (ORDERING)} in CX.62 Target-bd: ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?LOCATION2 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?LOCATION1 = #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} ?LOCATION2 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Apply suggested episode EPISODE.2 ****************** AT-PLAN fired as analogical plan for #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in CX.61 sprouting CX.62 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for person to be AT location THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for person to PTRANS to location ------------------------------------------------------- ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?LOCATION2 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} obj #{OB.3821: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.62: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in #{CX.62: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.3823: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.62 Assert #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.62 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.62: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.62: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.62: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.62: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3821: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.62: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} (T (FREE-OBJ #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (LOCATION2 #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")}) (LOCATION1 #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")}) (PERSON #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})) #{EPISODE.14: (EPISODE rule PTRANS-PLAN goal ......)} #{EPISODE.12: (EPISODE rule PTRANS-PLAN goal ......)})) Assess similarity between #{OB.3821: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} and #{OB.3569: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} Similarity between #{OB.3821: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} and #{OB.3569: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} = 2.625 Assess similarity between #{OB.3821: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} and #{OB.2293: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)} Similarity between #{OB.3821: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} and #{OB.2293: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)} = 2.5 Candidates to episodes ((#{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} (T (FREE-OBJ #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (LOCATION2 #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")}) (LOCATION1 #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")}) (PERSON #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})) #{EPISODE.14: (EPISODE rule PTRANS-PLAN goal ......)} #{EPISODE.12: (EPISODE rule PTRANS-PLAN goal ......)})) Result = (#{EPISODE.12: (EPISODE rule PTRANS-PLAN goal ......)} #{EPISODE.14: (EPISODE rule PTRANS-PLAN goal ......)}) Run analogical plan for #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.62: (CX)} #{CX.62: (CX)} --> #{CX.63: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. PTRANS-PLAN Debugging resumed. Run analogical plan for #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.62: (CX)} #{CX.62: (CX)} --> #{CX.64: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. PTRANS-PLAN Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.64: (CX)} #{CX.63: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.64-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.62: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3820 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3847: (ORDERING)} in CX.64 Target-bd: ?FREE-OBJ = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?LOCATION2 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?FREE-OBJ = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?LOCATION2 = #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Apply episode EPISODE.14 ****************** PTRANS-PLAN fired as analogical plan for #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.62 sprouting CX.64 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for person to PTRANS to location THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for person to KNOW location ------------------------------------------------------- ?FREE-OBJ = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?LOCATION2 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3848: (KNOW actor ME obj BAR1-LOC......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.3850: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3849: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.64 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.3849: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.3849 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3851: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.64 Retract OB.3850 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3853: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.64 Retract OB.3851 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3851: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3854: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (KNOW...)......)} in CX.64 Subgoals of #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform action goal #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.3822 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3855: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.64 Retract OB.3853 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3857: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.64 Retract OB.3823 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3858: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.64 Retract OB.3855 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3855: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)} in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3856: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in CX.64 ================================================== I go to Mom's. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.64: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** AT-PLAN AT-PLAN fired as inference in CX.64 ------------------------------------------------------- IF person PTRANS from location1 to location2 THEN person AT location2 and delete person AT location1 ------------------------------------------------------- ?LOCATION2 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.3873: (AT actor ME obj BAR1-LOC)} in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3874: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (PTRANS...)......)} in CX.64 Inference retract #{OB.3876: (AT actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Leafs = (#{OB.2293: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)}) Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2293: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.2299 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2298: (AT actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.2308 in CX.64 Retract OB.2309 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2307: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.2802 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2800: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.2800: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.2879 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2877: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.2877: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.2917 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2915: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.2915: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} already false in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.3047 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3045: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3045: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.3204 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3202: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3202: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.3244 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3242: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3242: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} already false in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.3333 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3331: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3331: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.3378 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3376: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3376: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} already false in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.2307 in CX.64 Retract OB.2812 in CX.64 Retract OB.2813 in CX.64 Retract OB.2814 in CX.64 Retract OB.2815 in CX.64 Retract OB.2818 in CX.64 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2810: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Bottoms out at #{OB.2810: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} Retract OB.2298 in CX.64 Retract OB.2293 in CX.64 ****************** Goal #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} succeeds in #{CX.64: (CX)} Retract OB.3797 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3886: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......))} in CX.64 Retract OB.3858 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3888: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.64 Retract OB.3798 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3889: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.64 Retract OB.3886 in CX.64 Assert #{OB.3886: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in CX.64 ================================================== I succeed at being at Mom's. ================================================== Assert #{OB.3890: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.64 Subgoals of #{OB.3886: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} completed Run inferences in #{CX.64: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.64: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.64: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3800: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} Try fact plans #{CX.64: (CX)} --> #{CX.65: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.65: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.65-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3915: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.64: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3915: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.62: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.3915: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.61: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3847 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3901: (ORDERING)} in CX.65 Fact plan #{OB.3873: (AT actor ME obj BAR1-LOC)} found (AT actor ME obj BAR1-LOC) ?var254 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ****************** Goal #{OB.3800: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} succeeds in #{CX.65: (CX)} Instantiating plan for OB.3443: RATIONALIZATION Retract OB.3775 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3902: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3801 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3904: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3889 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3905: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3776 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3906: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3749 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3907: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3906 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3913: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3750 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3914: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3800 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3915: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......))} in CX.65 Retract OB.3904 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3917: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3915 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3915: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in CX.65 ================================================== I succeed at being at Mom's. ================================================== Assert #{OB.3918: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.65 End of delayed broadcast. Subgoals of #{OB.3902: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.3902: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.65: (CX)} Retract OB.3902 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3919: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3905 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3921: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3917 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3922: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3913 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3923: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3919 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3919: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} in CX.65 Personal goal outcome #{OB.3919: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} in #{CX.65: (CX)} Emotional responses for #{OB.3919: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} in #{CX.65: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.3919: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} to #{OB.3924: (POS-EMOTION)} in #{CX.55: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3925: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.55 Assert #{OB.3924: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.7)} in CX.55 ================================================== I feel pleased about going out with someone. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.55: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Divert strength of #{OB.3924: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.7)} to #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} Add dependency from #{OB.3937: ()} to #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 1.0925......)} in #{CX.55: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3938: (DEPENDENCY linked-from () linked-to ......)} in CX.55 Null out charge of #{OB.3924: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.7)} Add dependency from #{OB.3943: ()} to #{OB.3924: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.7)} in #{CX.55: (CX)} Assert #{OB.3944: (DEPENDENCY linked-from () linked-to ......)} in CX.55 Personal goal concern OB.3454: LOVERS motiv 0.9 status HALTED Daydreaming goal concern OB.3443: RATIONALIZATION motiv 0.51 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.3433: REVENGE motiv 0.5 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.2838: RATIONALIZATION motiv 1.01 status RUNABLE Assert #{OB.3920: (LOVERS actor ME ME)} in CX.65 ================================================== I am going out with someone. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.65: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** OTHER-RULE1 OTHER-RULE1 fired as inference in CX.65 ------------------------------------------------------- IF LOVERS with person THEN initiate forward vicarious planning for person ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.3948: (OTHER actor ME)} in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3949: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (LOVERS...)......)} in CX.65 Subgoals of #{OB.3907: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.3907: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.65: (CX)} Retract OB.3907 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3964: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3923 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3970: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3914 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3971: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3964 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3964: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} in CX.65 ================================================== I succeed at failing at going out with him leading to succeeding at going out with someone. ================================================== Assert #{OB.3965: (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj ......)......)} in CX.65 ================================================== My failing at going out with him leads to me succeeding at going out with someone. ================================================== ****************** Goal #{OB.3673: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.65: (CX)} Retract OB.3673 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3972: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3971 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3977: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3674 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3978: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.65 Retract OB.3972 in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3972: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} in CX.65 Assert #{OB.3979: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (LEADTO...)......)} in CX.65 Subgoals of #{OB.3972: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} completed Run inferences in #{CX.65: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.65: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.65: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Pruning possibilities from NIL Attempting to backtrack for top-level goal #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.65: (CX)} Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.65: (CX)}) Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.64: (CX)} #{CX.63: (CX)}) Backtracking to next context of #{CX.63: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} Emotion #{OB.3924: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.0)} below threshold. Retract OB.3924 in CX.55 :Switching to new top-level goal #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} ----------------------CX.28-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.26: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.2742: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} succeeds in #{CX.28: (CX)} Retract OB.2742 in CX.28 Assert #{OB.3989: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in CX.28 Retract OB.2809 in CX.28 Assert #{OB.3991: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.28 Retract OB.2743 in CX.28 Assert #{OB.3992: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.28 Retract OB.3989 in CX.28 Assert #{OB.3989: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in CX.28 Assert #{OB.3993: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} in CX.28 Subgoals of #{OB.3989: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS-ACCEPTABLE...)......)} completed Run inferences in #{CX.28: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.28: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.28: (CX)} for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.28: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.2839: (RATIONALIZATION obj (FAILED-GOAL...)......)} in #{CX.28: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{RATIONALIZATION-PLAN3: (RULE subgoal (MINIMIZATION...)......)} (T (FAILED-GOAL #{OB.2829: (FAILED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{RATIONALIZATION-PLAN3: (RULE subgoal (MINIMIZATION...)......)} for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.28: (CX)} #{CX.28: (CX)} --> #{CX.66: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. RATIONALIZATION-PLAN3 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.66: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.66-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.28: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** RATIONALIZATION-PLAN3 fired as plan for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.28 sprouting CX.66 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for RATIONALIZATION of failure THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for MINIMIZATION of failure ------------------------------------------------------- ?FAILED-GOAL = #{OB.2829: (FAILED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.2785 in CX.66 Assert #{OB.3999: (ORDERING)} in CX.66 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} obj #{OB.4000: (MINIMIZATION obj (FAILED-GOAL...)......)} in #{CX.66: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4002: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.66 Assert #{OB.4001: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MINIMIZATION...)......)} in CX.66 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.66: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.66: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.66: (CX)} for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.4001: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MINIMIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.66: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.4000: (MINIMIZATION obj (FAILED-GOAL...)......)} in #{CX.66: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MINIMIZATION-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RCODE obj (QUOTE (LAMBDA (GOAL CONTEXT TOP-LEVEL-GOAL RULE BD) (MINIMIZATION-PLAN GOAL CONTEXT TOP-LEVEL-GOAL RULE BD)))) goal ......)} (T (FAILED-GOAL #{OB.2829: (FAILED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MINIMIZATION-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (RCODE obj (QUOTE (LAMBDA (GOAL CONTEXT TOP-LEVEL-GOAL RULE BD) (MINIMIZATION-PLAN GOAL CONTEXT TOP-LEVEL-GOAL RULE BD)))) goal ......)} for #{OB.4001: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MINIMIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.66: (CX)} Try believe others Try subgoal relaxation Pruning possibilities from NIL Attempting to backtrack for top-level goal #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.66: (CX)} Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.66: (CX)}) Top-level goal #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} fails: all possibilities exhausted All possibilities failed for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.28: (CX)} Action mutations for #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} Trying leaf context #{CX.66: (CX)} Mutating action goal #{OB.2750: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} Trying mutated action #{OB.4007: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} Mutating action goal #{OB.2746: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} Trying mutated action #{OB.4009: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} Mutating action goal #{OB.2255: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} Mutating action goal #{OB.2252: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} ****************** Goal #{OB.2838: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} fails in #{CX.28: (CX)} Retract OB.2838 in CX.28 Assert #{OB.2838: (FAILED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.28 Terminating planning for top-level goal #{OB.2838: (FAILED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} Leaf context #{CX.66: (CX)} [OB.2838: (FG. (RATIONALIZATION (FAILED-GOAL (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (POS-ATTITUDE ME)) (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1) ...))))] [OB.4001: (AG. (MINIMIZATION obj (FAILED-GOAL (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (POS-ATTITUDE ME)) (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1) ...))))] Personal goal concern OB.3454: LOVERS motiv 0.9 status HALTED Daydreaming goal concern OB.3443: RATIONALIZATION motiv 0.51 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.3433: REVENGE motiv 0.5 status RUNABLE Removing motivating emotions of #{OB.2838: (FAILED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.55: (CX)} Retract OB.2843 in CX.55 Retract OB.2842 in CX.55 Retract OB.2840 in CX.55 Assert #{OB.2838: (FAILED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.55 #{CX.55: (CX)} --> #{CX.67: (CX)} :Switching to new top-level goal #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} ----------------------CX.63-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.62: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3820 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.3842: (ORDERING)} in CX.63 Target-bd: ?FREE-OBJ = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?LOCATION2 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Bd: ?FREE-OBJ = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?LOCATION2 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?LOCATION1 = #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Apply episode EPISODE.12 ****************** PTRANS-PLAN fired as analogical plan for #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.62 sprouting CX.63 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for person to PTRANS to location THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for person to KNOW location ------------------------------------------------------- ?FREE-OBJ = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?LOCATION2 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.3843: (KNOW actor ME obj BAR1-LOC......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Analogical plan for #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} will bottom out Assert #{OB.3845: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.63 Assert #{OB.3844: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.63 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.3844: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.3844 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4015: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.63 Retract OB.3845 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4017: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.63 Retract OB.4015 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4015: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)} in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4018: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (KNOW...)......)} in CX.63 Subgoals of #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform action goal #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.3822: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.3822 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4019: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (PTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.63 Retract OB.4017 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4021: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.63 Retract OB.3823 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4022: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.63 Retract OB.4019 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4019: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)} in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4020: (PTRANS actor ME from NUART-LOCATION......)} in CX.63 ================================================== I go to Mom's. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.63: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** AT-PLAN AT-PLAN fired as inference in CX.63 ------------------------------------------------------- IF person PTRANS from location1 to location2 THEN person AT location2 and delete person AT location1 ------------------------------------------------------- ?LOCATION2 = #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} ?LOCATION1 = #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} ?PERSON = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.4035: (AT actor ME obj BAR1-LOC)} in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4036: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (PTRANS...)......)} in CX.63 Inference retract #{OB.4038: (AT actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Leafs = (#{OB.2293: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)}) Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2293: (PTRANS actor ME from HOME to ......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.2299 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2298: (AT actor ME obj NUART-LOCATION......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.2308 in CX.63 Retract OB.2309 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2307: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.2802 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2800: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.2800: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.2879 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2877: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.2877: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.2917 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2915: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.2915: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} already false in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.3047 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3045: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3045: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.3204 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3202: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3202: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.3244 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3242: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3242: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} already false in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.3333 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3331: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3331: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} already false in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.3378 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.3376: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract: #{OB.3376: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} already false in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.2307 in CX.63 Retract OB.2812 in CX.63 Retract OB.2813 in CX.63 Retract OB.2814 in CX.63 Retract OB.2815 in CX.63 Retract OB.2818 in CX.63 Retracting dependencies of #{OB.2810: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Bottoms out at #{OB.2810: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} Retract OB.2298 in CX.63 Retract OB.2293 in CX.63 ****************** Goal #{OB.3797: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} succeeds in #{CX.63: (CX)} Retract OB.3797 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4046: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......))} in CX.63 Retract OB.4022 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4048: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.63 Retract OB.3798 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4049: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.63 Retract OB.4046 in CX.63 Assert #{OB.4046: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in CX.63 ================================================== I succeed at being at Mom's. ================================================== Assert #{OB.4050: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.63 Subgoals of #{OB.4046: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} completed Run inferences in #{CX.63: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.63: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.63: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3800: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Try fact plans #{CX.63: (CX)} --> #{CX.68: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.68: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.68-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.4073: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in #{CX.63: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. Retract OB.3842 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4059: (ORDERING)} in CX.68 Fact plan #{OB.4035: (AT actor ME obj BAR1-LOC)} found (AT actor ME obj BAR1-LOC) ?var254 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ****************** Goal #{OB.3800: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......) top-level-goal ......)} succeeds in #{CX.68: (CX)} Instantiating plan for OB.3443: RATIONALIZATION Retract OB.3775 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4060: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.3801 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4062: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4049 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4063: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.3776 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4064: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.3749 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4065: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4064 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4071: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.3750 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4072: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.3800 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4073: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (AT actor ......))} in CX.68 Retract OB.4062 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4075: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4073 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4073: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} in CX.68 ================================================== I succeed at being at Mom's. ================================================== Assert #{OB.4076: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (AT...)......)} in CX.68 End of delayed broadcast. Subgoals of #{OB.4060: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.4060: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.68: (CX)} Retract OB.4060 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4077: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4063 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4079: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4075 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4080: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4071 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4081: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4077 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4077: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} in CX.68 Personal goal outcome #{OB.4077: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} in #{CX.68: (CX)} Emotional responses for #{OB.4077: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} in #{CX.68: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.4077: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} to #{OB.4082: (POS-EMOTION)} in #{CX.67: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4083: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.67 Assert #{OB.4082: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.7)} in CX.67 ================================================== I feel pleased about going out with someone. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.67: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Divert strength of #{OB.4082: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.7)} to #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} Add dependency from #{OB.4093: ()} to #{OB.3421: (NEG-EMOTION strength 0.45 to ......)} in #{CX.67: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4094: (DEPENDENCY linked-from () linked-to ......)} in CX.67 Retract OB.3421 in CX.67 Assert #{OB.3421: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.25 to ......)} in CX.67 Null out charge of #{OB.4082: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.7)} Add dependency from #{OB.4099: ()} to #{OB.4082: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.7)} in #{CX.67: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4100: (DEPENDENCY linked-from () linked-to ......)} in CX.67 Personal goal concern OB.3454: LOVERS motiv 0.9 status HALTED Daydreaming goal concern OB.3443: RATIONALIZATION motiv 0.31 status RUNABLE Daydreaming goal concern OB.3433: REVENGE motiv 0.3 status RUNABLE Assert #{OB.4078: (LOVERS actor ME ME)} in CX.68 ================================================== I am going out with someone. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.68: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** OTHER-RULE1 OTHER-RULE1 fired as inference in CX.68 ------------------------------------------------------- IF LOVERS with person THEN initiate forward vicarious planning for person ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.4102: (OTHER actor ME)} in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4103: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (LOVERS...)......)} in CX.68 ****************** RATIONALIZATION-INF1 RATIONALIZATION-INF1 fired as inference in CX.68 ------------------------------------------------------- IF NEG-EMOTION associated with failure less than a certain strength or POS-EMOTION associated with failure THEN RATIONALIZATION of failure ------------------------------------------------------- ?POS-EMOTION = #{OB.3421: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.25 to ......)} ?FAILED-GOAL = #{OB.2212: (FAILED-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.4105: (RATIONALIZATION obj (FAILED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 ================================================== I rationalize failing at going out with Harrison Ford. ================================================== Assert #{OB.4108: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4109: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (DEPENDENCY...)......)} in CX.68 Subgoals of #{OB.4065: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.4065: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.68: (CX)} Retract OB.4065 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4122: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4081 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4128: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4072 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4129: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4122 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4122: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} in CX.68 ================================================== I succeed at failing at going out with him leading to succeeding at going out with someone. ================================================== Assert #{OB.4123: (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL obj ......)......)} in CX.68 ================================================== My failing at going out with him leads to me succeeding at going out with someone. ================================================== ****************** Goal #{OB.3673: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.68: (CX)} Retract OB.3673 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4130: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LEADTO ante ......)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4129 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4135: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.3674 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4136: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.68 Retract OB.4130 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4130: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4137: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (LEADTO...)......)} in CX.68 Subgoals of #{OB.4130: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} succeeds in #{CX.68: (CX)} Replace obj of #{OB.3443: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} with (#{OB.4105: (RATIONALIZATION obj (FAILED-GOAL...)......)}) Retract OB.3443 in CX.68 Assert #{OB.3443: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.68 Assert #{OB.4219: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.68 Subgoals of #{OB.3443: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} completed Run inferences in #{CX.68: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.68: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.68: (CX)} for #{OB.3443: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Terminating planning for top-level goal #{OB.3443: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} Leaf context #{CX.65: (CX)} [OB.3443: (SG. (RATIONALIZATION (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.3972: (SG. (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)) conseq (SUCCEEDED-GOAL)))] [OB.3964: (SG. (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)) conseq (SUCCEEDED-GOAL (LOVERS ME ME))))] [OB.3919: (SG. (LOVERS ME ME))] [OB.3886: (SG. (AT ME BAR1-LOC))] [OB.3855: (SG. (PTRANS ME NUART-LOCATION BAR1-LOC ME))] [OB.3851: (SG. (KNOW ME BAR1-LOC))] [OB.3915: (SG. (AT ME BAR1-LOC))] Leaf context #{CX.68: (CX)} [OB.3443: (SG. (RATIONALIZATION (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.4130: (SG. (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)) conseq (SUCCEEDED-GOAL)))] [OB.4122: (SG. (LEADTO ante (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)) conseq (SUCCEEDED-GOAL (LOVERS ME ME))))] [OB.4077: (SG. (LOVERS ME ME))] [OB.4046: (SG. (AT ME BAR1-LOC))] [OB.4019: (SG. (PTRANS ME NUART-LOCATION BAR1-LOC ME))] [OB.4015: (SG. (KNOW ME BAR1-LOC))] [OB.4073: (SG. (AT ME BAR1-LOC))] Leaf context #{CX.58: (CX)} [OB.3443: (SG. (RATIONALIZATION (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.3698: (SG. (LEADTO ante (SUCCEEDED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)) conseq (FAILED-GOAL)))] Personal goal concern OB.3454: LOVERS motiv 0.9 status HALTED Daydreaming goal concern OB.3433: REVENGE motiv 0.3 status RUNABLE Removing motivating emotions of #{OB.3443: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.67: (CX)} Retract OB.3448 in CX.67 Retract OB.3447 in CX.67 Retract OB.3445 in CX.67 Store episode #{OB.3443: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in #{CX.68: (CX)} Assess scenario desirability in #{CX.68: (CX)} #{OB.4077: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} (1.0) Scenario desirability = 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.3443: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4130: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4122: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)}, realism 0.48999998 Store goal of episode #{OB.4077: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)}, realism 0.7 Store goal of episode #{OB.4046: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4019: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4015: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (KNOW actor ......)......)}, realism 1.0 Make episode for goal #{OB.4019: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (PTRANS...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.17: (EPISODE rule PTRANS-PLAN goal ......)} under #{PTRANS-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (KNOW actor ?PERSON......)......)} Make episode for goal #{OB.4046: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.18: (EPISODE rule AT-PLAN goal ......)} under #{AT-PLAN: (RULE subgoal (PTRANS actor ......)......)} Store goal of episode #{OB.4073: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (AT actor ......)......)}, realism 1.0 Make episode for goal #{OB.4077: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LOVERS...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.19: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.2......)} under #{EPISODIC-RULE.2: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (AT...) ......)......)} Make episode for goal #{OB.4122: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.20: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.3......)} under #{EPISODIC-RULE.3: (RULE subgoal (LOVERS actor ......)......)} Make episode for goal #{OB.4130: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (LEADTO...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.21: (EPISODE rule EPISODIC-RULE.4......)} under #{EPISODIC-RULE.4: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} Make episode for goal #{OB.3443: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.22: (EPISODE rule RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2......)} under #{RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} Storing #{EPISODE.22: (EPISODE rule RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2......)} under #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} Storing #{EPISODE.22: (EPISODE rule RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2......)} under #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} Assert #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.22: (EPISODE rule RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2......)} under #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} Activate index #{RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} Index #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")} fades Index #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} already active Activate index #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} Index #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} fades Index #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} already active Assert #{OB.3443: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (RATIONALIZATION...)......)} in CX.67 Assert #{OB.4138: (RATIONALIZATION obj (FAILED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.67 #{CX.67: (CX)} --> #{CX.69: (CX)} Emotion #{OB.4082: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.0)} below threshold. Retract OB.4082 in CX.69 :Switching to new top-level goal #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} ----------------------CX.48-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.47: (CX)} Run inferences in #{CX.48: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.48: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.48: (CX)} for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.48: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.3434: (REVENGE actor ME to MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.48: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{REVENGE-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (BELIEVE...) ......)......)} (T (POS-RELATIONSHIP #{OB.2677: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)}) (OTHER #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{REVENGE-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (BELIEVE...) ......)......)} for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.48: (CX)} #{CX.48: (CX)} --> #{CX.70: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. REVENGE-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.70: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.70-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.48: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** REVENGE-PLAN1 fired as plan for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} in CX.48 sprouting CX.70 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to gain REVENGE against person for causing self a failed POS-RELATIONSHIP goal THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for person to have failure of same POS-RELATIONSHIP ------------------------------------------------------- ?POS-RELATIONSHIP = #{OB.2677: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.3371 in CX.70 Assert #{OB.4253: (ORDERING)} in CX.70 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.4254: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.70: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4257: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.70 Assert #{OB.4256: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.70 Activate subgoal for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.4258: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in #{CX.70: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4262: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.70 Assert #{OB.4261: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.70 Activate subgoal for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.4263: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.70: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4266: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.70 Assert #{OB.4265: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.70 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.4256: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.70: (CX)} Retract OB.4256 in CX.70 Assert #{OB.4267: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.70 Retract OB.4257 in CX.70 Assert #{OB.4271: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.70 Retract OB.4267 in CX.70 Assert #{OB.4267: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.70 Assert #{OB.4272: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.70 Run inferences in #{CX.70: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.70: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.70: (CX)} for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.4261: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.70: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.4258: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in #{CX.70: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.4259: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)}) (PERSON2 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (PERSON1 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.4261: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.70: (CX)} #{CX.70: (CX)} --> #{CX.71: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.71: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.71-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.70: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.4261: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.70 sprouting CX.71 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.4259: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} ?PERSON2 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.4253 in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4289: (ORDERING)} in CX.71 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.4261: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.4290: (VPROX actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in #{CX.71: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4292: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4291: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.71 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.4291: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.71: (CX)} Retract OB.4291 in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4293: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.71 Retract OB.4292 in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4295: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.71 Retract OB.4293 in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4293: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4296: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.71 Subgoals of #{OB.4261: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform action goal #{OB.4261: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.71: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.4261: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.71: (CX)} Retract OB.4261 in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4297: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.71 Retract OB.4295 in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4302: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.71 Retract OB.4262 in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4303: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.71 Retract OB.4297 in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4297: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4298: (MTRANS actor MOVIE-STAR1 from ......)} in CX.71 ================================================== Harrison Ford asks me out. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.71: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN1 BELIEVE-PLAN1 fired as inference in CX.71 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS mental state to person THEN person BELIEVE self mental state ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.4299: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} ?PERSON2 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.4316: (BELIEVE actor ME obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4318: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.71 ****************** M-AGREE-PLAN M-AGREE-PLAN fired as inference in CX.71 ------------------------------------------------------- IF self MTRANS to person that self have ACTIVE-GOAL for thing and person MTRANS to self that person has ACTIVE-GOAL for thing THEN self and person M-AGREE to that something ------------------------------------------------------- ?MUTUAL-OBJ = #{OB.3338: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} ?OTHER = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.4320: (M-AGREE actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} in CX.71 ================================================== He and I agree to be going out with him. ================================================== Assert #{OB.4321: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.71 Assert #{OB.4322: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.71 Running p-goals in #{CX.71: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.71: (CX)} for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.4265: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.71: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.4263: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.71: (CX)} Order candidates NIL Try believe others Run generic plan #{FAILED-REL-GOAL-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ACTIVE-GOAL...) ......)......)} for #{OB.4265: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.71: (CX)} #{CX.71: (CX)} --> #{CX.72: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. FAILED-REL-GOAL-PLAN1 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.72: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.72-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.4352: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.71: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.4352: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.70: (CX)} setting last sprout concept = #{OB.4352: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.48: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** FAILED-REL-GOAL-PLAN1 fired as backward vicarious plan for #{OB.4265: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.71 sprouting CX.72 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for person to have FAILED-GOAL of POS-RELATIONSHIP THEN ACTIVE-GOAL for person to have ACTIVE-GOAL of POS-RELATIONSHIP with person and then BELIEVE that person does not have ACTIVE-GOAL of POS-RELATIONSHIP ------------------------------------------------------- ?OTHER = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?POS-RELATIONSHIP = #{OB.2677: (LOVERS actor ME MOVIE-STAR1......)} ?SELF = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} Retract OB.4289 in CX.72 Assert #{OB.4343: (ORDERING)} in CX.72 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.4265: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.4345: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.72: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4347: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.72 Assert #{OB.4346: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.72 Activate subgoal for #{OB.4265: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.4351: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.72: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4353: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.72 Assert #{OB.4352: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.72 ================================================== He has to believe I do not want to be going out with him. ================================================== End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.4346: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.72: (CX)} Retract OB.4346 in CX.72 Assert #{OB.4355: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.72 Retract OB.4347 in CX.72 Assert #{OB.4359: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.72 Retract OB.4355 in CX.72 Assert #{OB.4355: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.72 Assert #{OB.4360: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.72 Run inferences in #{CX.72: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.72: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.72: (CX)} for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.4352: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.72: (CX)} Try fact plans Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.4351: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in #{CX.72: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{BELIEVE-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (MTRANS actor ......)......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.4350: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)}) (PERSON1 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (PERSON2 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{BELIEVE-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (MTRANS actor ......)......)} for #{OB.4352: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in #{CX.72: (CX)} #{CX.72: (CX)} --> #{CX.73: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. BELIEVE-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.73: (CX)}) Emotion #{OB.3085: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.14528356......)} below threshold. Retract OB.3085 in CX.69 :----------------------CX.73-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.72: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.4352: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.72 sprouting CX.73 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL for person to BELIEVE self NOT mental state THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS NOT mental state to person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.4350: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.4343 in CX.73 Assert #{OB.4376: (ORDERING)} in CX.73 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.4352: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.4377: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.73: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4380: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.73 Assert #{OB.4379: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.73 End of delayed broadcast. Run inferences in #{CX.73: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.73: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.73: (CX)} for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Run plan for #{OB.4379: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.73: (CX)} Try rules and episodes Find candidate rules for obj #{OB.4377: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in #{CX.73: (CX)} Order candidates ((#{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} (T (MENTAL-STATE #{OB.4350: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)}) (PERSON2 #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)}) (PERSON1 #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) (SELF #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)})))) Run generic plan #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} for #{OB.4379: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.73: (CX)} #{CX.73: (CX)} --> #{CX.74: (CX)} Debugging being delayed for broadcast at a later time. MTRANS-PLAN2 Debugging resumed. Pruning possibilities from (#{CX.74: (CX)}) :----------------------CX.74-------------------- Running rules for #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} setting last sprout concept = NIL in #{CX.73: (CX)} Broadcasting delayed debugs. ****************** MTRANS-PLAN2 fired as plan for #{OB.4379: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.73 sprouting CX.74 ------------------------------------------------------- IF ACTIVE-GOAL to MTRANS mental state to person THEN ACTIVE-GOAL to be VPROX person ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.4350: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Retract OB.4376 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4396: (ORDERING)} in CX.74 Instantiate and activate subgoals Activate subgoal for #{OB.4379: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} obj #{OB.4397: (VPROX actor MOVIE-STAR1 ME......)} in #{CX.74: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4399: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4398: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.74 End of delayed broadcast. ****************** Goal #{OB.4398: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.74: (CX)} Retract OB.4398 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4400: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (VPROX actor ......)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4399 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4402: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4400 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4400: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)} in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4403: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (VPROX...)......)} in CX.74 Subgoals of #{OB.4379: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} completed Perform action goal #{OB.4379: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in #{CX.74: (CX)} ****************** Goal #{OB.4379: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.74: (CX)} Retract OB.4379 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4404: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (MTRANS actor ......)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4402 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4409: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4380 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4410: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4404 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4404: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4405: (MTRANS actor ME from ME to ......)} in CX.74 ================================================== I tell him I would not like to be going out with him. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.74: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) ****************** BELIEVE-PLAN2 BELIEVE-PLAN2 fired as inference in CX.74 ------------------------------------------------------- IF MTRANS NOT mental state to person THEN person BELIEVE self NOT mental state ------------------------------------------------------- ?MENTAL-STATE = #{OB.4407: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (LOVERS actor ......)......)} ?PERSON2 = #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} ?PERSON1 = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} ?SELF = #{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)} Assert #{OB.4422: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4425: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (MTRANS...)......)} in CX.74 ****************** Goal #{OB.4352: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.74: (CX)} Retract OB.4352 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4445: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4410 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4451: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4353 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4452: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4445 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4445: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.74 ================================================== I succeed at him believing I do not want to be going out with him. ================================================== Assert #{OB.4454: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.74 Subgoals of #{OB.4445: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} completed Subgoals of #{OB.4265: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.4265: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.74: (CX)} Retract OB.4265 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4455: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (BELIEVE actor ......)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4359 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4459: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4452 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4460: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4266 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4461: (INTENDS linked-from (ACTIVE-GOAL...)......)} in CX.74 Retract OB.4455 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4455: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4456: (BELIEVE actor MOVIE-STAR1 obj ......)} in CX.74 ================================================== He fails at going out with me. ================================================== Subgoals of #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} completed ****************** Goal #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} succeeds in #{CX.74: (CX)} Replace obj of #{OB.3433: (ACTIVE-GOAL obj (REVENGE actor ......)......)} with (T) Retract OB.3433 in CX.74 Assert #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)} in CX.74 Assert #{OB.4462: (REVENGE actor ME to MOVIE-STAR1......)} in CX.74 ================================================== I get even with him. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.74: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Running p-goals in #{CX.74: (CX)} Running plans in #{CX.74: (CX)} for #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)} bp (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Terminating planning for top-level goal #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)} Leaf context #{CX.74: (CX)} [OB.3433: (SG. (REVENGE ME MOVIE-STAR1 (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.4267: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (ACTIVE-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.4297: (SG. (MTRANS MOVIE-STAR1 MOVIE-STAR1 ME (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (ACTIVE-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)))))] [OB.4293: (SG. (VPROX ME MOVIE-STAR1))] [OB.4455: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (FAILED-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.4355: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (ACTIVE-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))] [OB.4445: (SG. (BELIEVE MOVIE-STAR1 (BELIEVE ME (NOT (ACTIVE-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1))))))] [OB.4404: (SG. (MTRANS ME ME MOVIE-STAR1 (NOT (ACTIVE-GOAL (LOVERS ME MOVIE-STAR1)))))] [OB.4400: (SG. (VPROX MOVIE-STAR1 ME))] Personal goal concern OB.3454: LOVERS motiv 0.9 status HALTED Removing motivating emotions of #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)} in #{CX.69: (CX)} Retract OB.3438 in CX.69 Retract OB.3437 in CX.69 Retract OB.3435 in CX.69 Emotional responses for #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)} in #{CX.74: (CX)} Add dependency from #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)} to #{OB.4562: (POS-EMOTION)} in #{CX.69: (CX)} Assert #{OB.4563: (DEPENDENCY linked-from (SUCCEEDED-GOAL...)......)} in CX.69 Assert #{OB.4562: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.3)} in CX.69 ================================================== I feel pleased about getting even with him. ================================================== Run inferences in #{CX.69: (CX)}, bp = (#{ME: (FEMALE-PERSON first-name "Sarah"......)}) Store episode #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)} in #{CX.74: (CX)} Assess scenario desirability in #{CX.74: (CX)} Scenario desirability = 0.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4267: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4297: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4293: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)}, realism 1.0 Make episode for goal #{OB.4297: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.23: (EPISODE rule MTRANS-PLAN2 goal ......)} under #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} Store goal of episode #{OB.4455: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4355: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4445: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4404: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)}, realism 1.0 Store goal of episode #{OB.4400: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (VPROX...)......)}, realism 1.0 Make episode for goal #{OB.4404: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (MTRANS...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.24: (EPISODE rule MTRANS-PLAN2 goal ......)} under #{MTRANS-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (VPROX actor ......) goal ......)} Make episode for goal #{OB.4445: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.25: (EPISODE rule BELIEVE-PLAN2......)} under #{BELIEVE-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (MTRANS actor ......)......)} Make episode for goal #{OB.4455: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (BELIEVE...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.26: (EPISODE rule FAILED-REL-GOAL-PLAN1......)} under #{FAILED-REL-GOAL-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (ACTIVE-GOAL...) ......)......)} Make episode for goal #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{REVENGE-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (BELIEVE...) ......)......)} Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{OB.4562: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.3)} Assert #{OB.4562: (POS-EMOTION strength 0.3)} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{IRVING: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Irving"......)} Assert #{IRVING: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Irving"......)} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{CHRIS: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Chris"......)} Assert #{CHRIS: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Chris"......)} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{OB.1418: (NECKLACE)} Assert #{OB.1418: (NECKLACE)} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{PARAMOUNT: (ORGANIZATION name "Paramount Pictures"......)} Assert #{PARAMOUNT: (ORGANIZATION name "Paramount Pictures"......)} in EPISODIC-MEMORY Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")} Storing #{EPISODE.27: (EPISODE rule REVENGE-PLAN1......)} under #{OB.3014: (MOVIES obj MOVIE-STAR1)} Activate index #{REVENGE-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (BELIEVE...) ......)......)} Index #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} fades Index #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} already active Index #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} already active Activate index #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} Index #{MOVIE-STAR1: (MALE-ACTOR first-name "Harrison"......)} fades Activate index #{IRVING: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Irving"......)} Index #{OB.3014: (MOVIES obj MOVIE-STAR1)} fades Activate index #{CHRIS: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Chris"......)} Index #{EPISODIC-RULE.4: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} fades Activate index #{HOME: (LOCATION name "home")} Index #{RATIONALIZATION-PLAN2: (RULE subgoal (LEADTO ante ......) goal ......)} fades Activate index #{OB.1418: (NECKLACE)} Index #{BAR1-LOC: (LOCATION name "Mom's")} fades Activate index #{PARAMOUNT: (ORGANIZATION name "Paramount Pictures"......)} Index #{REVENGE-PLAN1: (RULE subgoal (RSEQ obj (BELIEVE...) ......)......)} fades Activate index #{NUART-THEATER: (THEATER name "the Nuart")} Index #{NUART-LOCATION: (LOCATION name "the Nuart")} fades Activate index #{OB.3014: (MOVIES obj MOVIE-STAR1)} Index #{IRVING: (MALE-PERSON first-name "Irving"......)} fades Assert #{OB.3433: (SUCCEEDED-GOAL obj (REVENGE...)......)} in CX.69 Assert #{OB.4462: (REVENGE actor ME to MOVIE-STAR1......)} in CX.69 #{CX.69: (CX)} --> #{CX.75: (CX)} :Taking optional object or concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.75: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input No more goals to run; switching to performance mode State changes from DAYDREAMING to PERFORMANCE :No more goals to run; switching to daydreaming mode State changes from PERFORMANCE to DAYDREAMING :Taking optional object or concept input Enter concepts in #{CX.75: (CX)} Parser> End of parser input No more goals to run; switching to performance mode State changes from DAYDREAMING to PERFORMANCE DAYDREAMER terminates T CL-USER>