---+ Supported browsers ClioPatria as a web-platform is not browser specific. Some of the _backoffice_ facilities (i.e., the ClioPatria web frontend) might not work on all browsers. Development is based on [[Firefox][http://www.mozilla.com]] (currently 3.6). In general, the ClioPatria web frontend uses HTML that _requires_ little styling and is made prettier using CSS. There are three areas where it uses more advanced technology. * The ClioPatria menu is based on extensive use of CSS. * The search fields use autocompletion based on the YUI (2.7) AJAX framework. * The context graphs (see howto/ExploreRDF.txt) use SVG, embedded using the HTML =object= element. The _setting_ graphviz:format can be used to change this into HTML5 using the [[canviz][http://code.google.com/p/canviz/]] library, but canviz is slower, does not support all graph features and is not very portable over browsers either. @see The menu is based on http://denilsonsa.selfip.org/~denilson/menu/menu.html @see The [[YUI][http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/]] framework @see graphviz_graph//2 embeds the SVG/Canviz graphs.