---+ Developing with ClioPatria This page links to issues around programming ClioPatria in some way. Programming ClioPatria requires a little knowledge about Prolog programming in general, knowledge about the SWI-Prolog RDF libraries and knowledge about emitting the result as HTML, JSON, XML, etc. * *|Writing ClioPatria applications|* * [[Linking][howto/LinkBrowser.txt]] to the ClioPatria browser from your application. * *|Styling ClioPatria|* * Use of CSS.txt within ClioPatria. @see [[Learn Prolog Now][http://www.learnprolognow.org/]] is a good online introduction into Prolog. @see The ClioPatria whitepaper.txt explains the basic philosophy. @see The SWI-Prolog [[HTTP HOWTO][http://www.swi-prolog.org/howto/http/]]