# Downloading ClioPatria ClioPatria can be downloaded using the [[GIT][http://git-scm.com/]] version control system only. Why? Because ClioPatria's package manager CPACK is based on GIT, so you need GIT anyway. ## Step one, get GIT You probably already have GIT. Otherwise go to its [home](http://git-scm.com/). ## Step two, get SWI-Prolog Download and install [[SWI-Prolog][http://www.swi-prolog.org]]. Most of the time, the [development version](http://www.swi-prolog.org/download/devel) of SWI-Prolog is your safest choice to enjoy all features. [[alert.gif]] In particular, binary packages provided by most Linux distributions are often too far behind. We advice to install the latest development version from source. It you run Ubuntu, we provide [PPAs for releases](http://www.swi-prolog.org/build/Debian.txt). ## Step three, download ClioPatria With GIT installed, this is simple. Open a terminal in the right directory and run the command below, which creates a directory =ClioPatria= in the current directory. == % git clone https://github.com/ClioPatria/ClioPatria.git == @see Next step: [[create a project][]]!