---+ ClioPatria: the SWI-Prolog Semantic Web Server SWI-Prolog offers an extensive library for loading, saving and querying Semantic Web documents called the [[semweb][http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/package/semweb.html]] package. Internally, the query language is `Prolog', building on top of an efficient implementation of a predicate rdf/3 expressing the content of the triple store. ClioPatria provides a ready-ro-run web-server on top of this infrastructure. The web-server contains a SPARQL endpoint, user management and web-based tools to help the developer analysing the loaded RDF. * *|About ClioPatria|* * An overview of the functionality.txt provided by ClioPatria * A whitepaper.txt that explains why you need ClioPatria * The role of RDF [[query languages][QueryLanguages.txt]] (e.g., *SPARQL*) in ClioPatria. * *|Getting ClioPatria|* * Download.txt ClioPatria * Add [[packages][cpack/Finding.txt]] to ClioPatria * Install.txt or restart.txt ClioPatria * Run ClioPatria as a (Unix daemon) service.txt * About ClioPatria versions.txt. * *|Using ClioPatria|* * Howto [[load RDF][howto/LoadRDF.txt]] into ClioPatria * [[Exploring RDF][howto/ExploreRDF.txt]] with ClioPatria * Howto perform [full-text search](howto/fulltext.txt) with ClioPatria * [[Supported browsers][Browsers.txt]] * Provide howto/LOD.txt (Linked Open Data) services from ClioPatria * [[Client authentication][howto/ClientAuth.txt]] to access restricted services * *|Development with ClioPatria|* * The ClioPatria [[plugin architecture][Plugin.txt]] * The ClioPatria package manager [[CPACK][cpack/index.txt]] * Developing.txt applications with ClioPatria