---+ About ClioPatria versions ClioPatria was started as part of [[MultimediaN Eculture Project][http://e-culture.multimedian.nl/]]. This version was an integral part of the _|MultimediaN E-Culture Demonstrator|_ that won first prize as semantic web application at ISWC 2006. We call that *|version one|*. [[GnuEmacsIconOrig.png;align="right",width="32"][http://www.teuton.org/~ejm/emacsicon/index.shtml]] Later, the application specific code was abstracted a bit, allowing to _skin_ the application and put other data into it. This version still uses the `kitchen-sink model', which makes it almost inacessible for anyone but its developers. We call that *|version two|*. The current version is fairly _lean_, which should make it more versatile and accessible. It can be extended using packages. The package system is called CPACK (ClioPatria Package). This version will be *|version three|*. It is not really there, but we call the current version *|2.9|* to prepare the transition. Here are the main plans before we will call it *|3.0|*: * Some parts of ClioPatria will move into packages. * Some parts of the kitchen-sink ClioPatria will be made available as packages too. * The package manager and configuration manager needs more polishing. From now on, we will try to keep ClioPatria stable, lean and backward compatible.