---+ An Linked Open Piracy tutorial This tutorial explains the basics of installing ClioPatria and applying it to analyze RDF data and write a small web-service. 1. [[Preparations for the pirates demo][InstallPiracy.txt]] 2. [[Load and explore the pirate data][LoadPirates.txt]] 3. [[Query the pirate data with Prolog][QueryPirates.txt]] 4. [[Pack your queries as Prolog predicates][PiratePredicates.txt]] 5. [[Serve a web-page][PiratePage.txt]] 6. [[More exercises][PirateExercises.txt]] ---++ Further reading The pirates domain is a geospatial domain. To keep this tutorial simple and considering the size of the dataset, we use naive Prolog generate-and-test for answering queries. In realistic settings one needs proper spatial indexing. This is implemented in the [[space pachkage][http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/package/space.html]] An LOP demo is [[online][http://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/poseidon/ns]] ---++++ Acknowledgements We are grateful to the [[Poseidon project][http://www.esi.nl/short/poseidon/]] for making the RDF data available. Willem Robert van Hage convinced me using this data. This material was used in guest lecture by Frank van Harmelen and Jan Wielemaker, part of a Prolog course at the [[VU][http://www.vu.nl]] organised by Stefan Schlobach and Annette ten Teije. @see [[The ClioPatria whitepaper][<../help/whitepaper.txt>]]