---+ More exercises 1. Write a variation of the map/1 predicate that takes two dates, and that shows on a map all piracy events that happened in the time-interval between those two dates. You will have to use the predicate parse_time/3 convert between dates and the internal representation of timestamps as a number. Example: http://localhost:3020/map?start=2008-01-01&end=2008-12-31 (showing all piracy events in the year 2008) 2. Write a variation of the map/1 predicate that takes a type of ship and shows on a map all piracy events with that type of ship involved. Example: http://localhost:3020/map?type=atype_passenger_vessel Make sure that you take the hierarchy of ship-types into account when calculating your answer. Of course you can use the code you wrote for exercise 2 of [[Pack your queries in Prolog predicates][PiratePredicates.txt]]. You can use the predicate [[rdf_global_id/2][]] to translate =atype_passenger_vessel= into a proper resource.