var gulp = require('gulp'), git = require('gulp-git'), bump = require('gulp-bump'), paths = require('./paths.js'), filter = require('gulp-filter'), tag_version = require('gulp-tag-version'), runSequence = require('run-sequence').use(gulp), spawn = require('child_process').spawn; function inc(importance) { // get all the files to bump version in return gulp.src(['./package.json', './bower.json']) // bump the version number in those files .pipe(bump({type: importance})) // save it back to filesystem .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); } gulp.task('publish', function (done) { spawn('npm', ['publish'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', done); }); gulp.task('push', function (done) { git.push('origin', 'gh-pages', {args: " --tags"}, function (err) { if (err) throw err; }); }); gulp.task('commitDist', function() { return gulp.src(['./' + paths.docDir + '/*', './index.html', './' + paths.bundleDir + '/*']) .pipe(git.add({args: '-f'})) .pipe(git.commit("Updated dist/docs")); }); gulp.task('tag', function() { return gulp.src(['./package.json', './bower.json']) .pipe(git.commit('version bump')) // read only one file to get the version number .pipe(filter('package.json')) .pipe(tag_version()); }); gulp.task('bumpPatch', function() { return inc('patch'); }) gulp.task('bumpMinor', function() { return inc('minor'); }) gulp.task('bumpMajor', function() { return inc('major'); }) gulp.task('patch', function() { runSequence('bumpPatch', 'default', 'commitDist', 'tag', 'publish', 'push'); }); gulp.task('minor', function() { runSequence('bumpMinor', 'default', 'commitDist', 'tag', 'publish', 'push'); }); gulp.task('major', function() { runSequence('bumpMajor', 'default', 'commitDist', 'tag', 'publish', 'push'); });