function Player(x, y, name, hp, id, dir) { this.pos = {x: x, y: y}; = name; this.currhp = hp; this.sound = new SoundManager(); = id; this.level = 1; this.levelBorders = [0, 5, 15, 30, 50]; this.dir = dir; this.frame = 0; this.alive = true; this.maxhp = 100; this.xp = 0; this.finalDir; this.fightFrame = 0; = 0; this.moving = false; this.path = [[]]; this.speed = 200; this.hitSpeed = 500; this.lastStrike = 0; this.moveInterrupt = false; this.goToNpc = null; this.talkingTo = null; this.goFight = null; this.fighting = null; this.strength = 50; this.gotHit = false; this.hitArray = []; this.inventory = []; this.inventoryMax = 18; this.tileSize; this.conversation = []; this.lastHitPointUpdate =; this.lastHitUpdate =; this.lastFrameUpdate =; this.openQuests = []; this.pendingQuest = null; this.stop = false; this.stepSnd = new Audio("sounds/walk.ogg"); this.xpForLevel = function(level) { return level*level*level; }; this.getHurt = function(amount) { this.currhp -= amount; this.sound.playSound("hurt"); if(this.currhp <= 0) { this.currhp = 0; this.alive = false; } this.gotHit = true; this.hitArray.push([amount, 1.0]); }; this.addQuest = function(quest) { for(var i = 0; i < this.openQuests.length; i++) { if(this.openQuests[i].quest.type == quest.type && this.openQuests[i] == { return; } } this.pendingQuest = quest; }; this.updateQuest = function(type, amount) { for(var i = 0; i < this.openQuests.length; i++) { if(this.openQuests[i].quest.type == type) { this.openQuests[i].amount += amount; if(this.openQuests[i].amount >= this.openQuests[i] { this.openQuests[i].status = 2; } } } }; this.confirmQuest = function() { this.openQuests.push({quest: this.pendingQuest, amount: 0, status: 1}); this.pendingQuest = null; this.talkingTo = null; }; this.declineQuest = function() { this.pendingQuest = null; this.talkingTo = null; }; this.addXP = function(amount) { this.xp += amount; if(this.xp >= this.xpForLevel(this.level)) { this.level += 1; } }; this.isGoingToFight = function() { return this.goFight; }; this.setGoToNpc = function(npc) { this.goToNpc =; this.talkingTo = null; this.goFight = null; this.fighting = null; this.conversation = []; for(var i = 0; i < npc.conversation[].length; i++) { this.conversation.push(npc.conversation[][i].slice()); } }; this.justWalk = function() { this.goToNpc = null; this.talkingTo = null; this.goFight = null; this.fighting = null; }; this.setGoFight = function(value) { this.goFight = value; this.goToNpc = null; this.talkingTo = null; if(value == null) { this.fighting = null; } }; this.getConversation = function(npc) { if(npc.questID != null) { for(var j = 0; j < this.openQuests.length; j++) { if(this.openQuests[j] == npc.questID) { return {sec: this.openQuests[j].status, text: this.conversation[this.openQuests[j].status].shift()}; } } } return {sec: 0, text: this.conversation[0].shift()}; }; this.setPath = function(path) { this.path = path; this.moving = true; if(this.path[this.path.length-1][0] > this.path[this.path.length-2][0]) { this.finalDir = 1; } else if(this.path[this.path.length-1][0] < this.path[this.path.length-2][0]) { this.finalDir = 3; } else if(this.path[this.path.length-1][1] > this.path[this.path.length-2][1]) { this.finalDir = 2; } else if(this.path[this.path.length-1][1] < this.path[this.path.length-2][1]) { this.finalDir = 0; } if(this.goFight != null || this.goToNpc != null) { this.path.pop(); } }; this.playSwordSound = function() { this.sound.playSound("sword"); }; this.useItem = function(box) { var inventory = this.inventory; var boxID = ($(box).attr('id').substring(3)); if(this.inventory[boxID] != null) { if(this.inventory[boxID].item.type == 10 && this.currhp < this.maxhp) { this.sound.playSound("potion"); this.currhp += this.inventory[boxID].quantity; if(this.currhp > this.maxhp) { this.currhp = this.maxhp; } } // Decrease amount of that item this.inventory[boxID].quantity--; if(this.inventory[boxID].quantity == 0) { this.inventory.splice(boxID, 1); } } }; this.takeItem = function(item, quantity) { var itemPath; var hasItem = false; if(item.type == 11) { += quantity; this.sound.playSound("coins"); return; } // Search inventory for that item for(var i = 0; i < this.inventory.length; i++) { if(this.inventory[i].item.type == item.type) { this.inventory[i].quantity++; hasItem = true; break; } } // Add new item to inventory if(!hasItem && this.inventory.length < this.inventoryMax) { this.inventory.push({item: item, quantity: 1}); } // Play loot.ogg this.sound.playSound("loot"); this.updateQuest(item.type, 1); }; this.playerMove = function (dt) { if(this.stepSnd.paused) { this.stepSnd.currentTime = 0;; } // Moving left if(this.path[0][0] * this.tileSize < this.pos.x) { this.dir = 3; this.pos.x -= Math.round(this.speed * dt); if(this.path[0][0] * this.tileSize >= this.pos.x) { this.pos.x = this.path[0][0] * this.tileSize; } } // Moving right else if(this.path[0][0] * this.tileSize > this.pos.x) { this.dir = 1; this.pos.x += Math.round(this.speed * dt); if(this.path[0][0] * this.tileSize <= this.pos.x) { this.pos.x = this.path[0][0] * this.tileSize; } } // Moving up else if(this.path[0][1] * this.tileSize < this.pos.y) { this.dir = 0; this.pos.y -= Math.round(this.speed * dt); if(this.path[0][1] * this.tileSize >= this.pos.y) { this.pos.y = this.path[0][1] * this.tileSize; } } // Moving down else if(this.path[0][1] * this.tileSize > this.pos.y) { this.dir = 2; this.pos.y += Math.round(this.speed * dt); if(this.path[0][1] * this.tileSize <= this.pos.y) { this.pos.y = this.path[0][1] * this.tileSize; } } if (this.path[0][0] * this.tileSize == this.pos.x && this.path[0][1] * this.tileSize == this.pos.y) { // Next tile-step if(this.path.length > 1 && !this.moveInterrupt) { this.path.shift(); } // End of path else { if(this.goFight != null) { this.fighting = this.goFight; } else if(this.goToNpc != null) { this.talkingTo = this.goToNpc; } this.moving = false; this.stepSnd.pause(); this.dir = this.finalDir; } } }; }