using Server.Mobiles;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Server.Items
/// This attack allows you to disarm your foe.
/// Now in Age of Shadows, a successful Disarm leaves the victim unable to re-arm another weapon for several seconds.
public class Disarm : WeaponAbility
public static readonly TimeSpan BlockEquipDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0);
public override int BaseMana => 20;
public override bool RequiresSecondarySkill(Mobile from)
BaseWeapon weapon = from.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
if (weapon == null)
return false;
return weapon.Skill != SkillName.Wrestling;
public override void OnHit(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage)
if (!Validate(attacker))
if (IsImmune(defender))
attacker.SendLocalizedMessage(1111827); // Your opponent is gripping their weapon too tightly to be disarmed.
defender.SendLocalizedMessage(1111828); // You will not be caught off guard by another disarm attack for some time.
Item toDisarm = defender.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OneHanded);
if (toDisarm == null || !toDisarm.Movable)
toDisarm = defender.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded);
Container pack = defender.Backpack;
if (pack == null || (toDisarm != null && !toDisarm.Movable))
attacker.SendLocalizedMessage(1004001); // You cannot disarm your opponent.
else if (toDisarm == null || toDisarm is BaseShield)
attacker.SendLocalizedMessage(1060849); // Your target is already unarmed!
else if (CheckMana(attacker, true))
attacker.SendLocalizedMessage(1060092); // You disarm their weapon!
defender.SendLocalizedMessage(1060093); // Your weapon has been disarmed!
defender.FixedParticles(0x37BE, 232, 25, 9948, EffectLayer.LeftHand);
BuffInfo.AddBuff(defender, new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.NoRearm, 1075637, BlockEquipDuration, defender));
BaseWeapon.BlockEquip(defender, BlockEquipDuration);
if (defender is BaseCreature && _AutoRearms.Any(t => t == defender.GetType()))
Timer.DelayCall(BlockEquipDuration + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 10)), () =>
if (toDisarm != null && !toDisarm.Deleted && toDisarm.IsChildOf(defender.Backpack))
AddImmunity(defender, attacker.Weapon is Fists ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
private readonly Type[] _AutoRearms =
public static List _Immunity;
public static bool IsImmune(Mobile m)
return _Immunity != null && _Immunity.Contains(m);
public static void AddImmunity(Mobile m, TimeSpan duration)
if (_Immunity == null)
_Immunity = new List();
Timer.DelayCall(duration, mob =>
if (_Immunity != null && _Immunity.Contains(mob))
}, m);