using Server.Commands.Generic; using Server.Gumps; using Server.Network; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; namespace Server.Commands { public class Batch : BaseCommand { private readonly ArrayList m_BatchCommands; private BaseCommandImplementor m_Scope; private string m_Condition; public Batch() { Commands = new string[] { "Batch" }; ListOptimized = true; m_BatchCommands = new ArrayList(); m_Condition = ""; } public BaseCommandImplementor Scope { get { return m_Scope; } set { m_Scope = value; } } public string Condition { get { return m_Condition; } set { m_Condition = value; } } public ArrayList BatchCommands => m_BatchCommands; public static void Initialize() { CommandSystem.Register("Batch", AccessLevel.Counselor, Batch_OnCommand); } [Usage("Batch")] [Description("Allows multiple commands to be run at the same time.")] public static void Batch_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { Batch batch = new Batch(); e.Mobile.SendGump(new BatchGump(e.Mobile, batch)); } public override void ExecuteList(CommandEventArgs e, ArrayList list) { if (list.Count == 0) { LogFailure("Nothing was found to use this command on."); return; } try { BaseCommand[] commands = new BaseCommand[m_BatchCommands.Count]; CommandEventArgs[] eventArgs = new CommandEventArgs[m_BatchCommands.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < m_BatchCommands.Count; ++i) { BatchCommand bc = (BatchCommand)m_BatchCommands[i]; string commandString, argString; string[] args; bc.GetDetails(out commandString, out argString, out args); BaseCommand command = m_Scope.Commands[commandString]; commands[i] = command; eventArgs[i] = new CommandEventArgs(e.Mobile, commandString, argString, args); if (command == null) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("That is either an invalid command name or one that does not support this modifier: {0}.", commandString); return; } else if (e.Mobile.AccessLevel < command.AccessLevel) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("You do not have access to that command: {0}.", commandString); return; } else if (!command.ValidateArgs(m_Scope, eventArgs[i])) { return; } } for (int i = 0; i < commands.Length; ++i) { BaseCommand command = commands[i]; BatchCommand bc = (BatchCommand)m_BatchCommands[i]; if (list.Count > 20) CommandLogging.Enabled = false; ArrayList usedList; if (Utility.InsensitiveCompare(bc.Object, "Current") == 0) { usedList = list; } else { Hashtable propertyChains = new Hashtable(); usedList = new ArrayList(list.Count); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; ++j) { object obj = list[j]; if (obj == null) continue; Type type = obj.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] chain = (PropertyInfo[])propertyChains[type]; string failReason = ""; if (chain == null && !propertyChains.Contains(type)) propertyChains[type] = chain = Properties.GetPropertyInfoChain(e.Mobile, type, bc.Object, PropertyAccess.Read, ref failReason); if (chain == null) continue; PropertyInfo endProp = Properties.GetPropertyInfo(ref obj, chain, ref failReason); if (endProp == null) continue; try { obj = endProp.GetValue(obj, null); if (obj != null) usedList.Add(obj); } catch (Exception ex) { Diagnostics.ExceptionLogging.LogException(ex); } } } command.ExecuteList(eventArgs[i], usedList); if (list.Count > 20) CommandLogging.Enabled = true; command.Flush(e.Mobile, list.Count > 20); } } catch (Exception ex) { e.Mobile.SendMessage(ex.Message); Diagnostics.ExceptionLogging.LogException(ex); } } public bool Run(Mobile from) { if (m_Scope == null) { from.SendMessage("You must select the batch command scope."); return false; } else if (m_Condition.Length > 0 && !m_Scope.SupportsConditionals) { from.SendMessage("This command scope does not support conditionals."); return false; } else if (m_Condition.Length > 0 && !Utility.InsensitiveStartsWith(m_Condition, "where")) { from.SendMessage("The condition field must start with \"where\"."); return false; } string[] args = CommandSystem.Split(m_Condition); m_Scope.Process(from, this, args); return true; } } public class BatchCommand { private string m_Command; private string m_Object; public BatchCommand(string command, string obj) { m_Command = command; m_Object = obj; } public string Command { get { return m_Command; } set { m_Command = value; } } public string Object { get { return m_Object; } set { m_Object = value; } } public void GetDetails(out string command, out string argString, out string[] args) { int indexOf = m_Command.IndexOf(' '); if (indexOf >= 0) { argString = m_Command.Substring(indexOf + 1); command = m_Command.Substring(0, indexOf); args = CommandSystem.Split(argString); } else { argString = ""; command = m_Command.ToLower(); args = new string[0]; } } } public class BatchGump : BaseGridGump { private readonly Mobile m_From; private readonly Batch m_Batch; public BatchGump(Mobile from, Batch batch) : base(30, 30) { m_From = from; m_Batch = batch; Render(); } public void Render() { AddNewPage(); /* Header */ AddEntryHeader(20); AddEntryHtml(180, Center("Batch Commands")); AddEntryHeader(20); AddNewLine(); AddEntryHeader(9); AddEntryLabel(191, "Run Batch"); AddEntryButton(20, ArrowRightID1, ArrowRightID2, GetButtonID(1, 0, 0), ArrowRightWidth, ArrowRightHeight); AddNewLine(); AddBlankLine(); /* Scope */ AddEntryHeader(20); AddEntryHtml(180, Center("Scope")); AddEntryHeader(20); AddNewLine(); AddEntryHeader(9); AddEntryLabel(191, m_Batch.Scope == null ? "Select Scope" : m_Batch.Scope.Accessors[0]); AddEntryButton(20, ArrowRightID1, ArrowRightID2, GetButtonID(1, 0, 1), ArrowRightWidth, ArrowRightHeight); AddNewLine(); AddBlankLine(); /* Condition */ AddEntryHeader(20); AddEntryHtml(180, Center("Condition")); AddEntryHeader(20); AddNewLine(); AddEntryHeader(9); AddEntryText(202, 0, m_Batch.Condition); AddEntryHeader(9); AddNewLine(); AddBlankLine(); /* Commands */ AddEntryHeader(20); AddEntryHtml(180, Center("Commands")); AddEntryHeader(20); for (int i = 0; i < m_Batch.BatchCommands.Count; ++i) { BatchCommand bc = (BatchCommand)m_Batch.BatchCommands[i]; AddNewLine(); AddImageTiled(CurrentX, CurrentY, 9, 2, 0x24A8); AddImageTiled(CurrentX, CurrentY + 2, 2, EntryHeight + OffsetSize + EntryHeight - 4, 0x24A8); AddImageTiled(CurrentX, CurrentY + EntryHeight + OffsetSize + EntryHeight - 2, 9, 2, 0x24A8); AddImageTiled(CurrentX + 3, CurrentY + 3, 6, EntryHeight + EntryHeight - 4 - OffsetSize, HeaderGumpID); IncreaseX(9); AddEntryText(202, 1 + (i * 2), bc.Command); AddEntryHeader(9, 2); AddNewLine(); IncreaseX(9); AddEntryText(202, 2 + (i * 2), bc.Object); } AddNewLine(); AddEntryHeader(9); AddEntryLabel(191, "Add New Command"); AddEntryButton(20, ArrowRightID1, ArrowRightID2, GetButtonID(1, 0, 2), ArrowRightWidth, ArrowRightHeight); FinishPage(); } public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { int type, index; if (!SplitButtonID(info.ButtonID, 1, out type, out index)) return; TextRelay entry = info.GetTextEntry(0); if (entry != null) m_Batch.Condition = entry.Text; for (int i = m_Batch.BatchCommands.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { BatchCommand sc = (BatchCommand)m_Batch.BatchCommands[i]; entry = info.GetTextEntry(1 + (i * 2)); if (entry != null) sc.Command = entry.Text; entry = info.GetTextEntry(2 + (i * 2)); if (entry != null) sc.Object = entry.Text; if (sc.Command.Length == 0 && sc.Object.Length == 0) m_Batch.BatchCommands.RemoveAt(i); } switch (type) { case 0: // main { switch (index) { case 0: // run { m_Batch.Run(m_From); break; } case 1: // set scope { m_From.SendGump(new BatchScopeGump(m_From, m_Batch)); return; } case 2: // add command { m_Batch.BatchCommands.Add(new BatchCommand("", "")); break; } } break; } } m_From.SendGump(new BatchGump(m_From, m_Batch)); } } public class BatchScopeGump : BaseGridGump { private readonly Mobile m_From; private readonly Batch m_Batch; public BatchScopeGump(Mobile from, Batch batch) : base(30, 30) { m_From = from; m_Batch = batch; Render(); } public void Render() { AddNewPage(); /* Header */ AddEntryHeader(20); AddEntryHtml(140, Center("Change Scope")); AddEntryHeader(20); /* Options */ for (int i = 0; i < BaseCommandImplementor.Implementors.Count; ++i) { BaseCommandImplementor impl = BaseCommandImplementor.Implementors[i]; if (m_From.AccessLevel < impl.AccessLevel) continue; AddNewLine(); AddEntryLabel(20 + OffsetSize + 140, impl.Accessors[0]); AddEntryButton(20, ArrowRightID1, ArrowRightID2, GetButtonID(1, 0, i), ArrowRightWidth, ArrowRightHeight); } FinishPage(); } public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { int type, index; if (SplitButtonID(info.ButtonID, 1, out type, out index)) { switch (type) { case 0: { if (index < BaseCommandImplementor.Implementors.Count) { BaseCommandImplementor impl = BaseCommandImplementor.Implementors[index]; if (m_From.AccessLevel >= impl.AccessLevel) m_Batch.Scope = impl; } break; } } } m_From.SendGump(new BatchGump(m_From, m_Batch)); } } }