using Server.Commands.Generic; using Server.Gumps; using Server.Network; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using CommandInfo = Server.Commands.Docs.DocCommandEntry; using CommandInfoSorter = Server.Commands.Docs.CommandEntrySorter; namespace Server.Commands { public class HelpInfo { private static readonly Dictionary m_HelpInfos = new Dictionary(); private static List m_SortedHelpInfo = new List();//No need for SortedList cause it's only sorted once at creation... public static Dictionary HelpInfos => m_HelpInfos; public static List SortedHelpInfo => m_SortedHelpInfo; [CallPriority(100)] public static void Initialize() { CommandSystem.Register("HelpInfo", AccessLevel.Player, HelpInfo_OnCommand); FillTable(); } public static void FillTable() { List commands = new List(CommandSystem.Entries.Values); List list = new List(); commands.Sort(); commands.Reverse(); Docs.Clean(commands); for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; ++i) { CommandEntry e = commands[i]; MethodInfo mi = e.Handler.Method; object[] attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UsageAttribute), false); if (attrs.Length == 0) continue; UsageAttribute usage = attrs[0] as UsageAttribute; attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false); if (attrs.Length == 0) continue; DescriptionAttribute desc = attrs[0] as DescriptionAttribute; if (usage == null || desc == null) continue; attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AliasesAttribute), false); AliasesAttribute aliases = (attrs.Length == 0 ? null : attrs[0] as AliasesAttribute); string descString = desc.Description.Replace("<", "(").Replace(">", ")"); if (aliases == null) list.Add(new CommandInfo(e.AccessLevel, e.Command, null, usage.Usage, descString)); else { list.Add(new CommandInfo(e.AccessLevel, e.Command, aliases.Aliases, usage.Usage, descString)); for (int j = 0; j < aliases.Aliases.Length; j++) { string[] newAliases = new string[aliases.Aliases.Length]; aliases.Aliases.CopyTo(newAliases, 0); newAliases[j] = e.Command; list.Add(new CommandInfo(e.AccessLevel, aliases.Aliases[j], newAliases, usage.Usage, descString)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < TargetCommands.AllCommands.Count; ++i) { BaseCommand command = TargetCommands.AllCommands[i]; string usage = command.Usage; string desc = command.Description; if (usage == null || desc == null) continue; string[] cmds = command.Commands; string cmd = cmds[0]; string[] aliases = new string[cmds.Length - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < aliases.Length; ++j) aliases[j] = cmds[j + 1]; desc = desc.Replace("<", "(").Replace(">", ")"); if (command.Supports != CommandSupport.Single) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50 + desc.Length); sb.Append("Modifiers: "); if ((command.Supports & CommandSupport.Global) != 0) sb.Append("Global, "); if ((command.Supports & CommandSupport.Online) != 0) sb.Append("Online, "); if ((command.Supports & CommandSupport.Region) != 0) sb.Append("Region, "); if ((command.Supports & CommandSupport.Contained) != 0) sb.Append("Contained, "); if ((command.Supports & CommandSupport.Multi) != 0) sb.Append("Multi, "); if ((command.Supports & CommandSupport.Area) != 0) sb.Append("Area, "); if ((command.Supports & CommandSupport.Self) != 0) sb.Append("Self, "); sb.Remove(sb.Length - 2, 2); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append(desc); desc = sb.ToString(); } list.Add(new CommandInfo(command.AccessLevel, cmd, aliases, usage, desc)); for (int j = 0; j < aliases.Length; j++) { string[] newAliases = new string[aliases.Length]; aliases.CopyTo(newAliases, 0); newAliases[j] = cmd; list.Add(new CommandInfo(command.AccessLevel, aliases[j], newAliases, usage, desc)); } } List commandImpls = BaseCommandImplementor.Implementors; for (int i = 0; i < commandImpls.Count; ++i) { BaseCommandImplementor command = commandImpls[i]; string usage = command.Usage; string desc = command.Description; if (usage == null || desc == null) continue; string[] cmds = command.Accessors; string cmd = cmds[0]; string[] aliases = new string[cmds.Length - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < aliases.Length; ++j) aliases[j] = cmds[j + 1]; desc = desc.Replace("<", ")").Replace(">", ")"); list.Add(new CommandInfo(command.AccessLevel, cmd, aliases, usage, desc)); for (int j = 0; j < aliases.Length; j++) { string[] newAliases = new string[aliases.Length]; aliases.CopyTo(newAliases, 0); newAliases[j] = cmd; list.Add(new CommandInfo(command.AccessLevel, aliases[j], newAliases, usage, desc)); } } list.Sort(new CommandInfoSorter()); m_SortedHelpInfo = list; foreach (CommandInfo c in m_SortedHelpInfo) { if (!m_HelpInfos.ContainsKey(c.Name.ToLower())) m_HelpInfos.Add(c.Name.ToLower(), c); } } [Usage("HelpInfo []")] [Description("Gives information on a specified command, or when no argument specified, displays a gump containing all commands")] private static void HelpInfo_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.Length > 0) { string arg = e.GetString(0).ToLower(); CommandInfo c; if (m_HelpInfos.TryGetValue(arg, out c)) { Mobile m = e.Mobile; if (m.AccessLevel >= c.AccessLevel) m.SendGump(new CommandInfoGump(c)); else m.SendMessage("You don't have access to that command."); return; } else e.Mobile.SendMessage(string.Format("Command '{0}' not found!", arg)); } e.Mobile.SendGump(new CommandListGump(0, e.Mobile, null)); } public class CommandListGump : BaseGridGump { private const int EntriesPerPage = 15; readonly int m_Page; readonly List m_List; public CommandListGump(int page, Mobile from, List list) : base(30, 30) { m_Page = page; if (list == null) { m_List = new List(); foreach (CommandInfo c in m_SortedHelpInfo) { if (from.AccessLevel >= c.AccessLevel) m_List.Add(c); } } else m_List = list; AddNewPage(); if (m_Page > 0) AddEntryButton(20, ArrowLeftID1, ArrowLeftID2, 1, ArrowLeftWidth, ArrowLeftHeight); else AddEntryHeader(20); AddEntryHtml(160, Center(string.Format("Page {0} of {1}", m_Page + 1, (m_List.Count + EntriesPerPage - 1) / EntriesPerPage))); if ((m_Page + 1) * EntriesPerPage < m_List.Count) AddEntryButton(20, ArrowRightID1, ArrowRightID2, 2, ArrowRightWidth, ArrowRightHeight); else AddEntryHeader(20); int last = (int)AccessLevel.Player - 1; for (int i = m_Page * EntriesPerPage, line = 0; line < EntriesPerPage && i < m_List.Count; ++i, ++line) { CommandInfo c = m_List[i]; if (from.AccessLevel >= c.AccessLevel) { if ((int)c.AccessLevel != last) { AddNewLine(); AddEntryHtml(20 + OffsetSize + 160, Color(c.AccessLevel.ToString(), 0xFF0000)); AddEntryHeader(20); line++; } last = (int)c.AccessLevel; AddNewLine(); AddEntryHtml(20 + OffsetSize + 160, c.Name); AddEntryButton(20, ArrowRightID1, ArrowRightID2, 3 + i, ArrowRightWidth, ArrowRightHeight); } } FinishPage(); } public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile m = sender.Mobile; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: { m.CloseGump(typeof(CommandInfoGump)); break; } case 1: { if (m_Page > 0) m.SendGump(new CommandListGump(m_Page - 1, m, m_List)); break; } case 2: { if ((m_Page + 1) * EntriesPerPage < m_SortedHelpInfo.Count) m.SendGump(new CommandListGump(m_Page + 1, m, m_List)); break; } default: { int v = info.ButtonID - 3; if (v >= 0 && v < m_List.Count) { CommandInfo c = m_List[v]; if (m.AccessLevel >= c.AccessLevel) { m.SendGump(new CommandInfoGump(c)); m.SendGump(new CommandListGump(m_Page, m, m_List)); } else { m.SendMessage("You no longer have access to that command."); m.SendGump(new CommandListGump(m_Page, m, null)); } } break; } } } } public class CommandInfoGump : Gump { private readonly CommandInfo m_Info; public CommandInfoGump(CommandInfo info) : this(info, 320, 210) { } public CommandInfoGump(CommandInfo info, int width, int height) : base(300, 50) { m_Info = info; AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, width, height, 5054); AddHtml(10, 10, width - 20, 20, Color(Center(info.Name), 0xFF0000), false, false); AddHtml(10, height - 30, 50, 20, Color("Params:", 0x00FF00), false, false); AddAlphaRegion(65, height - 34, 170, 28); AddTextEntry(70, height - 30, 160, 20, 789, 0, ""); AddHtml(250, height - 30, 30, 20, Color("Go", 0x00FF00), false, false); AddButton(280, height - 30, 0xFA6, 0xFA7, 99, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Usage: "); sb.Append(info.Usage.Replace("<", "(").Replace(">", ")")); sb.Append("
"); string[] aliases = info.Aliases; if (aliases != null && aliases.Length != 0) { sb.Append(string.Format("Alias{0}: ", aliases.Length == 1 ? "" : "es")); for (int i = 0; i < aliases.Length; ++i) { if (i != 0) sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(aliases[i]); } sb.Append("
"); } sb.Append("AccessLevel: "); sb.Append(info.AccessLevel.ToString()); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append(info.Description); AddHtml(10, 40, width - 20, height - 80, sb.ToString(), false, true); //AddImageTiled( 10, height - 30, width - 20, 20, 2624 ); //AddAlphaRegion( 10, height - 30, width - 20, 20 ); } public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 99) try { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; string command = CommandSystem.Prefix + m_Info.Name + " " + info.TextEntries[0].Text; CommandSystem.Handle(from, command); } catch (Exception e) { Diagnostics.ExceptionLogging.LogException(e); } //else close the gump silently } public string Color(string text, int color) { return string.Format("{1}", color, text); } public string Center(string text) { return string.Format("
", text); } } } }