using Server.Mobiles; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Server.Gumps { public abstract class BaseRewardGump : Gump { public int Index { get; private set; } public Mobile Owner { get; } public PlayerMobile User { get; } public int Page { get; private set; } public int Title { get; } public double Points { get; protected set; } public List Collection { get; protected set; } public virtual int PointsName => 1072843; // Your Reward Points: public virtual int RewardLabel => 1072844; // Please Choose a Reward: public BaseRewardGump(Mobile owner, PlayerMobile user, List col, int title, double points = -1.0) : base(50, 50) { user.CloseGump(typeof(BaseRewardGump)); Owner = owner; User = user; Collection = col; Title = title; Closable = true; Disposable = true; Dragable = true; Resizable = false; AddPage(0); AddImage(0, 0, 0x1F40); AddImageTiled(20, 37, 300, 308, 0x1F42); AddImage(20, 325, 0x1F43); AddImage(35, 8, 0x39); AddImageTiled(65, 8, 257, 10, 0x3A); AddImage(290, 8, 0x3B); AddImage(32, 33, 0x2635); AddImageTiled(70, 55, 230, 2, 0x23C5); Index = 0; Page = 1; if (points == -1) Points = GetPoints(user); else Points = points; AddHtmlLocalized(70, 35, 270, 20, Title, 0x1, false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(50, 65, 150, 20, PointsName, 0x1, false, false); AddPoints(); AddImageTiled(35, 85, 270, 2, 0x23C5); AddHtmlLocalized(35, 90, 270, 20, RewardLabel, 0x1, false, false); while (Collection != null && Index < Collection.Count) DisplayRewardPage(); } public virtual int GetYOffset(int id) { return 10; } protected virtual void AddPoints() { AddLabel(230, 65, 0x64, string.Format(((int)Points).ToString())); } public void DisplayRewardPage() { AddPage(Page); int offset = 110; int next = 0; int max = GetMax(); while (offset + next < 320 && Index < Collection.Count) { CollectionItem item = Collection[Index]; int height = Math.Max(item.Height, 20); if (Points >= item.Points) { AddButton(35, offset + height / 2 - 5, 0x837, 0x838, 200 + Index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, item.Tooltip); } int y = offset - item.Y; if (item.Height < 20) y += (20 - item.Height) / 2; Item i = null; if (Owner.Backpack != null && item.Type != null) i = Owner.Backpack.FindItemByType(item.Type); int hue = GetItemHue(i, item); AddItem(55 - item.X + max / 2 - item.Width / 2, y, item.ItemID, hue); if (i != null) AddItemProperty(i.Serial); else TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, item.Tooltip); AddLabel(80 + max, offset + height / 2 - 10, Points >= item.Points ? 0x64 : 0x21, item.Points.ToString("N0")); offset += GetYOffset(item.ItemID) + height; Index++; if (Index < Collection.Count) next = Math.Max(Collection[Index].Height, 20); else next = 0; } if (Page > 1) { AddButton(150, 335, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, Page - 1); AddHtmlLocalized(170, 335, 60, 20, 1074880, 0x1, false, false); // Previous } Page++; if (Index < Collection.Count) { AddButton(300, 335, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, Page); AddHtmlLocalized(240, 335, 60, 20, 1072854, 0x1, false, false); //
} } public override void OnResponse(Network.NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; if (info.ButtonID >= 200 && from is PlayerMobile) { CollectionItem item = Collection[info.ButtonID - 200]; double points = GetPoints(from); if (item != null && item.Points <= points) { from.CloseGump(typeof(aConfirmRewardGump)); from.SendGump(new aConfirmRewardGump(Owner, item, info.ButtonID - 200, OnConfirmed)); } else from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073122); // You don't have enough points for that! } } public abstract double GetPoints(Mobile m); public virtual void RemovePoints(double points) { } public virtual void OnConfirmed(CollectionItem citem, int index) { Item item = Activator.CreateInstance(citem.Type) as Item; if (item != null) { if (User.Backpack == null || !User.Backpack.TryDropItem(User, item, false)) { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1074361); // The reward could not be given. Make sure you have room in your pack. item.Delete(); } else { OnItemCreated(item); User.SendLocalizedMessage(1073621); // Your reward has been placed in your backpack. RemovePoints(citem.Points); User.PlaySound(0x5A7); } } } public virtual void OnItemCreated(Item item) { } public virtual int GetItemHue(Item i, CollectionItem item) { int hue = 0x3E9; if (Points >= item.Points) hue = item.Hue; return hue; } public virtual int GetMax() { int max = 0; if (Collection != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Collection.Count; i++) { if (max < Collection[i].Width) max = Collection[i].Width; } } return max; } } public class aConfirmRewardGump : BaseConfirmGump { public override int TitleNumber => 1074974; public override int LabelNumber => 1074975; public Mobile Owner { get; set; } public int Index { get; set; } public CollectionItem Item { get; set; } public Action ConfirmCallback { get; set; } public aConfirmRewardGump(Mobile owner, CollectionItem item, int index, Action callback) { Item = item; Index = index; Owner = owner; ConfirmCallback = callback; } public override void Confirm(Mobile from) { if (from.InRange(Owner.Location, 5) && Item != null) { if (ConfirmCallback != null) ConfirmCallback(Item, Index); } } } }