using Server.Accounting; using Server.Commands; using Server.Commands.Generic; using Server.Mobiles; using Server.Network; using Server.Targets; namespace Server.Gumps { public class ClientGump : Gump { private const int LabelColor32 = 0xFFFFFF; private readonly NetState m_State; public ClientGump(Mobile from, NetState state) : this(from, state, "") { } public ClientGump(Mobile from, NetState state, string initialText) : base(30, 20) { if (state == null) return; m_State = state; AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, 400, 274, 5054); AddImageTiled(10, 10, 380, 19, 0xA40); AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 380, 19); AddImageTiled(10, 32, 380, 232, 0xA40); AddAlphaRegion(10, 32, 380, 232); AddHtml(10, 10, 380, 20, Color(Center("User Information"), LabelColor32), false, false); int line = 0; AddHtml(14, 36 + (line * 20), 200, 20, Color("Address:", LabelColor32), false, false); AddHtml(70, 36 + (line++ * 20), 200, 20, Color(state.ToString(), LabelColor32), false, false); AddHtml(14, 36 + (line * 20), 200, 20, Color("Client:", LabelColor32), false, false); AddHtml(70, 36 + (line++ * 20), 200, 20, Color(state.Version == null ? "(null)" : state.Version.ToString(), LabelColor32), false, false); AddHtml(14, 36 + (line * 20), 200, 20, Color("Version:", LabelColor32), false, false); ExpansionInfo info = state.ExpansionInfo; string expansionName = info.Name; AddHtml(70, 36 + (line++ * 20), 200, 20, Color(expansionName, LabelColor32), false, false); Account a = state.Account as Account; Mobile m = state.Mobile; if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && a != null) { AddHtml(14, 36 + (line * 20), 200, 20, Color("Account:", LabelColor32), false, false); AddHtml(70, 36 + (line++ * 20), 200, 20, Color(a.Username, LabelColor32), false, false); } if (m != null) { AddHtml(14, 36 + (line * 20), 200, 20, Color("Mobile:", LabelColor32), false, false); AddHtml(70, 36 + (line++ * 20), 200, 20, Color(string.Format("{0} (0x{1:X})", m.Name, m.Serial.Value), LabelColor32), false, false); AddHtml(14, 36 + (line * 20), 200, 20, Color("Location:", LabelColor32), false, false); AddHtml(70, 36 + (line++ * 20), 200, 20, Color(string.Format("{0} [{1}]", m.Location, m.Map), LabelColor32), false, false); AddButton(13, 157, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(48, 158, 200, 20, Color("Send Message", LabelColor32), false, false); AddImageTiled(12, 182, 376, 80, 0xA40); AddImageTiled(13, 183, 374, 78, 0xBBC); AddTextEntry(15, 183, 372, 78, 0x480, 0, ""); AddImageTiled(245, 35, 142, 144, 5058); AddImageTiled(246, 36, 140, 142, 0xA40); AddAlphaRegion(246, 36, 140, 142); line = 0; if (BaseCommand.IsAccessible(from, m)) { AddButton(246, 36 + (line * 20), 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(280, 38 + (line++ * 20), 100, 20, Color("Properties", LabelColor32), false, false); } if (from != m) { AddButton(246, 36 + (line * 20), 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(280, 38 + (line++ * 20), 100, 20, Color("Go to them", LabelColor32), false, false); AddButton(246, 36 + (line * 20), 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(280, 38 + (line++ * 20), 100, 20, Color("Bring them here", LabelColor32), false, false); } AddButton(246, 36 + (line * 20), 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(280, 38 + (line++ * 20), 100, 20, Color("Move to target", LabelColor32), false, false); if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && from.AccessLevel > m.AccessLevel) { AddButton(246, 36 + (line * 20), 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(280, 38 + (line++ * 20), 100, 20, Color("Disconnect", LabelColor32), false, false); if (m.Alive) { AddButton(246, 36 + (line * 20), 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(280, 38 + (line++ * 20), 100, 20, Color("Kill", LabelColor32), false, false); } else { AddButton(246, 36 + (line * 20), 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(280, 38 + (line++ * 20), 100, 20, Color("Resurrect", LabelColor32), false, false); } } if (from.IsStaff() && from.AccessLevel > m.AccessLevel) { AddButton(246, 36 + (line * 20), 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 11, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(280, 38 + (line++ * 20), 100, 20, Color("Skills browser", LabelColor32), false, false); } } } public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (m_State == null) return; Mobile focus = m_State.Mobile; Mobile from = state.Mobile; if (focus == null) { from.SendMessage("That character is no longer online."); return; } else if (focus.Deleted) { from.SendMessage("That character no longer exists."); return; } else if (from != focus && focus.Hidden && from.AccessLevel < focus.AccessLevel && (!(focus is PlayerMobile) || !((PlayerMobile)focus).VisibilityList.Contains(from))) { from.SendMessage("That character is no longer visible."); return; } switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: // Tell { TextRelay text = info.GetTextEntry(0); if (text != null) { focus.SendMessage(0x482, "{0} tells you:", from.Name); focus.SendMessage(0x482, text.Text); CommandLogging.WriteLine(from, "{0} {1} telling {2} \"{3}\" ", from.AccessLevel, CommandLogging.Format(from), CommandLogging.Format(focus), text.Text); } from.SendGump(new ClientGump(from, m_State)); break; } case 4: // Props { Resend(from, info); if (!BaseCommand.IsAccessible(from, focus)) from.SendMessage("That is not accessible."); else { from.SendGump(new PropertiesGump(from, focus)); CommandLogging.WriteLine(from, "{0} {1} opening properties gump of {2} ", from.AccessLevel, CommandLogging.Format(from), CommandLogging.Format(focus)); } break; } case 5: // Go to { if (focus.Map == null || focus.Map == Map.Internal) { from.SendMessage("That character is not in the world."); } else { from.MoveToWorld(focus.Location, focus.Map); Resend(from, info); CommandLogging.WriteLine(from, "{0} {1} going to {2}, Location {3}, Map {4}", from.AccessLevel, CommandLogging.Format(from), CommandLogging.Format(focus), focus.Location, focus.Map); } break; } case 6: // Get { if (from.Map == null || from.Map == Map.Internal) { from.SendMessage("You cannot bring that person here."); } else { focus.MoveToWorld(from.Location, from.Map); Resend(from, info); CommandLogging.WriteLine(from, "{0} {1} bringing {2} to Location {3}, Map {4}", from.AccessLevel, CommandLogging.Format(from), CommandLogging.Format(focus), from.Location, from.Map); } break; } case 7: // Move { from.Target = new MoveTarget(focus); Resend(from, info); break; } case 8: // Kick { if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && from.AccessLevel > focus.AccessLevel) { focus.Say("I've been kicked!"); m_State.Dispose(); CommandLogging.WriteLine(from, "{0} {1} kicking {2} ", from.AccessLevel, CommandLogging.Format(from), CommandLogging.Format(focus)); } break; } case 9: // Kill { if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && from.AccessLevel > focus.AccessLevel) { focus.Kill(); CommandLogging.WriteLine(from, "{0} {1} killing {2} ", from.AccessLevel, CommandLogging.Format(from), CommandLogging.Format(focus)); } Resend(from, info); break; } case 10: //Res { if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && from.AccessLevel > focus.AccessLevel) { focus.PlaySound(0x214); focus.FixedEffect(0x376A, 10, 16); focus.Resurrect(); CommandLogging.WriteLine(from, "{0} {1} resurrecting {2} ", from.AccessLevel, CommandLogging.Format(from), CommandLogging.Format(focus)); } Resend(from, info); break; } case 11: // Skills { Resend(from, info); if (from.AccessLevel > focus.AccessLevel) { from.SendGump(new SkillsGump(from, focus)); CommandLogging.WriteLine(from, "{0} {1} Opening Skills gump of {2} ", from.AccessLevel, CommandLogging.Format(from), CommandLogging.Format(focus)); } break; } } } public string Center(string text) { return string.Format("
", text); } public string Color(string text, int color) { return string.Format("{1}", color, text); } private void Resend(Mobile to, RelayInfo info) { TextRelay te = info.GetTextEntry(0); to.SendGump(new ClientGump(to, m_State, te == null ? "" : te.Text)); } } }