#region References using Server.Commands; using Server.Network; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; #endregion namespace Server.Gumps { public class SetBodyGump : Gump { private static ArrayList m_Monster, m_Animal, m_Sea, m_Human; private const int LabelColor32 = 0xFFFFFF; private const int SelectedColor32 = 0x8080FF; private const int TextColor32 = 0xFFFFFF; private readonly PropertyInfo m_Property; private readonly Mobile m_Mobile; private readonly object m_Object; private readonly Stack m_Stack; private readonly int m_Page; private readonly ArrayList m_List; private readonly int m_OurPage; private readonly ArrayList m_OurList; private readonly ModelBodyType m_OurType; public SetBodyGump(PropertyInfo prop, Mobile mobile, object o, Stack stack, int page, ArrayList list) : this(prop, mobile, o, stack, page, list, 0, null, ModelBodyType.Invalid) { } public SetBodyGump( PropertyInfo prop, Mobile mobile, object o, Stack stack, int page, ArrayList list, int ourPage, ArrayList ourList, ModelBodyType ourType) : base(20, 30) { m_Property = prop; m_Mobile = mobile; m_Object = o; m_Stack = stack; m_Page = page; m_List = list; m_OurPage = ourPage; m_OurList = ourList; m_OurType = ourType; AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, 525, 328, 5054); AddImageTiled(10, 10, 505, 20, 0xA40); AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 505, 20); AddImageTiled(10, 35, 505, 283, 0xA40); AddAlphaRegion(10, 35, 505, 283); AddTypeButton(10, 10, 1, "Monster", ModelBodyType.Monsters); AddTypeButton(130, 10, 2, "Animal", ModelBodyType.Animals); AddTypeButton(250, 10, 3, "Marine", ModelBodyType.Sea); AddTypeButton(370, 10, 4, "Human", ModelBodyType.Human); AddImage(480, 12, 0x25EA); AddImage(497, 12, 0x25E6); if (ourList == null) { AddLabel(15, 40, 0x480, "Choose a body type above."); } else if (ourList.Count == 0) { AddLabel(15, 40, 0x480, "The server must have UO:3D installed to use this feature."); } else { for (int i = 0, index = (ourPage * 12); i < 12 && index >= 0 && index < ourList.Count; ++i, ++index) { InternalEntry entry = (InternalEntry)ourList[index]; int itemID = entry.ItemID; Rectangle2D bounds = ItemBounds.Table[itemID & 0x3FFF]; int x = 15 + ((i % 4) * 125); int y = 40 + ((i / 4) * 93); AddItem(x + ((120 - bounds.Width) / 2) - bounds.X, y + ((69 - bounds.Height) / 2) - bounds.Y, itemID); AddButton(x + 6, y + 66, 0x98D, 0x98D, 7 + index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); x += 6; y += 67; AddHtml(x + 0, y - 1, 108, 21, Center(entry.DisplayName), false, false); AddHtml(x + 0, y + 1, 108, 21, Center(entry.DisplayName), false, false); AddHtml(x - 1, y + 0, 108, 21, Center(entry.DisplayName), false, false); AddHtml(x + 1, y + 0, 108, 21, Center(entry.DisplayName), false, false); AddHtml(x + 0, y + 0, 108, 21, Color(Center(entry.DisplayName), TextColor32), false, false); } if (ourPage > 0) AddButton(480, 12, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); if ((ourPage + 1) * 12 < ourList.Count) AddButton(497, 12, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } } public string Center(string text) { return string.Format("
", text); } public string Color(string text, int color) { return string.Format("{1}", color, text); } public void AddTypeButton(int x, int y, int buttonID, string text, ModelBodyType type) { bool isSelection = (m_OurType == type); AddButton(x, y - 1, isSelection ? 4006 : 4005, 4007, buttonID, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(x + 35, y, 200, 20, Color(text, isSelection ? SelectedColor32 : LabelColor32), false, false); } public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { int index = info.ButtonID - 1; if (index == -1) { m_Mobile.SendGump(new PropertiesGump(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page)); } else if (index >= 0 && index < 4) { if (m_Monster == null) LoadLists(); ModelBodyType type; ArrayList list; switch (index) { default: case 0: type = ModelBodyType.Monsters; list = m_Monster; break; case 1: type = ModelBodyType.Animals; list = m_Animal; break; case 2: type = ModelBodyType.Sea; list = m_Sea; break; case 3: type = ModelBodyType.Human; list = m_Human; break; } m_Mobile.SendGump(new SetBodyGump(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, 0, list, type)); } else if (m_OurList != null) { index -= 4; if (index == 0 && m_OurPage > 0) { m_Mobile.SendGump( new SetBodyGump(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_OurPage - 1, m_OurList, m_OurType)); } else if (index == 1 && ((m_OurPage + 1) * 12) < m_OurList.Count) { m_Mobile.SendGump( new SetBodyGump(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_OurPage + 1, m_OurList, m_OurType)); } else { index -= 2; if (index >= 0 && index < m_OurList.Count) { try { InternalEntry entry = (InternalEntry)m_OurList[index]; CommandLogging.LogChangeProperty(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Property.Name, entry.Body.ToString()); m_Property.SetValue(m_Object, entry.Body, null); PropertiesGump.OnValueChanged(m_Object, m_Property, m_Stack); } catch (Exception e) { Diagnostics.ExceptionLogging.LogException(e); } m_Mobile.SendGump( new SetBodyGump(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_OurPage, m_OurList, m_OurType)); } } } } private static void LoadLists() { m_Monster = new ArrayList(); m_Animal = new ArrayList(); m_Sea = new ArrayList(); m_Human = new ArrayList(); System.Collections.Generic.List entries = Docs.LoadBodies(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; ++i) { BodyEntry oldEntry = entries[i]; int bodyID = oldEntry.Body.BodyID; if (((Body)bodyID).IsEmpty) continue; ArrayList list = null; switch (oldEntry.BodyType) { case ModelBodyType.Monsters: list = m_Monster; break; case ModelBodyType.Animals: list = m_Animal; break; case ModelBodyType.Sea: list = m_Sea; break; case ModelBodyType.Human: list = m_Human; break; } if (list == null) continue; int itemID = ShrinkTable.Lookup(bodyID, -1); if (itemID != -1) list.Add(new InternalEntry(bodyID, itemID, oldEntry.Name)); } if (m_Monster != null) { m_Monster.Sort(); } if (m_Animal != null) { m_Animal.Sort(); } if (m_Sea != null) { m_Sea.Sort(); } if (m_Human != null) { m_Human.Sort(); } } private class InternalEntry : IComparable { private static readonly string[] m_GroupNames = { "ogres_", "ettins_", "walking_dead_", "gargoyles_", "orcs_", "flails_", "daemons_", "arachnids_", "dragons_", "elementals_", "serpents_", "gazers_", "liche_", "spirits_", "harpies_", "headless_", "lizard_race_", "mongbat_", "rat_race_", "scorpions_", "trolls_", "slimes_", "skeletons_", "ethereals_", "terathan_", "imps_", "cyclops_", "krakens_", "frogs_", "ophidians_", "centaurs_", "mages_", "fey_race_", "genies_", "paladins_", "shadowlords_", "succubi_", "lizards_", "rodents_", "birds_", "bovines_", "bruins_", "canines_", "deer_", "equines_", "felines_", "fowl_", "gorillas_", "kirin_", "llamas_", "ostards_", "porcines_", "ruminants_", "walrus_", "dolphins_", "sea_horse_", "sea_serpents_", "character_", "h_", "titans_" }; private readonly int m_Body; private readonly int m_ItemID; private readonly string m_Name; private readonly string m_DisplayName; public InternalEntry(int body, int itemID, string name) { m_Body = body; m_ItemID = itemID; m_Name = name; m_DisplayName = name.ToLower(); for (int i = 0; i < m_GroupNames.Length; ++i) { if (m_DisplayName.StartsWith(m_GroupNames[i])) { m_DisplayName = m_DisplayName.Substring(m_GroupNames[i].Length); break; } } m_DisplayName = m_DisplayName.Replace('_', ' '); } public int Body => m_Body; public int ItemID => m_ItemID; public string Name => m_Name; public string DisplayName => m_DisplayName; public int CompareTo(object obj) { InternalEntry comp = (InternalEntry)obj; int v = m_Name.CompareTo(comp.m_Name); if (v == 0) return m_Body.CompareTo(comp.m_Body); return v; } } } }