using Server.Commands; using Server.Misc; using Server.Network; using System; namespace Server.Gumps { public class ToTAdminGump : Gump { private static readonly string[] m_ToTInfo = { //Opening Message "
Treasures of Tokuno Admin

" + "-Use the gems to switch eras
" + "-Drop era and Reward era can be changed seperately
" + "-Drop era can be deactivated, Reward era is always activated", //Treasures of Tokuno 1 message "
Treasures of Tokuno 1

" + "-10 charge Bleach Pigment can drop as a Lesser Artifact
" + "-50 charge Neon Pigments available as a reward
", //Treasures of Tokuno 2 message "
Treasures of Tokuno 2

" + "-30 types of 1 charge Metallic Pigments drop as Lesser Artifacts
" + "-1 charge Bleach Pigment can drop as a Lesser Artifact
" + "-10 charge Greater Metallic Pigments available as a reward", //Treasures of Tokuno 3 message "
Treasures of Tokuno 3

" + "-10 types of 1 charge Fresh Pigments drop as Lesser Artifacts
" + "-1 charge Bleach Pigment can drop as a Lesser Artifact
" + "-Leurocian's Mempo Of Fortune can drop as a Lesser Artifact" }; private readonly int m_ToTEras; public ToTAdminGump() : base(30, 50) { Closable = true; Disposable = true; Dragable = true; Resizable = false; m_ToTEras = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TreasuresOfTokunoEra)).Length - 1; AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, 320, 75 + (m_ToTEras * 25), 9200); AddImageTiled(25, 18, 270, 10, 9267); AddLabel(75, 5, 54, "Treasures of Tokuno Admin"); AddLabel(10, 25, 54, "ToT Era"); AddLabel(90, 25, 54, "Drop Era"); AddLabel(195, 25, 54, "Reward Era"); AddLabel(287, 25, 54, "Info"); AddBackground(320, 0, 200, 150, 9200); AddImageTiled(325, 5, 190, 140, 2624); AddAlphaRegion(325, 5, 190, 140); SetupToTEras(); } public static void Initialize() { CommandSystem.Register("ToTAdmin", AccessLevel.Administrator, ToTAdmin_OnCommand); } [Usage("ToTAdmin")] [Description("Displays a menu to configure Treasures of Tokuno.")] public static void ToTAdmin_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { ToTAdminGump tg; tg = new ToTAdminGump(); e.Mobile.CloseGump(typeof(ToTAdminGump)); e.Mobile.SendGump(tg); } public void SetupToTEras() { bool isActivated = TreasuresOfTokuno.DropEra != TreasuresOfTokunoEra.None; AddButton(75, 50, isActivated ? 2361 : 2360, isActivated ? 2361 : 2360, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(90, 45, isActivated ? 167 : 137, isActivated ? "Activated" : "Deactivated"); for (int i = 0; i < m_ToTEras; i++) { int yoffset = (i * 25); bool isThisDropEra = ((int)TreasuresOfTokuno.DropEra - 1) == i; bool isThisRewardEra = ((int)TreasuresOfTokuno.RewardEra - 1) == i; int dropButtonID = isThisDropEra ? 2361 : 2360; int rewardButtonID = isThisRewardEra ? 2361 : 2360; AddLabel(10, 70 + yoffset, 2100, "ToT " + (i + 1)); AddButton(75, 75 + yoffset, dropButtonID, dropButtonID, 2 + (i * 2), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(90, 70 + yoffset, isThisDropEra ? 167 : 137, isThisDropEra ? "Active" : "Inactive"); AddButton(180, 75 + yoffset, rewardButtonID, rewardButtonID, 2 + (i * 2) + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(195, 70 + yoffset, isThisRewardEra ? 167 : 137, isThisRewardEra ? "Active" : "Inactive"); AddButton(285, 70 + yoffset, 4005, 4006, i, GumpButtonType.Page, 2 + i); } for (int i = 0; i < m_ToTInfo.Length; i++) { AddPage(1 + i); AddHtml(330, 10, 180, 130, m_ToTInfo[i], false, true); } } public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { int button = info.ButtonID; Mobile from = sender.Mobile; if (button == 1) { TreasuresOfTokuno.DropEra = TreasuresOfTokunoEra.None; from.SendMessage("Treasures of Tokuno Drops have been deactivated"); Engines.SeasonalEvents.SeasonalEventSystem.OnToTDeactivated(from); } else if (button >= 2) { int selectedToT; if (button % 2 == 0) { selectedToT = button / 2; TreasuresOfTokuno.DropEra = (TreasuresOfTokunoEra)(selectedToT); from.SendMessage("Treasures of Tokuno " + selectedToT + " Drops have been enabled"); } else { selectedToT = (button - 1) / 2; TreasuresOfTokuno.RewardEra = (TreasuresOfTokunoEra)(selectedToT); from.SendMessage("Treasures of Tokuno " + selectedToT + " Rewards have been enabled"); } } } } }