using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Prompts;
using Server.Targeting;
namespace Server.Gumps
public abstract class BaseVendorRentalGump : Gump
protected BaseVendorRentalGump(GumpType type, VendorRentalDuration duration, int price, int renewalPrice,
Mobile landlord, Mobile renter, bool landlordRenew, bool renterRenew, bool renew)
: base(100, 100)
if (type == GumpType.Offer)
Closable = false;
AddImage(0, 0, 0x1F40);
AddImageTiled(20, 37, 300, 308, 0x1F42);
AddImage(20, 325, 0x1F43);
AddImage(35, 8, 0x39);
AddImageTiled(65, 8, 257, 10, 0x3A);
AddImage(290, 8, 0x3B);
AddImageTiled(70, 55, 230, 2, 0x23C5);
AddImage(32, 33, 0x2635);
AddHtmlLocalized(70, 35, 270, 20, 1062353, 0x1, false, false); // Vendor Rental Contract
if (type != GumpType.UnlockedContract)
AddImage(65, 60, 0x827);
AddHtmlLocalized(79, 58, 270, 20, 1062370, 0x1, false, false); // Landlord:
AddLabel(150, 58, 0x64, landlord != null ? landlord.Name : "");
AddImageTiled(70, 80, 230, 2, 0x23C5);
if (type == GumpType.UnlockedContract || type == GumpType.LockedContract)
AddButton(30, 96, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 2);
AddHtmlLocalized(50, 95, 150, 20, 1062354, 0x1, false, false); // Contract Length
AddHtmlLocalized(230, 95, 270, 20, duration.Name, 0x1, false, false);
if (type == GumpType.UnlockedContract || type == GumpType.LockedContract)
AddButton(30, 116, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(50, 115, 150, 20, 1062356, 0x1, false, false); // Price Per Rental
AddLabel(230, 115, 0x64, price > 0 ? price.ToString() : "FREE");
AddImageTiled(50, 160, 250, 2, 0x23BF);
if (type == GumpType.Offer)
AddButton(67, 180, 0x482, 0x483, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(100, 180, 270, 20, 1049011, 0x28, false, false); // I accept!
AddButton(67, 210, 0x47F, 0x480, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(100, 210, 270, 20, 1049012, 0x28, false, false); // No thanks, I decline.
AddImage(49, 170, 0x61);
AddHtmlLocalized(60, 170, 250, 20, 1062355, 0x1, false, false); // Renew On Expiration?
if (type == GumpType.LockedContract || type == GumpType.UnlockedContract || type == GumpType.VendorLandlord)
AddButton(30, 192, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(85, 190, 250, 20, 1062359, 0x1, false, false); // Landlord:
AddHtmlLocalized(230, 190, 270, 20, landlordRenew ? 1049717 : 1049718, 0x1, false, false); // YES / NO
if (type == GumpType.VendorRenter)
AddButton(30, 212, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(85, 210, 250, 20, 1062360, 0x1, false, false); // Renter:
AddHtmlLocalized(230, 210, 270, 20, renterRenew ? 1049717 : 1049718, 0x1, false, false); // YES / NO
if (renew)
AddImage(49, 233, 0x939);
AddHtmlLocalized(70, 230, 250, 20, 1062482, 0x1, false, false); // Contract WILL renew
AddImage(49, 233, 0x938);
AddHtmlLocalized(70, 230, 250, 20, 1062483, 0x1, false, false); // Contract WILL NOT renew
AddImageTiled(30, 283, 257, 30, 0x5D);
AddImage(285, 283, 0x5E);
AddImage(20, 288, 0x232C);
if (type == GumpType.LockedContract)
AddButton(67, 295, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(85, 294, 270, 20, 1062358, 0x28, false, false); // Offer Contract To Someone
else if (type == GumpType.VendorLandlord || type == GumpType.VendorRenter)
if (type == GumpType.VendorLandlord)
AddButton(30, 250, 0x15E1, 0x15E1, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(85, 250, 250, 20, 1062499, 0x1, false, false); // Renewal Price
AddLabel(230, 250, 0x64, renewalPrice.ToString());
AddHtmlLocalized(60, 294, 270, 20, 1062369, 0x1, false, false); // Renter:
AddLabel(120, 293, 0x64, renter != null ? renter.Name : "");
if (type == GumpType.UnlockedContract || type == GumpType.LockedContract)
for (int i = 0; i < VendorRentalDuration.Instances.Length; i++)
VendorRentalDuration durationItem = VendorRentalDuration.Instances[i];
AddButton(30, 76 + i * 20, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 0x10 | i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
AddHtmlLocalized(50, 75 + i * 20, 150, 20, durationItem.Name, 0x1, false, false);
protected enum GumpType
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
Mobile from = sender.Mobile;
if (!IsValidResponse(from))
if ((info.ButtonID & 0x10) != 0) // Contract duration
int index = info.ButtonID & 0xF;
if (index < VendorRentalDuration.Instances.Length)
SetContractDuration(from, VendorRentalDuration.Instances[index]);
switch (info.ButtonID)
case 1: // Price Per Rental
case 2: // Accept offer
case 3: // Renew on expiration - landlord
case 4: // Renew on expiration - renter
case 5: // Offer Contract To Someone
case 6: // Renewal price
protected abstract bool IsValidResponse(Mobile from);
protected virtual void SetContractDuration(Mobile from, VendorRentalDuration duration)
protected virtual void SetPricePerRental(Mobile from)
protected virtual void AcceptOffer(Mobile from)
protected virtual void LandlordRenewOnExpiration(Mobile from)
protected virtual void RenterRenewOnExpiration(Mobile from)
protected virtual void OfferContract(Mobile from)
protected virtual void SetRenewalPrice(Mobile from)
protected virtual void Cancel(Mobile from)
public class VendorRentalContractGump : BaseVendorRentalGump
private readonly VendorRentalContract m_Contract;
public VendorRentalContractGump(VendorRentalContract contract, Mobile from)
: base(
contract.IsLockedDown ? GumpType.LockedContract : GumpType.UnlockedContract, contract.Duration,
contract.Price, contract.Price, from, null, contract.LandlordRenew, false, false)
m_Contract = contract;
protected override bool IsValidResponse(Mobile from)
return m_Contract.IsUsableBy(from, true, true, true, true);
protected override void SetContractDuration(Mobile from, VendorRentalDuration duration)
m_Contract.Duration = duration;
from.SendGump(new VendorRentalContractGump(m_Contract, from));
protected override void SetPricePerRental(Mobile from)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062365); // Please enter the amount of gold that should be charged for this contract (ESC to cancel):
from.Prompt = new PricePerRentalPrompt(m_Contract);
protected override void LandlordRenewOnExpiration(Mobile from)
m_Contract.LandlordRenew = !m_Contract.LandlordRenew;
from.SendGump(new VendorRentalContractGump(m_Contract, from));
protected override void OfferContract(Mobile from)
if (m_Contract.IsLandlord(from))
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062371); // Please target the person you wish to offer this contract to.
from.Target = new OfferContractTarget(m_Contract);
private class PricePerRentalPrompt : Prompt
public override int MessageCliloc => 1062365;
private readonly VendorRentalContract m_Contract;
public PricePerRentalPrompt(VendorRentalContract contract)
m_Contract = contract;
public override void OnResponse(Mobile from, string text)
if (!m_Contract.IsUsableBy(from, true, true, true, true))
text = text.Trim();
int price;
if (!int.TryParse(text, out price))
price = -1;
if (price < 0)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062485); // Invalid entry. Rental fee set to 0.
m_Contract.Price = 0;
else if (price > 5000000)
m_Contract.Price = 5000000;
m_Contract.Price = price;
from.SendGump(new VendorRentalContractGump(m_Contract, from));
public override void OnCancel(Mobile from)
if (m_Contract.IsUsableBy(from, true, true, true, true))
from.SendGump(new VendorRentalContractGump(m_Contract, from));
private class OfferContractTarget : Target
private readonly VendorRentalContract m_Contract;
public OfferContractTarget(VendorRentalContract contract)
: base(-1, false, TargetFlags.None)
m_Contract = contract;
protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
if (!m_Contract.IsUsableBy(from, true, false, true, true))
Mobile mob = targeted as Mobile;
if (mob == null || !mob.Player || !mob.Alive || mob == from)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1071984); //That is not a valid target for a rental contract!
else if (!mob.InRange(m_Contract, 5))
from.SendLocalizedMessage(501853); // Target is too far away.
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062372); // Please wait while that person considers your offer.
mob.SendLocalizedMessage(1062373, from.Name); // ~1_NAME~ is offering you a vendor rental. If you choose to accept this offer, you have 30 seconds to do so.
mob.SendGump(new VendorRentalOfferGump(m_Contract, from));
m_Contract.Offeree = mob;
protected override void OnTargetCancel(Mobile from, TargetCancelType cancelType)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062380); // You decide against offering the contract to anyone.
public class VendorRentalOfferGump : BaseVendorRentalGump
private readonly VendorRentalContract m_Contract;
private readonly Mobile m_Landlord;
public VendorRentalOfferGump(VendorRentalContract contract, Mobile landlord)
: base(
GumpType.Offer, contract.Duration, contract.Price, contract.Price,
landlord, null, contract.LandlordRenew, false, false)
m_Contract = contract;
m_Landlord = landlord;
protected override bool IsValidResponse(Mobile from)
return m_Contract.IsUsableBy(m_Landlord, true, false, false, false) && from.CheckAlive() && m_Contract.Offeree == from;
protected override void AcceptOffer(Mobile from)
m_Contract.Offeree = null;
if (!m_Contract.Map.CanFit(m_Contract.Location, 16, false, false))
m_Landlord.SendLocalizedMessage(1062486); // A vendor cannot exist at that location. Please try again.
BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(m_Contract);
if (house == null)
int price = m_Contract.Price;
int goldToGive;
if (price > 0)
if (Banker.Withdraw(from, price))
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060398, price.ToString()); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been withdrawn from your bank box.
int depositedGold = Banker.DepositUpTo(m_Landlord, price);
goldToGive = price - depositedGold;
if (depositedGold > 0)
m_Landlord.SendLocalizedMessage(1060397, price.ToString()); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been deposited into your bank box.
if (goldToGive > 0)
m_Landlord.SendLocalizedMessage(500390); // Your bank box is full.
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062378); // You do not have enough gold in your bank account to cover the cost of the contract.
m_Landlord.SendLocalizedMessage(1062374, from.Name); // ~1_NAME~ has declined your vendor rental offer.
goldToGive = 0;
PlayerVendor vendor = new RentedVendor(from, house, m_Contract.Duration, price, m_Contract.LandlordRenew, goldToGive);
vendor.MoveToWorld(m_Contract.Location, m_Contract.Map);
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062377); // You have accepted the offer and now own a vendor in this house. Rental contract options and details may be viewed on this vendor via the 'Contract Options' context menu.
m_Landlord.SendLocalizedMessage(1062376, from.Name); // ~1_NAME~ has accepted your vendor rental offer. Rental contract details and options may be viewed on this vendor via the 'Contract Options' context menu.
EventSink.InvokePlacePlayerVendor(new PlacePlayerVendorEventArgs(from, vendor));
protected override void Cancel(Mobile from)
m_Contract.Offeree = null;
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062375); // You decline the offer for a vendor space rental.
m_Landlord.SendLocalizedMessage(1062374, from.Name); // ~1_NAME~ has declined your vendor rental offer.
public class RenterVendorRentalGump : BaseVendorRentalGump
private readonly RentedVendor m_Vendor;
public RenterVendorRentalGump(RentedVendor vendor)
: base(
GumpType.VendorRenter, vendor.RentalDuration, vendor.RentalPrice, vendor.RenewalPrice,
vendor.Landlord, vendor.Owner, vendor.LandlordRenew, vendor.RenterRenew, vendor.Renew)
m_Vendor = vendor;
protected override bool IsValidResponse(Mobile from)
return m_Vendor.CanInteractWith(from, true);
protected override void RenterRenewOnExpiration(Mobile from)
m_Vendor.RenterRenew = !m_Vendor.RenterRenew;
from.SendGump(new RenterVendorRentalGump(m_Vendor));
public class LandlordVendorRentalGump : BaseVendorRentalGump
private readonly RentedVendor m_Vendor;
public LandlordVendorRentalGump(RentedVendor vendor)
: base(
GumpType.VendorLandlord, vendor.RentalDuration, vendor.RentalPrice, vendor.RenewalPrice,
vendor.Landlord, vendor.Owner, vendor.LandlordRenew, vendor.RenterRenew, vendor.Renew)
m_Vendor = vendor;
protected override bool IsValidResponse(Mobile from)
return m_Vendor.CanInteractWith(from, false) && m_Vendor.IsLandlord(from);
protected override void LandlordRenewOnExpiration(Mobile from)
m_Vendor.LandlordRenew = !m_Vendor.LandlordRenew;
from.SendGump(new LandlordVendorRentalGump(m_Vendor));
protected override void SetRenewalPrice(Mobile from)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062500); // Enter contract renewal price:
from.Prompt = new ContractRenewalPricePrompt(m_Vendor);
private class ContractRenewalPricePrompt : Prompt
public override int MessageCliloc => 1062500;
private readonly RentedVendor m_Vendor;
public ContractRenewalPricePrompt(RentedVendor vendor)
m_Vendor = vendor;
public override void OnResponse(Mobile from, string text)
if (!m_Vendor.CanInteractWith(from, false) || !m_Vendor.IsLandlord(from))
text = text.Trim();
int price;
if (!int.TryParse(text, out price))
price = -1;
if (price < 0)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062485); // Invalid entry. Rental fee set to 0.
m_Vendor.RenewalPrice = 0;
else if (price > 5000000)
m_Vendor.RenewalPrice = 5000000;
m_Vendor.RenewalPrice = price;
m_Vendor.RenterRenew = false;
from.SendGump(new LandlordVendorRentalGump(m_Vendor));
public override void OnCancel(Mobile from)
if (m_Vendor.CanInteractWith(from, false) && m_Vendor.IsLandlord(from))
from.SendGump(new LandlordVendorRentalGump(m_Vendor));
public class VendorRentalRefundGump : Gump
private readonly RentedVendor m_Vendor;
private readonly Mobile m_Landlord;
private readonly int m_RefundAmount;
public VendorRentalRefundGump(RentedVendor vendor, Mobile landlord, int refundAmount)
: base(50, 50)
m_Vendor = vendor;
m_Landlord = landlord;
m_RefundAmount = refundAmount;
AddBackground(0, 0, 420, 320, 0x13BE);
AddImageTiled(10, 10, 400, 300, 0xA40);
AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 400, 300);
/* The landlord for this vendor is offering you a partial refund of your rental fee
* in exchange for immediate termination of your rental contract.
* If you accept this offer, the vendor will be immediately dismissed. You will then
* be able to claim the inventory and any funds the vendor may be holding for you via
* a context menu on the house sign for this house.
AddHtmlLocalized(10, 10, 400, 150, 1062501, 0x7FFF, false, true);
AddHtmlLocalized(10, 180, 150, 20, 1062508, 0x7FFF, false, false); // Vendor Name:
AddLabel(160, 180, 0x480, vendor.Name);
AddHtmlLocalized(10, 200, 150, 20, 1062509, 0x7FFF, false, false); // Shop Name:
AddLabel(160, 200, 0x480, vendor.ShopName);
AddHtmlLocalized(10, 220, 150, 20, 1062510, 0x7FFF, false, false); // Refund Amount:
AddLabel(160, 220, 0x480, refundAmount.ToString());
AddButton(10, 268, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(45, 268, 350, 20, 1062511, 0x7FFF, false, false); // Agree, and dismiss vendor
AddButton(10, 288, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(45, 288, 350, 20, 1062512, 0x7FFF, false, false); // No, I want to keep my vendor
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
Mobile from = sender.Mobile;
if (!m_Vendor.CanInteractWith(from, true) || !m_Vendor.CanInteractWith(m_Landlord, false) || !m_Vendor.IsLandlord(m_Landlord))
if (info.ButtonID == 1)
if (Banker.Withdraw(m_Landlord, m_RefundAmount))
m_Landlord.SendLocalizedMessage(1060398, m_RefundAmount.ToString()); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been withdrawn from your bank box.
int depositedGold = Banker.DepositUpTo(from, m_RefundAmount);
if (depositedGold > 0)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060397, depositedGold.ToString()); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been deposited into your bank box.
m_Vendor.HoldGold += m_RefundAmount - depositedGold;
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1071990); //Remember to claim your vendor's belongings from the house sign!
m_Landlord.SendLocalizedMessage(1062507); // You do not have that much money in your bank account.
m_Landlord.SendLocalizedMessage(1062513); // The renter declined your offer.