using Server.ContextMenus; using Server.Gumps; using Server.Multis; using Server.Network; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace Server.Items { public class BookPageInfo { private string[] m_Lines; public string[] Lines { get { return m_Lines; } set { m_Lines = value; } } public BookPageInfo() { m_Lines = new string[0]; } public BookPageInfo(params string[] lines) { m_Lines = lines; } public BookPageInfo(GenericReader reader) { int length = reader.ReadInt(); m_Lines = new string[length]; for (int i = 0; i < m_Lines.Length; ++i) m_Lines[i] = Utility.Intern(reader.ReadString()); } public void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { writer.Write(m_Lines.Length); for (int i = 0; i < m_Lines.Length; ++i) writer.Write(m_Lines[i]); } } public class BaseBook : Item, ISecurable { private string m_Title; private string m_Author; private BookPageInfo[] m_Pages; private bool m_Writable; private SecureLevel m_SecureLevel; [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public string Title { get { return m_Title; } set { m_Title = value; InvalidateProperties(); } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public string Author { get { return m_Author; } set { m_Author = value; InvalidateProperties(); } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public bool Writable { get { return m_Writable; } set { m_Writable = value; } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public int PagesCount => m_Pages.Length; public string BookString { get { return ContentAsString; } set { BuildBookFromString(value); } } public BookPageInfo[] Pages => m_Pages; [Constructable] public BaseBook(int itemID) : this(itemID, 20, true) { } [Constructable] public BaseBook(int itemID, int pageCount, bool writable) : this(itemID, null, null, pageCount, writable) { } [Constructable] public BaseBook(int itemID, string title, string author, int pageCount, bool writable) : base(itemID) { m_Title = title; m_Author = author; m_Writable = writable; BookContent content = DefaultContent; if (content == null) { m_Pages = new BookPageInfo[pageCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_Pages.Length; ++i) m_Pages[i] = new BookPageInfo(); } else { m_Pages = content.Copy(); } } // Intended for defined books only public BaseBook(int itemID, bool writable) : base(itemID) { m_Writable = writable; BookContent content = DefaultContent; if (content == null) { m_Pages = new BookPageInfo[0]; } else { m_Title = content.Title; m_Author = content.Author; m_Pages = content.Copy(); } } public virtual BookContent DefaultContent => null; public void BuildBookFromString(string content) { if (content == null) return; const int cpl = 22; //characters per line int pos = 0, nextpos; List newpages = new List(); while (newpages.Count < m_Pages.Length && pos < content.Length) { List lines = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (content.Length - pos < cpl) { lines.Add(content.Substring(pos)); pos = content.Length; break; } else { if ((nextpos = content.LastIndexOfAny(" /|\\.!@#$%^&*()_+=-".ToCharArray(), pos + cpl, cpl)) > 0) { lines.Add(content.Substring(pos, (nextpos - pos) + 1)); pos = nextpos + 1; } else { lines.Add(content.Substring(pos, cpl)); pos += cpl; } } } newpages.Add(lines.ToArray()); } for (int i = 0; i < m_Pages.Length; ++i) { if (i < newpages.Count) { m_Pages[i] = new BookPageInfo(newpages[i]); } else { m_Pages[i] = new BookPageInfo(); } } } public BaseBook(Serial serial) : base(serial) { } [Flags] private enum SaveFlags { None = 0x00, Title = 0x01, Author = 0x02, Writable = 0x04, Content = 0x08 } public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List list) { base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list); SetSecureLevelEntry.AddTo(from, this, list); } public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); BookContent content = DefaultContent; SaveFlags flags = SaveFlags.None; if (m_Title != (content == null ? null : content.Title)) flags |= SaveFlags.Title; if (m_Author != (content == null ? null : content.Author)) flags |= SaveFlags.Author; if (m_Writable) flags |= SaveFlags.Writable; if (content == null || !content.IsMatch(m_Pages)) flags |= SaveFlags.Content; writer.Write(4); // version writer.Write((int)m_SecureLevel); writer.Write((byte)flags); if ((flags & SaveFlags.Title) != 0) writer.Write(m_Title); if ((flags & SaveFlags.Author) != 0) writer.Write(m_Author); if ((flags & SaveFlags.Content) != 0) { writer.WriteEncodedInt(m_Pages.Length); for (int i = 0; i < m_Pages.Length; ++i) m_Pages[i].Serialize(writer); } } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); switch (version) { case 4: { m_SecureLevel = (SecureLevel)reader.ReadInt(); goto case 3; } case 3: case 2: { BookContent content = DefaultContent; SaveFlags flags = (SaveFlags)reader.ReadByte(); if ((flags & SaveFlags.Title) != 0) m_Title = Utility.Intern(reader.ReadString()); else if (content != null) m_Title = content.Title; if ((flags & SaveFlags.Author) != 0) m_Author = reader.ReadString(); else if (content != null) m_Author = content.Author; m_Writable = (flags & SaveFlags.Writable) != 0; if ((flags & SaveFlags.Content) != 0) { m_Pages = new BookPageInfo[reader.ReadEncodedInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < m_Pages.Length; ++i) m_Pages[i] = new BookPageInfo(reader); } else { if (content != null) m_Pages = content.Copy(); else m_Pages = new BookPageInfo[0]; } break; } case 1: case 0: { m_Title = reader.ReadString(); m_Author = reader.ReadString(); m_Writable = reader.ReadBool(); if (version == 0 || reader.ReadBool()) { m_Pages = new BookPageInfo[reader.ReadInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < m_Pages.Length; ++i) m_Pages[i] = new BookPageInfo(reader); } else { BookContent content = DefaultContent; if (content != null) m_Pages = content.Copy(); else m_Pages = new BookPageInfo[0]; } break; } } if (version < 3 && (Weight == 1 || Weight == 2)) Weight = -1; } public override void AddNameProperty(ObjectPropertyList list) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Title)) list.Add(m_Title); else base.AddNameProperty(list); } public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (m_Title == null && m_Author == null && m_Writable == true) { Title = "a book"; Author = from.Name; } from.Send(new BookHeader(from, this)); from.Send(new BookPageDetails(this)); } public string ContentAsString { get { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BookPageInfo bpi in m_Pages) { foreach (string line in bpi.Lines) { sb.AppendLine(line); } } return sb.ToString(); } } public string[] ContentAsStringArray { get { List lines = new List(); foreach (BookPageInfo bpi in m_Pages) { lines.AddRange(bpi.Lines); } return lines.ToArray(); } } public virtual void ContentChangeEC(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc) { int page = pvSrc.ReadUInt16(); int lineCount = pvSrc.ReadUInt16(); int index = page - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= m_Pages.Length) return; if (lineCount == 0xFFFF) { // send for new page state.Send(new BookPageDetails(this, page, m_Pages[index])); } else if (m_Writable && state.Mobile != null && state.Mobile.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 1)) { // updates after page is moved away from if (lineCount <= 19) { string[] lines = new string[lineCount]; for (int j = 0; j < lineCount; ++j) if ((lines[j] = pvSrc.ReadUTF8StringSafe()).Length >= 80) return; m_Pages[index].Lines = lines; } else { return; } } } public static void Initialize() { PacketHandlers.Register(0xD4, 0, true, HeaderChange); PacketHandlers.Register(0x66, 0, true, ContentChange); PacketHandlers.Register(0x93, 99, true, OldHeaderChange); } public static void OldHeaderChange(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; BaseBook book = World.FindItem(pvSrc.ReadInt32()) as BaseBook; if (book == null || !book.Writable || !from.InRange(book.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !book.IsAccessibleTo(from)) return; pvSrc.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); // Skip flags and page count string title = pvSrc.ReadStringSafe(60); string author = pvSrc.ReadStringSafe(30); book.Title = Utility.FixHtml(title); book.Author = Utility.FixHtml(author); } public static void HeaderChange(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; BaseBook book = World.FindItem(pvSrc.ReadInt32()) as BaseBook; if (book == null || !book.Writable || !from.InRange(book.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !book.IsAccessibleTo(from)) return; pvSrc.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); // Skip flags and page count int titleLength = pvSrc.ReadUInt16(); if (titleLength > 60) return; string title = pvSrc.ReadUTF8StringSafe(titleLength); int authorLength = pvSrc.ReadUInt16(); if (authorLength > 30) return; string author = pvSrc.ReadUTF8StringSafe(authorLength); book.Title = Utility.FixHtml(title); book.Author = Utility.FixHtml(author); } public static void ContentChange(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; BaseBook book = World.FindItem(pvSrc.ReadInt32()) as BaseBook; if (book == null || !book.Writable || !from.InRange(book.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !book.IsAccessibleTo(from)) return; int pageCount = pvSrc.ReadUInt16(); // Older clients handled multpile pages per packet // Newer clients packets are 1 page per packet if (pageCount != 1) return; int index = pvSrc.ReadUInt16(); if (index >= 1 && index <= book.PagesCount) { --index; int lineCount = pvSrc.ReadUInt16(); if (lineCount <= 10) { string[] lines = new string[lineCount]; for (int j = 0; j < lineCount; ++j) { if ((lines[j] = pvSrc.ReadUTF8StringSafe()).Length >= 80) return; } book.Pages[index].Lines = lines; } else { return; } } else { return; } } #region ISecurable Members [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public SecureLevel Level { get { return m_SecureLevel; } set { m_SecureLevel = value; } } #endregion } public sealed class BookPageDetails : Packet { public BookPageDetails(BaseBook book) : base(0x66) { EnsureCapacity(256); m_Stream.Write(book.Serial); m_Stream.Write((ushort)book.PagesCount); for (int i = 0; i < book.PagesCount; ++i) { BookPageInfo page = book.Pages[i]; m_Stream.Write((ushort)(i + 1)); m_Stream.Write((ushort)page.Lines.Length); for (int j = 0; j < page.Lines.Length; ++j) { byte[] buffer = Utility.UTF8.GetBytes(page.Lines[j]); m_Stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); m_Stream.Write((byte)0); } } } public BookPageDetails(BaseBook book, int page, BookPageInfo info) : base(0x66) { EnsureCapacity(256); m_Stream.Write(book.Serial); m_Stream.Write((ushort)0x1); m_Stream.Write((ushort)page); m_Stream.Write((ushort)info.Lines.Length); for (int i = 0; i < info.Lines.Length; ++i) { byte[] buffer = Utility.UTF8.GetBytes(info.Lines[i]); m_Stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); m_Stream.Write((byte)0); } } } public sealed class BookHeader : Packet { public BookHeader(Mobile from, BaseBook book) : base(0xD4) { string title = book.Title == null ? "" : book.Title; string author = book.Author == null ? "" : book.Author; byte[] titleBuffer = Utility.UTF8.GetBytes(title); byte[] authorBuffer = Utility.UTF8.GetBytes(author); EnsureCapacity(15 + titleBuffer.Length + authorBuffer.Length); m_Stream.Write(book.Serial); m_Stream.Write(true); m_Stream.Write(book.Writable && from.InRange(book.GetWorldLocation(), 1)); m_Stream.Write((ushort)book.PagesCount); m_Stream.Write((ushort)(titleBuffer.Length + 1)); m_Stream.Write(titleBuffer, 0, titleBuffer.Length); m_Stream.Write((byte)0); // terminate m_Stream.Write((ushort)(authorBuffer.Length + 1)); m_Stream.Write(authorBuffer, 0, authorBuffer.Length); m_Stream.Write((byte)0); // terminate } } }