using Server.Gumps; using Server.Mobiles; using Server.Prompts; using Server.Spells.Chivalry; using Server.Spells.Fourth; using Server.Spells.Seventh; using System; namespace Server.Items { [Flipable(39958, 39959)] public class RunicAtlas : Runebook { public override int MaxEntries => 48; public override int LabelNumber => 1156443; // a runic atlas public int Selected { get; set; } [Constructable] public RunicAtlas() : base(100, 39958) { Selected = -1; } public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (from is PlayerMobile && (from.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 2) || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Counselor)) { if (CheckAccess(from) || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Counselor) { if (DateTime.UtcNow < NextUse) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(502406); // This book needs time to recharge. return; } from.CloseGump(typeof(RunicAtlasGump)); BaseGump.SendGump(new RunicAtlasGump((PlayerMobile)from, this)); Openers.Add(from); } else from.SendLocalizedMessage(502436); // That is not accessible. } } public override bool HasGump(Mobile toCheck) { RunicAtlasGump bookGump = toCheck.FindGump(); if (bookGump != null && bookGump.Atlas == this) { return true; } return false; } public override void CloseGump(Mobile m) { m.CloseGump(typeof(RunicAtlasGump)); } public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped) { int entries = Entries.Count; bool d = base.OnDragDrop(from, dropped); if (from is PlayerMobile && d && Entries.Count > entries) { int newPage = Math.Max(0, (Entries.Count - 1) / 16); RunicAtlasGump g = from.FindGump(typeof(RunicAtlasGump)) as RunicAtlasGump; if (g != null && g.Atlas == this) { g.Page = newPage; g.Refresh(); } else { if (g != null) from.CloseGump(typeof(RunicAtlasGump)); g = new RunicAtlasGump((PlayerMobile)from, this) { Page = newPage }; BaseGump.SendGump(g); } } return d; } public override int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, Engines.Craft.CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, ITool tool, Engines.Craft.CraftItem craftItem, int resHue) { if (makersMark) Crafter = from; Quality = (BookQuality)(quality - 1); if (Quality == BookQuality.Exceptional) { MaxCharges = Utility.RandomList(80, 90, 100); } else { MaxCharges = 80; } return quality; } public RunicAtlas(Serial serial) : base(serial) { } public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); // version writer.Write(Selected); } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); reader.ReadInt(); Selected = reader.ReadInt(); } } public class RunicAtlasGump : BaseGump { public static string ToCoordinates(Point3D location, Map map) { int xLong = 0, yLat = 0, xMins = 0, yMins = 0; bool xEast = false, ySouth = false; bool valid = Sextant.Format(location, map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth); return valid ? string.Format("{0}° {1}'{2}, {3}° {4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W") : "Nowhere"; } public RunicAtlas Atlas { get; } public int Selected => Atlas == null ? -1 : Atlas.Selected; public int Page { get; set; } public RunicAtlasGump(PlayerMobile pm, RunicAtlas atlas) : base(pm, 100, 100) { TypeID = 0x1F2; Atlas = atlas; Page = 0; } public static int GetMapHue(Map map) { if (map == Map.Trammel) return 0xA; if (map == Map.Felucca) return 0x51; if (map == Map.Malas) return 0x44E; if (map == Map.Tokuno) return 0x482; if (map == Map.TerMur) return 0x66D; return 0; } public override void AddGumpLayout() { AddImage(0, 0, 39923); AddHtmlLocalized(60, 9, 147, 22, 1011296, false, false); //Charges: AddHtml(110, 9, 97, 22, string.Format("{0} / {1}", Atlas.CurCharges, Atlas.MaxCharges), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(264, 9, 144, 18, 1011299, false, false); // rename book AddButton(248, 14, 2103, 2103, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); int startIndex = Page * 16; int index = 0; for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + 16; i++) { string desc; int hue; if (i < Atlas.Entries.Count) { desc = RunebookGump.GetName(Atlas.Entries[i].Description); hue = Selected == i ? 0x14B : GetMapHue(Atlas.Entries[i].Map); } else { desc = "Empty"; hue = 0; } // Select Button AddButton(46 + ((index / 8) * 205), 55 + ((index % 8) * 20), 2103, 2104, i + 100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Description label AddLabelCropped(62 + ((index / 8) * 205), 50 + ((index % 8) * 20), 144, 18, hue, desc); index++; } RunebookEntry entry = null; if (Selected >= 0 && Selected < Atlas.Entries.Count) { entry = Atlas.Entries[Selected]; } string coords = entry != null ? RunebookGump.GetLocation(entry) : "Nowhere"; AddHtml(25, 254, 182, 18, string.Format("
", coords), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(62, 290, 144, 18, 1011300, false, false); // Set default AddButton(46, 295, 2103, 2103, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(62, 310, 144, 18, 1011298, false, false); // Drop rune AddButton(46, 315, 2103, 2103, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(25, 348, 182, 18, string.Format("
", entry != null ? entry.Description : "Empty"), false, false); int hy = 284; int by = 289; AddHtmlLocalized(280, hy, 128, 18, 1077595, false, false); // Recall (Spell) AddButton(264, by, 2103, 2103, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); hy += 18; by += 18; if (Atlas.CurCharges != 0) { AddHtmlLocalized(280, hy, 128, 18, 1077594, false, false); // Recall (Charge) AddButton(264, by, 2103, 2103, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); hy += 18; by += 18; } if (User.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value >= 66.0) { AddHtmlLocalized(280, hy, 128, 18, 1015214, false, false); // Gate Travel AddButton(264, by, 2103, 2103, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); hy += 18; by += 18; } AddHtmlLocalized(280, hy, 128, 18, 1060502, false, false); // Sacred Journey AddButton(264, by, 2103, 2103, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); if (Page < 2) { AddButton(374, 3, 2206, 2206, 1150, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } if (Page > 0) { AddButton(23, 5, 2205, 2205, 1151, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } } public override void OnResponse(RelayInfo info) { if (Atlas.Deleted || !User.InRange(Atlas.GetWorldLocation(), 3)) return; if (info.ButtonID >= 100 && info.ButtonID < 1000) { SelectEntry(info.ButtonID - 100); } else { RunebookEntry entry = null; if (Selected >= 0 && Selected < Atlas.Entries.Count) { entry = Atlas.Entries[Selected]; } switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); break; case 1: RenameBook(); break; case 2: { if (entry != null) { SetDefault(); } else { Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } break; } case 3: { if (entry != null) { DropRune(); } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(502422); // There is no rune to be dropped. Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } break; } case 4: { if (entry != null) { RecallSpell(); } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(502423); // This place in the book is empty. Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } break; } case 5: { if (entry != null) { RecallCharge(); } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(502423); // This place in the book is empty. Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } break; } case 6: { if (entry != null) { GateTravel(); } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(502423); // This place in the book is empty. Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } break; } case 7: { if (entry != null) { SacredJourney(); } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(502423); // This place in the book is empty. Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } break; } case 1150: Page++; Refresh(); break; case 1151: Page--; Refresh(); break; } } } public void RenameBook() { if (Atlas.CheckAccess(User) && Atlas.Movable || User.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { User.Prompt = new InternalPrompt(Atlas); } else { Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); User.SendLocalizedMessage(502413); // That cannot be done while the book is locked down. } } private void SelectEntry(int id) { Atlas.Selected = id; Refresh(); } private void SetDefault() { if (Atlas.CheckAccess(User) || User.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { Atlas.DefaultIndex = Selected; Refresh(); User.SendLocalizedMessage(502417, "", 0x35); // New default location set. } else { Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); User.SendLocalizedMessage(502413, null, 0x35); // That cannot be done while the book is locked down. } } private void DropRune() { if (Atlas.CheckAccess(User) && Atlas.Movable || User.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { Atlas.DropRune(User, Atlas.Entries[Selected], Selected); Refresh(); } else { Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); User.SendLocalizedMessage(502413, null, 0x35); // That cannot be done while the book is locked down. } } public void SendLocationMessage(RunebookEntry e, Mobile from) { if (e.Type == RecallRuneType.Ship) return; string coords = ToCoordinates(e.Location, e.Map); if (coords != "Nowhere") { from.SendAsciiMessage(ToCoordinates(e.Location, e.Map)); } } private void RecallSpell() { RunebookEntry e = Atlas.Entries[Selected]; if (RunebookGump.HasSpell(User, 31)) { SendLocationMessage(e, User); Atlas.OnTravel(); new RecallSpell(User, null, e, null).Cast(); } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(500015); // You do not have that spell! } Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } private void RecallCharge() { RunebookEntry e = Atlas.Entries[Selected]; if (Atlas.CurCharges <= 0) { Refresh(); User.SendLocalizedMessage(502412); // There are no charges left on that item. } else { SendLocationMessage(e, User); Atlas.OnTravel(); if (new RecallSpell(User, Atlas, e, Atlas).Cast()) Atlas.NextUse = DateTime.UtcNow; Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } } private void GateTravel() { RunebookEntry e = Atlas.Entries[Selected]; if (RunebookGump.HasSpell(User, 51)) { SendLocationMessage(e, User); Atlas.OnTravel(); if (new GateTravelSpell(User, null, e).Cast()) Atlas.NextUse = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(500015); // You do not have that spell! } Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } private void SacredJourney() { RunebookEntry e = Atlas.Entries[Selected]; if (RunebookGump.HasSpell(User, 209)) { SendLocationMessage(e, User); Atlas.OnTravel(); new SacredJourneySpell(User, null, e, null).Cast(); Atlas.NextUse = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(500015); // You do not have that spell! } Atlas.Openers.Remove(User); } private class InternalPrompt : Prompt { public override int MessageCliloc => 502414; // Please enter a title for the runebook: public RunicAtlas Atlas { get; } public InternalPrompt(RunicAtlas atlas) { Atlas = atlas; } public override void OnResponse(Mobile from, string text) { if (Atlas.Deleted || !from.InRange(Atlas.GetWorldLocation(), 3) || !(from is PlayerMobile)) return; if (Atlas.CheckAccess(from) || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { Atlas.Description = Utility.FixHtml(text.Trim()); from.CloseGump(typeof(RunicAtlasGump)); SendGump(new RunicAtlasGump((PlayerMobile)from, Atlas)); from.SendLocalizedMessage(1041531); // You have changed the title of the rune book. } else { Atlas.Openers.Remove(from); from.SendLocalizedMessage(502416); // That cannot be done while the book is locked down. } } public override void OnCancel(Mobile from) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(502415); // Request cancelled. if (from is PlayerMobile && !Atlas.Deleted && from.InRange(Atlas.GetWorldLocation(), 3)) { from.CloseGump(typeof(RunicAtlasGump)); SendGump(new RunicAtlasGump((PlayerMobile)from, Atlas)); } } } } }