using Server.Commands; using System; namespace Server.Items { public class MarkContainer : LockableContainer { private bool m_AutoLock; private InternalTimer m_RelockTimer; private Map m_TargetMap; private Point3D m_Target; private string m_Description; [Constructable] public MarkContainer() : this(false) { } [Constructable] public MarkContainer(bool bone) : this(bone, false) { } [Constructable] public MarkContainer(bool bone, bool locked) : base(bone ? 0xECA : 0xE79) { Movable = false; if (bone) Hue = 1102; m_AutoLock = locked; Locked = locked; if (locked) LockLevel = -255; } public MarkContainer(Serial serial) : base(serial) { } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public bool AutoLock { get { return m_AutoLock; } set { m_AutoLock = value; if (!m_AutoLock) StopTimer(); else if (!Locked && m_RelockTimer == null) m_RelockTimer = new InternalTimer(this); } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public Map TargetMap { get { return m_TargetMap; } set { m_TargetMap = value; } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public Point3D Target { get { return m_Target; } set { m_Target = value; } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public bool Bone { get { return ItemID == 0xECA; } set { ItemID = value ? 0xECA : 0xE79; Hue = value ? 1102 : 0; } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public string Description { get { return m_Description; } set { m_Description = value; } } public override bool IsDecoContainer => false; [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public override bool Locked { get { return base.Locked; } set { base.Locked = value; if (m_AutoLock) { StopTimer(); if (!Locked) m_RelockTimer = new InternalTimer(this); } } } public static void Initialize() { CommandSystem.Register("SecretLocGen", AccessLevel.Administrator, SecretLocGen_OnCommand); CommandSystem.Register("SecretLocDelete", AccessLevel.Administrator, SecretLocDelete_OnCommand); } [Usage("SecretLocDelete")] [Description("Deletes mark containers to Malas secret locations.")] public static void SecretLocDelete_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { WeakEntityCollection.Delete("malas"); } [Usage("SecretLocGen")] [Description("Generates mark containers to Malas secret locations.")] public static void SecretLocGen_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { CreateMalasPassage(951, 546, -70, 1006, 994, -70, false, false); CreateMalasPassage(914, 192, -79, 1019, 1062, -70, false, false); CreateMalasPassage(1614, 143, -90, 1214, 1313, -90, false, false); CreateMalasPassage(2176, 324, -90, 1554, 172, -90, false, false); CreateMalasPassage(864, 812, -90, 1061, 1161, -70, false, false); CreateMalasPassage(1051, 1434, -85, 1076, 1244, -70, false, true); CreateMalasPassage(1326, 523, -87, 1201, 1554, -70, false, false); CreateMalasPassage(424, 189, -1, 2333, 1501, -90, true, false); CreateMalasPassage(1313, 1115, -85, 1183, 462, -45, false, false); e.Mobile.SendMessage("Secret mark containers have been created."); Engines.GenerateForgottenPyramid.Generate(e.Mobile); } public void StopTimer() { if (m_RelockTimer != null) m_RelockTimer.Stop(); m_RelockTimer = null; } public void Mark(RecallRune rune) { if (TargetMap != null) { rune.Marked = true; rune.TargetMap = m_TargetMap; rune.Target = m_Target; rune.Description = m_Description; rune.House = null; } } public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped) { RecallRune rune = dropped as RecallRune; if (rune != null && base.OnDragDrop(from, dropped)) { Mark(rune); return true; } else { return false; } } public override bool OnDragDropInto(Mobile from, Item dropped, Point3D p) { RecallRune rune = dropped as RecallRune; if (rune != null && base.OnDragDropInto(from, dropped, p)) { Mark(rune); return true; } else { return false; } } public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); // version writer.Write(m_AutoLock); if (!Locked && m_AutoLock) writer.WriteDeltaTime(m_RelockTimer.RelockTime); writer.Write(m_TargetMap); writer.Write(m_Target); writer.Write(m_Description); } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); m_AutoLock = reader.ReadBool(); if (!Locked && m_AutoLock) m_RelockTimer = new InternalTimer(this, reader.ReadDeltaTime() - DateTime.UtcNow); m_TargetMap = reader.ReadMap(); m_Target = reader.ReadPoint3D(); m_Description = reader.ReadString(); } private static bool FindMarkContainer(Point3D p, Map map) { IPooledEnumerable eable = map.GetItemsInRange(p, 0); foreach (Item item in eable) { if (item.Z == p.Z && item is MarkContainer) { eable.Free(); return true; } } eable.Free(); return false; } private static void CreateMalasPassage(int x, int y, int z, int xTarget, int yTarget, int zTarget, bool bone, bool locked) { Point3D location = new Point3D(x, y, z); if (FindMarkContainer(location, Map.Malas)) return; MarkContainer cont = new MarkContainer(bone, locked); WeakEntityCollection.Add("malas", cont); cont.TargetMap = Map.Malas; cont.Target = new Point3D(xTarget, yTarget, zTarget); cont.Description = "strange location"; cont.MoveToWorld(location, Map.Malas); } private class InternalTimer : Timer { private readonly MarkContainer m_Container; private readonly DateTime m_RelockTime; public InternalTimer(MarkContainer container) : this(container, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0)) { } public InternalTimer(MarkContainer container, TimeSpan delay) : base(delay) { m_Container = container; m_RelockTime = DateTime.UtcNow + delay; Start(); } public MarkContainer Container => m_Container; public DateTime RelockTime => m_RelockTime; protected override void OnTick() { m_Container.Locked = true; m_Container.LockLevel = -255; } } } }