using Server.ContextMenus; using Server.Gumps; using Server.Mobiles; using Server.Multis; using Server.Network; using Server.Spells; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Server.Items { public class SerpentsJawbone : Item, ISecurable { public static Dictionary Locations { get; set; } public static void Initialize() { Locations = new Dictionary(); Locations[1157135] = new Point3D(1156, 1143, -24); // The Village of Lakeshire Locations[1157619] = new Point3D(644, 854, -56); // The Rat Fort Locations[1157620] = new Point3D(1363, 1075, -13); // Reg Volom Locations[1016410] = new Point3D(1572, 1046, -8); // Twin Oaks Tavern Locations[1157621] = new Point3D(984, 622, -80); // The Oasis Locations[1078308] = new Point3D(1746, 1221, -1); // Blood Dungeon Locations[1111764] = new Point3D(912, 1362, -21); // Cyclops Dungeon Locations[1111765] = new Point3D(824, 774, -80); // Exodus Dungeon Locations[1111766] = new Point3D(349, 1434, 16); // The Kirin Passage Locations[1157622] = new Point3D(971, 303, 54); // Pass of Karnaugh Locations[1157623] = new Point3D(1033, 1154, -24); // The Rat Cave Locations[1078315] = new Point3D(541, 466, -72); // Terort Skitas Locations[1111825] = new Point3D(1450, 1477, -29); // Twisted Weald Locations[1113002] = new Point3D(642, 1307, -55); // Wisp Dungeon Locations[1157624] = new Point3D(753, 497, -62); // Gwenno's Memorial Locations[1157625] = new Point3D(1504, 628, -14); // Desert Gypsy Camp Locations[1113000] = new Point3D(1785, 573, 71); // Rock Dungeon } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public SecureLevel Level { get; set; } public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List list) { base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list); SetSecureLevelEntry.AddTo(from, this, list); } public override int LabelNumber => 1157654; // Serpent's Jawbone [Constructable] public SerpentsJawbone() : base(0x9F74) { } public override bool ForceShowProperties => true; public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if ((IsLockedDown || IsSecure) && from.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 2)) { from.SendGump(new InternalGump(from as PlayerMobile, this)); } else if (!from.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 2)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(500295); // You are too far away to do that. } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(502692); // This must be in a house and be locked down to work. } } private class InternalGump : Gump { public Item Jawbone { get; set; } public PlayerMobile User { get; set; } public InternalGump(PlayerMobile pm, Item jawbone) : base(100, 100) { Jawbone = jawbone; User = pm; AddGumpLayout(); } public void AddGumpLayout() { AddBackground(0, 0, 370, 428, 0x1400); AddHtmlLocalized(10, 10, 350, 18, 1114513, "#1156704", 0x56BA, false, false); //
ColUtility.For(Locations, (i, key, value) => { AddButton(10, 41 + (i * 20), 1209, 1210, key, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(50, 41 + (i * 20), 150, 20, key, 0x7FFF, false, false); }); } public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID > 0) { int id = info.ButtonID; if (Locations.ContainsKey(id)) { Point3D p = Locations[id]; if (CheckTravel(p)) { BaseCreature.TeleportPets(User, p, Map.Ilshenar); User.Combatant = null; User.Warmode = false; User.Hidden = true; User.MoveToWorld(p, Map.Ilshenar); Effects.PlaySound(p, Map.Ilshenar, 0x1FE); } } } } private bool CheckTravel(Point3D p) { if (!User.InRange(Jawbone.GetWorldLocation(), 2) || User.Map != Jawbone.Map) { User.SendLocalizedMessage(500295); // You are too far away to do that. } else if (SpellHelper.RestrictRedTravel && User.Murderer) { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1019004); // You are not allowed to travel there. } else if (Engines.VvV.VvVSigil.ExistsOn(User)) { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1019004); // You are not allowed to travel there. } else if (User.Criminal) { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1005561, "", 0x22); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily. } else if (SpellHelper.CheckCombat(User)) { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1005564, "", 0x22); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle?? } else if (User.Spell != null) { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1049616); // You are too busy to do that at the moment. } else if (User.Map == Map.Ilshenar && User.InRange(p, 1)) { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1019003); // You are already there. } else return true; return false; } } public SerpentsJawbone(Serial serial) : base(serial) { } public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); writer.Write((int)Level); } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); Level = (SecureLevel)reader.ReadInt(); } } }