#region References using Server.Accounting; using Server.ContextMenus; using Server.Items; using Server.Network; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; #endregion namespace Server.Mobiles { public class Banker : BaseVendor { private readonly List<SBInfo> m_SBInfos = new List<SBInfo>(); [Constructable] public Banker() : base("the banker") { } public Banker(Serial serial) : base(serial) { } public override NpcGuild NpcGuild => NpcGuild.MerchantsGuild; protected override List<SBInfo> SBInfos => m_SBInfos; public static int GetBalance(Mobile m) { double balance = 0; if (AccountGold.Enabled && m.Account != null) { int goldStub; m.Account.GetGoldBalance(out goldStub, out balance); if (balance > int.MaxValue) { return int.MaxValue; } } Container bank = m.Player ? m.BankBox : m.FindBankNoCreate(); if (bank != null) { List<Gold> gold = bank.FindItemsByType<Gold>(); List<BankCheck> checks = bank.FindItemsByType<BankCheck>(); balance += gold.Aggregate(0.0, (c, t) => c + t.Amount); balance += checks.Aggregate(0.0, (c, t) => c + t.Worth); } return (int)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(int.MaxValue, balance)); } public static int GetBalance(Mobile m, out Item[] gold, out Item[] checks) { double balance = 0; if (AccountGold.Enabled && m.Account != null) { int goldStub; m.Account.GetGoldBalance(out goldStub, out balance); if (balance > int.MaxValue) { gold = checks = new Item[0]; return int.MaxValue; } } Container bank = m.Player ? m.BankBox : m.FindBankNoCreate(); if (bank != null) { gold = bank.FindItemsByType(typeof(Gold)); checks = bank.FindItemsByType(typeof(BankCheck)); balance += gold.OfType<Gold>().Aggregate(0.0, (c, t) => c + t.Amount); balance += checks.OfType<BankCheck>().Aggregate(0.0, (c, t) => c + t.Worth); } else { gold = checks = new Item[0]; } return (int)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(int.MaxValue, balance)); } public static bool Withdraw(Mobile from, int amount, bool message = false) { // If for whatever reason the TOL checks fail, we should still try old methods for withdrawing currency. if (AccountGold.Enabled && from.Account != null && from.Account.WithdrawGold(amount)) { if (message) from.SendLocalizedMessage(1155856, amount.ToString("N0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been removed from your bank box. return true; } Item[] gold, checks; int balance = GetBalance(from, out gold, out checks); if (balance < amount) { return false; } for (int i = 0; amount > 0 && i < gold.Length; ++i) { if (gold[i].Amount <= amount) { amount -= gold[i].Amount; gold[i].Delete(); } else { gold[i].Amount -= amount; amount = 0; } } for (int i = 0; amount > 0 && i < checks.Length; ++i) { BankCheck check = (BankCheck)checks[i]; if (check.Worth <= amount) { amount -= check.Worth; check.Delete(); } else { check.Worth -= amount; amount = 0; } } if (message) from.SendLocalizedMessage(1155856, amount.ToString("N0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been removed from your bank box. return true; } public static bool Deposit(Mobile from, int amount, bool message = false) { // If for whatever reason the TOL checks fail, we should still try old methods for depositing currency. if (AccountGold.Enabled && from.Account != null && from.Account.DepositGold(amount)) { if (message) from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042763, amount.ToString("N0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold was deposited in your account. return true; } BankBox box = from.Player ? from.BankBox : from.FindBankNoCreate(); if (box == null) { return false; } List<Item> items = new List<Item>(); while (amount > 0) { Item item; if (amount < 5000) { item = new Gold(amount); amount = 0; } else if (amount <= 1000000) { item = new BankCheck(amount); amount = 0; } else { item = new BankCheck(1000000); amount -= 1000000; } if (box.TryDropItem(from, item, false)) { items.Add(item); } else { item.Delete(); foreach (Item curItem in items) { curItem.Delete(); } return false; } } if (message) from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042763, amount.ToString("N0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold was deposited in your account. return true; } public static int DepositUpTo(Mobile from, int amount, bool message = false) { // If for whatever reason the TOL checks fail, we should still try old methods for depositing currency. if (AccountGold.Enabled && from.Account != null && from.Account.DepositGold(amount)) { if (message) from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042763, amount.ToString("N0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold was deposited in your account. return amount; } BankBox box = from.Player ? from.BankBox : from.FindBankNoCreate(); if (box == null) { return 0; } int amountLeft = amount; while (amountLeft > 0) { Item item; int amountGiven; if (amountLeft < 5000) { item = new Gold(amountLeft); amountGiven = amountLeft; } else if (amountLeft <= 1000000) { item = new BankCheck(amountLeft); amountGiven = amountLeft; } else { item = new BankCheck(1000000); amountGiven = 1000000; } if (box.TryDropItem(from, item, false)) { amountLeft -= amountGiven; } else { item.Delete(); break; } } return amount - amountLeft; } public static void Deposit(Container cont, int amount) { while (amount > 0) { Item item; if (amount < 5000) { item = new Gold(amount); amount = 0; } else if (amount <= 1000000) { item = new BankCheck(amount); amount = 0; } else { item = new BankCheck(1000000); amount -= 1000000; } cont.DropItem(item); } } public override void InitSBInfo() { m_SBInfos.Add(new SBBanker()); } public override bool HandlesOnSpeech(Mobile from) { if (from.InRange(Location, 12)) { return true; } return base.HandlesOnSpeech(from); } public override void OnSpeech(SpeechEventArgs e) { HandleSpeech(this, e); base.OnSpeech(e); } public static void HandleSpeech(Mobile vendor, SpeechEventArgs e) { if (!e.Handled && e.Mobile.InRange(vendor, 12)) { if (e.Mobile.Map.Rules != MapRules.FeluccaRules && vendor is BaseVendor && !((BaseVendor)vendor).CheckVendorAccess(e.Mobile)) { return; } foreach (int keyword in e.Keywords) { switch (keyword) { case 0x0000: // *withdraw* { e.Handled = true; if (e.Mobile.Criminal) { // I will not do business with a criminal! vendor.Say(500389); break; } string[] split = e.Speech.Split(' '); if (split.Length >= 2) { int amount; Container pack = e.Mobile.Backpack; if (!int.TryParse(split[1], out amount)) { break; } if (amount > 60000) { // Thou canst not withdraw so much at one time! vendor.Say(500381); } else if (pack == null || pack.Deleted || !(pack.TotalWeight < pack.MaxWeight) || !(pack.TotalItems < pack.MaxItems)) { // Your backpack can't hold anything else. vendor.Say(1048147); } else if (amount > 0) { BankBox box = e.Mobile.Player ? e.Mobile.BankBox : e.Mobile.FindBankNoCreate(); if (box == null || !Withdraw(e.Mobile, amount)) { // Ah, art thou trying to fool me? Thou hast not so much gold! vendor.Say(500384); } else { pack.DropItem(new Gold(amount)); // Thou hast withdrawn gold from thy account. vendor.Say(1010005); } } } } break; case 0x0001: // *balance* { e.Handled = true; if (e.Mobile.Criminal) { // I will not do business with a criminal! vendor.Say(500389); break; } if (AccountGold.Enabled && e.Mobile.Account is Account) { vendor.Say(1155855, string.Format("{0:#,0}\t{1:#,0}", e.Mobile.Account.TotalPlat, e.Mobile.Account.TotalGold), 0x3BC); vendor.Say(1155848, string.Format("{0:#,0}", ((Account)e.Mobile.Account).GetSecureAccountAmount(e.Mobile)), 0x3BC); } else { // Thy current bank balance is ~1_AMOUNT~ gold. vendor.Say(1042759, GetBalance(e.Mobile).ToString("#,0")); } } break; case 0x0002: // *bank* { e.Handled = true; if (e.Mobile.Criminal) { // Thou art a criminal and cannot access thy bank box. vendor.Say(500378); break; } e.Mobile.BankBox.Open(); } break; case 0x0003: // *check* { e.Handled = true; if (e.Mobile.Criminal) { // I will not do business with a criminal! vendor.Say(500389); break; } if (AccountGold.Enabled && e.Mobile.Account != null) { vendor.Say("We no longer offer a checking service."); break; } string[] split = e.Speech.Split(' '); if (split.Length >= 2) { int amount; if (!int.TryParse(split[1], out amount)) { break; } if (amount < 5000) { // We cannot create checks for such a paltry amount of gold! vendor.Say(1010006); } else if (amount > 1000000) { // Our policies prevent us from creating checks worth that much! vendor.Say(1010007); } else { BankCheck check = new BankCheck(amount); BankBox box = e.Mobile.BankBox; if (!box.TryDropItem(e.Mobile, check, false)) { // There's not enough room in your bankbox for the check! vendor.Say(500386); check.Delete(); } else if (!box.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), amount)) { // Ah, art thou trying to fool me? Thou hast not so much gold! vendor.Say(500384); check.Delete(); } else { // Into your bank box I have placed a check in the amount of: vendor.Say(1042673, AffixType.Append, amount.ToString("#,0"), ""); } } } } break; } } } } public override void AddCustomContextEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list) { if (from.Alive) { OpenBankEntry entry = new OpenBankEntry(this) { Enabled = from.Map.Rules == MapRules.FeluccaRules || CheckVendorAccess(from) }; list.Add(entry); } base.AddCustomContextEntries(from, list); } public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); reader.ReadInt(); } } }