using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using System;

namespace Server.Engines.Quests
    public class ShearingKnowledgeQuest : BaseQuest
        public override QuestChain ChainID => QuestChain.LaifemTheWeaver;
        public override Type NextQuest => typeof(WeavingFriendshipsQuest);
        public override TimeSpan RestartDelay => TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
        public override bool DoneOnce => true;

        /*Shearing Knowledge */
        public override object Title => 1113245;
        /*Welcome to my little shop!<BR><BR>Don't you just love these beautiful carpet samples?
         * Look at these embroidery patterns! And the intricate knotwork! It was sure worth every
         * gold piece I paid to have these shipped from Vesper.<BR><BR>What's that? No, no, I'm 
         * sorry, these aren't for sale! I'm working towards recreating each of these gorgeous
         * styles myself, you see, and just wanted to show my future customers what they might
         * one day expect! By the skies though, how do I even begin learning these new patterns?
         * <BR><BR>I know! If you help me get started, you could be one of my first customers! 
         * Yes, that's it - I need to get into the mind of a Britannian crafter, so I need 
         * Britannian wool! Real, natural wool, mind you, none of the cheap sort you see on the 
         * vendors.<BR><BR>Maybe you could find some by shearing some of those... what do you 
         * call them? Sherp? Sheeple? */
        public override object Description => 1113246;
        /*Oh no, really? I was hoping you could be one of my first patrons... */
        public override object Refuse => 1113251;
        /*Creatures in Ter Mur simply won't do! And the vendors? Horrible quality! You'll have 
         *to visit Britannia and shear a few sheep by hand to obtain some authentic Britannian wool. */
        public override object Uncomplete => 1113252;
        /*Wow! Isn't this amazing? It's so soft, so pure - surely this is the key to my efforts!<BR><BR>
         * <I>Laifem skillfully spins the wool into a beautiful ball of white yarn - before you know it, 
         * she's staring down at her first attempt to weave a Britannian carpet</I> */
        public override object Complete => 1113253;

        public ShearingKnowledgeQuest() : base()
            AddObjective(new ObtainObjective(typeof(BritannianWool), "Britannian Wool", 10, 0xDF8));

            AddReward(new BaseReward(1113256)); /*A step closer to having access to Laifem's inventory of decorative carpets. */

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write(0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

    public class WeavingFriendshipsQuest : BaseQuest
        public override QuestChain ChainID => QuestChain.LaifemTheWeaver;
        public override Type NextQuest => typeof(NewSpinQuest);
        public override TimeSpan RestartDelay => TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
        public override bool DoneOnce => true;

        /* Weaving Friendships */
        public override object Title => 1113254;
        /* <I>Laifem stares down at the ruins of her first carpet weaving attempt</I><BR><BR>Hrm... I guess I thought
         * this would be a bit easier.<BR><BR><I>She reaches up and twists on her ear a little, obviously deep in 
         * thought</I><BR><BR>You know... I think I need some professional assistance! There's a tailoring shop in
         * Vesper called, hrm, "The Spinning..." "The Spinning..." something or other. Sorry, I just don't have a head
         * for all those clever Britannian shop names.<BR><BR><I>*laughs*</I><BR><BR> I'm sure someone there could help,
         * do you think you could deliver a letter of introduction for me? */
        public override object Description => 1113255;
        /* But I'm so close! If I can just talk to the right people we'll be in business for sure! */
        public override object Refuse => 1113257;
        /* There should be a man, er, a human one at that, who owns a tailoring shop in Vesper. Maybe he can help me? */
        public override object Uncomplete => 1113258;
        /* A letter? From a Gargoyle you say? */
        public override object Complete => 1113259;

        public WeavingFriendshipsQuest() : base()
            AddObjective(new DeliverObjective(typeof(LetterOfIntroduction), "Letter of Introduction", 1, typeof(Dermott), "Dermott (Vesper)"));

            AddReward(new BaseReward(1113256)); // A step closer to having access to Laifem's inventory of decorative carpets.

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write(0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

    public class NewSpinQuest : BaseQuest
        public override QuestChain ChainID => QuestChain.LaifemTheWeaver;
        public override TimeSpan RestartDelay => TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
        public override bool DoneOnce => true;

        /* A New Spin on Things */
        public override object Title => 1113260;
        /* Oh my! Now isn't this something? A Gargoyle seeking to master the ways of our humble little industry.
         * Why, this is nothing short of inspirational!<BR><BR>I think I have just the thing for him. There's a
         * book over... oh! It's a her? My apologies, I just don't have a knack for those Gargish names you know!
         * <BR><BR>Regardless, please take this back to the young lady, if you would be so kind.<BR><BR>Best regards! */
        public override object Description => 1113261;
        /* Oh dear, truly? I'm sure she'd be very pleased to have this, and I don't have the means to journey there
         * myself.<BR><BR>How very, very unfortunate... */
        public override object Refuse => 1113262;
        /* Dermott wishes you to deliver the book "Mastering the Art of Weaving" to Laifem so she learn the ways of
         * Britannian weaving. */
        public override object Uncomplete => 1113263;
        /* This is perfect! Thank you so, so much!<BR><BR><I>Laifem eagerly begins reading the book while pacing about
         * the room</I><BR><BR>Yes, yes I see. <I>*nods*</I> And the loops are done in a... with mohair knots... 
         * <I>*her fingers begin weaving idly in the air as she thinks*</I> and then to finish off the tassels I just...
         * <BR><BR>This is everything I need to begin weaving my very own decorative carpets. You see, I won't just make
         * the larger carpets, I'm going to make them in smaller pieces that can be put together to make any size or 
         * combination! Isn't that wonderful? */
        public override object Complete => 1113264;

        public NewSpinQuest()
            : base()
            AddObjective(new DeliverObjective(typeof(MasteringWeaving), "Mastering the Art of Weaving", 1, typeof(Laifem), "Laifem (Royal City)"));

            AddReward(new BaseReward(1113250)); // Access to Laifem's inventory of decorative carpets.

        public override void GiveRewards()

            Owner.SendLocalizedMessage(1113265, "", 0x2A); // You have succeeded in aiding Laifem's attempts to master Britannian weaving, and can now access her inventory of decorative carpets!
            Owner.CanBuyCarpets = true;

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write(0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

    public class Laifem : MondainQuester
        public override bool IsActiveVendor => true;

        public override void InitSBInfo()
            m_SBInfos.Add(new SBCarpets());

        public Laifem() : base("Laifem", "the Weaver")

        public Laifem(Serial serial) : base(serial)

        public override void VendorBuy(Mobile from)
            if (!(from is PlayerMobile) || !((PlayerMobile)from).CanBuyCarpets)
                SayTo(from, 1113266); // I'm sorry, but I don't have any carpets to sell you yet.


        public override void Advertise()

        private static readonly Type[] m_Quests = new Type[] { typeof(ShearingKnowledgeQuest) };
        public override Type[] Quests => m_Quests;

        public override void InitBody()
            InitStats(100, 100, 25);

            Female = true;
            CantWalk = true;

            Race = Race.Gargoyle;
            HairItemID = Race.RandomHair(true);
            Hue = Race.RandomSkinHue();
            HairHue = Race.RandomHairHue();

        public override void InitOutfit()
            AddItem(new Backpack());

            AddItem(new GargishClothChest(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()));
            AddItem(new GargishClothKilt(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()));
            AddItem(new GargishClothLegs(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()));

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write(0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

    public class Dermott : MondainQuester
        public override Type[] Quests => null;

        public Dermott() : base("Dermott", "the Weaver")
            SetSkill(SkillName.Magery, 60.0, 90.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.EvalInt, 60.0, 90.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 60.0, 90.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 60.0, 90.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Meditation, 60.0, 90.0);

        public Dermott(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void InitBody()
            InitStats(100, 100, 25);

            Female = false;
            Race = Race.Human;

            Hue = 0x83FC;
            HairItemID = 0x2049; // Pig Tails
            HairHue = 0x459;
            FacialHairItemID = 0x2041; // Mustache
            FacialHairHue = 0x459;

        public override void InitOutfit()
            AddItem(new Backpack());
            AddItem(new ThighBoots(0x901));
            AddItem(new ShortPants(0x730));
            AddItem(new Shirt(0x1BB));

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write(0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();