using Server.Gumps; using Server.Items; using Server.Regions; using System.Linq; namespace Server.Multis { public abstract class BaseBoatDeed : Item { [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public int MultiID { get; set; } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public Point3D Offset { get; set; } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public Direction BoatDirection { get; set; } public BaseBoatDeed(int id, Point3D offset) : base(0x14F2) { Weight = 1.0; MultiID = id; Offset = offset; BoatDirection = Direction.North; } public BaseBoatDeed(Serial serial) : base(serial) { } public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); // version writer.Write(MultiID); writer.Write(Offset); } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); switch (version) { case 0: { MultiID = reader.ReadInt(); Offset = reader.ReadPoint3D(); break; } } } public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { BaseBoat boat = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(from, from.Map); if (from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && (from.Map == Map.Ilshenar || from.Map == Map.Malas)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010567, null, 0x25); // You may not place a boat from this location. } else if (BaseBoat.HasBoat(from) && !Boat.IsRowBoat) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1116758); // You already have a ship deployed! } else if (from.Region.IsPartOf(typeof(HouseRegion)) || boat != null && (boat.GetType() == Boat.GetType() || !boat.IsRowBoat && !(this is RowBoatDeed))) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010568, null, 0x25); // You may not place a ship while on another ship or inside a house. } else if (!from.HasGump(typeof(BoatPlacementGump))) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(502482); // Where do you wish to place the ship? from.SendGump(new BoatPlacementGump(this, from)); } } public abstract BaseBoat Boat { get; } public void OnPlacement(Mobile from, Point3D p, int itemID, Direction d) { if (Deleted) { return; } else { Map map = from.Map; if (map == null) return; if (from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && (map == Map.Ilshenar || map == Map.Malas)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043284); // A ship can not be created here. return; } BaseBoat b = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(from, from.Map); if (from.Region.IsPartOf(typeof(HouseRegion)) || b != null && (b.GetType() == Boat.GetType() || !b.IsRowBoat && !(this is RowBoatDeed))) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010568, null, 0x25); // You may not place a ship while on another ship or inside a house. return; } BoatDirection = d; BaseBoat boat = Boat; if (boat == null) return; p = new Point3D(p.X - Offset.X, p.Y - Offset.Y, p.Z - Offset.Z); if (BaseBoat.IsValidLocation(p, map) && boat.CanFit(p, map, itemID)) { if (boat.IsRowBoat) { BaseBoat lastrowboat = World.Items.Values.OfType().Where(x => x.Owner == from && x.IsRowBoat && x.Map != Map.Internal && !x.MobilesOnBoard.Any()).OrderByDescending(y => y.Serial).FirstOrDefault(); if (lastrowboat != null) lastrowboat.Delete(); } else { Delete(); } boat.Owner = from; boat.ItemID = itemID; if (boat is BaseGalleon) { ((BaseGalleon)boat).SecurityEntry = new SecurityEntry((BaseGalleon)boat); ((BaseGalleon)boat).BaseBoatHue = RandomBasePaintHue(); } if (boat.IsClassicBoat) { uint keyValue = boat.CreateKeys(from); if (boat.PPlank != null) boat.PPlank.KeyValue = keyValue; if (boat.SPlank != null) boat.SPlank.KeyValue = keyValue; } boat.MoveToWorld(p, map); boat.OnAfterPlacement(true); LighthouseAddon addon = LighthouseAddon.GetLighthouse(from); if (addon != null) { if (boat.CanLinkToLighthouse) from.SendLocalizedMessage(1154592); // You have linked your boat lighthouse. else from.SendLocalizedMessage(1154597); // Failed to link to lighthouse. } } else { boat.Delete(); from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043284); // A ship can not be created here. } } } private int RandomBasePaintHue() { if (0.6 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { return Utility.RandomMinMax(1701, 1754); } return Utility.RandomMinMax(1801, 1908); } } }