using Server.Items; using System; namespace Server.Engines.Quests { public class UnfadingMemoriesOneQuest : BaseQuest { public UnfadingMemoriesOneQuest() : base() { AddObjective(new ObtainObjective(typeof(PrismaticAmber), "prismatic amber", 1)); AddReward(new BaseReward(1075357)); // The joy of contributing to a noble artistic effort, however paltry the end product. } public override QuestChain ChainID => QuestChain.UnfadingMemories; public override Type NextQuest => typeof(UnfadingMemoriesTwoQuest); public override bool DoneOnce => true; /* Unfading Memories */ public override object Title => 1075355; /* Aargh! It’s just not right! It doesn’t capture the unique color of her hair at all! If only I had some Prismatic Amber. That would be perfect. They used to mine it in Malas, but alas, those veins ran dry some time ago. I hear it may have been found in the Prism of Light. Oh, if only there were a bold adventurer within earshot who would go to the Prism of Light and retrieve some for me! */ public override object Description => 1075356; /* Is there no one who can help a humble artist pursue his Muse? */ public override object Refuse => 1075358; /* You can find Prismatic Amber in the Prism of Light, located just north of the city of Nujel'm. */ public override object Uncomplete => 1075359; /* I knew it! See, it’s just the color I needed! Look how it brings out the highlights of her wheaten tresses! */ public override object Complete => 1075360; public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); // version } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); } } public class UnfadingMemoriesTwoQuest : BaseQuest { public UnfadingMemoriesTwoQuest() : base() { AddObjective(new DeliverObjective(typeof(PortraitOfTheBride), "portrait of the bride", 1, typeof(Thalia), "Bride")); AddReward(new BaseReward(1075369)); // The Artist’s gratitude. } public override QuestChain ChainID => QuestChain.UnfadingMemories; public override Type NextQuest => typeof(UnfadingMemoriesThreeQuest); public override bool DoneOnce => true; /* Unfading Memories */ public override object Title => 1075367; /* Finished! With the pigment I was able to create from the Prismatic Amber you brought me, I was able to complete my humble work. I should explain. Once, I loved a noble lady of gentleness and refinement, who possessed such beauty that I have found myself unable to love another to this day. But it was from afar that I admired her, for it is not for one so lowly as I to pay court to the likes of her. You have heard of the fair Thalia, Lady of Nujel'm? No? Well, she was my Muse, my inspiration, and when I heard she was to be married, I lost whatever pitiful talent I possessed. I felt I must compose a portrait of her, my masterpiece, or I would never be able to paint again. You, my friend, have helped me complete my work. Now I ask another favor of you. Will you take it to her as a wedding gift? She will probably reject it, but I must make the offer. */ public override object Description => 1075368; /* Alright then, you have already helped me more than I deserved. I shall find someone else to undertake this task. */ public override object Refuse => 1075370; /* The wedding is taking place in the palace in Nujel'm. You will likely find her there. */ public override object Uncomplete => 1075371; /* I’m sorry, I’m getting ready to be married. I don’t have time to . . . what’s that you say? */ public override object Complete => 1075372; public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); // version } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); } } public class UnfadingMemoriesThreeQuest : BaseQuest { public UnfadingMemoriesThreeQuest() : base() { AddObjective(new DeliverObjective(typeof(BridesLetter), "brides letter", 1, typeof(Emilio), "Artist")); AddReward(new BaseReward(typeof(Bleach), 1075375)); // Bleach } public override QuestChain ChainID => QuestChain.UnfadingMemories; public override bool DoneOnce => true; /* Unfading Memories */ public override object Title => 1075373; /* Emilio painted this? It is absolutely wonderful! I used to love looking at his paintings, but I don’t remember him creating anything like this before. Would you be so kind as to carry a letter to him? Fate may have it that I am to marry another, yet I am compelled to reveal to him that his love was not entirely unrequited. */ public override object Description => 1075374; /* Very well, then. If you will excuse me, I need to get ready. */ public override object Refuse => 1075376; /* Take the letter back to the Artist’s Guild in Britain, if you would do me this kindness. */ public override object Uncomplete => 1075377; /* She said what? She thinks what of me? I . . . I can’t believe it! All this time, I never knew how she truly felt. Thank you, my friend. I believe now I will be able to paint once again. Here, take this bleach. I was going to use it to destroy all of my works. Perhaps you can find a better use for it now. */ public override object Complete => 1075378; public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); // version } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); } } }