using Server.Accounting; using Server.Engines.Quests; using Server.Items; using Server.Mobiles; using Server.Prompts; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Server.Gumps { public class CommunityCollectionGump : Gump { private readonly PlayerMobile m_Owner; private readonly IComunityCollection m_Collection; private readonly Point3D m_Location; private readonly Section m_Section; private readonly CollectionHuedItem m_Item; private int m_Index; private int m_Page; private int m_Max; public CommunityCollectionGump(PlayerMobile from, IComunityCollection collection, Point3D location) : this(from, collection, location, Section.Donates) { } public CommunityCollectionGump(PlayerMobile from, IComunityCollection collection, Point3D location, Section section) : this(from, collection, location, section, null) { } public CommunityCollectionGump(PlayerMobile from, IComunityCollection collection, Point3D location, Section section, CollectionHuedItem item) : base(250, 50) { m_Owner = from; m_Collection = collection; m_Location = location; m_Section = section; m_Item = item; Closable = true; Disposable = true; Dragable = true; Resizable = false; AddPage(0); AddImage(0, 0, 0x1F40); AddImageTiled(20, 37, 300, 308, 0x1F42); AddImage(20, 325, 0x1F43); AddImage(35, 8, 0x39); AddImageTiled(65, 8, 257, 10, 0x3A); AddImage(290, 8, 0x3B); AddImage(32, 33, 0x2635); AddImageTiled(70, 55, 230, 2, 0x23C5); AddHtmlLocalized(70, 35, 270, 20, 1072835, 0x1, false, false); // Community Collection // add pages if (m_Collection == null) return; m_Index = 0; m_Page = 1; switch (m_Section) { case Section.Donates: GetMax(m_Collection.Donations); while (m_Collection.Donations != null && m_Index < m_Collection.Donations.Count) DisplayDonationPage(); break; case Section.Rewards: GetMax(m_Collection.Rewards); while (m_Collection.Rewards != null && m_Index < m_Collection.Rewards.Count) DisplayRewardPage(); break; case Section.Hues: while (m_Item != null && m_Index < m_Item.Hues.Length) DisplayHuePage(); break; } } public enum Section { Donates, Rewards, Hues, } private enum Buttons { Close, Rewards, Status, Next, } public void GetMax(List list) { m_Max = 0; if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) if (m_Max < list[i].Width) m_Max = list[i].Width; } } public void DisplayDonationPage() { AddPage(m_Page); // title AddHtmlLocalized(50, 65, 150, 20, 1072836, 0x1, false, false); // Current Tier: AddLabel(230, 65, 0x64, m_Collection.Tier.ToString()); AddHtmlLocalized(50, 85, 150, 20, 1072837, 0x1, false, false); // Current Points: AddLabel(230, 85, 0x64, m_Collection.Points.ToString()); AddHtmlLocalized(50, 105, 150, 20, 1072838, 0x1, false, false); // Points Until Next Tier: AddLabel(230, 105, 0x64, m_Collection.CurrentTier.ToString()); AddImageTiled(35, 125, 270, 2, 0x23C5); AddHtmlLocalized(35, 130, 270, 20, 1072840, 0x1, false, false); // Donations Accepted: // donations int offset = 150; int next = 0; while (offset + next < 330 && m_Index < m_Collection.Donations.Count) { CollectionItem item = m_Collection.Donations[m_Index]; Type type = item.Type; Account acct = m_Owner.Account as Account; int height = Math.Max(item.Height, 20); int amount = 0; if (item.Type == typeof(Gold) && acct != null) { amount = acct.TotalGold + m_Owner.Backpack.GetAmount(item.Type); } else { amount = GetTypes(m_Owner, item); } if (amount > 0) { AddButton(35, offset + height / 2 - 5, 0x837, 0x838, 300 + m_Index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, item.Tooltip); } int y = offset - item.Y; if (item.Height < 20) y += (20 - item.Height) / 2; AddItem(55 - item.X + m_Max / 2 - item.Width / 2, y, item.ItemID, item.Hue); TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, item.Tooltip); if (item.Points < 1 && item.Points > 0) AddLabel(65 + m_Max, offset + height / 2 - 10, 0x64, "1 per " + ((int)Math.Pow(item.Points, -1)).ToString()); else AddLabel(65 + m_Max, offset + height / 2 - 10, 0x64, item.Points.ToString()); TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, item.Tooltip); if (amount > 0) AddLabel(235, offset + height / 2 - 5, 0xB1, amount.ToString("N0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))); offset += 5 + height; m_Index += 1; if (m_Index < m_Collection.Donations.Count) next = Math.Max(m_Collection.Donations[m_Index].Height, 20); else next = 0; } // buttons AddButton(50, 335, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, (int)Buttons.Rewards, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(75, 335, 100, 20, 1072842, 0x1, false, false); // Rewards if (m_Page > 1) { AddButton(150, 335, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, (int)Buttons.Next, GumpButtonType.Page, m_Page - 1); AddHtmlLocalized(170, 335, 60, 20, 1074880, 0x1, false, false); // Previous } m_Page += 1; if (m_Index < m_Collection.Donations.Count) { AddButton(300, 335, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, (int)Buttons.Next, GumpButtonType.Page, m_Page); AddHtmlLocalized(240, 335, 60, 20, 1072854, 0x1, false, false); //
} } public void DisplayRewardPage() { int points = m_Owner.GetCollectionPoints(m_Collection.CollectionID); AddPage(m_Page); // title AddHtmlLocalized(50, 65, 150, 20, 1072843, 0x1, false, false); // Your Reward Points: AddLabel(230, 65, 0x64, points.ToString()); AddImageTiled(35, 85, 270, 2, 0x23C5); AddHtmlLocalized(35, 90, 270, 20, 1072844, 0x1, false, false); // Please Choose a Reward: // rewards int offset = 110; int next = 0; while (offset + next < 300 && m_Index < m_Collection.Rewards.Count) { CollectionItem item = m_Collection.Rewards[m_Index]; if (item.QuestItem && SkipQuestReward(m_Owner, item)) { m_Index++; continue; } int height = Math.Max(item.Height, 20); if (points >= item.Points && item.CanSelect(m_Owner)) { AddButton(35, offset + height / 2 - 5, 0x837, 0x838, 200 + m_Index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, item.Tooltip); } int y = offset - item.Y; if (item.Height < 20) y += (20 - item.Height) / 2; AddItem(55 - item.X + m_Max / 2 - item.Width / 2, y, item.ItemID, points >= item.Points ? item.Hue : 0x3E9); TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, item.Tooltip); AddLabel(65 + m_Max, offset + height / 2 - 10, points >= item.Points ? 0x64 : 0x21, item.Points.ToString()); TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, item.Tooltip); offset += 5 + height; m_Index += 1; if (m_Index < m_Collection.Donations.Count) next = Math.Max(m_Collection.Donations[m_Index].Height, 20); else next = 0; } // buttons AddButton(50, 335, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, (int)Buttons.Status, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(75, 335, 100, 20, 1072845, 0x1, false, false); // Status if (m_Page > 1) { AddButton(150, 335, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, (int)Buttons.Next, GumpButtonType.Page, m_Page - 1); AddHtmlLocalized(170, 335, 60, 20, 1074880, 0x1, false, false); // Previous } m_Page += 1; if (m_Index < m_Collection.Rewards.Count) { AddButton(300, 335, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, (int)Buttons.Next, GumpButtonType.Page, m_Page); AddHtmlLocalized(240, 335, 60, 20, 1072854, 0x1, false, false); //
} } public void DisplayHuePage() { int points = m_Owner.GetCollectionPoints(m_Collection.CollectionID); AddPage(m_Page); // title AddHtmlLocalized(50, 65, 150, 20, 1072843, 0x1, false, false); // Your Reward Points: AddLabel(230, 65, 0x64, points.ToString()); AddImageTiled(35, 85, 270, 2, 0x23C5); AddHtmlLocalized(35, 90, 270, 20, 1074255, 0x1, false, false); // Please select a hue for your Reward: // hues int height = Math.Max(m_Item.Height, 20); int offset = 110; while (offset + height < 290 && m_Index < m_Item.Hues.Length) { AddButton(35, offset + height / 2 - 5, 0x837, 0x838, 100 + m_Index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, m_Item.Tooltip); AddItem(55 - m_Item.X, offset - m_Item.Y, m_Item.ItemID, m_Item.Hues[m_Index]); TextDefinition.AddTooltip(this, m_Item.Tooltip); offset += 5 + height; m_Index += 1; } m_Page += 1; // buttons AddButton(50, 335, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, (int)Buttons.Rewards, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(75, 335, 100, 20, 1072842, 0x1, false, false); // Rewards if (m_Index < m_Item.Hues.Length && m_Page > 2) { if (m_Index < m_Item.Hues.Length) AddButton(270, 335, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, (int)Buttons.Next, GumpButtonType.Page, m_Page); else AddButton(270, 335, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, (int)Buttons.Next, GumpButtonType.Page, 1); AddHtmlLocalized(210, 335, 60, 20, 1074256, 0x1, false, false); // More Hues } } public override void OnResponse(Network.NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (m_Collection == null || !m_Owner.InRange(m_Location, 2)) return; if (info.ButtonID == (int)Buttons.Rewards) m_Owner.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump(m_Owner, m_Collection, m_Location, Section.Rewards)); else if (info.ButtonID == (int)Buttons.Status) m_Owner.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump(m_Owner, m_Collection, m_Location, Section.Donates)); else if (info.ButtonID >= 300 && m_Collection.Donations != null && info.ButtonID - 300 < m_Collection.Donations.Count && m_Section == Section.Donates) { CollectionItem item = m_Collection.Donations[info.ButtonID - 300]; m_Owner.SendLocalizedMessage(1073178); // Please enter how much of that item you wish to donate: m_Owner.Prompt = new InternalPrompt(m_Collection, item, m_Location); } else if (info.ButtonID >= 200 && m_Collection.Rewards != null && info.ButtonID - 200 < m_Collection.Rewards.Count && m_Section == Section.Rewards) { CollectionItem item = m_Collection.Rewards[info.ButtonID - 200]; int points = m_Owner.GetCollectionPoints(m_Collection.CollectionID); if (item.CanSelect(m_Owner)) { if (item.Points <= points) { if (item is CollectionHuedItem) { m_Owner.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump(m_Owner, m_Collection, m_Location, Section.Hues, (CollectionHuedItem)item)); } else { m_Owner.CloseGump(typeof(ConfirmRewardGump)); m_Owner.SendGump(new ConfirmRewardGump(m_Collection, m_Location, item, 0)); } } else m_Owner.SendLocalizedMessage(1073122); // You don't have enough points for that! } } else if (info.ButtonID >= 100 && m_Item != null && info.ButtonID - 200 < m_Item.Hues.Length && m_Section == Section.Hues) { m_Owner.CloseGump(typeof(ConfirmRewardGump)); m_Owner.SendGump(new ConfirmRewardGump(m_Collection, m_Location, m_Item, m_Item.Hues[info.ButtonID - 100])); } } private class InternalPrompt : Prompt { private readonly IComunityCollection m_Collection; private readonly CollectionItem m_Selected; private readonly Point3D m_Location; public InternalPrompt(IComunityCollection collection, CollectionItem selected, Point3D location) { m_Collection = collection; m_Selected = selected; m_Location = location; } public override void OnResponse(Mobile from, string text) { if (!from.InRange(m_Location, 2) || !(from is PlayerMobile)) return; HandleResponse(from, text); from.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump((PlayerMobile)from, m_Collection, m_Location)); } private void HandleResponse(Mobile from, string text) { int amount = Utility.ToInt32(text); if (amount <= 0) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073181); // That is not a valid donation quantity. return; } if (from.Backpack == null) return; if (m_Selected.Type == typeof(Gold)) { if (amount * m_Selected.Points < 1) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073167); // You do not have enough of that item to make a donation! from.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump((PlayerMobile)from, m_Collection, m_Location)); return; } Item[] items = from.Backpack.FindItemsByType(m_Selected.Type, true); Account acct = from.Account as Account; int goldcount = 0; int accountcount = acct == null ? 0 : acct.TotalGold; int amountRemaining = amount; foreach (Item item in items) goldcount += item.Amount; if (goldcount >= amountRemaining) { foreach (Item item in items) { if (item.Amount <= amountRemaining) { item.Delete(); amountRemaining -= item.Amount; } else { item.Amount -= amountRemaining; amountRemaining = 0; } if (amountRemaining == 0) break; } } else if (goldcount + accountcount >= amountRemaining) { foreach (Item item in items) { amountRemaining -= item.Amount; item.Delete(); } Banker.Withdraw(from, amountRemaining); } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073182); // You do not have enough to make a donation of that magnitude! from.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump((PlayerMobile)from, m_Collection, m_Location)); return; } from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(m_Selected.Type, amount, true, true); m_Collection.Donate((PlayerMobile)from, m_Selected, amount); } else { if (amount * m_Selected.Points < 1) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073167); // You do not have enough of that item to make a donation! from.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump((PlayerMobile)from, m_Collection, m_Location)); return; } List items = FindTypes((PlayerMobile)from, m_Selected); if (items.Count > 0) { // count items int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Item item = GetActual(items[i]); if (item != null && !item.Deleted) count += item.Amount; } // check if (amount > count) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073182); // You do not have enough to make a donation of that magnitude! from.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump((PlayerMobile)from, m_Collection, m_Location)); return; } else if (amount * m_Selected.Points < 1) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(m_Selected.Type == typeof(Gold) ? 1073182 : 1073167); // You do not have enough of that item to make a donation! from.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump((PlayerMobile)from, m_Collection, m_Location)); return; } // donate int deleted = 0; for (int i = 0; i < items.Count && deleted < amount; i++) { Item item = GetActual(items[i]); if (item == null || item.Deleted) { continue; } if (item.Stackable && item.Amount + deleted > amount && !item.Deleted) { item.Amount -= amount - deleted; deleted += amount - deleted; } else if (!item.Deleted) { deleted += item.Amount; items[i].Delete(); } if (items[i] is CommodityDeed && !items[i].Deleted) { items[i].InvalidateProperties(); } } m_Collection.Donate((PlayerMobile)from, m_Selected, amount); } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073182); // You do not have enough to make a donation of that magnitude! } ColUtility.Free(items); } } public override void OnCancel(Mobile from) { if (!(from is PlayerMobile)) return; from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073184); // You cancel your donation. if (from.InRange(m_Location, 2)) from.SendGump(new CommunityCollectionGump((PlayerMobile)from, m_Collection, m_Location)); } } private bool SkipQuestReward(PlayerMobile pm, CollectionItem item) { if (pm.Quests != null) { foreach (BaseQuest q in pm.Quests) { if (!q.Completed) { foreach (BaseObjective obj in q.Objectives) { if (obj is CollectionsObtainObjective && item.Type == ((CollectionsObtainObjective)obj).Obtain) return false; } } } } return true; } public static bool CheckType(Item item, Type type, bool checkDerives) { if (item is CommodityDeed && ((CommodityDeed)item).Commodity != null) { item = ((CommodityDeed)item).Commodity; } Type t = item.GetType(); if (type == t) { return true; } else if (!checkDerives) { return false; } else { if (type == typeof(Lobster) && BaseHighseasFish.Lobsters.Any(x => x == t)) { return true; } else if (type == typeof(Crab) && BaseHighseasFish.Crabs.Any(x => x == t)) { return true; } else if (type == typeof(Fish) && t != typeof(BaseCrabAndLobster) && !t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseCrabAndLobster)) && (t.IsSubclassOf(type) || t == typeof(BaseHighseasFish) || t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseHighseasFish)))) { return true; } else { return t.IsSubclassOf(type); } } } public static int GetTypes(PlayerMobile pm, CollectionItem colItem) { Type type = colItem.Type; bool derives = type == typeof(BaseScales) || type == typeof(Fish) || type == typeof(Crab) || type == typeof(Lobster); int count = 0; foreach (Item item in pm.Backpack.Items) { if (CheckType(item, type, derives) && colItem.Validate(pm, GetActual(item))) { if (item is CommodityDeed) { count += ((CommodityDeed)item).Commodity.Amount; } else { count += item.Amount; } } } return count; } public static List FindTypes(PlayerMobile pm, CollectionItem colItem) { Type type = colItem.Type; bool derives = type == typeof(BaseScales) || type == typeof(Fish) || type == typeof(Crab) || type == typeof(Lobster); List list = new List(); foreach (Item item in pm.Backpack.Items) { if (CheckType(item, type, derives) && colItem.Validate(pm, GetActual(item))) { list.Add(item); } } return list; } public static Item GetActual(Item item) { if (item is CommodityDeed) { return ((CommodityDeed)item).Commodity; } return item; } } }