using Server.Items; using System; namespace Server.Engines.Craft { public enum InscriptionRecipes { RunicAtlas = 800 } public class DefInscription : CraftSystem { public override SkillName MainSkill => SkillName.Inscribe; public override int GumpTitleNumber => 1044009; private static CraftSystem m_CraftSystem; public static CraftSystem CraftSystem { get { if (m_CraftSystem == null) m_CraftSystem = new DefInscription(); return m_CraftSystem; } } public override double GetChanceAtMin(CraftItem item) { return 0.0; // 0% } private DefInscription() : base(1, 1, 1.25)// base( 1, 1, 3.0 ) { } public override int CanCraft(Mobile from, ITool tool, Type typeItem) { int num = 0; if (tool == null || tool.Deleted || tool.UsesRemaining <= 0) return 1044038; // You have worn out your tool! else if (!tool.CheckAccessible(from, ref num)) return num; // The tool must be on your person to use. if (typeItem != null && typeItem.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SpellScroll))) { if (!_Buffer.ContainsKey(typeItem)) { object o = Activator.CreateInstance(typeItem); if (o is SpellScroll) { SpellScroll scroll = (SpellScroll)o; _Buffer[typeItem] = scroll.SpellID; scroll.Delete(); } else if (o is IEntity) { ((IEntity)o).Delete(); return 1042404; // You don't have that spell! } } int id = _Buffer[typeItem]; Spellbook book = Spellbook.Find(from, id); if (book == null || !book.HasSpell(id)) return 1042404; // You don't have that spell! } return 0; } private readonly System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary _Buffer = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(); public override void PlayCraftEffect(Mobile from) { from.PlaySound(0x249); } private static readonly Type typeofSpellScroll = typeof(SpellScroll); public override int PlayEndingEffect(Mobile from, bool failed, bool lostMaterial, bool toolBroken, int quality, bool makersMark, CraftItem item) { if (toolBroken) from.SendLocalizedMessage(1044038); // You have worn out your tool if (!typeofSpellScroll.IsAssignableFrom(item.ItemType)) // not a scroll { if (failed) { if (lostMaterial) return 1044043; // You failed to create the item, and some of your materials are lost. else return 1044157; // You failed to create the item, but no materials were lost. } else { if (quality == 0) return 502785; // You were barely able to make this item. It's quality is below average. else if (makersMark && quality == 2) return 1044156; // You create an exceptional quality item and affix your maker's mark. else if (quality == 2) return 1044155; // You create an exceptional quality item. else return 1044154; // You create the item. } } else { if (failed) return 501630; // You fail to inscribe the scroll, and the scroll is ruined. else return 501629; // You inscribe the spell and put the scroll in your backpack. } } private int m_Circle, m_Mana; private enum Reg { BlackPearl, Bloodmoss, Garlic, Ginseng, MandrakeRoot, Nightshade, SulfurousAsh, SpidersSilk, BatWing, GraveDust, DaemonBlood, NoxCrystal, PigIron, Bone, DragonBlood, FertileDirt, DaemonBone } private readonly Type[] m_RegTypes = new Type[] { typeof( BlackPearl ), typeof( Bloodmoss ), typeof( Garlic ), typeof( Ginseng ), typeof( MandrakeRoot ), typeof( Nightshade ), typeof( SulfurousAsh ), typeof( SpidersSilk ), typeof( BatWing ), typeof( GraveDust ), typeof( DaemonBlood ), typeof( NoxCrystal ), typeof( PigIron ), typeof( Bone ), typeof( DragonBlood ), typeof( FertileDirt ), typeof( DaemonBone ) }; private int m_Index; private void AddSpell(Type type, params Reg[] regs) { double minSkill, maxSkill; int cliloc; switch (m_Circle) { default: case 0: minSkill = -25.0; maxSkill = 25.0; cliloc = 1111691; break; case 1: minSkill = -10.8; maxSkill = 39.2; cliloc = 1111691; break; case 2: minSkill = 03.5; maxSkill = 53.5; cliloc = 1111692; break; case 3: minSkill = 17.8; maxSkill = 67.8; cliloc = 1111692; break; case 4: minSkill = 32.1; maxSkill = 82.1; cliloc = 1111693; break; case 5: minSkill = 46.4; maxSkill = 96.4; cliloc = 1111693; break; case 6: minSkill = 60.7; maxSkill = 110.7; cliloc = 1111694; break; case 7: minSkill = 75.0; maxSkill = 125.0; cliloc = 1111694; break; } int index = AddCraft(type, cliloc, 1044381 + m_Index++, minSkill, maxSkill, m_RegTypes[(int)regs[0]], 1044353 + (int)regs[0], 1, 1044361 + (int)regs[0]); for (int i = 1; i < regs.Length; ++i) AddRes(index, m_RegTypes[(int)regs[i]], 1044353 + (int)regs[i], 1, 1044361 + (int)regs[i]); AddRes(index, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378); SetManaReq(index, m_Mana); } private void AddNecroSpell(int spell, int mana, double minSkill, Type type, params Reg[] regs) { int id = GetRegLocalization(regs[0]); int index = AddCraft(type, 1061677, 1060509 + spell, minSkill, minSkill + 1.0, m_RegTypes[(int)regs[0]], id, 1, 501627); for (int i = 1; i < regs.Length; ++i) { id = GetRegLocalization(regs[i]); AddRes(index, m_RegTypes[(int)regs[i]], id, 1, 501627); } AddRes(index, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378); SetManaReq(index, mana); } private void AddMysticSpell(int id, int mana, double minSkill, Type type, params Reg[] regs) { int index = AddCraft(type, 1111671, id, minSkill, minSkill + 1.0, m_RegTypes[(int)regs[0]], GetRegLocalization(regs[0]), 1, 501627); //Yes, on OSI it's only 1.0 skill diff'. Don't blame me, blame OSI. for (int i = 1; i < regs.Length; ++i) AddRes(index, m_RegTypes[(int)regs[i]], GetRegLocalization(regs[i]), 1, 501627); AddRes(index, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378); SetManaReq(index, mana); } private int GetRegLocalization(Reg reg) { int loc = 0; switch (reg) { case Reg.BatWing: loc = 1023960; break; case Reg.GraveDust: loc = 1023983; break; case Reg.DaemonBlood: loc = 1023965; break; case Reg.NoxCrystal: loc = 1023982; break; case Reg.PigIron: loc = 1023978; break; case Reg.Bone: loc = 1023966; break; case Reg.DragonBlood: loc = 1023970; break; case Reg.FertileDirt: loc = 1023969; break; case Reg.DaemonBone: loc = 1023968; break; } if (loc == 0) loc = 1044353 + (int)reg; return loc; } public override void InitCraftList() { m_Circle = 0; m_Mana = 4; AddSpell(typeof(ReactiveArmorScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(ClumsyScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Nightshade); AddSpell(typeof(CreateFoodScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(FeeblemindScroll), Reg.Nightshade, Reg.Ginseng); AddSpell(typeof(HealScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(MagicArrowScroll), Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(NightSightScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(WeakenScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Nightshade); m_Circle = 1; m_Mana = 6; AddSpell(typeof(AgilityScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(CunningScroll), Reg.Nightshade, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(CureScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng); AddSpell(typeof(HarmScroll), Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(MagicTrapScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(MagicUnTrapScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(ProtectionScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(StrengthScroll), Reg.Nightshade, Reg.MandrakeRoot); m_Circle = 2; m_Mana = 9; AddSpell(typeof(BlessScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(FireballScroll), Reg.BlackPearl); AddSpell(typeof(MagicLockScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Garlic, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(PoisonScroll), Reg.Nightshade); AddSpell(typeof(TelekinisisScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(TeleportScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(UnlockScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(WallOfStoneScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Garlic); m_Circle = 3; m_Mana = 11; AddSpell(typeof(ArchCureScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(ArchProtectionScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(CurseScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(FireFieldScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(GreaterHealScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Ginseng); AddSpell(typeof(LightningScroll), Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(ManaDrainScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(RecallScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot); m_Circle = 4; m_Mana = 14; AddSpell(typeof(BladeSpiritsScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(DispelFieldScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Garlic, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(IncognitoScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Garlic, Reg.Nightshade); AddSpell(typeof(MagicReflectScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(MindBlastScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(ParalyzeScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(PoisonFieldScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(SummonCreatureScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk); m_Circle = 5; m_Mana = 20; AddSpell(typeof(DispelScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(EnergyBoltScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Nightshade); AddSpell(typeof(ExplosionScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(InvisibilityScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Nightshade); AddSpell(typeof(MarkScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddSpell(typeof(MassCurseScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(ParalyzeFieldScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(RevealScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.SulfurousAsh); m_Circle = 6; m_Mana = 40; AddSpell(typeof(ChainLightningScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(EnergyFieldScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(FlamestrikeScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(GateTravelScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(ManaVampireScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(MassDispelScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(MeteorSwarmScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(PolymorphScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk); m_Circle = 7; m_Mana = 50; AddSpell(typeof(EarthquakeScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(EnergyVortexScroll), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade); AddSpell(typeof(ResurrectionScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng); AddSpell(typeof(SummonAirElementalScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(SummonDaemonScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(SummonEarthElementalScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddSpell(typeof(SummonFireElementalScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddSpell(typeof(SummonWaterElementalScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddNecroSpell(0, 23, 39.6, typeof(AnimateDeadScroll), Reg.GraveDust, Reg.DaemonBlood); AddNecroSpell(1, 13, 19.6, typeof(BloodOathScroll), Reg.DaemonBlood); AddNecroSpell(2, 11, 19.6, typeof(CorpseSkinScroll), Reg.BatWing, Reg.GraveDust); AddNecroSpell(3, 7, 19.6, typeof(CurseWeaponScroll), Reg.PigIron); AddNecroSpell(4, 11, 19.6, typeof(EvilOmenScroll), Reg.BatWing, Reg.NoxCrystal); AddNecroSpell(5, 11, 39.6, typeof(HorrificBeastScroll), Reg.BatWing, Reg.DaemonBlood); AddNecroSpell(6, 23, 69.6, typeof(LichFormScroll), Reg.GraveDust, Reg.DaemonBlood, Reg.NoxCrystal); AddNecroSpell(7, 17, 29.6, typeof(MindRotScroll), Reg.BatWing, Reg.DaemonBlood, Reg.PigIron); AddNecroSpell(8, 5, 19.6, typeof(PainSpikeScroll), Reg.GraveDust, Reg.PigIron); AddNecroSpell(9, 17, 49.6, typeof(PoisonStrikeScroll), Reg.NoxCrystal); AddNecroSpell(10, 29, 64.6, typeof(StrangleScroll), Reg.DaemonBlood, Reg.NoxCrystal); AddNecroSpell(11, 17, 29.6, typeof(SummonFamiliarScroll), Reg.BatWing, Reg.GraveDust, Reg.DaemonBlood); AddNecroSpell(12, 23, 98.6, typeof(VampiricEmbraceScroll), Reg.BatWing, Reg.NoxCrystal, Reg.PigIron); AddNecroSpell(13, 41, 79.6, typeof(VengefulSpiritScroll), Reg.BatWing, Reg.GraveDust, Reg.PigIron); AddNecroSpell(14, 23, 59.6, typeof(WitherScroll), Reg.GraveDust, Reg.NoxCrystal, Reg.PigIron); AddNecroSpell(15, 17, 19.6, typeof(WraithFormScroll), Reg.NoxCrystal, Reg.PigIron); AddNecroSpell(16, 40, 79.6, typeof(ExorcismScroll), Reg.NoxCrystal, Reg.GraveDust); int index; index = AddCraft(typeof(EnchantedSwitch), 1044294, 1072893, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378); AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(SwitchItem), 1073464, 1, 1044253); ForceNonExceptional(index); index = AddCraft(typeof(RunedPrism), 1044294, 1073465, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378); AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(HollowPrism), 1072895, 1, 1044253); ForceNonExceptional(index); index = AddCraft(typeof(Runebook), 1044294, 1041267, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 8, 1044378); AddRes(index, typeof(RecallScroll), 1044445, 1, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(GateTravelScroll), 1044446, 1, 1044253); AddCraft(typeof(BulkOrders.BulkOrderBook), 1044294, 1028793, 65.0, 115.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 10, 1044378); AddCraft(typeof(Spellbook), 1044294, 1023834, 50.0, 126, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 10, 1044378); index = AddCraft(typeof(ScrappersCompendium), 1044294, 1072940, 75.0, 125.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 100, 1044378); AddRes(index, typeof(DreadHornMane), 1032682, 1, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(Taint), 1032679, 10, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(Corruption), 1032676, 10, 1044253); AddRecipe(index, (int)TinkerRecipes.ScrappersCompendium); ForceNonExceptional(index); index = AddCraft(typeof(SpellbookEngraver), 1044294, 1072151, 75.0, 100.0, typeof(Feather), 1044562, 1, 1044563); AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1015001, 7, 1044253); AddCraft(typeof(MysticBook), 1044294, 1031677, 50.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 10, 1044378); AddCraft(typeof(NecromancerSpellbook), 1044294, 1074909, 50.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 10, 1044378); index = AddCraft(typeof(ExodusSummoningRite), 1044294, 1153498, 95.0, 120.0, typeof(DaemonBlood), 1023965, 5, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(Taint), 1032679, 1, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(DaemonBone), 1017412, 5, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(SummonDaemonScroll), 1016017, 1, 1044253); index = AddCraft(typeof(PropheticManuscript), 1044294, 1155631, 90.0, 115.0, typeof(AncientParchment), 1155627, 10, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(AntiqueDocumentsKit), 1155630, 1, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(WoodPulp), 1113136, 10, 1113289); AddRes(index, typeof(Beeswax), 1025154, 5, 1044253); AddCraft(typeof(BlankScroll), 1044294, 1023636, 50.0, 100.0, typeof(WoodPulp), 1113136, 1, 1044378); index = AddCraft(typeof(ScrollBinderDeed), 1044294, 1113135, 75.0, 125.0, typeof(WoodPulp), 1113136, 1, 1044253); SetItemHue(index, 1641); index = AddCraft(typeof(GargoyleBook100), 1044294, 1113290, 60.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 40, 1044378); AddRes(index, typeof(Beeswax), 1025154, 2, 1053098); index = AddCraft(typeof(GargoyleBook200), 1044294, 1113291, 72.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 40, 1044378); AddRes(index, typeof(Beeswax), 1025154, 4, 1053098); index = AddCraft(typeof(RunicAtlas), 1044294, 1156443, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 24, 1044378); AddRes(index, typeof(RecallRune), 1044447, 3, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(RecallScroll), 1044445, 3, 1044253); AddRes(index, typeof(GateTravelScroll), 1044446, 3, 1044253); AddRecipe(index, (int)InscriptionRecipes.RunicAtlas); AddMysticSpell(1031678, 4, 0.0, typeof(NetherBoltScroll), Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.BlackPearl); AddMysticSpell(1031679, 4, 0.0, typeof(HealingStoneScroll), Reg.Bone, Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SpidersSilk); AddMysticSpell(1031680, 6, 0.0, typeof(PurgeMagicScroll), Reg.FertileDirt, Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddMysticSpell(1031681, 6, 0.0, typeof(EnchantScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh); AddMysticSpell(1031682, 9, 3.5, typeof(SleepScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Nightshade); AddMysticSpell(1031683, 9, 3.5, typeof(EagleStrikeScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Bone); AddMysticSpell(1031684, 11, 17.8, typeof(AnimatedWeaponScroll), Reg.Bone, Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade); AddMysticSpell(1031685, 11, 17.8, typeof(StoneFormScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.FertileDirt, Reg.Garlic); AddMysticSpell(1031686, 14, 32.1, typeof(SpellTriggerScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Garlic, Reg.DragonBlood); AddMysticSpell(1031687, 14, 32.1, typeof(MassSleepScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.Ginseng); AddMysticSpell(1031688, 20, 46.4, typeof(CleansingWindsScroll), Reg.Ginseng, Reg.Garlic, Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddMysticSpell(1031689, 20, 46.4, typeof(BombardScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.Bloodmoss); AddMysticSpell(1031690, 40, 60.7, typeof(SpellPlagueScroll), Reg.DaemonBone, Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.DaemonBone); AddMysticSpell(1031691, 40, 60.7, typeof(HailStormScroll), Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Bloodmoss); AddMysticSpell(1031692, 50, 75.0, typeof(NetherCycloneScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.MandrakeRoot); AddMysticSpell(1031693, 50, 75.0, typeof(RisingColossusScroll), Reg.DaemonBone, Reg.FertileDirt, Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.MandrakeRoot); MarkOption = true; } } }