using Server.Accounting; using Server.Engines.Points; using Server.Gumps; using Server.Mobiles; using Server.Network; using System.Globalization; namespace Server.Engines.ResortAndCasino { public enum Section { None, Buying, Selling, Error } public class PurchaseCasinoChipGump : Gump { public int Yellow => C32216(0xFFFF00); public Section Section { get; set; } public int Message { get; set; } public int Bought { get; set; } public int CashedOut { get; set; } public PlayerMobile User { get; set; } public PurchaseCasinoChipGump(PlayerMobile pm) : base(50, 50) { User = pm; AddGumpLayout(); } public void AddGumpLayout() { AddBackground(0, 0, 430, 230, 1460); AddHtmlLocalized(20, 20, 200, 16, 1153172, Yellow, false, false); Account a = User.Account as Account; long total = a == null ? 0 : (long)(a.TotalCurrency * Account.CurrencyThreshold); int chips = (int)PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User); switch (Section) { case Section.None: int y = 50; if (Bought > 0 || CashedOut > 0) { int amount = Bought > 0 ? Bought : CashedOut; AddHtmlLocalized(20, y, 200, 16, 1153188, Yellow, false, false); // Transaction successful: y += 20; AddHtmlLocalized(20, y, 200, 16, Bought > 0 ? 1153189 : 1153190, amount.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")), Yellow, false, false); // You purchased ~1_AMT~ chips y += 30; } AddHtmlLocalized(20, y, 200, 16, 1153173, Yellow, false, false); // Your Bank Balance: AddHtml(300, y, 150, 16, Color("#FF69B4", total.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); y += 20; AddHtmlLocalized(20, y, 200, 16, 1153174, Yellow, false, false); // Your Chip Balance: AddHtml(300, y, 150, 16, Color("#FF69B4", chips.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); y += 30; AddHtmlLocalized(20, y, 200, 16, 1153176, Yellow, false, false); // Buy Chips AddButton(300, y, 4014, 4016, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); y += 20; AddHtmlLocalized(20, y, 200, 16, 1153175, Yellow, false, false); // Cash Out AddButton(300, y, 4014, 4016, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); break; case Section.Buying: AddHtmlLocalized(20, 50, 180, 16, 1153183, Yellow, false, false); // Each casino chip costs 100gp AddHtmlLocalized(20, 80, 180, 16, 1153186, Yellow, false, false); // Number of chips to buy: AddBackground(215, 80, 200, 20, 9350); AddTextEntry(216, 80, 199, 20, 0, 0, ""); AddButton(215, 110, 4005, 4007, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(20, 110, 150, 16, 1153176, Yellow, false, false); break; case Section.Selling: AddHtmlLocalized(20, 50, 180, 16, 1153184, Yellow, false, false); // You will receive 100gp for each chip AddHtmlLocalized(20, 80, 180, 16, 1153185, Yellow, false, false); // Number of chips to cash out: AddBackground(215, 80, 200, 20, 9350); AddTextEntry(216, 80, 199, 20, 0, 1, ""); AddButton(215, 110, 4005, 4007, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(20, 110, 150, 16, 1153175, Yellow, false, false); // CASH OUT break; case Section.Error: AddHtmlLocalized(20, 50, 390, 40, 1153177, Yellow, false, false); // There was a problem completing your transaction: AddHtmlLocalized(20, 90, 390, 150, Message, Yellow, false, false); break; } if (Section == Section.None) { AddButton(15, 195, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(55, 193, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", "CLOSE"), false, false); } else { AddButton(15, 195, 4005, 4007, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(55, 193, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", "BACK"), false, false); } } public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: Section = Section.Buying; Refresh(); break; case 2: Section = Section.Selling; Refresh(); break; case 3: TextRelay tr = info.GetTextEntry(0); if (tr != null) { string text = tr.Text; int num = Utility.ToInt32(text); if (num > 0) { if (Banker.Withdraw(User, num * CasinoData.ChipCost, true)) { PointsSystem.CasinoData.AwardPoints(User, num); Bought = num; Section = Section.None; Refresh(); } else { Section = Section.Error; Message = 1153178; // Your bank does not have sufficient gold Refresh(); } } else { Section = Section.Error; Message = 1153187; // You entered an invalid value Refresh(); } } else { Section = Section.Error; Message = 1153187; // You entered an invalid value Refresh(); } break; case 4: TextRelay tr2 = info.GetTextEntry(1); if (tr2 != null) { string text2 = tr2.Text; int num2 = Utility.ToInt32(text2); if (num2 > 0) { if (num2 <= (int)PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User)) { Banker.Deposit(User, num2 * CasinoData.ChipCost); PointsSystem.CasinoData.DeductPoints(User, num2, false); User.SendLocalizedMessage(1060397, (num2 * CasinoData.ChipCost).ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been deposited into your bank box. Section = Section.None; CashedOut = num2; Refresh(); } else { Section = Section.Error; Message = 1153180; // You do not have enough casino chips Refresh(); } } else { Section = Section.None; Refresh(); } } else { Section = Section.Error; Message = 1153187; // You entered an invalid value Refresh(); } break; case 5: Section = Section.None; Refresh(); break; } } public void Refresh() { Entries.Clear(); Entries.TrimExcess(); AddGumpLayout(); User.CloseGump(GetType()); User.SendGump(this, false); } public static int C16232(int c16) { c16 &= 0x7FFF; int r = (((c16 >> 10) & 0x1F) << 3); int g = (((c16 >> 05) & 0x1F) << 3); int b = (((c16 >> 00) & 0x1F) << 3); return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0); } public static int C16216(int c16) { return c16 & 0x7FFF; } public static int C32216(int c32) { c32 &= 0xFFFFFF; int r = (((c32 >> 16) & 0xFF) >> 3); int g = (((c32 >> 08) & 0xFF) >> 3); int b = (((c32 >> 00) & 0xFF) >> 3); return (r << 10) | (g << 5) | (b << 0); } protected string Color(string color, string str) { return string.Format("{1}", color, str); } protected string ColorAndCenter(string color, string str) { return string.Format("
", color, str); } } public class BaseCasinoGump : Gump { public virtual int Title => 0; public int Yellow => C32216(Yellow32); public int Yellow32 => 0xFFFF00; public int Width { get; set; } public int Height { get; set; } public PlayerMobile User { get; set; } public BaseDiceGame DiceGame { get; set; } public BaseCasinoGump(PlayerMobile pm, int width, int height, BaseDiceGame game) : base(50, 50) { User = pm; Width = width; Height = height; DiceGame = game; AddGumpLayout(); } public virtual void AddGumpLayout() { AddBackground(0, 0, Width, Height, 1460); if (Title > 0) AddHtmlLocalized(15, 20, Width - 30, 16, 1154645, "#" + Title, Yellow, false, false); if (PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User) <= 0) AddHtmlLocalized(15, 150, Width - 30, 40, 1154645, "#1153378", Yellow, false, false); // You have no chips to bet with. Please visit the Casino Cashier to buy chips. else { switch (DiceGame.Stage) { case GameStage.Betting: BuildBetting(); break; case GameStage.Rolling: BuildRolling(); break; case GameStage.Results: BuildResults(); break; case GameStage.Error: BuildError(); break; } } } public virtual void BuildBetting() { } public virtual void BuildRolling() { } public virtual void BuildResults() { } public virtual void BuildError() { AddHtmlLocalized(20, 170, 240, 32, 1153380, C32216(0xFF0000), false, false); // Invalid bet amount entered AddButton(15, Height - 35, 4005, 4007, 250, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(55, Height - 32, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", "CONTINUE"), false, false); DiceGame.Remove(); } public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 250) { DiceGame.Reset(); Refresh(); } } protected int RandomDyeID(int face) { int start = (face - 1) + 19380; return Utility.RandomList(start, start + 6, start + 12); } public void Refresh() { Entries.Clear(); Entries.TrimExcess(); AddGumpLayout(); User.CloseGump(GetType()); User.SendGump(this, false); } public static int C16232(int c16) { c16 &= 0x7FFF; int r = (((c16 >> 10) & 0x1F) << 3); int g = (((c16 >> 05) & 0x1F) << 3); int b = (((c16 >> 00) & 0x1F) << 3); return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0); } public static int C16216(int c16) { return c16 & 0x7FFF; } public static int C32216(int c32) { c32 &= 0xFFFFFF; int r = (((c32 >> 16) & 0xFF) >> 3); int g = (((c32 >> 08) & 0xFF) >> 3); int b = (((c32 >> 00) & 0xFF) >> 3); return (r << 10) | (g << 5) | (b << 0); } protected string Color(string color, string str) { return string.Format("{1}", color, str); } protected string ColorAndCenter(string color, string str) { return string.Format("
", color, str); } } public class ChucklesLuckGump : BaseCasinoGump { public override int Title => 1153368; // CHUCKLES' LUCK public ChucklesLuck Game => DiceGame as ChucklesLuck; private readonly int _DiceHue = 1931; public ChucklesLuckGump(PlayerMobile pm, ChucklesLuck game) : base(pm, 280, 330, game) { } public override void AddGumpLayout() { base.AddGumpLayout(); AddHtmlLocalized(15, 50, Width - 30, 80, 1154645, "#1153369", Yellow, false, false); // Place a bet on any number. The dealer will roll three dice. Win back your bet times the number of times your lucky number comes up! } public override void BuildBetting() { int chips = (int)PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User); AddHtmlLocalized(20, 140, 240, 16, 1153370, chips.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")), Yellow, false, false); // You have ~1_VAL~ chips AddHtmlLocalized(20, 170, 240, 40, 1153372, Yellow, false, false); // Enter your bet below and click the die showing your lucky number! AddHtmlLocalized(20, 230, 240, 16, 1153371, Yellow, false, false); // Amount to bet: AddBackground(140, 230, 120, 20, 9350); AddTextEntry(142, 230, 120, 20, 0, 0, ""); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { AddButton(25 + (i * 40), 260, 1450 + i, 1450 + i, i + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } AddButton(15, 295, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(55, 293, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", "CLOSE"), false, false); } public override void BuildRolling() { AddHtmlLocalized(0, 140, 138, 16, 1114514, "#1153383", Yellow, false, false); // Amount of Bet: AddHtml(142, 140, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.CurrentBet.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 160, 138, 16, 1114514, "#1153382", Yellow, false, false); // Betting On: AddHtml(142, 160, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.BettingOn.ToString()), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(15, 190, Width - 30, 40, 1153381, Yellow, false, false); // The dealer prepares to roll the dice... } public override void BuildResults() { Game.Remove(); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 140, 138, 16, 1114514, "#1153383", Yellow, false, false); // Amount of Bet: AddHtml(142, 140, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.CurrentBet.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 160, 138, 16, 1114514, "#1153382", Yellow, false, false); // Betting On: AddHtml(142, 160, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.BettingOn.ToString()), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(15, 190, 138, 16, 1153388, Yellow, false, false); // The dealer rolls: AddItem(90, 210, RandomDyeID(Game.GetRoll(0)), _DiceHue); AddItem(130, 210, RandomDyeID(Game.GetRoll(1)), _DiceHue); AddItem(170, 210, RandomDyeID(Game.GetRoll(2)), _DiceHue); if (!Game.Winner) AddHtmlLocalized(20, 250, 240, 32, 1153385, Game.CurrentBet.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")), Yellow, false, false); // The dice did not match your number. You lose your bet of ~1_AMT~. else { int matches = Game.GetMatches(); int win = Game.CurrentBet * matches; AddHtmlLocalized(20, 250, 240, 32, 1153384, string.Format("{0}\t{1}", matches.ToString(), win.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), Yellow, false, false); // The dice matched your number ~1_COUNT~ times. You win ~2_AMT~ chips! } AddHtml(55, 293, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.Winner ? "COLLECT" : "CONTINUE"), false, false); AddButton(15, 295, 4005, 4007, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { base.OnResponse(state, info); switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: TextRelay tr = info.GetTextEntry(0); if (tr != null) { string text = tr.Text; int bet = Utility.ToInt32(text); int chips = (int)PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User); if (bet > 0 && bet <= chips) { PointsSystem.CasinoData.DeductPoints(User, bet, false); Game.CurrentBet = bet; Game.BettingOn = info.ButtonID; Game.BeginRollDice(); } else { Game.Stage = GameStage.Error; Refresh(); } } break; case 7: Game.Reset(); Refresh(); break; } } } public class HiMiddleLowGump : BaseCasinoGump { public override int Title => 1153392; // HI-MIDDLE-LO public HiMiddleLow Game => DiceGame as HiMiddleLow; private readonly int _DiceHue = 1928; public HiMiddleLowGump(PlayerMobile pm, HiMiddleLow game) : base(pm, 380, 380, game) { } public override void AddGumpLayout() { base.AddGumpLayout(); AddHtmlLocalized(15, 50, Width - 30, 90, 1153393, Yellow, false, true); /*Place a bet on Low, Middle, High, or Outside. The dealer rolls 3 dice. The house always wins on 3-of-a-kind. * High Bets win on a total of 11 or more. Low Bets win on a total of 10 or less. Middle Bets win on a total of * 9, 10, 11, or 12. Bets for Low, Middle, and High pay even money. Outside Bets win on totals of 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, or 17 and pay 5:1.*/ } public override void BuildBetting() { int chips = (int)PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User); AddHtmlLocalized(15, 145, 340, 16, 1153370, chips.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")), Yellow, false, false); // You have ~1_VAL~ chips AddHtmlLocalized(15, 175, 340, 40, 1153412, Yellow, false, false); // Enter your wager here and select which way you wish to bet: AddHtmlLocalized(15, 220, 300, 16, 1153371, Yellow, false, false); // Amount to bet: AddBackground(200, 220, 160, 20, 9350); AddTextEntry(202, 220, 150, 20, 0, 0, ""); AddHtmlLocalized(55, 250, 150, 16, 1153394, Yellow, false, false); // High AddButton(20, 250, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(215, 250, 150, 16, 1153395, Yellow, false, false); // Middle AddButton(180, 250, 4005, 4007, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(55, 272, 150, 16, 1153396, Yellow, false, false); // Low AddButton(20, 272, 4005, 4007, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(215, 272, 150, 16, 1153397, Yellow, false, false); // Outside AddButton(180, 272, 4005, 4007, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddButton(15, 345, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(55, 347, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", "CLOSE"), false, false); } public override void BuildRolling() { AddHtmlLocalized(0, 145, 188, 16, 1114514, "#1153383", Yellow, false, false); // Amount of Bet: AddHtml(192, 145, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.CurrentBet.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 165, 188, 16, 1114514, "#1153382", Yellow, false, false); // Betting On: AddHtml(192, 165, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", ((HighMiddleLowType)Game.BettingOn).ToString()), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(15, 195, Width - 30, 40, 1153381, Yellow, false, false); // The dealer prepares to roll the dice... } public override void BuildResults() { Game.Remove(); AddHtmlLocalized(15, 145, Width - 30, 16, 1153388, Yellow, false, false); // The dealer rolls: AddItem(140, 165, RandomDyeID(Game.GetRoll(0)), _DiceHue); AddItem(180, 165, RandomDyeID(Game.GetRoll(1)), _DiceHue); AddItem(220, 165, RandomDyeID(Game.GetRoll(2)), _DiceHue); int total = Game.GetTotal(); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 205, Width / 2, 16, 1154645, Game.WinsHi(total) ? "#1153400" : "#1153399", Yellow, false, false); // Hi wins/lose AddHtmlLocalized(190, 205, Width / 2, 16, 1154645, Game.WinsLow(total) ? "#1153404" : "#1153403", Yellow, false, false); // Low wins/lose AddHtmlLocalized(00, 225, Width / 2, 16, 1154645, Game.WinsMiddle(total) ? "#1153402" : "#1153401", Yellow, false, false); // middle wins/lose AddHtmlLocalized(190, 225, Width / 2, 16, 1154645, Game.WinsOutside(total) ? "#1153406" : "#1153405", Yellow, false, false); // outside wins/lose AddHtmlLocalized(0, 245, 188, 16, 1114514, "#1153383", Yellow, false, false); // Amount of Bet: AddHtml(192, 245, 188, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.CurrentBet.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 265, 188, 16, 1114514, "#1153382", Yellow, false, false); // Betting On: AddHtml(192, 265, 188, 16, Color("#FFFF00", ((HighMiddleLowType)Game.BettingOn).ToString()), false, false); if (!Game.Winner) { int y = 290; if (Game.ThreeOfAKind) { AddHtmlLocalized(20, 295, 340, 16, 1153398, Yellow, false, false); y += 30; } AddHtmlLocalized(20, y, 345, 16, 1153413, Game.CurrentBet.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")), Yellow, false, false); // You lost ~1_AMT~ chips. Better luck next time! } else { int winnings = Game.BettingOn == 4 ? Game.CurrentBet * 6 : Game.CurrentBet * 2; AddHtmlLocalized(20, 295, 340, 16, 1153414, winnings.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")), Yellow, false, false); // You won ~1_AMT~ chips! } AddHtml(55, 347, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.Winner ? "COLLECT" : "CONTINUE"), false, false); AddButton(15, 345, 4005, 4007, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { base.OnResponse(state, info); switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: TextRelay tr = info.GetTextEntry(0); if (tr != null) { string text = tr.Text; int bet = Utility.ToInt32(text); int chips = (int)PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User); if (bet > 0 && bet <= chips) { PointsSystem.CasinoData.DeductPoints(User, bet, false); Game.CurrentBet = bet; Game.BettingOn = info.ButtonID; Game.BeginRollDice(); } else { Game.Stage = GameStage.Error; Refresh(); } } break; case 5: Game.Reset(); Refresh(); break; } } } public class DiceRiderGump : BaseCasinoGump { public override int Title => 1153613; // DICE RIDER public DiceRider Game => DiceGame as DiceRider; private int[] _DiceID = new int[5]; private readonly int _DiceHue = 1930; public DiceRiderGump(PlayerMobile pm, DiceRider game) : base(pm, 530, 430, game) { } public override void AddGumpLayout() { base.AddGumpLayout(); if (PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User) <= 0) return; AddHtmlLocalized(15, 50, Width - 30, 90, 1154645, "#1153614", Yellow, false, true); /*HOW TO PLAY

Place three equal-size bets. Enter the amount you want a single bet to be. Your initial bet will be 3x * that amount. The dealer will then roll three dice. You may then choose to pull back one of your bets, or to "let it ride". * The dealer rolls a fourth die. You may then choose to pull back a second bet. Finally, the dealer rolls a fifth die. *

Your payout depends on the results of your roll:
Five of a kind pays 80-to-1
Four of a kind pays 3-to-1
* A straight pays 2-to-1
A full house pays 3-to-2
Three of a Kind pays 1-to-1

NOTE: Fractional win amounts for * 3:2 payouts will be rounded down!*/ AddHtmlLocalized(15, 140, Width - 30, 16, 1154645, "#1153628", Yellow, false, false); // PAY TABLE AddHtmlLocalized(0, 160, 160, 16, 1114514, "#1153615", Yellow, false, false); // FIVE OF A KIND AddHtmlLocalized(405, 160, 100, 16, 1153627, "80\t1", Yellow, false, false); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) AddImage(170 + (i * 40), 160, 1455); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 187, 160, 16, 1114514, "#1153617", Yellow, false, false); // FIVE OF A KIND AddHtmlLocalized(405, 187, 100, 16, 1153627, "3\t1", Yellow, false, false); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) AddImage(170 + (i * 40), 187, i == 5 ? 1453 : 1454); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 214, 160, 16, 1114514, "#1153619", Yellow, false, false); // STRAIGHT AddHtmlLocalized(405, 214, 100, 16, 1153627, "3\t1", Yellow, false, false); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) AddImage(170 + (i * 40), 214, 1455 - i); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 241, 160, 16, 1114514, "#1153619", Yellow, false, false); // STRAIGHT AddHtmlLocalized(405, 241, 100, 16, 1153627, "2\t1", Yellow, false, false); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) AddImage(170 + (i * 40), 241, 1455 - i); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 268, 160, 16, 1114514, "#1153621", Yellow, false, false); // FULL HOUSE AddHtmlLocalized(405, 268, 100, 16, 1153627, "3\t2", Yellow, false, false); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) AddImage(170 + (i * 40), 268, i < 3 ? 1453 : 1452); AddHtmlLocalized(0, 295, 160, 16, 1114514, "#1153623", Yellow, false, false); // THREE OF A KIND AddHtmlLocalized(405, 295, 100, 16, 1153627, "1\t1", Yellow, false, false); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) AddImage(170 + (i * 40), 295, i < 3 ? 1452 : i == 3 ? 1453 : 1455); } public override void BuildBetting() { int chips = (int)PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User); AddHtmlLocalized(15, 325, 160, 16, 1153370, chips.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")), Yellow, false, false); // You have ~1_VAL~ chips AddHtmlLocalized(15, 350, Width - 30, 32, 1153629, Yellow, false, false); // Enter your bet amount below and click the button to play. You will place 3 bets of that amount but you can pull two of them back! AddHtmlLocalized(170, Height - 35, 150, 16, 1153371, Yellow, false, false); // Amount to bet: AddBackground(270, Height - 35, 200, 20, 9350); AddTextEntry(272, Height - 35, 198, 20, 0, 0, ""); AddButton(485, Height - 35, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddButton(15, Height - 35, 4005, 4007, 100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(55, Height - 35, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", "CLOSE"), false, false); } public override void BuildRolling() { AddHtmlLocalized(120, 325, 150, 16, 1153383, Yellow, false, false); // Amount of Bet: AddHtml(275, 325, 100, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.Bet1.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtml(325, 325, 100, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.Bet2.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtml(375, 325, 100, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.Bet3.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(100, 345, 100, 16, 1153635, Yellow, false, false); // Your Dice: if (Game.Roll != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Game.Roll.Count; i++) { if (_DiceID[i] == 0) _DiceID[i] = RandomDyeID(Game.GetRoll(i)); AddItem(180 + (i * 45), 345, _DiceID[i], _DiceHue); } } AddHtmlLocalized(15, 385, Width - 30, 40, 1153381, Yellow, false, false); // The dealer prepares to roll the dice... } public override void BuildResults() { AddHtmlLocalized(120, 325, 150, 16, 1153383, Yellow, false, false); // Amount of Bet: AddHtml(275, 325, 100, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.Bet1.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtml(325, 325, 100, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.Bet2.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtml(375, 325, 100, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.Bet3.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))), false, false); AddHtmlLocalized(100, 345, 100, 16, 1153635, Yellow, false, false); // Your Dice: if (Game.Roll != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Game.Roll.Count; i++) { if (_DiceID[i] == 0) _DiceID[i] = RandomDyeID(Game.GetRoll(i)); AddItem(180 + (i * 45), 345, _DiceID[i], _DiceHue); } } if (Game.RollNumber <= 3) { AddHtmlLocalized(165, 385, 150, 16, 1153636, Yellow, false, false); // PULL BET AddButton(125, 385, 4005, 4007, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(315, 385, 150, 16, 1153637, Yellow, false, false); // LET IT RIDE AddButton(275, 385, 4005, 4007, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } else { Game.Remove(); _DiceID = new int[5]; int totalbet = Game.Bet1 + Game.Bet2 + Game.Bet3; if (!Game.Winner) { AddHtmlLocalized(15, 375, Width - 30, 16, 1153639, totalbet.ToString(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")), Yellow, false, false); // You did not make a winning hand. You lost ~1_AMT~. } else { AddHtmlLocalized(15, 375, Width - 30, 16, 1153640, string.Format("{0}\t#{1}", Game.WinningTotal, WinningHand()), Yellow, false, false); // You won ~1_AMT~ for making a ~2_HAND_NAME~! } AddHtml(55, Height - 35, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", Game.Winner ? "COLLECT" : "CONTINUE"), false, false); AddButton(15, Height - 35, 4005, 4007, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } } public override void BuildError() { AddHtmlLocalized(20, Height - 62, 240, 32, 1153380, C32216(0xFF0000), false, false); // Invalid bet amount entered AddButton(15, Height - 35, 4005, 4007, 250, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(55, Height - 32, 150, 16, Color("#FFFF00", "CONTINUE"), false, false); DiceGame.Remove(); } public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: break; case 1: TextRelay tr = info.GetTextEntry(0); if (tr != null) { string text = tr.Text; int bet = Utility.ToInt32(text) * 3; if (bet > 0 && bet <= (int)PointsSystem.CasinoData.GetPoints(User)) { PointsSystem.CasinoData.DeductPoints(User, bet, false); Game.CurrentBet = bet; Game.Bet1 = bet / 3; Game.Bet2 = bet / 3; Game.Bet3 = bet / 3; Game.BeginRollDice(); } else { Game.Stage = GameStage.Error; Refresh(); } } break; case 2: if (Game.RollNumber == 2) { PointsSystem.CasinoData.AwardPoints(User, Game.Bet2); Game.Bet2 = 0; } else if (Game.RollNumber == 3) { PointsSystem.CasinoData.AwardPoints(User, Game.Bet3); Game.Bet3 = 0; } Game.Stage = GameStage.Rolling; Game.BeginRollDice(); break; case 3: Game.Stage = GameStage.Rolling; Game.BeginRollDice(); break; case 4: Game.Reset(); Refresh(); break; case 250: DiceGame.Reset(); Refresh(); break; } } private int WinningHand() { if (Game.IsFiveOfAKind()) return 1153616; if (Game.IsFourOfAKind()) return 1153618; if (Game.IsStraight()) return 1153620; if (Game.IsFullHouse()) return 1153622; if (Game.IsThreeOfAKind()) return 1153624; return 1153626; } } }