using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Menus.Questions;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Network;
using System;
namespace Server.Engines.Help
public class ContainedMenu : QuestionMenu
private readonly Mobile m_From;
public ContainedMenu(Mobile from)
: base("You already have an open help request. We will have someone assist you as soon as possible. What would you like to do?", new string[] { "Leave my old help request like it is.", "Remove my help request from the queue." })
m_From = from;
public override void OnCancel(NetState state)
m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1005306, "", 0x35); // Help request unchanged.
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, int index)
if (index == 0)
m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1005306, "", 0x35); // Help request unchanged.
else if (index == 1)
PageEntry entry = PageQueue.GetEntry(m_From);
if (entry != null && entry.Handler == null)
m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1005307, "", 0x35); // Removed help request.
m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1005306, "", 0x35); // Help request unchanged.
public class HelpGump : Gump
public static readonly string SupportWebsite = Config.Get("General.SupportWebsite", default(string));
public HelpGump(Mobile from)
: base(0, 0)
bool isYoung = IsYoung(from);
AddBackground(50, 25, 540, 430, 2600);
AddHtmlLocalized(150, 50, 360, 40, 1001002, false, false); //
Ultima Online Help Menu
AddButton(425, 415, 2073, 2072, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Close
if (isYoung)
AddButton(80, 75, 5540, 5541, 9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 2);
AddHtml(110, 75, 450, 58, @"Young Player Haven Transport. Select this option if you want to be transported to Haven.", true, true);
AddButton(80, 140, 5540, 5541, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 2);
AddHtml(110, 140, 450, 58, @"General question about Ultima Online. Select this option if you have a general gameplay question, need help learning to use a skill, or if you would like to search the UO Knowledge Base.", true, true);
AddButton(80, 205, 5540, 5541, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtml(110, 205, 450, 58, @"My character is physically stuck in the game. This choice only covers cases where your character is physically stuck in a location they cannot move out of. This option will only work two times in 24 hours.", true, true);
AddButton(80, 270, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 3);
AddHtml(110, 270, 450, 58, @"Another player is harassing me. Another player is verbally harassing your character. When you select this option you will be sending a text log to Origin Systems. To see what constitutes harassment please visit " + (SupportWebsite == null ? "" : SupportWebsite) + ".", true, true);
AddButton(80, 335, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 2);
AddHtml(110, 335, 450, 58, @"Other. If you are experiencing a problem in the game that does not fall into one of the other categories or is not addressed on the Support web page (located at " + (SupportWebsite == null ? "" : SupportWebsite) + "), please use this option.", true, true);
AddButton(80, 90, 5540, 5541, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 2);
AddHtml(110, 90, 450, 74, @"General question about Ultima Online. Select this option if you have a general gameplay question, need help learning to use a skill, or if you would like to search the UO Knowledge Base.", true, true);
AddButton(80, 170, 5540, 5541, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtml(110, 170, 450, 74, @"My character is physically stuck in the game. This choice only covers cases where your character is physically stuck in a location they cannot move out of. This option will only work two times in 24 hours.", true, true);
AddButton(80, 250, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 3);
AddHtml(110, 250, 450, 74, @"Another player is harassing me. Another player is verbally harassing your character. When you select this option you will be sending a text log to Origin Systems. To see what constitutes harassment please visit " + (SupportWebsite == null ? "" : SupportWebsite) + ".", true, true);
AddButton(80, 330, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 2);
AddHtml(110, 330, 450, 74, @"Other. If you are experiencing a problem in the game that does not fall into one of the other categories or is not addressed on the Support web page (located at " + (SupportWebsite == null ? "" : SupportWebsite) + "), please use this option.", true, true);
AddButton(80, 90, 5540, 5541, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtml(110, 90, 450, 74, @"Report a bug or contact Origin. Use this option to launch your web browser and mail in a bug report. Your report will be read by our Quality Assurance Staff. We apologize for not being able to reply to individual reports. ", true, true);
AddButton(80, 170, 5540, 5541, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtml(110, 170, 450, 74, @"Suggestion for the Game. If you'd like to make a suggestion for the game, it should be directed to the Development Team Members who participate in the discussion forums on the UO.Com web site. Choosing this option will take you to the Discussion Forums. ", true, true);
AddButton(80, 250, 5540, 5541, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtml(110, 250, 450, 74, @"Account Management For questions regarding your account such as forgotten passwords, payment options, account activation, and account transfer, please choose this option.", true, true);
AddButton(80, 330, 5540, 5541, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtml(110, 330, 450, 74, @"Other. If you are experiencing a problem in the game that does not fall into one of the other categories or is not addressed on the Support web page (located at " + (SupportWebsite == null ? "" : SupportWebsite) + ", and requires in-game assistance, use this option. ", true, true);
AddButton(80, 90, 5540, 5541, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(110, 90, 450, 145, 1062572, true, true); /* Another player is harassing me (or Exploiting).
* Use this option when another player is verbally harassing your character.
* Verbal harassment behaviors include but are not limited to, using bad language, threats etc..
* Before you submit a complaint be sure you understand what constitutes harassment
* – what is verbal harassment? -
* and that you have followed these steps:
* 1. You have asked the player to stop and they have continued.
* 2. You have tried to remove yourself from the situation.
* 3. You have done nothing to instigate or further encourage the harassment.
* 4. You have added the player to your ignore list.
* - How do I ignore a player?
* 5. You have read and understand Origin’s definition of harassment.
* 6. Your account information is up to date. (Including a current email address)
* *If these steps have not been taken, GMs may be unable to take action against the offending player.
* **A chat log will be review by a GM to assess the validity of this complaint.
* Abuse of this system is a violation of the Rules of Conduct.
* Use this option to report someone who may be exploiting or cheating.
* – What constitutes an exploit?
AddButton(80, 240, 5540, 5541, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(110, 240, 450, 145, 1062573, true, true); /* Another player is harassing me using game mechanics.
* Use this option when another player is harassing your character using game mechanics.
* Physical harassment includes but is not limited to luring, Kill Stealing, and any act that causes a players death in Trammel.
* Before you submit a complaint be sure you understand what constitutes harassment
* – what is physical harassment?
* and that you have followed these steps:
* 1. You have asked the player to stop and they have continued.
* 2. You have tried to remove yourself from the situation.
* 3. You have done nothing to instigate or further encourage the harassment.
* 4. You have added the player to your ignore list.
* - how do I ignore a player?
* 5. You have read and understand Origin’s definition of harassment.
* 6. Your account information is up to date. (Including a current email address)
* *If these steps have not been taken, GMs may be unable to take action against the offending player.
* **This issue will be reviewed by a GM to assess the validity of this complaint.
* Abuse of this system is a violation of the Rules of Conduct.
AddButton(150, 390, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1);
AddHtmlLocalized(180, 390, 335, 40, 1001015, false, false); // NO - I meant to ask for help with another matter.
public static void Initialize()
EventSink.HelpRequest += EventSink_HelpRequest;
public static bool CheckCombat(Mobile m)
for (int i = 0; i < m.Aggressed.Count; ++i)
AggressorInfo info = m.Aggressed[i];
if (DateTime.UtcNow - info.LastCombatTime < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0))
return true;
return false;
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
Mobile from = state.Mobile;
PageType type = (PageType)(-1);
switch (info.ButtonID)
case 0: // Close/Cancel
from.SendLocalizedMessage(501235, "", 0x35); // Help request aborted.
case 1: // General question
type = PageType.Question;
case 2: // Stuck
BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(from);
if (house != null)
from.Location = house.BanLocation;
else if (CityLoyalty.CityTradeSystem.HasTrade(from))
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1151733); // You cannot do that while carrying a Trade Order.
else if (from.Region.IsPartOf())
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1114345, "", 0x35); // You'll need a better jailbreak plan than that!
else if (from.Region.CanUseStuckMenu(from) && !CheckCombat(from) && !from.Frozen && !from.Criminal)
StuckMenu menu = new StuckMenu(from, from, true);
type = PageType.Stuck;
case 3: // Report bug or contact Origin
type = PageType.Bug;
case 4: // Game suggestion
type = PageType.Suggestion;
case 5: // Account management
type = PageType.Account;
case 6: // Other
type = PageType.Other;
case 7: // Harassment: verbal/exploit
type = PageType.VerbalHarassment;
case 8: // Harassment: physical
type = PageType.PhysicalHarassment;
case 9: // Young player transport
if (IsYoung(from))
if (from.Region.IsPartOf())
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1114345, "", 0x35); // You'll need a better jailbreak plan than that!
else if (CityLoyalty.CityTradeSystem.HasTrade(from))
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1151733); // You cannot do that while carrying a Trade Order.
else if (from.Region.IsPartOf("Haven Island"))
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1041529); // You're already in Haven
from.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(3503, 2574, 14), Map.Trammel);
if (type != (PageType)(-1) && PageQueue.CheckAllowedToPage(from))
from.SendGump(new PagePromptGump(from, type));
private static void EventSink_HelpRequest(HelpRequestEventArgs e)
foreach (Gump g in e.Mobile.NetState.Gumps)
if (g is HelpGump)
if (!PageQueue.CheckAllowedToPage(e.Mobile))
if (PageQueue.Contains(e.Mobile))
e.Mobile.SendMenu(new ContainedMenu(e.Mobile));
e.Mobile.SendGump(new HelpGump(e.Mobile));
private static bool IsYoung(Mobile m)
if (m is PlayerMobile)
return ((PlayerMobile)m).Young;
return false;