using Server.Commands; using Server.PathAlgorithms; using Server.PathAlgorithms.FastAStar; using Server.PathAlgorithms.SlowAStar; using Server.Targeting; using System; namespace Server { public sealed class MovementPath { private static PathAlgorithm m_OverrideAlgorithm; private readonly Map m_Map; private readonly Point3D m_Start; private readonly Point3D m_Goal; private readonly Direction[] m_Directions; public MovementPath(Mobile m, Point3D goal) : this(m, goal, m.Map) { } public MovementPath(IPoint3D p, Point3D goal, Map map) { Point3D start = new Point3D(p); m_Map = map; m_Start = start; m_Goal = goal; if (map == null || map == Map.Internal) return; if (Utility.InRange(start, goal, 1)) return; try { PathAlgorithm alg = m_OverrideAlgorithm; if (alg == null) { alg = FastAStarAlgorithm.Instance; //if ( !alg.CheckCondition( m, map, start, goal ) ) // SlowAstar is still broken // alg = SlowAStarAlgorithm.Instance; // TODO: Fix SlowAstar } if (alg != null && alg.CheckCondition(p, map, start, goal)) m_Directions = alg.Find(p, map, start, goal); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: {0}: Pathing error from {1} to {2}", e.GetType().Name, start, goal); Diagnostics.ExceptionLogging.LogException(e); } } public static PathAlgorithm OverrideAlgorithm { get { return m_OverrideAlgorithm; } set { m_OverrideAlgorithm = value; } } public Map Map => m_Map; public Point3D Start => m_Start; public Point3D Goal => m_Goal; public Direction[] Directions => m_Directions; public bool Success => (m_Directions != null && m_Directions.Length > 0); public static void Initialize() { CommandSystem.Register("Path", AccessLevel.GameMaster, Path_OnCommand); } public static void Path_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.BeginTarget(-1, true, TargetFlags.None, Path_OnTarget); e.Mobile.SendMessage("Target a location and a path will be drawn there."); } public static void Path_OnTarget(Mobile from, object obj) { IPoint3D p = obj as IPoint3D; if (p == null) return; Spells.SpellHelper.GetSurfaceTop(ref p); Path(from, p, FastAStarAlgorithm.Instance, "Fast", 0); Path(from, p, SlowAStarAlgorithm.Instance, "Slow", 2); m_OverrideAlgorithm = null; /*MovementPath path = new MovementPath( from, new Point3D( p ) ); if ( !path.Success ) { from.SendMessage( "No path to there could be found." ); } else { //for ( int i = 0; i < path.Directions.Length; ++i ) // Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.1 + (i * 0.3) ), new TimerStateCallback( Pathfind ), new object[]{ from, path.Directions[i] } ); int x = from.X; int y = from.Y; int z = from.Z; for ( int i = 0; i < path.Directions.Length; ++i ) { Movement.Movement.Offset( path.Directions[i], ref x, ref y ); new Items.RecallRune().MoveToWorld( new Point3D( x, y, z ), from.Map ); } }*/ } public static void Pathfind(object state) { object[] states = (object[])state; Mobile from = (Mobile)states[0]; Direction d = (Direction)states[1]; try { from.Direction = d; from.NetState.BlockAllPackets = true; from.Move(d); from.NetState.BlockAllPackets = false; from.ProcessDelta(); } catch (Exception e) { Diagnostics.ExceptionLogging.LogException(e); } } private static void Path(Mobile from, IPoint3D p, PathAlgorithm alg, string name, int zOffset) { m_OverrideAlgorithm = alg; long start = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; MovementPath path = new MovementPath(from, new Point3D(p)); long end = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; double len = Math.Round((end - start) / 10000.0, 2); if (!path.Success) { from.SendMessage("{0} path failed: {1}ms", name, len); } else { from.SendMessage("{0} path success: {1}ms", name, len); int x = from.X; int y = from.Y; int z = from.Z; for (int i = 0; i < path.Directions.Length; ++i) { Movement.Movement.Offset(path.Directions[i], ref x, ref y); new Items.RecallRune().MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, z + zOffset), from.Map); } } } } }