using Server.ContextMenus; using Server.Gumps; using Server.Items; using Server.Multis; using Server.Network; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Server.Engines.Plants { public enum PlantStatus { BowlOfDirt = 0, Seed = 1, Sapling = 2, Plant = 4, FullGrownPlant = 7, DecorativePlant = 10, DeadTwigs = 11, Stage1 = 1, Stage2 = 2, Stage3 = 3, Stage4 = 4, Stage5 = 5, Stage6 = 6, Stage7 = 7, Stage8 = 8, Stage9 = 9 } public class PlantItem : Item, ISecurable { /* * Clients expect a container type in the plant label. * To support older (and only older) clients, change this to false. */ private static readonly bool ShowContainerType = true; private PlantSystem m_PlantSystem; private PlantStatus m_PlantStatus; private PlantType m_PlantType; private PlantHue m_PlantHue; private bool m_ShowType; private SecureLevel m_Level; [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public SecureLevel Level { get { return m_Level; } set { m_Level = value; } } public PlantSystem PlantSystem => m_PlantSystem; public override bool ForceShowProperties => true; #region Magincia/Raised Garden Plant Support public virtual bool RequiresUpkeep => true; public virtual bool MaginciaPlant => false; public virtual int BowlOfDirtID => 0x1602; public virtual int GreenBowlID => 0x1600; public virtual int ContainerLocalization => 1150435; public virtual int OnPlantLocalization => 1061922; public virtual int CantUseLocalization => 1061921; #endregion [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public PlantStatus PlantStatus { get { return m_PlantStatus; } set { if (m_PlantStatus == value || value < PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt || value > PlantStatus.DeadTwigs) return; double ratio; if (m_PlantSystem != null) ratio = (double)m_PlantSystem.Hits / m_PlantSystem.MaxHits; else ratio = 1.0; m_PlantStatus = value; if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DecorativePlant) { m_PlantSystem = null; } else { if (m_PlantSystem == null) m_PlantSystem = new PlantSystem(this, false); int hits = (int)(m_PlantSystem.MaxHits * ratio); if (hits == 0 && m_PlantStatus > PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt) m_PlantSystem.Hits = hits + 1; else m_PlantSystem.Hits = hits; } Update(); } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public PlantType PlantType { get { return m_PlantType; } set { m_PlantType = value; Update(); } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public PlantHue PlantHue { get { return m_PlantHue; } set { m_PlantHue = value; Update(); } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public bool ShowType { get { return m_ShowType; } set { m_ShowType = value; InvalidateProperties(); } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public virtual bool ValidGrowthLocation { get { if (IsLockedDown && RootParent == null) return true; Mobile owner = RootParent as Mobile; if (owner == null) return false; if (owner.Backpack != null && IsChildOf(owner.Backpack)) return true; BankBox bank = owner.FindBankNoCreate(); if (bank != null && IsChildOf(bank)) return true; return false; } } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public bool IsGrowable => m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt && m_PlantStatus <= PlantStatus.Stage9; [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public bool IsCrossable => PlantHueInfo.IsCrossable(PlantHue) && PlantTypeInfo.IsCrossable(PlantType); [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public bool Reproduces => PlantHueInfo.CanReproduce(PlantHue) && PlantTypeInfo.CanReproduce(PlantType); private static readonly ArrayList m_Instances = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList Plants => m_Instances; [Constructable] public PlantItem() : this(0x1602, false) { } [Constructable] public PlantItem(int itemID) : this(itemID, false) { } [Constructable] public PlantItem(bool fertileDirt) : this(0x1602, fertileDirt) { } [Constructable] public PlantItem(int itemID, bool fertileDirt) : base(itemID) { Weight = 1.0; m_PlantStatus = PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt; m_PlantSystem = new PlantSystem(this, fertileDirt); m_Level = SecureLevel.Owner; m_Instances.Add(this); } public PlantItem(Serial serial) : base(serial) { } public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List list) { base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list); if (m_PlantStatus != PlantStatus.DecorativePlant) { SetSecureLevelEntry.AddTo(from, this, list); } } public int GetLocalizedPlantStatus() { if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.Plant) return 1060812; // plant else if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.Sapling) return 1023305; // sapling else if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.Seed) return 1060810; // seed else return 1026951; // dirt } public int GetLocalizedContainerType() { return ContainerLocalization; // mound -or- bowl } private void Update() { if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DeadTwigs) { ItemID = 0x1B9D; Hue = PlantHueInfo.GetInfo(m_PlantHue).Hue; } else if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.FullGrownPlant) { ItemID = PlantTypeInfo.GetInfo(m_PlantType).ItemID; Hue = PlantHueInfo.GetInfo(m_PlantHue).Hue; } else if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.Plant) { ItemID = GreenBowlID; Hue = 0; } else { ItemID = BowlOfDirtID; Hue = 0; } InvalidateProperties(); } public override void AddNameProperty(ObjectPropertyList list) { if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DeadTwigs) { base.AddNameProperty(list); } else if (m_PlantStatus < PlantStatus.Seed) { string args; if (ShowContainerType) args = string.Format("#{0}\t#{1}", GetLocalizedContainerType(), m_PlantSystem.GetLocalizedDirtStatus()); else args = string.Format("#{0}", m_PlantSystem.GetLocalizedDirtStatus()); list.Add(1060830, args); // a ~1_val~ of ~2_val~ dirt } else { PlantTypeInfo typeInfo = PlantTypeInfo.GetInfo(m_PlantType); PlantHueInfo hueInfo = PlantHueInfo.GetInfo(m_PlantHue); if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DecorativePlant) { list.Add(typeInfo.GetPlantLabelDecorative(hueInfo), string.Format("#{0}\t#{1}", hueInfo.Name, typeInfo.Name)); } else if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.FullGrownPlant) { list.Add(typeInfo.GetPlantLabelFullGrown(hueInfo), string.Format("#{0}\t#{1}\t#{2}", m_PlantSystem.GetLocalizedHealth(), hueInfo.Name, typeInfo.Name)); } else { string args; if (ShowContainerType) args = string.Format("#{0}\t#{1}\t#{2}", GetLocalizedContainerType(), m_PlantSystem.GetLocalizedDirtStatus(), m_PlantSystem.GetLocalizedHealth()); else args = string.Format("#{0}\t#{1}", m_PlantSystem.GetLocalizedDirtStatus(), m_PlantSystem.GetLocalizedHealth()); if (m_ShowType) { args += string.Format("\t#{0}\t#{1}\t#{2}", hueInfo.Name, typeInfo.Name, GetLocalizedPlantStatus()); if (m_PlantStatus == PlantStatus.Plant) list.Add(typeInfo.GetPlantLabelPlant(hueInfo), args); else list.Add(typeInfo.GetPlantLabelSeed(hueInfo), args); } else { args += string.Format("\t#{0}\t#{1}", (typeInfo.PlantCategory == PlantCategory.Default) ? hueInfo.Name : (int)typeInfo.PlantCategory, GetLocalizedPlantStatus()); list.Add(hueInfo.IsBright() ? 1060832 : 1060831, args); // a ~1_val~ of ~2_val~ dirt with a ~3_val~ [bright] ~4_val~ ~5_val~ } } } } public virtual bool IsUsableBy(Mobile from) { Item root = RootParent as Item; return IsChildOf(from.Backpack) || IsChildOf(from.FindBankNoCreate()) || IsLockedDown && IsAccessibleTo(from) || root != null && root.IsSecure && root.IsAccessibleTo(from); } public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DecorativePlant) return; Point3D loc = GetWorldLocation(); if (!from.InLOS(loc) || !from.InRange(loc, 2)) { from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3E9, 1019045); // I can't reach that. return; } if (!IsUsableBy(from)) { LabelTo(from, 1061856); // You must have the item in your backpack or locked down in order to use it. return; } from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(this)); } public virtual bool PlantSeed(Mobile from, Seed seed) { if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.FullGrownPlant) { LabelTo(from, 1061919); // You must use a seed on some prepared soil! } else if (!IsUsableBy(from)) { LabelTo(from, CantUseLocalization); // The bowl of dirt must be in your pack, or you must lock it down. } else if (m_PlantStatus != PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt) { if (RequiresUpkeep && !MaginciaPlant) from.SendLocalizedMessage(1080389, "#" + GetLocalizedPlantStatus().ToString()); // This bowl of dirt already has a ~1_val~ in it! else from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150441); // This mound of dirt already has a seed in it! } else if (RequiresUpkeep && m_PlantSystem.Water < 2) { LabelTo(from, 1061920); // The dirt needs to be softened first. } else { m_PlantType = seed.PlantType; m_PlantHue = seed.PlantHue; m_ShowType = seed.ShowType; seed.Consume(); PlantStatus = PlantStatus.Seed; m_PlantSystem.Reset(false); LabelTo(from, OnPlantLocalization); // You plant the seed in the bowl of dirt. return true; } return false; } public virtual void Die() { if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.FullGrownPlant) { PlantStatus = PlantStatus.DeadTwigs; } else { PlantStatus = PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt; m_PlantSystem.Reset(true); } } public void Pour(Mobile from, Item item) { if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DeadTwigs) return; if (m_PlantStatus == PlantStatus.DecorativePlant) { LabelTo(from, 1053049); // This is a decorative plant, it does not need watering! return; } if (!RequiresUpkeep) { LabelTo(from, 1150619); // You don't need to water it. return; } if (!IsUsableBy(from)) { LabelTo(from, 1061856); // You must have the item in your backpack or locked down in order to use it. return; } if (item is BaseBeverage) { BaseBeverage beverage = (BaseBeverage)item; if (beverage.IsEmpty || !beverage.Pourable || beverage.Content != BeverageType.Water) { LabelTo(from, 1053069); // You can't use that on a plant! return; } if (!beverage.ValidateUse(from, true)) return; beverage.Quantity--; m_PlantSystem.Water++; from.PlaySound(0x4E); LabelTo(from, 1061858); // You soften the dirt with water. m_PlantSystem.NextGrowth = DateTime.UtcNow + PlantSystem.CheckDelay; } else if (item is BasePotion) { BasePotion potion = (BasePotion)item; int message; if (ApplyPotion(potion.PotionEffect, false, out message)) { potion.Consume(); from.PlaySound(0x240); from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle()); m_PlantSystem.NextGrowth = DateTime.UtcNow + PlantSystem.CheckDelay; } LabelTo(from, message); } else if (item is PotionKeg) { PotionKeg keg = (PotionKeg)item; if (keg.Held <= 0) { LabelTo(from, 1053069); // You can't use that on a plant! return; } int message; if (ApplyPotion(keg.Type, false, out message)) { keg.Held--; from.PlaySound(0x240); m_PlantSystem.NextGrowth = DateTime.UtcNow + PlantSystem.CheckDelay; } LabelTo(from, message); } else { LabelTo(from, 1053069); // You can't use that on a plant! } } public bool ApplyPotion(PotionEffect effect, bool testOnly, out int message) { if (m_PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DecorativePlant) { message = 1053049; // This is a decorative plant, it does not need watering! return false; } if (!RequiresUpkeep) { message = 1150619; // You don't need to water it. return false; } if (m_PlantStatus == PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt) { message = 1053066; // You should only pour potions on a plant or seed! return false; } bool full = false; if (effect == PotionEffect.PoisonGreater || effect == PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly) { if (m_PlantSystem.IsFullPoisonPotion) full = true; else if (!testOnly) m_PlantSystem.PoisonPotion++; } else if (effect == PotionEffect.CureGreater) { if (m_PlantSystem.IsFullCurePotion) full = true; else if (!testOnly) m_PlantSystem.CurePotion++; } else if (effect == PotionEffect.HealGreater) { if (m_PlantSystem.IsFullHealPotion) full = true; else if (!testOnly) m_PlantSystem.HealPotion++; } else if (effect == PotionEffect.StrengthGreater) { if (m_PlantSystem.IsFullStrengthPotion) full = true; else if (!testOnly) m_PlantSystem.StrengthPotion++; } else if (effect == PotionEffect.PoisonLesser || effect == PotionEffect.Poison || effect == PotionEffect.CureLesser || effect == PotionEffect.Cure || effect == PotionEffect.HealLesser || effect == PotionEffect.Heal || effect == PotionEffect.Strength) { message = 1053068; // This potion is not powerful enough to use on a plant! return false; } else { message = 1053069; // You can't use that on a plant! return false; } if (full) { message = 1053065; // The plant is already soaked with this type of potion! return false; } else { message = 1053067; // You pour the potion over the plant. return true; } } public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(2); // version writer.Write((int)m_Level); writer.Write((int)m_PlantStatus); writer.Write((int)m_PlantType); writer.Write((int)m_PlantHue); writer.Write(m_ShowType); if (m_PlantStatus < PlantStatus.DecorativePlant) m_PlantSystem.Save(writer); } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); switch (version) { case 2: case 1: { m_Level = (SecureLevel)reader.ReadInt(); goto case 0; } case 0: { if (version < 1) m_Level = SecureLevel.CoOwners; m_PlantStatus = (PlantStatus)reader.ReadInt(); m_PlantType = (PlantType)reader.ReadInt(); m_PlantHue = (PlantHue)reader.ReadInt(); m_ShowType = reader.ReadBool(); if (m_PlantStatus < PlantStatus.DecorativePlant) m_PlantSystem = new PlantSystem(this, reader); if (version < 2 && PlantHueInfo.IsCrossable(m_PlantHue)) m_PlantHue |= PlantHue.Reproduces; break; } } m_Instances.Add(this); } public override void OnAfterDelete() { base.OnAfterDelete(); m_Instances.Remove(this); } } }