using Server.Commands; using Server.Gumps; using Server.Items; using Server.Mobiles; using Server.Network; using System; using System.Text; using Server.Engines.Points; using Server.SkillHandlers; using Server.Spells.SkillMasteries; using Server.Engines.Craft; using Server.Engines.Plants; using Server.Accounting; namespace Server.Misc { public class TestCenter { public static bool Enabled { get; set; } static TestCenter() { Enabled = Config.Get("TestCenter.Enabled", false); } public static void Initialize() { if (Enabled) EventSink.Speech += EventSink_Speech; } private static void EventSink_Speech(SpeechEventArgs args) { if (!args.Handled) { if (Insensitive.StartsWith(args.Speech, "set")) { Mobile from = args.Mobile; string[] split = args.Speech.Split(' '); if (split.Length == 3) { try { string name = split[1]; double value = Convert.ToDouble(split[2]); if (Insensitive.Equals(name, "str")) ChangeStrength(from, (int)value); else if (Insensitive.Equals(name, "dex")) ChangeDexterity(from, (int)value); else if (Insensitive.Equals(name, "int")) ChangeIntelligence(from, (int)value); else ChangeSkill(from, name, value); } catch (Exception e) { Diagnostics.ExceptionLogging.LogException(e); } } } else if(Insensitive.StartsWith(args.Speech, "give")) { Mobile from = args.Mobile; string[] split = args.Speech.Split(' '); if (split.Length == 2) { string name = split[1]; if (Insensitive.Equals(name, "resources")) { if (CanGive(from, "Resources")) { GiveResources(from); from.SendMessage("Resources have been added to your bank"); } } else if (Insensitive.Equals(name, "arties")) { if (CanGive(from, "Artifacts")) { GiveArtifacts(from); from.SendMessage("Artifacts have been added to your bank"); } } else if (Insensitive.Equals(name, "air")) { if (CanGive(from, "Air")) { GiveAirFreshner(from); from.SendMessage("Air Freshner has been added to your bank."); } } else if (Insensitive.Equals(name, "seeds")) { if (CanGive(from, "Seeds")) { GiveSeeds(from); from.SendMessage("Seeds have been added to your bank."); } } else if (Insensitive.Equals(name, "tokens")) { if (CanGive(from, "Tokens")) { GiveTokens(from); } } else if (Insensitive.Equals(name, "masteries")) { if (CanGive(from, "Masteries")) { GiveMasteries(from); from.SendMessage("Masteries have been added to your bank."); } } } } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args.Speech, "help")) { args.Mobile.SendGump(new TCHelpGump()); args.Handled = true; } } } private static bool CanGive(Mobile m, string tagName) { Account a = m.Account as Account; if (a != null) { var tag = a.GetTag(m.Serial.ToString() + ' ' + tagName); if (tag == null) { a.AddTag(m.Serial.ToString() + ' ' + tagName, DateTime.Now.ToString()); return true; } } return false; } private static void ChangeStrength(Mobile from, int value) { if (value < 10 || value > 125) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005628); // Stats range between 10 and 125. } else { if ((value + from.RawDex + from.RawInt) > from.StatCap) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005629); // You can not exceed the stat cap. Try setting another stat lower first. } else { from.RawStr = value; from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005630); // Your stats have been adjusted. } } } private static void ChangeDexterity(Mobile from, int value) { if (value < 10 || value > 125) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005628); // Stats range between 10 and 125. } else { if ((from.RawStr + value + from.RawInt) > from.StatCap) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005629); // You can not exceed the stat cap. Try setting another stat lower first. } else { from.RawDex = value; from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005630); // Your stats have been adjusted. } } } private static void ChangeIntelligence(Mobile from, int value) { if (value < 10 || value > 125) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005628); // Stats range between 10 and 125. } else { if ((from.RawStr + from.RawDex + value) > from.StatCap) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005629); // You can not exceed the stat cap. Try setting another stat lower first. } else { from.RawInt = value; from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005630); // Your stats have been adjusted. } } } private static void ChangeSkill(Mobile from, string name, double value) { SkillName index; if (!Enum.TryParse(name, true, out index)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005631); // You have specified an invalid skill to set. return; } Skill skill = from.Skills[index]; if (skill != null) { if (value < 0 || value > skill.Cap) { from.SendMessage(string.Format("Your skill in {0} is capped at {1:F1}.", skill.Info.Name, skill.Cap)); } else { int newFixedPoint = (int)(value * 10.0); int oldFixedPoint = skill.BaseFixedPoint; if (((skill.Owner.Total - oldFixedPoint) + newFixedPoint) > skill.Owner.Cap) { from.SendMessage("You can not exceed the skill cap. Try setting another skill lower first."); } else { skill.BaseFixedPoint = newFixedPoint; } } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005631); // You have specified an invalid skill to set. } } public static void GiveResources(Mobile from) { var box = new WoodenBox { Hue = 1193, Name = "General Resources" }; PlaceItemIn(box, 115, 63, new PowderOfTemperament(30000)); Container bag = new Bag { Hue = 75, Name = "Bag of Imbuing Materials" }; for (int i = 0; i < Imbuing.IngredTypes.Length; i++) { var item = Loot.Construct(Imbuing.IngredTypes[i]); if (item != null) { if (item.Stackable) { item.Amount = 1000; bag.DropItem(item); } else { bag.DropItem(item); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { bag.DropItem(Loot.Construct(Imbuing.IngredTypes[j])); } } } } PlaceItemIn(box, 17, 67, bag); bag = new Bag { Hue = 1195, Name = "Bag of Elven Materials" }; for (int i = 0; i < Loot.RareGemTypes.Length; i++) { var item = Loot.Construct(Loot.RareGemTypes[i]); item.Amount = 200; bag.DropItem(item); } bag.DropItem(new LardOfParoxysmus(200)); bag.DropItem(new CapturedEssence(200)); bag.DropItem(new LuminescentFungi(200)); bag.DropItem(new Putrefaction(200)); bag.DropItem(new Blight(200)); bag.DropItem(new LardOfParoxysmus(200)); bag.DropItem(new Taint(200)); bag.DropItem(new Corruption(200)); bag.DropItem(new BarkFragment(200)); bag.DropItem(new Corruption(200)); bag.DropItem(new ParasiticPlant(200)); bag.DropItem(new Muculent(200)); bag.DropItem(new PristineDreadHorn(200)); bag.DropItem(new EyeOfTheTravesty(200)); bag.DropItem(new GrizzledBones(200)); bag.DropItem(new Scourge(200)); PlaceItemIn(box, 40, 67, bag); bag = new Backpack { Name = "Runic Tool Bag" }; PlaceItemIn(bag, 54, 74, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.DullCopper, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 64, 74, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.ShadowIron, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 74, 74, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Copper, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 84, 74, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Bronze, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 94, 74, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Gold, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 104, 74, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Agapite, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 114, 74, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Verite, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 124, 74, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Valorite, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 54, 90, new RunicSewingKit(CraftResource.SpinedLeather, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 64, 90, new RunicSewingKit(CraftResource.HornedLeather, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 64, 90, new RunicSewingKit(CraftResource.BarbedLeather, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 74, 90, new RunicDovetailSaw(CraftResource.OakWood, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 84, 90, new RunicDovetailSaw(CraftResource.AshWood, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 94, 90, new RunicDovetailSaw(CraftResource.YewWood, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 104, 90, new RunicDovetailSaw(CraftResource.Heartwood, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 54, 107, new RunicFletcherTool(CraftResource.OakWood, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 64, 107, new RunicFletcherTool(CraftResource.AshWood, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 74, 107, new RunicFletcherTool(CraftResource.YewWood, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 84, 107, new RunicFletcherTool(CraftResource.Heartwood, 30000)); PlaceItemIn(box, 65, 67, bag); bag = new Bag { Name = "Raw Materials Bag" }; PlaceItemIn(bag, 92, 59, new BarbedLeather(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 92, 68, new HornedLeather(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 92, 76, new SpinedLeather(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 92, 84, new Leather(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 30, 118, new Cloth(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 30, 84, new Board(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 57, 80, new BlankScroll(500)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 30, 35, new DullCopperIngot(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 37, 35, new ShadowIronIngot(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 44, 35, new CopperIngot(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 51, 35, new BronzeIngot(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 58, 35, new GoldIngot(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 65, 35, new AgapiteIngot(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 72, 35, new VeriteIngot(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 79, 35, new ValoriteIngot(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 86, 35, new IronIngot(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 30, 59, new RedScales(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 36, 59, new YellowScales(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 42, 59, new BlackScales(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 48, 59, new GreenScales(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 54, 59, new WhiteScales(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 60, 59, new BlueScales(5000)); PlaceItemIn(box, 40, 93, bag); bag = new Bag { Name = "Bag of Archery Ammo" }; PlaceItemIn(bag, 48, 76, new Arrow(5000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 72, 76, new Bolt(5000)); PlaceItemIn(box, 65, 93, bag); bag = new Bag { Name = "Tool Bag" }; PlaceItemIn(bag, 30, 35, new TinkerTools(30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 60, 35, new HousePlacementTool()); PlaceItemIn(bag, 90, 35, new DovetailSaw(30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 30, 68, new Scissors()); PlaceItemIn(bag, 45, 68, new MortarPestle(30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 75, 68, new ScribesPen(30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 90, 68, new SmithHammer(30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 30, 118, new TwoHandedAxe()); PlaceItemIn(bag, 60, 118, new FletcherTools(30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 90, 118, new SewingKit(30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 70, 85, new Clippers(30000)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 61, 76, new MalletAndChisel(30000)); PlaceItemIn(box, 90, 93, bag); bag = new Bag { Name = "Bag of Recipes", Hue = 2301 }; foreach (var recipe in Recipe.Recipes.Values) { bag.DropItem(new RecipeScroll(recipe)); } PlaceItemIn(box, 115, 93, bag); bag = new Bag { Name = "Bag of Wood", Hue = 1321 }; bag.DropItem(new Board(5000)); bag.DropItem(new OakBoard(5000)); bag.DropItem(new AshBoard(5000)); bag.DropItem(new YewBoard(5000)); bag.DropItem(new OakBoard(5000)); bag.DropItem(new BloodwoodBoard(5000)); bag.DropItem(new HeartwoodBoard(5000)); bag.DropItem(new FrostwoodBoard(5000)); PlaceItemIn(box, 139, 93, bag); PlaceItemIn(from.BankBox, 88, 142, box); } public static void GiveArtifacts(Mobile from) { var box = new WoodenBox { Hue = 1170, Name = "Artifacts" }; Container bag = new Bag { Hue = 2075, Name = "SA Major Artifacts Human" }; bag.DropItem(new AnimatedLegsoftheInsaneTinker()); bag.DropItem(new ResonantStaffofEnlightenment()); bag.DropItem(new JadeWarAxe()); bag.DropItem(new DemonHuntersStandard()); bag.DropItem(new WallOfHungryMouths()); bag.DropItem(new HumanSignOfChaos()); bag.DropItem(new GargishSignOfChaos()); bag.DropItem(new IronwoodCompositeBow()); bag.DropItem(new ClawsOfTheBerserker()); bag.DropItem(new StandardOfChaos()); bag.DropItem(new DefenderOfTheMagus()); bag.DropItem(new TheImpalersPick()); bag.DropItem(new CavalrysFolly()); bag.DropItem(new AxeOfAbandon()); bag.DropItem(new ProtectoroftheBattleMage()); bag.DropItem(new FallenMysticsSpellbook()); bag.DropItem(new CrownOfArcaneTemperament()); bag.DropItem(new VampiricEssence()); PlaceItemIn(box, 17, 57, bag); bag = new Bag { Hue = 1159, Name = "Eodon Artifacts" }; bag.DropItem(new AnonsBoots()); bag.DropItem(new AnonsBootsGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new AnonsSpellbook()); bag.DropItem(new BalakaisShamanStaff()); bag.DropItem(new BalakaisShamanStaffGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new EnchantressCameo()); bag.DropItem(new GrugorsShield()); bag.DropItem(new GrugorsShieldGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new HalawasHuntingBow()); bag.DropItem(new HalawasHuntingBowGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new HawkwindsRobe()); bag.DropItem(new JumusSacredHide()); bag.DropItem(new JumusSacredHideGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new JuonarsGrimoire()); bag.DropItem(new LereisHuntingSpear()); bag.DropItem(new LereisHuntingSpearGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new MinaxsSandles()); bag.DropItem(new MinaxsSandlesGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new OzymandiasObi()); bag.DropItem(new OzymandiasObiGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new ShantysWaders()); bag.DropItem(new ShantysWadersGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new TotemOfTheTribe()); bag.DropItem(new WamapsBoneEarrings()); bag.DropItem(new WamapsBoneEarringsGargoyle()); bag.DropItem(new UnstableTimeRift()); bag.DropItem(new MocapotlsObsidianSword()); PlaceItemIn(box, 40, 57, bag); bag = new Bag { Hue = 1266, Name = "Major Artifacts" }; bag.DropItem(new TitansHammer()); bag.DropItem(new InquisitorsResolution()); bag.DropItem(new BladeOfTheRighteous()); bag.DropItem(new ZyronicClaw()); for (int i = 0; i < DoomGauntlet.DoomArtifacts.Length; i++) { bag.DropItem(Loot.Construct(DoomGauntlet.DoomArtifacts[i])); } PlaceItemIn(box, 65, 57, bag); bag = new Bag { Hue = 1281, Name = "Tokuno Major Artifacts" }; bag.DropItem(new SwordsOfProsperity()); bag.DropItem(new SwordOfTheStampede()); bag.DropItem(new WindsEdge()); bag.DropItem(new DarkenedSky()); bag.DropItem(new RuneBeetleCarapace()); bag.DropItem(new KasaOfTheRajin()); bag.DropItem(new Stormgrip()); bag.DropItem(new TomeOfLostKnowledge()); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.ParagonGold)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.VioletCouragePurple)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.InvulnerabilityBlue)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.LunaWhite)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.DryadGreen)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.ShadowDancerBlack)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.BerserkerRed)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.NoxGreen)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.RumRed)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.FireOrange)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.FadedCoal)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.Coal)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.FadedGold)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.StormBronze)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.Rose)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.MidnightCoal)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.FadedBronze)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.FadedRose)); bag.DropItem(new PigmentsOfTokuno(PigmentType.DeepRose)); PlaceItemIn(box, 115, 57, bag); bag = new Bag { Hue = 1167, Name = "Minor Artifacts" }; for (int i = 0; i < MondainsLegacy.Artifacts.Length; i++) { bag.DropItem(Loot.Construct(MondainsLegacy.Artifacts[i])); } PlaceItemIn(box, 90, 57, bag); bag = new Bag { Hue = 55, Name = "Replicas" }; bag.DropItem(new RoyalGuardInvestigatorsCloak()); bag.DropItem(new TongueOfTheBeast()); bag.DropItem(new TheMostKnowledgePerson()); bag.DropItem(new ShroudOfDeceit()); bag.DropItem(new ANecromancerShroud()); bag.DropItem(new LightsRampart()); bag.DropItem(new AcidProofRobe()); bag.DropItem(new ObiDiEnse()); bag.DropItem(new TheRobeOfBritanniaAri()); bag.DropItem(new GauntletsOfAnger()); bag.DropItem(new JadeArmband()); bag.DropItem(new Subdue()); bag.DropItem(new CrownOfTalKeesh()); bag.DropItem(new DjinnisRing()); bag.DropItem(new EmbroideredOakLeafCloak()); bag.DropItem(new GladiatorsCollar()); bag.DropItem(new LieutenantOfTheBritannianRoyalGuard()); bag.DropItem(new CaptainJohnsHat()); bag.DropItem(new BraveKnightOfTheBritannia()); bag.DropItem(new Pacify()); bag.DropItem(new OblivionsNeedle()); bag.DropItem(new RoyalGuardSurvivalKnife()); bag.DropItem(new Quell()); bag.DropItem(new Calm()); bag.DropItem(new OrcChieftainHelm()); bag.DropItem(new FangOfRactus()); bag.DropItem(new DetectiveBoots()); PlaceItemIn(box, 90, 139, bag); bag = new Bag { Hue = 2731, Name = "Doom Upgrade Arties" }; bag.DropItem(new BritchesOfWarding()); bag.DropItem(new BowOfTheInfiniteSwarm()); bag.DropItem(new GlovesOfFeudalGrip()); bag.DropItem(new Glenda()); bag.DropItem(new CuffsOfTheArchmage()); bag.DropItem(new TheScholarsHalo()); bag.DropItem(new TheDeceiver()); bag.DropItem(new BraceletOfPrimalConsumption()); PlaceItemIn(box, 17, 83, bag); PlaceItemIn(from.BankBox, 63, 106, box); } public static void GiveAirFreshner(Mobile from) { } public static void GiveSeeds(Mobile from) { var box = new WoodenBox { Hue = 578, Name = "Box of Seeds" }; box.DropItem(new FertileDirt(5000)); box.DropItem(new GreenThorns(15)); Container bag = new Bag(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { bag.DropItem(new Seed(PlantType.CocoaTree, PlantHue.Plain, false)); } PlaceItemIn(box, 47, 83, bag); bag = new Bag(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { bag.DropItem(Seed.RandomPeculiarSeed(Utility.Random(3))); } PlaceItemIn(box, 78, 83, bag); bag = new Bag(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { bag.DropItem(new Seed(PlantTypeInfo.RandomFirstGeneration(), PlantHue.White, false)); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { bag.DropItem(new Seed(PlantTypeInfo.RandomFirstGeneration(), PlantHue.Black, false)); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { bag.DropItem(new Seed(PlantTypeInfo.RandomFirstGeneration(), PlantHue.FireRed, false)); } // TODO: Plant Spawners PlaceItemIn(box, 109, 83, bag); PlaceItemIn(from.BankBox, 83, 106, box); } public static void GiveTokens(Mobile from) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1075549); // A token has been placed in your backpack. Double-click it to redeem your promotion. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { from.AddToBackpack(new HeritageToken()); } from.AddToBackpack(new AnniversaryPromotionalToken(AnniversaryType.ShadowItems)); from.AddToBackpack(new AnniversaryPromotionalToken(AnniversaryType.CrystalItems)); from.AddToBackpack(new PersonalAttendantToken()); } public static void GiveMasteries(Mobile from) { var backpack = new Backpack { Hue = 1154, Name = "Skill Masteries" }; Bag bag = null; for (int i = 0; i < MasteryInfo.Skills.Length; i++) { var skill = MasteryInfo.Skills[i]; bag = new Bag { Name = string.Format("{0} Mastery", SkillInfo.Table[(int)skill].Name) }; for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { bag.DropItem(new SkillMasteryPrimer(skill, j)); } backpack.DropItem(bag); } PlaceItemIn(backpack, 83, 106, new BookOfMasteries()); PlaceItemIn(from.BankBox, 103, 106, backpack); } private static void PlaceItemIn(Container parent, int x, int y, Item item) { parent.AddItem(item); item.Location = new Point3D(x, y, 0); } private static Item MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect type, int hue) { PotionKeg keg = new PotionKeg { Held = 100, Type = type, Hue = hue }; return keg; } public static void FillBank(Mobile m) { BankBox bank = m.BankBox; for (int i = 0; i < PowerScroll.Skills.Count; ++i) m.Skills[PowerScroll.Skills[i]].Cap = 120.0; m.StatCap = 250; var book = new Runebook(9999); book.CurCharges = book.MaxCharges; book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1438, 1695, 0), Map.Trammel, "Britain Bank", null)); book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1821, 2821, 0), Map.Trammel, "Trinsic Bank", null)); book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1492, 1628, 13), Map.Trammel, "Britain Sweet Dreams", null)); book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1388, 1507, 10), Map.Trammel, "Britain Graveyard", null)); book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1300, 1080, 0), Map.Trammel, "Dungeon Despise", null)); book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1171, 2639, 0), Map.Trammel, "Dungeon Destard", null)); book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1260, 2296, 0), Map.Trammel, "Hedge Maze", null)); m.AddToBackpack(book); #region Gold var account = m.Account as Account; if (account != null && account.GetTag("TCGold") == null) { account.AddTag("TCGold", "Gold Given"); Banker.Deposit(m, 30000000, false); } #endregion #region Bank Level Items bank.DropItem(new Robe(443)); bank.DropItem(new Dagger()); bank.DropItem(new Candle()); bank.DropItem(new FireworksWand() { Name = "Mininova Fireworks Wand" }); #endregion Container cont; #region TMaps cont = new Bag { Name = "Bag of Treasure Maps" }; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { PlaceItemIn(cont, 30 + (i * 6), 35, new TreasureMap(Utility.Random(3), Map.Trammel)); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { PlaceItemIn(cont, 30 + (i * 6), 51, new TreasureMap(Utility.Random(3), Map.Trammel)); } for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { PlaceItemIn(cont, 76, 91, new MessageInABottle()); } PlaceItemIn(cont, 22, 77, new Shovel(30000)); PlaceItemIn(cont, 57, 97, new Lockpick(3)); PlaceItemIn(bank, 98, 124, cont); #endregion #region Trans Powder cont = new Bag(); PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 147, new PowderOfTranslocation(100)); PlaceItemIn(bank, 117, 147, cont); #endregion #region Magery Items cont = new WoodenBox { Hue = 1195, Name = "Magery Items" }; PlaceItemIn(cont, 78, 88, new CrimsonCincture() { Hue = 232 }); PlaceItemIn(cont, 102, 90, new CrystallineRing()); var brac = new GoldBracelet { Name = "Farmer's Bank of Mastery" }; brac.Attributes.CastRecovery = 3; brac.Attributes.CastSpeed = 1; PlaceItemIn(cont, 139, 30, brac); Container bag = new Backpack { Hue = 1152, Name = "Spell Casting Stuff" }; PlaceItemIn(bag, 45, 107, new Spellbook(ulong.MaxValue)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 65, 107, new NecromancerSpellbook((ulong)0xFFFF)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 85, 107, new BookOfChivalry((ulong)0x3FF)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 105, 107, new BookOfBushido()); //Default ctor = full PlaceItemIn(bag, 125, 107, new BookOfNinjitsu()); //Default ctor = full PlaceItemIn(bag, 102, 122, new SpellweavingBook((1ul << 16) - 1)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 122, 122, new MysticBook((1ul << 16) - 1)); Runebook runebook = new Runebook(20); runebook.CurCharges = runebook.MaxCharges; PlaceItemIn(bag, 145, 105, runebook); Item toHue = new BagOfReagents(5000) { Hue = 0x2D }; PlaceItemIn(bag, 45, 128, toHue); toHue = new BagOfNecroReagents(3000) { Hue = 0x488 }; PlaceItemIn(bag, 64, 125, toHue); toHue = new BagOfMysticReagents(3000) { Hue = 1167 }; PlaceItemIn(bag, 141, 128, toHue); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) PlaceItemIn(bag, 45 + (i * 10), 74, new RecallRune()); PlaceItemIn(cont, 47, 91, bag); bag = new Backpack { Name = "Various Potion Kegs" }; PlaceItemIn(bag, 45, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.CureGreater, 0x2D)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 69, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.HealGreater, 0x499)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 93, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly, 0x46)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 117, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.RefreshTotal, 0x21)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 141, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater, 0x74)); PlaceItemIn(bag, 93, 82, new Bottle(1000)); PlaceItemIn(cont, 53, 169, bag); PlaceItemIn(bank, 63, 142, cont); #endregion #region Silver - No Mas Silver /*cont = new WoodenBox(); cont.Hue = 1161; PlaceItemIn(cont, 47, 91, new Silver(9000)); PlaceItemIn(bank, 38, 142, cont);*/ #endregion #region Ethys cont = new Backpack { Hue = 0x490, Name = "Bag Of Ethy's!" }; PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 66, new EtherealHorse()); PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 99, new EtherealLlama()); PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 132, new EtherealUnicorn()); PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 99, new EtherealBeetle()); PlaceItemIn(bank, 38, 124, cont); #endregion } public static void FillBankbox(Mobile m) { FillBank(m); } public class TCHelpGump : Gump { public TCHelpGump() : base(40, 40) { AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, 160, 120, 5054); AddButton(10, 10, 0xFB7, 0xFB9, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(45, 10, 0x34, "ServUO"); AddButton(10, 35, 0xFB7, 0xFB9, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(45, 35, 0x34, "List of skills"); AddButton(10, 60, 0xFB7, 0xFB9, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(45, 60, 0x34, "Command list"); AddButton(10, 85, 0xFB1, 0xFB3, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(45, 85, 0x34, "Close"); } public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: { sender.LaunchBrowser(""); break; } case 2: // List of skills { string[] strings = Enum.GetNames(typeof(SkillName)); Array.Sort(strings); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (strings.Length > 0) sb.Append(strings[0]); for (int i = 1; i < strings.Length; ++i) { string v = strings[i]; if ((sb.Length + 1 + v.Length) >= 256) { sender.Send(new AsciiMessage(Server.Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Label, 0x35, 3, "System", sb.ToString())); sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(v); } else { sb.Append(' '); sb.Append(v); } } if (sb.Length > 0) { sender.Send(new AsciiMessage(Server.Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Label, 0x35, 3, "System", sb.ToString())); } break; } case 3: // Command list { sender.Mobile.SendAsciiMessage(0x482, "The command prefix is \"{0}\"", CommandSystem.Prefix); CommandHandlers.Help_OnCommand(new CommandEventArgs(sender.Mobile, "help", "", new string[0])); break; } } } } } }