using Server.Commands; using Server.ContextMenus; using Server.Engines.CityLoyalty; using Server.Engines.Khaldun; using Server.Engines.Quests; using Server.Guilds; using Server.Gumps; using Server.Items; using Server.Mobiles; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Xml; namespace Server.Services.TownCryer { public static class TownCryerSystem { public static bool Enabled { get; set; } public static readonly int MaxNewsEntries = 100; public static readonly int MaxPerGuildEntries = 1; public const int MaxPerCityGoverrnorEntries = 5; public const int MaxEMEntries = 15; public const int MinGuildMemberCount = 20; public static bool UsePreloadedMessages = false; public static AccessLevel EMAccess = AccessLevel.Counselor; public static readonly string EMEventsPage = ""; private static readonly string PreLoadedPath = "Data/PreLoadedTC.xml"; public static List GreetingsEntries { get; private set; } //public static List GreetingsEntries { get; private set; } public static List NewsEntries { get; private set; } public static List ModeratorEntries { get; private set; } public static List CityEntries { get; private set; } public static List GuildEntries { get; private set; } public static List TownCryerExempt { get; private set; } public static Dictionary MysteriousPotionEffects { get; private set; } public static Timer Timer { get; private set; } public static bool NewGreeting { get; private set; } public static void Configure() { GreetingsEntries = new List(); ModeratorEntries = new List(); CityEntries = new List(); GuildEntries = new List(); NewsEntries = new List(); TownCryerExempt = new List(); GreetingsEntries.Add(new TownCryerGreetingEntry(1158955)); /*
Rising Tide

The Seas call to us once more! A powerful pirate called Hook has * taken control of the Guild, an organization of cutthroats and brigands engaged in high seas piracy! * Great peril stands in the way of those brave enough to challenge Hook's vile plan - read the latest * headlines in the Town Cryer to learn more!

The realms tinkers have been busy at work and are * proud to announce advancements in ship to ship ballistics! The cannon firing process has been streamlined * - from crafting supplies through loading the cannons and lighting the fuse! FIRE IN THE HOLE! *

Whether you are celebrating your first year in Britannia or your 22nd we want to extend a * very special thank you to our veteran players! New veteran rewards are available! New MONSTER STATUETTES * featuring Krampus, Khal Ankur, and the Krampus Minion, are available! Decorate your home with the WATER * WHEEL and personalize your clothes with the EMBROIDERY TOOL. Every crafter will want to get their hands * on the REPAIR BENCH and TINKER BENCH!*/ GreetingsEntries.Add(new TownCryerGreetingEntry(1158757)); /*Fall is approaching and strangeness is afoot in Britannia!

Britannians are looking skyward in * search of constellations and other celestial objects using the new telescope!

The pumpkin patches * of Britannia once again bearing fruit as the Grimms hold their carveable pumpkins close!

Visit a * cemetery to battle against the Butchers and carve new Jack o' Lantern designs!

Beware the * skeletons! Zombie skeletons roam the cemeteries!

Trick or Treat? Shopkeepers and citizens * alike have new treats to share!

Strange events worth investigating? A new article from the * Town Cryer on the new Royal Britannian Guard Detective Branch!*/ GreetingsEntries.Add(new TownCryerGreetingEntry(1158388)); /* Greetings, Avatar!

Welcome to Britannia! Whether these are your first steps or you are a * seasoned veteran King Blackthorn welcomes you! The realm is bustling with opportunities for adventure! * TownCryers can be visited at all banks and points of interest to learn about the latest goings on in * the realm. Many guilds are actively recruiting members, so be sure to check the Town Cryer guild * section for the latest recruitment events.

We wish you the best of luck in your * Endless Journey*/ LoadPreloadedMessages(); } public static void Initialize() { if (Enabled) { EventSink.Login += OnLogin; NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1159346, 1159347, 0x9D3E, null, "")); // Jolly Roger NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1159262, 1159263, 0x64E, null, "")); // Forsaken Foes NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158944, 1158945, 0x9CEA, null, "")); // Rising Tide NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158552, 1158553, 0x6CE, typeof(GoingGumshoeQuest), null)); // Going Gumshoe NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158095, 1158097, 0x61E, null, "")); // Britain Commons NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158089, 1158091, 0x60F, null, "")); // Cleanup Britannia NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158098, 1158100, 0x615, null, "")); // New Bulk Orders NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158101, 1158103, 0x616, null, "")); // 2016 Loot Revamps NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158116, 1158118, 0x64F, null, "")); // Virtues NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158083, 1158085, 0x617, typeof(TamingPetQuest), "")); // Animal Training NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158086, 1158088, 0x61D, typeof(ExploringTheDeepQuest), null)); NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158092, 1158094, 0x651, typeof(HuntmastersChallengeQuest), "")); // Huntsmaster Challenge NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158104, 1158106, 0x61C, typeof(PaladinsOfTrinsic), "")); // New Shame NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158107, 1158109, 0x61A, typeof(RightingWrongQuest), "")); // New Wrong if (TreasureMapInfo.NewSystem) { NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158113, 1158115, 0x64C, typeof(BuriedRichesQuest), "")); // New TMaps } NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158119, 1158121, 0x64D, typeof(APleaFromMinocQuest), "")); // New Covetous NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158110, 1158112, 0x64E, typeof(AVisitToCastleBlackthornQuest), "")); // Castle Blackthorn NewsEntries.Add(new TownCryerNewsEntry(1158122, 1158124, 0x650, typeof(WishesOfTheWispQuest), "")); // New Despise // New greeting, resets all TC hiding if (NewGreeting) { TownCryerExempt.Clear(); } if (UsePreloadedMessages) { CommandSystem.Register("ReloadTCGreetings", AccessLevel.Administrator, Reload_OnCommand); } } } public static bool IsExempt(Mobile m) { return m is PlayerMobile && TownCryerExempt.Contains((PlayerMobile)m); } public static void AddExempt(PlayerMobile pm) { if (!TownCryerExempt.Contains(pm)) { TownCryerExempt.Add(pm); } } public static void AddEntry(TownCryerModeratorEntry entry) { ModeratorEntries.Add(entry); CheckTimer(); } public static void AddEntry(TownCryerCityEntry entry) { CityEntries.Add(entry); CheckTimer(); } public static void AddEntry(TownCryerGuildEntry entry) { GuildEntries.Add(entry); CheckTimer(); entry.GetExpiration(); } public static void AddEntry(TownCryerGreetingEntry entry) { GreetingsEntries.Add(entry); CheckTimer(); } public static void CompleteQuest(PlayerMobile pm, BaseQuest quest) { BaseGump.SendGump(new TownCrierQuestCompleteGump(pm, quest)); } public static void CompleteQuest(PlayerMobile pm, object title, object body, int gumpID) { BaseGump.SendGump(new TownCrierQuestCompleteGump(pm, title, body, gumpID)); } public static void OnLogin(LoginEventArgs e) { if (Enabled && e.Mobile is PlayerMobile mobile && !IsExempt(mobile)) { Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), player => { if (HasCustomEntries()) { BaseGump.SendGump(new TownCryerGreetingsGump(player, null)); } else { IPooledEnumerable eable = player.Map.GetMobilesInRange(player.Location, 20); foreach (Mobile m in eable) { if (m is TownCrier) { BaseGump.SendGump(new TownCryerGreetingsGump(player, (TownCrier)m)); break; } } eable.Free(); } }, mobile); } } public static int CityEntryCount(City city) { return CityEntries.Count(x => x.City == city); } public static bool HasGuildEntry(Guild g) { if (g == null) return false; return GuildEntries.Any(x => x.Guild == g); } public static bool HasCustomEntries() { return GreetingsEntries.Any(x => x.Saves || x.Expires != DateTime.MinValue); } public static void CheckTimer() { if (ModeratorEntries.Count > 0 || CityEntries.Count > 0 || GuildEntries.Count > 0 || GreetingsEntries.Any(e => e.Expires != DateTime.MinValue) || MysteriousPotionEffects != null) { if (Timer == null || !Timer.Running) { Timer = Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), CheckExpiredEntries); Timer.Priority = TimerPriority.OneMinute; } } else if (Timer != null) { Timer.Stop(); Timer = null; } } public static void CheckExpiredEntries() { for (int i = GreetingsEntries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (GreetingsEntries[i].Expires != DateTime.MinValue && GreetingsEntries[i].Expired) GreetingsEntries.RemoveAt(i); } for (int i = ModeratorEntries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ModeratorEntries[i].Expired) ModeratorEntries.RemoveAt(i); } for (int i = CityEntries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (CityEntries[i].Expired) CityEntries.RemoveAt(i); } for (int i = GuildEntries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (GuildEntries[i].Expired) GuildEntries.RemoveAt(i); } if (MysteriousPotionEffects != null) { List list = new List(MysteriousPotionEffects.Keys); foreach (Mobile m in list) { if (MysteriousPotionEffects != null && MysteriousPotionEffects.ContainsKey(m) && MysteriousPotionEffects[m] < DateTime.UtcNow) { MysteriousPotionEffects.Remove(m); if (MysteriousPotionEffects.Count == 0) { MysteriousPotionEffects = null; } } } ColUtility.Free(list); } CheckTimer(); } public static bool IsGovernor(PlayerMobile pm, CityLoyaltySystem system) { return system != null && system.Governor == pm; } public static void GetContextMenus(TownCrier tc, Mobile from, List list) { if (from is PlayerMobile) { PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile; if (pm.AccessLevel >= EMAccess) { list.Add(new AddGreetingEntry(tc)); list.Add(new UpdateEMEntry(tc)); } CityLoyaltySystem system = CityLoyaltySystem.GetCitizenship(pm, false); if (IsGovernor(pm, system)) { list.Add(new UpdateCityEntry(tc)); } Guild g = pm.Guild as Guild; if (g != null && pm.GuildRank != null && pm.GuildRank.Rank >= 3 && g.Leader == pm && (pm.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player || g.Members.Count >= MinGuildMemberCount)) { list.Add(new UpdateGuildEntry(from, tc)); } } } public static int GetCityLoc(City city) { switch (city) { default: case City.Britain: return 1158043; case City.Jhelom: return 1158044; case City.Minoc: return 1158045; case City.Moonglow: return 1158046; case City.NewMagincia: return 1158047; case City.SkaraBrae: return 1158048; case City.Trinsic: return 1158049; case City.Vesper: return 1158050; case City.Yew: return 1158051; } } public static bool UnderMysteriousPotionEffects(Mobile m, bool checkQuest = false) { return MysteriousPotionEffects != null && MysteriousPotionEffects.ContainsKey(m) && MysteriousPotionEffects[m] > DateTime.UtcNow && (!checkQuest || m is PlayerMobile && QuestHelper.HasQuest((PlayerMobile)m)); } public static void AddMysteriousPotionEffects(Mobile m) { if (MysteriousPotionEffects == null) { MysteriousPotionEffects = new Dictionary(); } MysteriousPotionEffects[m] = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromDays(3); CheckTimer(); } #region Pre-Loaded private static void LoadPreloadedMessages() { if (!Enabled || !UsePreloadedMessages) return; if (File.Exists(PreLoadedPath)) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); Utility.WriteConsoleColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "*** Loading Pre-Loaded Town Crier Messages..."); try { doc.Load(PreLoadedPath); } catch (Exception e) { Diagnostics.ExceptionLogging.LogException(e); Utility.WriteConsoleColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "...FAILED! ***"); return; } XmlElement root = doc["preloadedTC"]; int good = 0; int expired = 0; int errors = 0; if (root != null) { int index = 0; foreach (XmlElement reg in root.GetElementsByTagName("message")) { string title = Utility.GetText(reg["title"], null); string body = Utility.GetText(reg["body"], null); DateTime created = GetDateTime(Utility.GetText(reg["created"], null)); DateTime expires = GetDateTime(Utility.GetText(reg["expires"], null)); string link = Utility.GetText(reg["link"], null); string linktext = Utility.GetText(reg["linktext"], null); if (title == null) { ErrorToConsole("Invalid title", index); errors++; } else if (body == null) { ErrorToConsole("Invalid body", index); errors++; } else if (created == DateTime.MinValue) { ErrorToConsole("Invalid creation time", index); errors++; } else if (expires > DateTime.Now || expires == DateTime.MinValue) { TownCryerGreetingEntry entry = new TownCryerGreetingEntry(title, body, -1, link, linktext) { PreLoaded = true, Created = created }; if (expires > created) { entry.Expires = expires; } AddEntry(entry); good++; } else { ErrorToConsole("Expired message", index); expired++; } index++; } } if (expired > 0 || errors > 0) { Utility.WriteConsoleColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "...Complete! Loaded {0} Pre-Loaded Messages. {1} expired messages and {2} erroneous messages not loaded! ***", good, expired, errors); } else { Utility.WriteConsoleColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "...Complete! Loaded {0} Pre-Loaded Messages. ***", good); } } } public static void ErrorToConsole(string type, int index) { Utility.WriteConsoleColor(ConsoleColor.Red, "[TC Pre-Loaded Message]: {0} for pre-loaded Message #{1}", type, index.ToString()); } public static DateTime GetDateTime(string text) { DateTime datetime = DateTime.MinValue; try { datetime = DateTime.Parse(text, CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")); } catch (Exception e) { Diagnostics.ExceptionLogging.LogException(e); } return datetime; } [Usage("ReloadTCGreetings")] [Description("Reloads Pre-Loaded Town Cryer Messages. This enables changes to be made to the PreLoadedTC.xml and show in game without a server restart.")] public static void Reload_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { bool clear = false; GreetingsEntries.IterateReverse(entry => { if (entry.PreLoaded) { GreetingsEntries.Remove(entry); if (!clear) clear = true; } }); LoadPreloadedMessages(); if (clear) { TownCryerExempt.Clear(); } e.Mobile.SendMessage("Pre-Loaded TC messages re-loaded from {0}!", PreLoadedPath); } #endregion public static void Save(GenericWriter writer) { writer.Write(1); writer.Write(GreetingsEntries.Count); writer.Write(TownCryerExempt.Count); foreach (PlayerMobile pm in TownCryerExempt) writer.Write(pm); writer.Write(GreetingsEntries.Count(x => x.Saves)); foreach (TownCryerGreetingEntry e in GreetingsEntries.Where(x => x.Saves)) e.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(ModeratorEntries.Count); foreach (TownCryerModeratorEntry e in ModeratorEntries) e.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(CityEntries.Count); foreach (TownCryerCityEntry e in CityEntries) e.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(GuildEntries.Count); foreach (TownCryerGuildEntry e in GuildEntries) e.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(MysteriousPotionEffects != null ? MysteriousPotionEffects.Count : 0); if (MysteriousPotionEffects != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in MysteriousPotionEffects) { writer.Write(kvp.Key); writer.Write(kvp.Value); } } } public static void Load(GenericReader reader) { int version = reader.ReadInt(); int greetingsCount = 0; switch (version) { case 1: greetingsCount = reader.ReadInt(); int count = reader.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { PlayerMobile pm = reader.ReadMobile() as PlayerMobile; if (pm != null) { AddExempt(pm); } } count = reader.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TownCryerGreetingEntry entry = new TownCryerGreetingEntry(reader); if (!entry.Expired) { GreetingsEntries.Add(entry); } } goto case 0; case 0: count = reader.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TownCryerModeratorEntry entry = new TownCryerModeratorEntry(reader); if (!entry.Expired) { ModeratorEntries.Add(entry); } } count = reader.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TownCryerCityEntry entry = new TownCryerCityEntry(reader); if (!entry.Expired) { CityEntries.Add(entry); } } count = reader.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TownCryerGuildEntry entry = new TownCryerGuildEntry(reader); if (!entry.Expired) { GuildEntries.Add(entry); } } count = reader.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Mobile m = reader.ReadMobile(); DateTime dt = reader.ReadDateTime(); if (m != null) { if (MysteriousPotionEffects == null) MysteriousPotionEffects = new Dictionary(); MysteriousPotionEffects[m] = dt; } } break; } if (greetingsCount < GreetingsEntries.Count) { NewGreeting = true; } CheckTimer(); } } public class AddGreetingEntry : ContextMenuEntry { public TownCrier Cryer { get; } public AddGreetingEntry(TownCrier cryer) : base(1011405, 3) // Change Greeting { Cryer = cryer; } public override void OnClick() { if (Owner.From is PlayerMobile && Owner.From.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { //BaseGump.SendGump(new CreateGreetingEntryGump((PlayerMobile)Owner.From, Cryer)); BaseGump.SendGump(new TownCryerGreetingsGump((PlayerMobile)Owner.From, Cryer)); } } } public class UpdateEMEntry : ContextMenuEntry { public TownCrier Cryer { get; } public UpdateEMEntry(TownCrier cryer) : base(1158022, 3) // Update EM Town Crier { Cryer = cryer; Enabled = TownCryerSystem.ModeratorEntries.Count < TownCryerSystem.MaxEMEntries; } public override void OnClick() { if (Owner.From is PlayerMobile) { if (TownCryerSystem.ModeratorEntries.Count < TownCryerSystem.MaxEMEntries) { BaseGump.SendGump(new CreateEMEntryGump((PlayerMobile)Owner.From, Cryer)); } else { Owner.From.SendLocalizedMessage(1158038); // You have reached the maximum entry count. Please remove some and try again. } } } } public class UpdateCityEntry : ContextMenuEntry { public TownCrier Cryer { get; } public UpdateCityEntry(TownCrier cryer) : base(1158023, 3) // Update City Town Crier { Cryer = cryer; } public override void OnClick() { if (Owner.From is PlayerMobile) { PlayerMobile pm = Owner.From as PlayerMobile; CityLoyaltySystem system = CityLoyaltySystem.GetCitizenship(pm, false); if (TownCryerSystem.IsGovernor(pm, system)) { if (TownCryerSystem.CityEntryCount(system.City) < TownCryerSystem.MaxPerCityGoverrnorEntries) { BaseGump.SendGump(new CreateCityEntryGump(pm, Cryer, system.City)); } else { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1158038); // You have reached the maximum entry count. Please remove some and try again. } } } } } public class UpdateGuildEntry : ContextMenuEntry { public TownCrier Cryer { get; } public UpdateGuildEntry(Mobile from, TownCrier cryer) : base(1158024, 3) // Update Guild Town Crier { Cryer = cryer; Enabled = from.Guild != null && !TownCryerSystem.HasGuildEntry(from.Guild as Guild); } public override void OnClick() { PlayerMobile pm = Owner.From as PlayerMobile; if (pm != null) { Guild g = pm.Guild as Guild; if (g != null && pm.GuildRank != null && pm.GuildRank.Rank >= 3 && (pm.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player || g.Members.Count >= TownCryerSystem.MinGuildMemberCount)) { if (TownCryerSystem.HasGuildEntry(g)) { Owner.From.SendLocalizedMessage(1158038); // You have reached the maximum entry count. Please remove some and try again. } else { BaseGump.SendGump(new CreateGuildEntryGump(pm, Cryer)); } } else { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1158025); // Only Guild Leaders and Warlords of guilds with at least 20 members may post in the Town Cryer. } } } } }