using Server.Network; using System; namespace Server.Spells.Bushido { public abstract class SamuraiSpell : Spell { public SamuraiSpell(Mobile caster, Item scroll, SpellInfo info) : base(caster, scroll, info) { } public abstract double RequiredSkill { get; } public abstract int RequiredMana { get; } public override SkillName CastSkill => SkillName.Bushido; public override SkillName DamageSkill => SkillName.Bushido; public override bool ClearHandsOnCast => false; public override bool BlocksMovement => false; public override bool ShowHandMovement => false; public override double CastDelayFastScalar => 0; public override int CastRecoveryBase => 7; public static void OnEffectEnd(Mobile caster, Type type) { int spellID = SpellRegistry.GetRegistryNumber(type); if (spellID > 0) caster.Send(new ToggleSpecialAbility(spellID + 1, false)); } public override bool CheckCast() { int mana = ScaleMana(RequiredMana); if (!base.CheckCast()) return false; if (Caster.Skills[CastSkill].Value < RequiredSkill) { string args = string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t ", RequiredSkill.ToString("F1"), CastSkill.ToString()); Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1063013, args); // You need at least ~1_SKILL_REQUIREMENT~ ~2_SKILL_NAME~ skill to use that ability. return false; } else if (Caster.Mana < mana) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1060174, mana.ToString()); // You must have at least ~1_MANA_REQUIREMENT~ Mana to use this ability. return false; } return true; } public override bool CheckFizzle() { int mana = ScaleMana(RequiredMana); if (Caster.Skills[CastSkill].Value < RequiredSkill) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1070768, RequiredSkill.ToString("F1")); // You need ~1_SKILL_REQUIREMENT~ Bushido skill to perform that attack! return false; } else if (Caster.Mana < mana) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1060174, mana.ToString()); // You must have at least ~1_MANA_REQUIREMENT~ Mana to use this ability. return false; } if (!base.CheckFizzle()) return false; Caster.Mana -= mana; return true; } public override void GetCastSkills(out double min, out double max) { min = RequiredSkill - 12.5; //per 5 on friday, 2/16/07 max = RequiredSkill + 37.5; } public override int GetMana() { return 0; } public virtual void OnCastSuccessful(Mobile caster) { if (Evasion.IsEvading(caster)) Evasion.EndEvasion(caster); if (Confidence.IsConfident(caster)) Confidence.EndConfidence(caster); if (CounterAttack.IsCountering(caster)) CounterAttack.StopCountering(caster); int spellID = SpellRegistry.GetRegistryNumber(this); if (spellID > 0) caster.Send(new ToggleSpecialAbility(spellID + 1, true)); } } }