using Server.Mobiles; using Server.Spells.SkillMasteries; using Server.Targeting; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Server.Spells.Necromancy { public class EvilOmenSpell : NecromancerSpell { private static readonly SpellInfo m_Info = new SpellInfo( "Evil Omen", "Pas Tym An Sanct", 203, 9031, Reagent.BatWing, Reagent.NoxCrystal); private static readonly Dictionary m_Table = new Dictionary(); public EvilOmenSpell(Mobile caster, Item scroll) : base(caster, scroll, m_Info) { } public override TimeSpan CastDelayBase => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0); public override double RequiredSkill => 20.0; public override int RequiredMana => 11; /* * The naming here was confusing. Its a 1-off effect spell. * So, we dont actually "checkeffect"; we endeffect with bool * return to determine external behaviors. * * -refactored. */ public static bool UnderEffects(Mobile m) { return m_Table.ContainsKey(m); } public static double GetResistMalus(Mobile m) { if (UnderEffects(m)) { return m_Table[m]; } return 0; } public static bool TryEndEffect(Mobile m) { if (m_Table.ContainsKey(m)) { m_Table.Remove(m); BuffInfo.RemoveBuff(m, BuffIcon.EvilOmen); return true; } return false; } public override void OnCast() { Caster.Target = new InternalTarget(this); } public void Target(Mobile m) { if (!(m is BaseCreature || m is PlayerMobile)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1060508); // You can't curse that. } else if (UnderEffects(m)) { DoFizzle(); } else if (CheckHSequence(m)) { SpellHelper.Turn(Caster, m); SpellHelper.CheckReflect(this, Caster, ref m); ApplyEffects(m); ConduitSpell.CheckAffected(Caster, m, ApplyEffects); } FinishSequence(); } public void ApplyEffects(Mobile m, double strength = 1.0) { /* Curses the target so that the next harmful event that affects them is magnified. * Damage to the target's hit points is increased 25%, * the poison level of the attack will be 1 higher * and the Resist Magic skill of the target will be fixed on 50. * * The effect lasts for one harmful event only. */ if (m.Spell != null) m.Spell.OnCasterHurt(); m.PlaySound(0xFC); m.FixedParticles(0x3728, 1, 13, 9912, 1150, 7, EffectLayer.Head); m.FixedParticles(0x3779, 1, 15, 9502, 67, 7, EffectLayer.Head); HarmfulSpell(m); double resistMalas = 0; if (m.Skills[SkillName.MagicResist].Base > 50.0) resistMalas = m.Skills[SkillName.MagicResist].Base / 2.0; m_Table[m] = resistMalas; TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(((Caster.Skills[SkillName.SpiritSpeak].Value / 12) + 1.0) * strength); Timer.DelayCall(duration, new TimerStateCallback(EffectExpire_Callback), m); BuffInfo.AddBuff(m, new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.EvilOmen, 1075647, 1075648, duration, m)); } private static void EffectExpire_Callback(object state) { TryEndEffect((Mobile)state); } private class InternalTarget : Target { private readonly EvilOmenSpell m_Owner; public InternalTarget(EvilOmenSpell owner) : base(10, false, TargetFlags.Harmful) { m_Owner = owner; } protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object o) { if (o is Mobile) m_Owner.Target((Mobile)o); else from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060508); // You can't curse that. } protected override void OnTargetFinish(Mobile from) { m_Owner.FinishSequence(); } } } }