using Server.Items; using Server.Misc; using Server.Mobiles; using Server.Multis; using Server.Network; using Server.Targeting; using System; namespace Server.Spells.Seventh { public class GateTravelSpell : MagerySpell { private static readonly SpellInfo m_Info = new SpellInfo( "Gate Travel", "Vas Rel Por", 263, 9032, Reagent.BlackPearl, Reagent.MandrakeRoot, Reagent.SulfurousAsh); private readonly RunebookEntry m_Entry; public GateTravelSpell(Mobile caster, Item scroll) : this(caster, scroll, null) { } public GateTravelSpell(Mobile caster, Item scroll, RunebookEntry entry) : base(caster, scroll, m_Info) { m_Entry = entry; } public override SpellCircle Circle => SpellCircle.Seventh; public override void OnCast() { if (m_Entry == null) { Caster.Target = new InternalTarget(this); } else { if (m_Entry.Type == RecallRuneType.Ship) { Effect(m_Entry.Galleon); } else { Effect(m_Entry.Location, m_Entry.Map, true, false); } } } public override bool CheckCast() { if (Engines.VvV.VvVSigil.ExistsOn(Caster)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1061632); // You can't do that while carrying the sigil. return false; } else if (Engines.CityLoyalty.CityTradeSystem.HasTrade(Caster)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1151733); // You cannot do that while carrying a Trade Order. return false; } else if (Caster.Criminal) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1005561, "", 0x22); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily. return false; } else if (SpellHelper.CheckCombat(Caster)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1005564, "", 0x22); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle?? return false; } return SpellHelper.CheckTravel(Caster, TravelCheckType.GateFrom); } public void Effect(BaseGalleon galleon) { if (galleon == null) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1116767); // The ship could not be located. } else if (galleon.Map == Map.Internal) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1149569); // That ship is in dry dock. } else if (!galleon.HasAccess(Caster)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1116617); // You do not have permission to board this ship. } else { Effect(galleon.GetMarkedLocation(), galleon.Map, false, true); } } public void Effect(Point3D loc, Map map, bool checkMulti, bool isboatkey = false) { if (Engines.VvV.VvVSigil.ExistsOn(Caster)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1061632); // You can't do that while carrying the sigil. } else if (map == null) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1005570); // You can not gate to another facet. } else if (!SpellHelper.CheckTravel(Caster, TravelCheckType.GateFrom)) { } else if (!SpellHelper.CheckTravel(Caster, map, loc, TravelCheckType.GateTo)) { } else if (map == Map.Felucca && Caster is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)Caster).Young) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1049543); // You decide against traveling to Felucca while you are still young. } else if (SpellHelper.RestrictRedTravel && Caster.Murderer && map.Rules != MapRules.FeluccaRules && !Siege.SiegeShard) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1019004); // You are not allowed to travel there. } else if (Caster.Criminal) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1005561, "", 0x22); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily. } else if (SpellHelper.CheckCombat(Caster)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1005564, "", 0x22); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle?? } else if (!map.CanSpawnMobile(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z) && !isboatkey) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(501942); // That location is blocked. } else if ((checkMulti && SpellHelper.CheckMulti(loc, map)) && !isboatkey) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(501942); // That location is blocked. } else if (GateExistsAt(map, loc) || GateExistsAt(Caster.Map, Caster.Location)) // SE restricted stacking gates { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1071242); // There is already a gate there. } else if (Engines.CityLoyalty.CityTradeSystem.HasTrade(Caster)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1151733); // You cannot do that while carrying a Trade Order. } else if (CheckSequence()) { Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () => { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(501024); // You open a magical gate to another location Effects.PlaySound(Caster.Location, Caster.Map, 0x20E); InternalItem firstGate = new InternalItem(loc, map); firstGate.MoveToWorld(Caster.Location, Caster.Map); Effects.PlaySound(loc, map, 0x20E); InternalItem secondGate = new InternalItem(Caster.Location, Caster.Map); secondGate.MoveToWorld(loc, map); firstGate.LinkedGate = secondGate; secondGate.LinkedGate = firstGate; firstGate.BoatGate = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(firstGate, firstGate.Map) != null; secondGate.BoatGate = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(secondGate, secondGate.Map) != null; }); } FinishSequence(); } private bool GateExistsAt(Map map, Point3D loc) { bool _gateFound = false; IPooledEnumerable eable = map.GetItemsInRange(loc, 0); foreach (Item item in eable) { if (item is Moongate || item is PublicMoongate) { _gateFound = true; break; } } eable.Free(); return _gateFound; } [DispellableField] private class InternalItem : Moongate { [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public Moongate LinkedGate { get; set; } [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public bool BoatGate { get; set; } public InternalItem(Point3D target, Map map) : base(target, map) { Map = map; if (ShowFeluccaWarning && map == Map.Felucca) ItemID = 0xDDA; Dispellable = true; InternalTimer t = new InternalTimer(this); t.Start(); } public override void UseGate(Mobile m) { if (LinkedGate == null || !(LinkedGate is InternalItem) || !((InternalItem)LinkedGate).BoatGate || !LinkedGate.Deleted) { if (LinkedGate != null && ((InternalItem)LinkedGate).BoatGate) { BaseBoat boat = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(LinkedGate); if (boat != null && !boat.HasAccess(m)) { m.SendLocalizedMessage(1116617); // You do not have permission to board this ship. return; } } base.UseGate(m); } else m.SendMessage("The other gate no longer exists."); } public override void OnLocationChange(Point3D old) { if (!BoatGate) base.OnLocationChange(old); else if (LinkedGate != null) LinkedGate.Target = Location; } public override void OnMapChange() { if (!BoatGate) base.OnMapChange(); else if (LinkedGate != null) LinkedGate.TargetMap = Map; } public InternalItem(Serial serial) : base(serial) { } public override bool ShowFeluccaWarning => true; public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); Delete(); } private class InternalTimer : Timer { private readonly Item m_Item; public InternalTimer(Item item) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0)) { Priority = TimerPriority.OneSecond; m_Item = item; } protected override void OnTick() { m_Item.Delete(); } } } private class InternalTarget : Target { private readonly GateTravelSpell m_Owner; public InternalTarget(GateTravelSpell owner) : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None) { m_Owner = owner; owner.Caster.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501029); // Select Marked item. } protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object o) { if (o is RecallRune) { RecallRune rune = (RecallRune)o; if (rune.Marked) { if (rune.Type == RecallRuneType.Ship) { m_Owner.Effect(rune.Galleon); } else { m_Owner.Effect(rune.Target, rune.TargetMap, true); } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(501805); // That rune is not yet marked. } } else if (o is Runebook) { RunebookEntry e = ((Runebook)o).Default; if (e != null) { if (e.Type == RecallRuneType.Ship) { m_Owner.Effect(e.Galleon); } else { m_Owner.Effect(e.Location, e.Map, true); } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(502354); // Target is not marked. } } else if (o is Engines.NewMagincia.WritOfLease) { Engines.NewMagincia.WritOfLease lease = (Engines.NewMagincia.WritOfLease)o; if (lease.RecallLoc != Point3D.Zero && lease.Facet != null && lease.Facet != Map.Internal) m_Owner.Effect(lease.RecallLoc, lease.Facet, false); else from.Send(new MessageLocalized(from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, 502357, from.Name, "")); // I can not recall from that object. } else { from.Send(new MessageLocalized(from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, 501030, from.Name, "")); // I can not gate travel from that object. } } protected override void OnNonlocalTarget(Mobile from, object o) { } protected override void OnTargetFinish(Mobile from) { m_Owner.FinishSequence(); } } } }