#region References using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using Server.Diagnostics; #endregion namespace Server.Network { public class MessagePump { private Queue m_Queue; private Queue m_WorkingQueue; private readonly Queue m_Throttled; public Listener[] Listeners { get; set; } public MessagePump() { var ipep = Listener.EndPoints; Listeners = new Listener[ipep.Length]; var success = false; do { for (var i = 0; i < ipep.Length; i++) { Listeners[i] = new Listener(ipep[i]); success = true; } if (!success) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Retrying..."); Utility.PopColor(); Thread.Sleep(10000); } } while (!success); m_Queue = new Queue(); m_WorkingQueue = new Queue(); m_Throttled = new Queue(); } public void AddListener(Listener l) { var old = Listeners; Listeners = new Listener[old.Length + 1]; for (var i = 0; i < old.Length; ++i) { Listeners[i] = old[i]; } Listeners[old.Length] = l; } private void CheckListener() { foreach (var l in Listeners) { var accepted = l.Slice(); foreach (var s in accepted) { var ns = new NetState(s, this); ns.Start(); if (ns.Running && Display(ns)) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine("Client: {0}: Connected. [{1} Online]", ns, NetState.Instances.Count); Utility.PopColor(); } } } } public static bool Display(NetState ns) { if (ns == null) return false; var state = ns.ToString(); foreach (var str in _NoDisplay) { if (str == state) return false; } return true; } private static readonly string[] _NoDisplay = { "", "", }; public void OnReceive(NetState ns) { lock (this) m_Queue.Enqueue(ns); Core.Set(); } public void Slice() { CheckListener(); lock (this) { var temp = m_WorkingQueue; m_WorkingQueue = m_Queue; m_Queue = temp; } while (m_WorkingQueue.Count > 0) { var ns = m_WorkingQueue.Dequeue(); if (ns.Running) { HandleReceive(ns); } } lock (this) { while (m_Throttled.Count > 0) { m_Queue.Enqueue(m_Throttled.Dequeue()); } } } private const int BufferSize = 4096; private readonly BufferPool m_Buffers = new BufferPool("Processor", 4, BufferSize); public static bool HandleSeed(NetState ns, ByteQueue buffer) { if (buffer.GetPacketID() == 0xEF) { // new packet in client replaces the traditional seed method with a seed packet // 0xEF = 239 = multicast IP, so this should never appear in a normal seed. So this is backwards compatible with older clients. ns.Seeded = true; return true; } if (buffer.Length >= 4) { var m_Peek = new byte[4]; buffer.Dequeue(m_Peek, 0, 4); var seed = (uint)((m_Peek[0] << 24) | (m_Peek[1] << 16) | (m_Peek[2] << 8) | m_Peek[3]); if (seed == 0) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid Client", ns); Utility.PopColor(); ns.Dispose(); return false; } ns.Seed = seed; ns.Seeded = true; return true; } return false; } public static bool CheckEncrypted(NetState ns, int packetID) { if (!ns.SentFirstPacket && packetID != 0xF0 && packetID != 0xF1 && packetID != 0xCF && packetID != 0x80 && packetID != 0x91 && packetID != 0xA4 && packetID != 0xEF && packetID != 0xE4 && packetID != 0xFF) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Client: {0}: Encrypted Client Unsupported", ns); Utility.PopColor(); ns.Dispose(); return true; } return false; } public void HandleReceive(NetState ns) { var buffer = ns.Buffer; if (buffer == null || buffer.Length <= 0) { return; } lock (buffer) { if (!ns.Seeded && !HandleSeed(ns, buffer)) { return; } var length = buffer.Length; while (length > 0 && ns.Running) { int packetID = buffer.GetPacketID(); if (CheckEncrypted(ns, packetID)) { return; } var handler = ns.GetHandler(packetID); if (handler == null) { var data = new byte[length]; length = buffer.Dequeue(data, 0, length); new PacketReader(data, length, false).Trace(ns); return; } var packetLength = handler.Length; if (packetLength <= 0) { if (length >= 3) { packetLength = buffer.GetPacketLength(); if (packetLength < 3) { ns.Dispose(); return; } } else { return; } } if (length < packetLength) { return; } if (handler.Ingame) { if (ns.Mobile == null) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Client: {0}: Packet (0x{1:X2}) Requires State Mobile", ns, packetID); Utility.PopColor(); ns.Dispose(); return; } if (ns.Mobile.Deleted) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Client: {0}: Packet (0x{1:X2}) Ivalid State Mobile", ns, packetID); Utility.PopColor(); ns.Dispose(); return; } } var throttler = handler.ThrottleCallback; if (throttler != null) { if (!throttler(ns, out var drop)) { if (!drop) { m_Throttled.Enqueue(ns); } else { buffer.Dequeue(new byte[packetLength], 0, packetLength); } return; } } PacketReceiveProfile prof = null; if (Core.Profiling) { prof = PacketReceiveProfile.Acquire(packetID); } if (prof != null) { prof.Start(); } byte[] packetBuffer; if (BufferSize >= packetLength) { packetBuffer = m_Buffers.AcquireBuffer(); } else { packetBuffer = new byte[packetLength]; } packetLength = buffer.Dequeue(packetBuffer, 0, packetLength); if (packetBuffer != null && packetBuffer.Length > 0 && packetLength > 0) { var r = new PacketReader(packetBuffer, packetLength, handler.Length != 0); handler.OnReceive(ns, r); if (BufferSize >= packetLength) { m_Buffers.ReleaseBuffer(packetBuffer); } } if (prof != null) { prof.Finish(packetLength); } length = buffer.Length; } } } } }