class ShrdluTalk_IntentionAction extends IntentionAction { canHandle(intention:Term, ai:RuleBasedAI) : boolean { if (intention.functor.is_a(ai.o.getSort(""))) return true; return false; } execute(ir:IntentionRecord, ai_raw:RuleBasedAI) : boolean { let ai:BlocksWorldRuleBasedAI = ai_raw; let intention:Term = ir.action; let needToSpecifyListener:boolean = false; let performative:Term = null; if (intention.attributes[1] instanceof TermTermAttribute) { performative = ((intention.attributes[1])).term; if ((performative.attributes[0] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) && ai.canHear((performative.attributes[0]).value)) { // if we are already talking, just wait: let targetID:string = (performative.attributes[0]).value; let context:NLContext = ai.updateContext(targetID); let txt:string = null; if (!context.inConversation && != "perf.callattention" && != "perf.greet") { // we need to greet first: performative = Term.fromString("perf.callattention('"+targetID+"'[#id])",ai.o); ai.queueIntentionRecord(ir); } else { for(let c of ai.contexts) { if (c!=context && c.inConversation) { needToSpecifyListener = true; c.inConversation = false; // terminate the other conversations } } } console.log(ai.selfID + " trying to say: " + performative); if (needToSpecifyListener) { txt = ai.naturalLanguageGenerator.termToEnglish(performative, ai.selfID, performative.attributes[0], context); } else { txt = ai.naturalLanguageGenerator.termToEnglish(performative, ai.selfID, null, context); } txt = ai.naturalLanguageGenerator.capitalize(txt); if (txt != null) { + ": " + txt, MSX_COLOR_WHITE, ai.timeStamp); // update natural language context: if (performative != null) context.newPerformative(ai.selfID, txt, performative, null, null, ir.cause, ai.o, ai.timeStamp); for(let c2 of ai.contexts) { if (c2 != context) c2.inConversation = false; } } } } else if (intention.attributes[1] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) { // this is just a shortcut for the 3 laws of robotics easter egg: let txt:string = (intention.attributes[1]).value;"SHRDLU: " + txt, MSX_COLOR_WHITE, ai.timeStamp); } else { console.error("ShrdluTalk_IntentionAction: malformed intention: " + intention.toString()); } return true; } saveToXML(ai:RuleBasedAI) : string { return ""; } static loadFromXML(xml:Element, ai:RuleBasedAI) : IntentionAction { return new ShrdluTalk_IntentionAction(); } }