class BWAnswerWhere_InferenceEffect extends InferenceEffect { constructor(effectParameter:Term, whereto:boolean) { super() this.effectParameter = effectParameter; this.whereto = whereto; } execute(inf:InferenceRecord, ai:RuleBasedAI) { let where_preposition:string = null; let query_perf:string = "perf.q.whereis"; if (this.whereto) { where_preposition = ""; query_perf = "perf.q.whereto"; } if (!(this.effectParameter.attributes[1] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute)) { console.error("AnswerWhere_InferenceEffect.execute: Trying to talk to a character for which we don't know the ID!"); return; } let speakerCharacterID:string = ((this.effectParameter.attributes[1])).value; let targetID:string = null; let targetTermString:string = null; let nresults:number = 0; let prepositions:string[] = ["", "space.inside.of", ""]; if (inf.inferences.length == 3) { console.log("query result, answer where (target): " + inf.inferences[0].endResults); console.log("query result, answer where space.inside.of (target): " + inf.inferences[1].endResults); console.log("query result, answer where (target): " + inf.inferences[2].endResults); nresults = inf.inferences[0].endResults.length + inf.inferences[1].endResults.length + inf.inferences[2].endResults.length; } else { console.log("query result, answer where custom constraint (target): " + inf.inferences[0].endResults); console.log("query result, answer where (target): " + inf.inferences[1].endResults); nresults = inf.inferences[0].endResults.length + inf.inferences[1].endResults.length; prepositions = ["", ""]; } if (this.effectParameter.attributes[2] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) { targetID = ((this.effectParameter.attributes[2])).value; if (targetID == "hypothetical-character") { targetID = null; targetTermString = "[any]"; } else { targetTermString = "'"+targetID + "'[#id]"; } } else if (this.effectParameter.attributes[2] instanceof VariableTermAttribute) { targetTermString = "["+this.effectParameter.attributes[2].sort+"]"; } if (nresults == 0) { let term1:Term = null; if (targetID != null) { term1 = Term.fromString("perf.inform.answer('"+speakerCharacterID+"'[#id],'unknown'[symbol],"+query_perf+"('"+ai.selfID+"'[#id],"+targetTermString+"))", ai.o); } else { term1 = Term.fromString("perf.inform.answer('"+speakerCharacterID+"'[#id],'unknown'[symbol])", ai.o); } let term:Term = Term.fromString("'"+ai.selfID+"'[#id])", ai.o); term.attributes.push(new TermTermAttribute(term1)); ai.intentions.push(new IntentionRecord(term, null, null, null, ai.timeStamp)); console.log("new intention: " + term); } else { // get the location ID let selectedBindings:Bindings = null; let targetLocationID:string = null; for(let i:number = 0; iv).value; selectedBindings = result.bindings; where_preposition = prepositions[i]; } } } } } } if (selectedBindings != null && this.effectParameter.attributes[2] instanceof VariableTermAttribute) { let tmp:TermAttribute = this.effectParameter.attributes[2].applyBindings(selectedBindings); if (tmp instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) { targetID = (tmp).value; if (targetID == "hypothetical-character") { targetID = null; targetTermString = "[any]"; } else { targetTermString = "'"+targetID + "'[#id]"; } } } if (targetLocationID == null) { console.error("A4RuleBasedAI.executeInferenceEffect: cannot find location from results " + inf.inferences[0].endResults); return; } // otherwise just say where the target is: let tmp:string = "'"+ai.selfID+"'[#id], perf.inform.answer('"+speakerCharacterID+"'[#id],"+where_preposition+"("+targetTermString+",'"+targetLocationID+"'[#id])))"; let term:Term = Term.fromString(tmp, ai.o); ai.intentions.push(new IntentionRecord(term, null, null, null, ai.timeStamp)); } } saveToXMLInternal(ai:RuleBasedAI, variables:TermAttribute[], variableNames:string[]) : string { return ""; } static loadFromXML(xml:Element, ai:RuleBasedAI, o:Ontology, variables:TermAttribute[], variableNames:string[]) : InferenceEffect { let t:Term = Term.fromStringInternal(xml.getAttribute("effectParameter"), o, variableNames, variables).term; let wt:boolean = xml.getAttribute("whereto") == "true"; return new BWAnswerWhere_InferenceEffect(t, wt); } effectParameter:Term = null; whereto:boolean = false; }