class BWLocate_IntentionAction extends IntentionAction { canHandle(intention:Term, ai:RuleBasedAI) : boolean { if (intention.functor.is_a(ai.o.getSort("verb.locate"))) return true; return false; } execute(ir:IntentionRecord, ai_raw:RuleBasedAI) : boolean { let ai:BlocksWorldRuleBasedAI = ai_raw; let world:ShrdluBlocksWorld =; let requester:TermAttribute = ir.requester; let alternative_actions:Term[] = ir.alternative_actions; if (alternative_actions == null) alternative_actions = [ir.action]; let denyrequestCause:Term = null; for(let intention of alternative_actions) { let targetID:string = ((intention.attributes[1])).value; // Check if it's an object: this.targetObject = world.getObject(targetID); if (this.targetObject == null) { denyrequestCause = Term.fromString("#not(verb.see('"+ai.selfID+"'[#id], '"+targetID+"'[#id]))", ai.o); } let term:Term = Term.fromString("'"+ai.selfID+"'[#id], perf.ack.ok("+requester+"))", ai.o); ai.intentions.push(new IntentionRecord(term, null, null, null, ai.timeStamp)); // If the object was not mentioned explicitly in the performative, add it to the natural language context: if (ir.requestingPerformative != null) ir.requestingPerformative.addMentionToPerformative(targetID, ai.o); return true; } let term:Term = Term.fromString("'"+ai.selfID+"'[#id], perf.ack.denyrequest("+requester+"))", ai.o); if (denyrequestCause == null) { ai.intentions.push(new IntentionRecord(term, null, null, null, ai.timeStamp)); } else { ai.intentions.push(new IntentionRecord(term, null, null, new CauseRecord(denyrequestCause, null, ai.timeStamp), ai.timeStamp)); } return true; } saveToXML(ai:RuleBasedAI) : string { let str = ""; } else { return str + " targetObject=\""+this.targetObject.ID+"\"/>"; } } static loadFromXML(xml:Element, ai:RuleBasedAI) : IntentionAction { let a:BWLocate_IntentionAction = new BWLocate_IntentionAction(); if (xml.getAttribute("targetObject") != null) { let world:ShrdluBlocksWorld = (ai).world; a.targetObject = world.getObject(xml.getAttribute("targetObject")); } return a; } targetObject:ShrdluBlock = null; }