var ARM_MOVE_SPEED:number = 0.5; class BWPutIn_IntentionAction extends IntentionAction { constructor() { super(); this.needsContinuousExecution = true; } canHandle(intention:Term, ai:RuleBasedAI) : boolean { if (intention.functor.is_a(ai.o.getSort("action.put-in"))) return true; if ((intention.functor.is_a(ai.o.getSort("action.drop")) || intention.functor.is_a(ai.o.getSort("verb.leave")) || intention.functor.is_a(ai.o.getSort("verb.move"))) && intention.attributes.length >= 2) return true; return false; } execute(ir:IntentionRecord, ai_raw:RuleBasedAI) : boolean { = ir; let ai:BlocksWorldRuleBasedAI = ai_raw; let world:ShrdluBlocksWorld =; let requester:TermAttribute = ir.requester; let alternative_actions:Term[] = ir.alternative_actions; if (alternative_actions == null) alternative_actions = [ir.action]; let denyrequestCause:Term = null; for(let intention of alternative_actions) { if (intention.attributes.length < 3) continue; let objectID:string = ((intention.attributes[1])).value; let destinationID:string = ((intention.attributes[2])).value; let objectToPut:ShrdluBlock = null; let specificX:number = null; let specificZ:number = null; if (intention.attributes.length>=5 && (intention.attributes[3] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) && (intention.attributes[4] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute)) { specificX = Number((intention.attributes[3]).value); specificZ = Number((intention.attributes[4]).value); } // Check if we are holding the target object: this.pickupObject = undefined; if (world.objectInArm == null) { // Check if it's an object that can be picked up: this.pickupObject = world.getObject(objectID); objectToPut = this.pickupObject; if (this.pickupObject == null || (this.pickupObject.type != SHRDLU_BLOCKTYPE_BLOCK && this.pickupObject.type != SHRDLU_BLOCKTYPE_CUBE && this.pickupObject.type != SHRDLU_BLOCKTYPE_BOX && this.pickupObject.type != SHRDLU_BLOCKTYPE_PYRAMID)) { continue; } // Check if there is anything on top of it: let objectsOnTop:ShrdluBlock[] = world.objectsOnTopObject(this.pickupObject); if (objectsOnTop.length > 0) { denyrequestCause = Term.fromString("'"+objectsOnTop[0].ID+"'[#id], '"+objectID+"'[#id])", ai.o); continue; } let objectsInside:ShrdluBlock[] = world.objectsInsideObject(this.pickupObject); if (objectsInside.length > 0) { denyrequestCause = Term.fromString("space.inside.of('"+objectsInside[0].ID+"'[#id], '"+objectID+"'[#id])", ai.o); continue; } } else { objectToPut = world.objectInArm; if (world.objectInArm.ID != objectID) { denyrequestCause = Term.fromString("#not(verb.have('"+ai.selfID+"'[#id], '"+objectID+"'[#id]))", ai.o); continue; } } // Check if the target is an object that things can be put on: let destinationObject:ShrdluBlock = world.getObject(destinationID); if (destinationObject == null || (destinationObject.type != SHRDLU_BLOCKTYPE_TABLE && destinationObject.type != SHRDLU_BLOCKTYPE_BLOCK && destinationObject.type != SHRDLU_BLOCKTYPE_CUBE && destinationObject.type != SHRDLU_BLOCKTYPE_BOX)) { continue; } // Check if there is space to put the new object: let positions:[number,number,number][] = world.positionsToPutObjectOn(objectToPut, destinationObject); console.log(positions); if (positions.length == 0) { continue; } let term:Term = Term.fromString("'"+ai.selfID+"'[#id], perf.ack.ok("+requester+"))", ai.o); ai.intentions.push(new IntentionRecord(term, null, null, null, ai.timeStamp)); // If the object was not mentioned explicitly in the performative, add it to the natural language context: if (ir.requestingPerformative != null) ir.requestingPerformative.addMentionToPerformative(objectID, ai.o); if (ir.requestingPerformative != null) ir.requestingPerformative.addMentionToPerformative(destinationID, ai.o); // find the position closest to the arm: let distance:number = null; for(let position of positions) { if (specificX != null) { if (position[0] != specificX) continue; } if (specificZ != null) { if (position[2] != specificZ) continue; } let d:number = (position[0] - world.shrdluArm.x)*(position[0] - world.shrdluArm.x) + (position[1] - world.shrdluArm.y)*(position[1] - world.shrdluArm.y) + (position[2] - world.shrdluArm.z)*(position[2] - world.shrdluArm.z); if (distance == null || dai_raw; let world:ShrdluBlocksWorld =; if (this.pickupObject != null) { if (world.objectInArm == null) { // move the arm on top of the object: let targetx:number = this.pickupObject.x + this.pickupObject.dx/2; let targety:number = this.pickupObject.y + this.pickupObject.dy; let targetz:number = this.pickupObject.z +; targetx -= world.shrdluArm.dx/2; targetz -=; if (Math.abs(world.shrdluArm.x - targetx) < ARM_MOVE_SPEED && Math.abs(world.shrdluArm.z - targetz) < ARM_MOVE_SPEED) { world.shrdluArm.x = targetx; world.shrdluArm.z = targetz; if (world.shrdluArm.y > targety) { // we made it to the x/z position, but still need to lower the arm: world.shrdluArm.y -= ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } else { // we have lowered the arm world.shrdluArm.y = targety; // pick up the object, and go back up world.objectInArm = this.pickupObject; } } else { // move in x/z: if (world.shrdluArm.x < targetx) { world.shrdluArm.x += ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } else if (world.shrdluArm.x > targetx) { world.shrdluArm.x -= ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } if (world.shrdluArm.z < targetz) { world.shrdluArm.z += ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } else if (world.shrdluArm.z > targetz) { world.shrdluArm.z -= ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } } } else { if (world.shrdluArm.y < SHRDLU_ARM_Y_REST_POSITION) { world.shrdluArm.y += ARM_MOVE_SPEED; world.objectInArm.y += ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } else { // we are done! world.shrdluArm.y = SHRDLU_ARM_Y_REST_POSITION; world.objectInArm.y = world.shrdluArm.y - world.objectInArm.dy; this.pickupObject = null; } } } else { // we have the object in the arm: if (world.objectInArm == null) { // we have dropped the object, just go up again: if (world.shrdluArm.y < SHRDLU_ARM_Y_REST_POSITION) { world.shrdluArm.y += ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } else { // we are done! world.shrdluArm.y = SHRDLU_ARM_Y_REST_POSITION; return true; } } else { // move the arm to the target position: let targetx:number = this.targetx + world.objectInArm.dx/2; let targety:number = this.targety + world.objectInArm.dy; let targetz:number = this.targetz +; targetx -= world.shrdluArm.dx/2; targetz -=; if (Math.abs(world.shrdluArm.x - targetx) < ARM_MOVE_SPEED && Math.abs(world.shrdluArm.z - targetz) < ARM_MOVE_SPEED) { world.shrdluArm.x = targetx; world.shrdluArm.z = targetz; if (world.shrdluArm.y > targety) { // we made it to the x/z position, but still need to lower the arm: world.shrdluArm.y -= ARM_MOVE_SPEED; world.objectInArm.y -= ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } else { // we have lowered the arm world.shrdluArm.y = targety; // pick up the object, and go back up world.objectInArm.x = this.targetx; world.objectInArm.y = this.targety; world.objectInArm.z = this.targetz; world.objectInArm = null; } } else { // move in x/z: if (world.shrdluArm.x < targetx) { world.shrdluArm.x += ARM_MOVE_SPEED; world.objectInArm.x += ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } else if (world.shrdluArm.x > targetx) { world.shrdluArm.x -= ARM_MOVE_SPEED; world.objectInArm.x -= ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } if (world.shrdluArm.z < targetz) { world.shrdluArm.z += ARM_MOVE_SPEED; world.objectInArm.z += ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } else if (world.shrdluArm.z > targetz) { world.shrdluArm.z -= ARM_MOVE_SPEED; world.objectInArm.z -= ARM_MOVE_SPEED; } } } } return false; } saveToXML(ai:RuleBasedAI) : string { let str = ""; } static loadFromXML(xml:Element, ai:RuleBasedAI) : IntentionAction { let a:BWPutIn_IntentionAction = new BWPutIn_IntentionAction(); if (xml.getAttribute("pickupObject") != null) { let world:ShrdluBlocksWorld = (ai).world; a.pickupObject = world.getObject(xml.getAttribute("pickupObject")); } if (xml.getAttribute("targetx") != null) a.targetx = Number(xml.getAttribute("targetx")); if (xml.getAttribute("targety") != null) a.targety = Number(xml.getAttribute("targety")); if (xml.getAttribute("targetz") != null) a.targetz = Number(xml.getAttribute("targetz")); return a; } pickupObject:ShrdluBlock = null; // if we need to pick up an object, it's stored here targetx:number; targety:number; targetz:number; }