/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 2016-2023, VU University Amsterdam CWI Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @fileOverview * Deal with cooperation * * @version 0.2.0 * @author Jan Wielemaker, J.Wielemaker@vu.nl * @requires jquery */ define([ "jquery", "config", "preferences", "form", "modal", "utils", "backend", "svgavatar" ], function($, config, preferences, form, modal, utils, backend) { var MIN_RECONNECT_DELAY = 10000; var MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY = 300000; (function($) { var pluginName = 'chat'; var reconnect_delay = MIN_RECONNECT_DELAY; var last_open = null; /** @lends $.fn.chat */ var methods = { _init: function(options) { return this.each(function() { var elem = $(this); var data = {}; /* private data */ elem.data(pluginName, data); /* store with element */ /* add event handling */ elem.on("click", function(ev) { var li = $(ev.target).closest("li.user"); if ( li.length == 1 ) elem.chat('unnotify', li.attr("id")); }); elem.on("send", function(ev, msg) { elem.chat('send', msg); }); $(window).bind("beforeunload", function() { elem.chat('disconnect'); }); /* setup websocket */ if ( config.swish.chat ) { elem.chat('connect'); } }); }, /******************************* * WEBSOCKET * *******************************/ /** * Create a websocket connection to /chat on the SWISH server. */ connect: function() { var elem = this; var data = this.data(pluginName); var url = window.location.host + config.http.locations.swish_chat; var lead = "?"; var ws = window.location.protocol.replace("http", "ws"); if ( data.connection && data.connection.readyState != 3 ) return this; /* already connecting, open or closing */ function add_pref_param(name, pname) { var value = preferences.getVal(pname); if ( value ) { if ( pname == "anon-avatar" ) { /* hack to deal with possibly rebased server */ if ( value.indexOf("#") == -1 ) { value = config.http.locations.avatar+value.split("/").pop(); } else { value = config.http.locations.swish+"icons/"+value.split("/").pop(); } } url += lead + name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value); lead = "&"; } } add_pref_param("avatar", "anon-avatar"); add_pref_param("nickname", "nick-name"); if ( data.reconnect ) { /* reconnecting */ url += lead + "reconnect" + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data.reconnect); lead = "&"; } else { add_pref_param("wsid-token", "reconnect"); } try { data.connection = new WebSocket(ws + "//" + url, ['v1.chat.swish.swi-prolog.org']); } catch(err) { elem.chat('userCount', undefined); return; } data.connection.onerror = function(error) { elem.chat('userCount', undefined); }; data.connection.onclose = function(ev) { if ( last_open == null ) { reconnect_delay *= 2; if ( reconnect_delay > MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY ) reconnect_delay = MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY; } else { if ( getTime() - last_open > 300000 ) { reconnect_delay = MIN_RECONNECT_DELAY; } else { reconnect_delay *= 2; if ( reconnect_delay > MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY ) reconnect_delay = MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY; } } setTimeout(function() { elem.chat('connect'); }, reconnect_delay); }; data.connection.onmessage = function(e) { var msg = JSON.parse(e.data); msg.origin = e.origin; if ( msg.type ) elem.chat(msg.type, msg); else console.log(e); }; data.connection.onopen = function() { }; }, empty_queue: function() { var data = this.data(pluginName); while( data.queue && data.queue.length > 0 && data.connection.readyState == 1 ) { var str = data.queue.shift(); data.connection.send(str); } }, disconnect: function() { var data = this.data(pluginName); if ( data.connection ) { this.chat('send', {type: "unload"}); data.connection.onclose = function(){}; data.connection.close(); data.connection = undefined; preferences.setVal("wsid-token", data.reconnect); } return this; }, /******************************* * BASIC MESSAGES * *******************************/ /** * @param {Object} msg is the JSON object to broadcast */ send: function(msg) { var data = this.data(pluginName); if ( data && data.connection ) { var str = JSON.stringify(msg); if ( data.connection.readyState != 1 ) { if ( !data.queue ) data.queue = [str]; else data.queue.push(str); this.chat('connect'); } else { data.connection.send(str); } } return this; }, subscribe: function(channel, sub_channel) { var msg = { type: "subscribe", channel: channel }; if ( sub_channel ) msg.sub_channel = sub_channel; this.chat('send', msg); }, unsubscribe: function(channel, subchannel) { var msg = { type: "unsubscribe", channel: channel }; if ( sub_channel ) msg.sub_channel = sub_channel; this.chat('send', msg); }, /******************************* * ACTIONS * *******************************/ /** * The welcome message is sent by SWISH immediately after opening * the websocket connection. It provides the session UID for this * user */ welcome: function(e) { var data = this.data(pluginName); if ( data.wsid && data.wsid != e.wsid ) { this.html(""); /* server restart? */ } data.wsid = e.wsid; data.reconnect = e.reconnect; /* reconnection token */ preferences.setVal("wsid-token", undefined); if ( e.avatar && e.avatar_source == 'generated' ) preferences.setVal("anon-avatar", e.avatar); e.role = "self"; var li = this.chat('addUser', e); $(li).addClass("myself"); this.chat('userCount', e.visitors); last_open = getTime(); if ( e.check_login ) $("#login").login('update', "check"); else $(".sourcelist").trigger("login"); $(".storage").storage('chat_status'); this.chat('empty_queue'); }, userCount: function(cnt) { var elem = $("#user-count"); if ( cnt == undefined ) { elem.parent().hide(); } else { elem.parent().show(); elem.text(cnt); } }, /** * Replied when opening SWISH on a file to inform * the new user about existing visitors to same * files as are open in the current SWISH. See * inform_newby_about_existing_gazers/2. */ gazers: function(e) { if ( e.gazers ) { for(var i=0; i"; this.chat('notifyUser', e); } } if ( data.wsid == e.wsid ) { /* current user profile changed */ $(".sourcelist").trigger("login"); } }, /** * A user has rejoined. This is the case if we lost the * connection and the connection was re-established. */ rejoined: function(e) { var avatars = $("#"+e.wsid); this.chat('lost', avatars, false); if ( e.visitors ) this.chat('userCount', e.visitors); }, /** * A new user has joined. */ joined: function(e) { if ( e.visitors ) this.chat('userCount', e.visitors); }, session_closed: function() { $("#login").login('update', "session-closed"); }, /** * Display a notification by some user. */ notify: function(e) { this.chat('notifyUser', e); }, /** * Add incomming chat messages to the chatroom. If there is no * chatroom we should warn/open it */ 'chat-message': function(e) { var rooms = $("div.chatroom").chatroom('rooms', e.docid); $(".storage").storage('chat_message', e); if ( e.docid == "gitty:"+config.swish.hangout ) { $("#broadcast-bell").chatbell('chat-message', e); } if ( rooms.length > 0 ) { rooms.chatroom('add', e); e.displayed = true; } else { if ( $("#"+e.user.id).length > 0 ) { msg = $.extend({}, e); msg.wsid = e.user.id; msg.html = "Wants to chat"; this.chat('notifyUser', msg); } } }, /** * Some action was forbidden */ forbidden: function(e) { modal.alert(e.message||"Action is forbidden"); }, /** * Indicate we have read all messages upto a certain time stamp. * @param {String} docid is the document id for which we should * update the counter. * @param {Number} time is the time of the last message read * (seconds after 1/1/1970) */ read_until: function(docid, time) { preferences.setDocVal(docid, 'chatBar', time); }, /******************************* * UI * *******************************/ /** * Get the broadcast room */ broadcast_room: function() { return this.closest(".swish") .find(".storage") .storage('match', {file:config.swish.hangout}); }, /** * Present a notification associated with a user. We do not * add a user icon for open and close on the broadcast room if * we do not have this open when the message arrives. */ notifyUser: function(options) { var elem = this; function isBroadcast(options) { return ( ( options.event == 'opened' || options.event == 'closed' ) && options.event_argv && options.event_argv[0] == config.swish.hangout ); } if ( isBroadcast(options) && !this.chat('broadcast_room') ) options.create_user = false; var user_li = this.chat('addUser', options); if ( user_li && user_li.length > 0 ) { options.onremove = function() { elem.chat('unnotify', options.wsid); }; modal.notify(user_li, options); this.chat('updateFiles', options); } }, unnotify: function(wsid) { if ( $("#"+wsid).hasClass("removed") ) this.chat('removeUser', wsid); return this; }, updateFiles: function(options) { var data = $(this).data(pluginName); function file() { return options.event_argv[0]; } if ( options.event == "opened" ) { this.chat('addUserFile', options.wsid, file()); } else if ( options.event == "closed" ) { var wsid = options.wsid == data.wsid ? undefined : options.wsid; this.chat('removeUserFile', wsid, file(), true); } }, /** * Return or add a user to the notification area. * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.wsid Identifier for the user (a UUID) * @param {String} [options.name] is the name of the user * @returns {jQuery} the `li` element representing the user */ addUser: function(options) { var li = $("#"+options.wsid); if ( li.length == 0 ) { if ( options.create_user != false ) { li = $(li_user(options.wsid, options)); this.prepend(li); } else { return null; } } else { this.chat('lost', li, false); } return li; }, /** * Remove a user avatar. If a notification is pending we delay * removal until the notification times out */ removeUser: function(wsid) { if ( typeof wsid == "string" ) { wsid = {wsid:wsid}; } if ( wsid.visitors !== undefined ) this.chat('userCount', wsid.visitors); var li = $("#"+wsid.wsid); if ( li.length == 0 ) return this; if ( wsid.reason != "close" ) { if ( $("#ntf-"+wsid.wsid).length > 0 ) /* notification pending */ li.addClass("removed"); else li.hide(400, function() {this.remove();}); } else { /* connection was lost */ this.chat('lost', li, true); } return this; }, /** * Set/clear lost-connection state of users. * @param {jQuery} li set of items to set/clear * @param {Boolean} lost is `true` if we lost the connection */ lost: function(li, lost) { if ( lost ) { li.addClass("lost"); } else { li.removeClass("lost"); } li.each(function() { var elem = $(this); if ( lost ) { elem.data('lost-timer', setTimeout(function() { if ( li.hasClass("lost") ) li.remove(); }, 60000)); } else { var tmo = elem.data('lost-timer'); if ( tmo ) { clearTimeout(tmo); elem.data('lost-timer', undefined); } } }); }, /** * Get info about a specific user. * @param {Array} [fields] lists the keys we want to have in the * user objects. Default is all we have. */ user_info: function(fields) { var li = $(this); var user = {}; if ( !fields || fields.indexOf('id') >= 0 ) { user.id = li.attr("id"); } if ( !fields || fields.indexOf('name') >= 0 ) { var name = li.prop("title"); if ( name && name !== "Me" ) user.name = name; } if ( !fields || fields.indexOf('avatar') >= 0 ) { user.avatar = li.find("img.avatar").attr("src"); } return user; }, /** * Get the set of visible users. The return is an object holding * a key `self` and a key `users` bound to an array of users. * `self` points to the user of this browser. Self always has * all keys */ users: function(fields) { var users = []; var rc = {users:users}; this.find("li.user[id]").each(function() { var elem = $(this); var self = elem.hasClass("myself"); var user = elem.chat('user_info', self ? undefined : fields); if ( self ) { rc.self = $.extend({}, user); user.is_self = true; } users.push(user); }); return rc; }, /** * Get info on the _self_ user. */ self: function(fields) { var li = this.find("li.user.myself[id]"); return li.chat('user_info', fields); }, /** * Browser `wsid` has opened `file` */ addUserFile: function(wsid, file) { var li = $("#"+wsid); var ul = li.find("ul.dropdown-menu"); var fli; ul.find("li.file").each(function() { if ( $(this).data("file") == file ) { fli = this; return false; } }); if ( fli == undefined ) { var type = file.split(".").pop(); ul.append( $.el.li({class:"file", "data-file":file, title:"Shared file"}, $.el.a($.el.span({class: "dropdown-icon type-icon "+type}), file))); } return this; }, /** * Remove a file associated with the user wsid. * @param {String} [wsid] User for which to remove file. If * `undefined`, remove file for all users. * @param {Boolean} [user_too] if `true', remove the user if * the set of files becomes empty and this is not `myself`. */ removeUserFile: function(wsid, file, user_too) { var elem = this; function removeFile(user_li) { var ul = user_li.children("ul.dropdown-menu"); ul.find("li.file").each(function() { if ( $(this).data("file") == file ) { $(this).remove(); if ( user_too && !user_li.hasClass("myself") && ul.find("li.file").length == 0 ) elem.chat('removeUser', user_li.attr("id")); return false; } }); } if ( wsid ) { removeFile($("#"+wsid)); } else { this.children().each(function() { removeFile($(this), file, user_too); }); } } }; // methods // Private functions /** * Add an entry for a user to the notification area */ function li_user(id, options) { options = options||{}; var ul; var a; var name = options.name; if ( !name && options.role == "self" ) name = "Me"; if ( !name ) name = id; var li = $.el.li({class:"dropdown user", id:id, title:name}, a=$.el.a({ class:"dropdown-toggle avatar", 'data-toggle':"dropdown" }, avatar(options)), ul=$.el.ul({ class:"dropdown-menu pull-right", title:"" })); if ( options.role == "self" ) { $(a).append($.el.b({class:"caret"})); var input = $.el.input({ type:"text", placeholder:"Nick name", value:options.name||"", title:"Nick name" }); ul.append($.el.li(input)); $(input).keypress(function(ev) { if ( ev.which == 13 ) { var name = $(input).val().trim(); if ( name != "" ) { $("#chat").trigger('send', { type:'set-nick-name', name: name }); preferences.setVal("nick-name", name); } $(input).closest('.dropdown.open').removeClass('open'); } }); form.widgets.populateMenu($(li), $("#chat"), { /* "Chat ...": function() { this.chat('start_chat'); } */ }); ul.append($.el.li({class:"divider"})); } return li; } /** * @return {Number} time since 1/1/1970 in milliseconds */ function getTime() { var d = new Date(); return d.getTime(); } /** * * * @class chat * @tutorial jquery-doc * @memberOf $.fn * @param {String|Object} [method] Either a method name or the jQuery * plugin initialization object. * @param [...] Zero or more arguments passed to the jQuery `method` */ $.fn.chat = function(method) { if ( methods[method] ) { return methods[method] .apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || !method ) { return methods._init.apply(this, arguments); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.' + pluginName); } }; }(jQuery)); var svg_images = {}; function avatar(options) { var img; if ( options.avatar ) { var m = /(.*\.svg)#(\d+)$/.exec(options.avatar); if ( m && m[2] ) { var id = parseInt(m[2], 10); var url = m[1]; img = $.el.span({class:"avatar svg"}); if ( svg_images[url] ) { $(img).html(svg_images[url]) .svgavatar('setAVappearanceByUserID', id); } else { backend.ajax({ url: options.avatar, type: "GET", dataType: "text", success: function(reply) { svg_images[url] = reply; $(img).html(reply) .svgavatar('setAVappearanceByUserID', id); }, error: function(jqXHR) { modal.ajaxError(jqXHR); } }); } } else { img = $.el.img({class:"avatar", src:options.avatar }); } } else { img = $.el.span({class:"avatar glyphicon glyphicon-user"}) } return $.el.div({class:"avatar-container"}, img); } return { avatar: avatar }; });