/* Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl
WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
Copyright (C): 2009-2019, VU University Amsterdam
CWI, Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(plweb_download, []).
:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).
:- use_module(library(http/js_write)).
:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).
:- use_module(library(http/http_path)).
:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).
:- use_module(library(http/http_dirindex)).
:- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- use_module(library(broadcast)).
:- use_module(library(pairs)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(apply)).
:- use_module(library(error)).
:- use_module(library(filesex)).
:- use_module(library(persistency)).
:- use_module(library(crypto)).
:- use_module(library(random)).
:- use_module(wiki).
%% download(+Request) is det.
% HTTP handler for SWI-Prolog download pages.
:- http_handler(download(devel), download_table, []).
:- http_handler(download(stable), download_table, []).
:- http_handler(download(old), download_table, []).
:- http_handler(download('daily/bin/'), download_daily, []).
:- http_handler(download(.), download,
[prefix, spawn(download), priority(10)]).
:- http_handler(root(download), http_redirect(moved, download(.)),
%% download_table(+Request)
% Provide a table with possible download targets.
% test edit
download_table(Request) :-
[ show(Show, [oneof([all,latest]), default(latest)])
memberchk(path(Path), Request),
http_absolute_location(root(download), DownLoadRoot, []),
atom_concat(DownLoadRoot, DownLoadDir, Path),
[ file_type(directory),
list_downloads(Dir, [show(Show), request(Request)]).
%% list_downloads(+Directory)
list_downloads(Dir, Options) :-
( wiki_file_to_dom(Dir, 'header.txt', Header0)
-> ( Header0 = [h1(_, Title)|Header]
-> true
; Header = Header0
; Header = []
( var(Title)
-> Title = 'SWI-Prolog downloads'
; true
download(Dir, Title),
title('SWI-Prolog downloads'),
[ \html(Header),
\download_table(Dir, Options)),
\wiki(Dir, 'footer.txt')
wiki_file_to_dom(Dir, File, DOM) :-
directory_file_path(Dir, File, WikiFile),
access_file(WikiFile, read), !,
wiki_file_to_dom(WikiFile, DOM).
wiki(Dir, File) -->
{ wiki_file_to_dom(Dir, File, DOM) }, !,
wiki(_, _) -->
machine_download_text -->
Install scripts may download the SHA256 checksum by appending
to the file name. Scripts can download
the latest version by replacing the version of the file with
. This causes the server to reply with the
location of the latest version using an
HTTP 303 See Other
download_table(Dir, Options) -->
list_files(Dir, bin, bin, 'Binaries', Options),
list_files(Dir, src, src, 'Sources', Options),
list_files(Dir, doc, doc, 'Documentation', Options),
%% toggle_show(+Options) is det.
% Add a toggle to switch between showing only the latest version
% and all versions.
toggle_show(Options) -->
{ option(request(Request), Options),
memberchk(path(Path), Request), !,
file_base_name(Path, MySelf),
( option(show(all), Options)
-> NewShow = latest
; NewShow = all
html(tr(td([class(toggle), colspan(3)],
[ 'Show ', NewShow, ' files' ])))).
toggle_show(_) -->
%% list_files(+Dir, +SubDir, +Class, +Label, +Options) is det.
% Create table rows for all files in Dir/SubDir. If files are
% present, emit a =tr= with Label and a =tr= row for each each
% matching file. Options are:
% * show(Show)
% One of =all= or =latest= (default).
list_files(Dir, SubDir, Class, Label, Options) -->
{ directory_file_path(Dir, SubDir, Directory),
download_files(Directory, Class, Files, Options),
Files \== []
html(tr(th(colspan(3), Label))),
list_files(_, _, _, _, _) -->
list_files([]) --> [].
list_files([H|T]) -->
list_file(File) -->
[ td(class(dl_icon), \file_icon(File)),
td(class(dl_size), \file_size(File)),
td(class(dl_file), \file_description(File))
file_icon(file(Type, PlatForm, _, _, _)) -->
{ icon_for_file(Type, PlatForm, Icon, Alt), !,
http_absolute_location(icons(Icon), HREF, [])
html(img([src(HREF), alt(Alt)])).
file_icon(_) -->
html(?). % no defined icon
icon_for_file(bin, linux(universal),
'linux.png', 'Linux 32/64 intel').
icon_for_file(bin, linux(_,_),
'linux32.gif', 'Linux RPM').
icon_for_file(bin, macos(lion,_),
'lion.png', 'Lion').
icon_for_file(bin, macos(snow_leopard,_),
'snowleopard.gif', 'Snow Leopard').
icon_for_file(bin, macos(snow_leopard_and_later,_),
'macapp.png', 'Snow Leopard and later').
icon_for_file(bin, macos(bundle,_),
'macapp.png', 'MacOS bundle').
icon_for_file(bin, macos(_,_),
'mac.gif', 'MacOSX version').
icon_for_file(_, windows(win32),
'win32.gif', 'Windows version (32-bits)').
icon_for_file(_, windows(win64),
'win64.gif', 'Windows version (64-bits)').
icon_for_file(src, _,
'src.gif', 'Source archive').
icon_for_file(_, pdf,
'pdf.gif', 'PDF file').
file_size(file(_, _, _, _, Path)) -->
{ size_file(Path, Bytes)
html('~D bytes'-[Bytes]).
file_description(file(bin, PlatForm, Version, _, Path)) -->
{ down_file_href(Path, HREF)
html([ a(href(HREF),
[ 'SWI-Prolog ', \version(Version), ' for ',
\platform_notes(PlatForm, Path),
file_description(file(src, Format, Version, _, Path)) -->
{ down_file_href(Path, HREF)
html([ a(href(HREF),
[ 'SWI-Prolog source for ', \version(Version)
\platform_notes(Format, Path),
file_description(file(doc, Format, Version, _, Path)) -->
{ down_file_href(Path, HREF)
html([ a(href(HREF),
[ 'SWI-Prolog ', \version(Version),
' reference manual in PDF'
\platform_notes(Format, Path)
file_description(file(pkg(Pkg), PlatForm, Version, _, Path)) -->
{ down_file_href(Path, HREF)
html([ a(href(HREF),
[ \package(Pkg), ' (version ', \version(Version), ') for ',
\platform_notes(pkg(Pkg), Path)
package(Name) -->
html([ 'Package ', Name ]).
version(version(Major, Minor, Patch, '')) --> !,
html(b('~w.~w.~w'-[Major, Minor, Patch])).
version(version(Major, Minor, Patch, Tag)) -->
html(b('~w.~w.~w-~w'-[Major, Minor, Patch, Tag])).
checksum(Path) -->
{ file_checksum(Path, SHA256) },
html(div([ class(checksum),
title('You can use the checksum to verify the integrity \c
of the downloaded file. It provides some protection \c
against deliberate tamporing with the file.')
[ span(class('checkum-header'), 'SHA256'), :,
span(class([checksum,sha256]), SHA256)
down_file_href(Path, HREF) :-
[ file_type(directory),
atom_concat(Dir, SlashLocal, Path),
delete_leading_slash(SlashLocal, Local),
add_envelope(Local, SafeLocal),
http_absolute_location(download(SafeLocal), HREF, []).
delete_leading_slash(SlashPath, Path) :-
atom_concat(/, Path, SlashPath), !.
delete_leading_slash(Path, Path).
platform(linux(universal)) -->
html(['Linux 32/64 bits (TAR)']).
platform(linux(rpm, _)) -->
html(['i586/Linux (RPM)']).
platform(macos(Name, CPU)) -->
html(['MacOSX ', \html_macos_version(Name), ' on ', b(CPU)]).
platform(windows(win32)) -->
html(['Microsoft Windows (32 bit)']).
platform(windows(win64)) -->
html(['Microsoft Windows (64 bit)']).
html_macos_version(tiger) --> html('10.4 (Tiger)').
html_macos_version(leopard) --> html('10.5 (Leopard)').
html_macos_version(snow_leopard) --> html('10.6 (Snow Leopard)').
html_macos_version(lion) --> html('10.7 (Lion)').
html_macos_version(snow_leopard_and_later) --> html('10.6 (Snow Leopard) and later').
html_macos_version(bundle) --> html('10.12 (Sierra) and later').
html_macos_version(OS) --> html(OS).
%% platform_notes(+Platform, +Path) is det.
% Include notes on the platform. These notes are stored in a wiki
% file in the same directory as the download file.
platform_notes(Platform, Path) -->
{ file_directory_name(Path, Dir),
platform_note_file(Platform, File),
atomic_list_concat([Dir, /, File], NoteFile),
debug(download, 'Trying note-file ~q', [NoteFile]),
access_file(NoteFile, read), !,
debug(download, 'Found note-file ~q', [NoteFile]),
wiki_file_to_dom(NoteFile, DOM)
platform_notes(_, _) -->
platform_note_file(linux(rpm,_), 'linux-rpm.txt').
platform_note_file(linux(universal), 'linux.txt').
platform_note_file(windows(win32), 'win32.txt').
platform_note_file(windows(win64), 'win64.txt').
platform_note_file(pkg(Pkg), File) :-
file_name_extension(Pkg, txt, File).
platform_note_file(macos(Version,_), File) :-
atomic_list_concat([macosx, -, Version, '.txt'], File).
platform_note_file(macos(_,_), 'macosx.txt').
platform_note_file(tgz, 'src-tgz.txt').
platform_note_file(pdf, 'doc-pdf.txt').
%% download_files(+Dir, +Class, -Files, +Options)
% Files is a list of files that satisfy Class and Options in
% Dir/Subdir.
:- dynamic
download_cache/6. % Hash, Dir, Class, Opts, Time, Files
download_files(Dir, Class, Files, Options0) :-
exists_directory(Dir), !,
include(download_option, Options0, Options),
term_hash(ci(Dir,Class,Options), Hash),
time_file(Dir, DirTime),
( download_cache(Hash, Dir, Class, Options, Time, Files0),
( DirTime == Time
-> true
; retractall(download_cache(Hash, Dir, Class, Options, _, _)),
-> true
; download_files_nc(Dir, Class, Files0, Options),
asserta(download_cache(Hash, Dir, Class, Options, DirTime, Files0))
Files = Files0.
download_files(_, _, [], _).
clear_download_cache :-
retractall(download_cache(_Hash, _Dir, _Class, _Options, _Time, _Files0)).
download_files_nc(Directory, Class, Sorted, Options) :-
atom_concat(Directory, '/*', Pattern),
expand_file_name(Pattern, Files),
classify_files(Files, Class, Classified, Options),
sort_files(Classified, Sorted, Options).
classify_files([], _, [], _).
classify_files([H0|T0], Class, [H|T], Options) :-
classify_file(H0, H, Options),
arg(1, H, Classification),
subsumes_term(Class, Classification), !,
classify_files(T0, Class, T, Options).
classify_files([_|T0], Class, T, Options) :-
classify_files(T0, Class, T, Options).
%% classify_file(+Path, -Term, +Options) is semidet.
classify_file(Path, file(Type, Platform, Version, Name, Path), Options) :-
file_base_name(Path, Name),
atom_codes(Name, Codes),
phrase(file(Type, Platform, Version, Options), Codes).
file(bin, macos(OSVersion, CPU), Version, Options) -->
{ option(show(all), Options) },
"swi-prolog-", opt_devel, long_version(Version), "-",
( "-",
-> ""
; { macos_def_cpu(OSVersion, CPU) }
".mpkg.zip", !.
% Cmake version
file(bin, macos(bundle, intel), Version, _) -->
"swipl-", long_version(Version), opt_release(_),
".dmg", !.
file(bin, macos(snow_leopard_and_later, intel), Version, _) -->
"SWI-Prolog-", long_version(Version),
".dmg", !.
file(bin, windows(WinType), Version, _) -->
"swipl-", long_version(Version), opt_release(_),
".exe", !.
file(bin, windows(WinType), Version, _) -->
win_type(WinType), "pl",
".exe", !.
file(bin, windows(WinType), Version, _) -->
swipl, win_type(WinType), "-",
".exe", !.
file(bin, linux(rpm, suse), Version, _) -->
swipl, long_version(Version), "-", digits(_Build), ".i586.rpm", !.
file(bin, linux(universal), Version, _) -->
long_version(Version), "-", "linux",
".tar.gz", !.
file(src, tgz, Version, _) -->
swipl, long_version(Version), ".tar.gz", !.
file(doc, pdf, Version, _) -->
"SWI-Prolog-", long_version(Version), ".pdf", !.
swipl --> "swipl-", !.
swipl --> "pl-".
opt_release(Rel) --> "-", int(Rel, 4), !.
opt_release(-) --> "".
opt_devel --> "devel-", !.
opt_devel --> "".
opt_cpu(x86_64) --> ".", "x86_64", !.
opt_cpu(unknown) --> "".
macos_version(tiger) --> "tiger".
macos_version(leopard) --> "leopard".
macos_version(snow_leopard) --> "snow-leopard".
macos_version(lion) --> "lion".
macos_cpu(ppc) --> "powerpc".
macos_cpu(intel) --> "intel".
macos_cpu(x86) --> "32bit".
macos_def_cpu(snow_leopard, intel) :- !.
macos_def_cpu(lion, intel) :- !.
macos_def_cpu(_, ppc).
win_type(win32) --> "w32".
win_type(win64) --> "w64".
cmake_win_type(win64) --> ".", "x64".
cmake_win_type(win32) --> ".", "x86".
long_version(version(Major, Minor, Patch, Tag)) -->
int(Major, 1), ".", int(Minor, 2), ".", int(Patch, 2), !,
tag(Tag), !.
long_version(latest) -->
tag(Tag) -->
"-", alnums(Codes), !,
{ atom_codes(Tag, Codes) }.
tag('') --> "".
int(Value, MaxDigits) -->
{ length(Digits, Len),
Len =< MaxDigits,
Len > 0,
number_codes(Value, Digits)
alnums([H|T]) -->
[H], { code_type(H, alnum) }, !,
alnums([]) --> "".
short_version(version(Major, Minor, Patch, Tag)) -->
{ Digits = [D1,D2,D3]
-> number_codes(Major, [D1]),
number_codes(Minor, [D2]),
number_codes(Patch, [D3])
; Digits = [D1,D2,D3,D4]
-> ( number_codes(51, [D1,D2]) % 5.1X.Y
-> number_codes(Major, [D1]),
number_codes(Minor, [D2,D3]),
number_codes(Patch, [D4])
; number_codes(Major, [D1]),
number_codes(Minor, [D2]),
number_codes(Patch, [D3,D4])
; Digits = [D1,D2,D3,D4,D5]
-> number_codes(Major, [D1]),
number_codes(Minor, [D2,D3]),
number_codes(Patch, [D4,D5])
tag(Tag), !.
short_version(latest) -->
%% sort_files(+In, -Out, +Options)
% Sort files by type and version. Type: linux, windows, mac, src,
% doc. Versions: latest first.
% Options:
% * show(Show)
% One of =all= or =latest=.
sort_files(In, Out, Options) :-
map_list_to_pairs(map_type, In, Typed0),
( option(show(all), Options)
-> Typed = Typed0
; exclude(old_tagged_file, Typed0, Typed)
keysort(Typed, TSorted),
group_pairs_by_key(TSorted, TGrouped),
maplist(sort_group_by_version, TGrouped, TGroupSorted),
( option(show(all), Options)
-> pairs_values(TGroupSorted, TValues),
flatten(TValues, Out)
; take_latest(TGroupSorted, Out)
map_type(File, Tag) :-
File = file(Type, Platform, _Version, _Name, _Path),
type_tag(Type, Platform, Tag).
type_tag(bin, linux(A), tag(10, linux(A))) :- !.
type_tag(bin, linux(A,B), tag(11, linux(A,B))) :- !.
type_tag(bin, windows(A), tag(Tg, windows(A))) :- !,
win_tag(A, Tg2),
Tg is 20+Tg2.
type_tag(bin, macos(A,B), tag(Tg, macos(A,B))) :- !,
mac_tag(A, Tg2),
Tg is 30+Tg2.
type_tag(src, Format, tag(40, Format)) :- !.
type_tag(doc, Format, tag(50, Format)) :- !.
type_tag(X, Y, tag(60, X-Y)).
mac_tag(bundle, 4).
mac_tag(snow_leopard_and_later, 5).
mac_tag(lion, 6).
mac_tag(snow_leopard, 7).
mac_tag(leopard, 8).
mac_tag(tiger, 9).
win_tag(win64, 1).
win_tag(win32, 2).
sort_group_by_version(Tag-Files, Tag-Sorted) :-
map_list_to_pairs(tag_version, Files, TFiles),
keysort(TFiles, TRevSorted),
pairs_values(TRevSorted, RevSorted),
reverse(RevSorted, Sorted).
tag_version(File, Tag) :-
File = file(_,_,Version,_,_),
version_tag(Version, Tag).
version_tag(version(Major, Minor, Patch, Tag),
version(Major, Minor, Patch, Order)) :-
( pre_version(Tag, Order)
-> true
; print_message(error,
error(domain_error(pre_release_version, Tag),_)),
Order = pre(-100, 0)
pre_version('', pre(0, 0)) :- !.
pre_version(NrA, pre(0, 0)) :-
atom_number(NrA, _Nr), !.
pre_version(Tag, pre(TagOrder, N)) :-
tag(TagPrefix, TagOrder),
atom_concat(TagPrefix, NA, Tag),
atom_number(NA, N).
tag(rc, -1).
tag(beta, -2).
tag(alpha, -3).
take_latest([], []).
take_latest([_-[H|_]|T0], [H|T]) :- !,
take_latest(T0, T).
take_latest([_-[]|T0], T) :- !, % emty set
take_latest(T0, T).
%% old_tagged_file(+TypeFile) is semidet.
old_tagged_file(tag(_,Type)-_File) :-
%% download(+Request) is det.
% Actually download a file. Two special requests are supported:
% - By postfixing the file with `.sha256` you get the SHA256
% checksum rather than the file.
% - If you replace the version with `latest` you get an HTTP
% 303 (See Other) reply pointing at the latest version.
download(Request) :-
memberchk(path_info(Download), Request),
file_name_extension(File, envelope, Download), !,
download(Request) :-
memberchk(path_info(Download), Request),
( file_name_extension(File, sha256, Download)
-> true
; File = Download
download_file(File, AbsFile),
( File == Download
-> http_peer(Request, Remote),
broadcast(download(File, Remote)),
http_reply_file(AbsFile, [unsafe(true)], Request)
; file_checksum(AbsFile, SHA256),
format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'),
format('~w~n', [SHA256])
download(Request) :-
memberchk(path_info(Download), Request),
classify_file(Download, file(Class,Platform,latest,_,_), [show(last)]),
file_directory_name(Download, Dir),
[ access(read),
download_files(AbsDir, Class, Files, [show(last)]),
memberchk(file(Class, Platform, _, File, _), Files), !,
directory_file_path(Dir, File, Redirect),
http_link_to_id(download, path_postfix(Redirect), URI),
http_redirect(see_other, URI, Request).
download(Request) :-
( memberchk(path_info(Download), Request)
-> true
; Download = '.'
[ access(read),
]), !,
[ unsafe(true),
], Request).
download(Request) :-
memberchk(path(Path), Request),
existence_error(http_location, Path).
download_file(File, AbsFile) :-
[ access(read),
:- public
name_cell(File) -->
{ needs_envelope(File),
file_base_name(File, Name),
uri_encoded(path, Name, Ref0),
file_name_extension(Ref0, envelope, Ref)
html(a(href(Ref), Name)).
name_cell(File) -->
{ file_base_name(File, Name),
uri_encoded(path, Name, Ref)
html(a(href(Ref), Name)).
%% download_daily(+Request)
% Provide the download page for the windows binaries.
download_daily(_Request) :-
absolute_file_name(download('daily/bin'), Dir,
[ file_type(directory),
download(Dir, 'Download daily builds for Windows'),
title('Download daily builds for Windows'),
[ \explain_win_daily,
[ order_by(time),
explain_win_daily -->
The table below provides access to the most recent 7
daily builds of SWI-Prolog for Windows, both the 32- and
64-bit versions. The build is done automatically from the
GIT sources. The files use the following
naming convention:
Please note that these versions may be unstable! It is
adviced to follow current discussions on the
list and/or the git commit messages at
The primary purpose of the daily builds is to quickly provide
binaries after a bug report.
needs_envelope(File) :-
file_name_extension(_, exe, File).
add_envelope(File, Envelope) :-
file_name_extension(File, envelope, Envelope).
add_envelope(File, File).
envelope(File) :-
download_file(File, AbsFile),
file_checksum(AbsFile, OkHash),
compute_file_checksum(AbsFile, NewHash),
NewHash \== OkHash,
download(File, 'Possibly tampered binary'),
title('Possibly tampered binary'),
\tampered(File, OkHash, NewHash)).
envelope(File) :-
file_base_name(File, Base),
download(Base, 'Download binary'),
title('Download a binary file'),
envelope(File) -->
{ http_absolute_location(icons('alert.gif'), Alert, []),
http_absolute_location(icons('vt_logo.png'), VTLogo, []),
download_file(File, AbsFile),
file_checksum(AbsFile, Hash),
file_base_name(File, Base),
format(atom(VTHREF), 'https://www.virustotal.com/file/~w/analysis/', Hash)
html({|html(Base, Hash, VTHREF, VTLogo, Alert)||
Windows antivirus software works using signatures and heuristics.
Using the huge amount of virusses and malware known today, arbitrary executables
are often falsily classified as malicious.
Google Safe Browsing, used by
most modern browsers, therefore often classifies our Windows binaries as
malware. You can use e.g., virustotal to verify files with a large number of antivirus programs.
Our Windows binaries are cross-compiled on an isolated Linux container. The
integrity of the binaries on the server is regularly verified by validating its
SHA256 fingerprint.
Please select the checkbox below to enable the actual download link.
$(function() {
$("#understand").prop("checked", false)
.on("click", function() {
$("#download").attr("href", Base);
tampered(File, OkHash, NewHash) -->
{ http_absolute_location(icons('alert.gif'), Alert, [])
html({|html(File, Alert, OkHash, NewHash)||
The file File
SHA256 signature has changed. Please
report this at bugs@swi-prolog.org
:- persistent
attach_db :-
db_attached('checksum.db'), !.
attach_db :-
db_attach('checksum.db', []).
%! file_checksum(+Path:atom, -Sum:atom) is det.
% True when Sum is the SHA256 checksum of file. We keep this in
% the Prolog database because this simplifies uploading files.
% Although the data under control of the server and thus more
% vulnerable than the download area on disk because that is not
% writeable by the server, I think this is also better from a
% security point of view because it requires the attacker to both
% modify the filesystem and the server, something that requires
% different rights and expertise.
file_checksum(Path, Sum) :-
sha256(Path, Sum0), !,
Sum = Sum0.
file_checksum(Path, Sum) :-
compute_file_checksum(Path, Sum).
compute_file_checksum(Path, Sum) :-
crypto_file_hash(Path, Sum,
[ encoding(octet),
assert_sha256(Path, Sum).