---+ Can I make an executable? Creating an executable is discussed in the reference manual (see the predicate qsave_program/2) and the *|-c|* commandline option. For local usage, there is often no reason to make a real executable. ---++ Unix SWI-Prolog supports PrologScript, which allows you to create an executable program very easily on Unix systems: == #!/usr/bin/pl -q -g main -s main :- current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), append(_, [--|Av], Argv), !, main(Argv). main(Argv) :- ... == More information on using PrologScript as well as more compilation issues can be found in the [[Reference Manual][]]. ---++ Windows If you are using Windows, you can write a .bat file or you can create a shortcut to the =|.pl|= file to load. For example: == /* File: run.pl Purpose: Load and run my program */ :- [load]. :- go. ==