---+ Contributed libraries and interfaces ---++ Interfaces to other programming environments These are interfaces to other programming environments that are not (yet) bundled with SWI-Prolog. Some are hosted here, some are totally externally managed projects. * [[Python Interface (pyswip)][http://code.google.com/p/pyswip/]] * [[C# Interface][CSharp.txt]] * [[A 2-way interface to .NET/Mono][NetMono.txt]] * [[C++ Interfaces][CPP.txt]] * [[C/C++ wrapper generator (pwig)][http://pwig.sourceforge.net/]] ---++ Multi-media interfaces * [[OpenGL Interface][OpenGL.txt]] * [[Open Sound Control (OSC)][SamerAbdallah/index.txt]] * [[MIDI interface (MacOS X)][SamerAbdallah/index.txt]] ---++ Mathematical libraries and interfaces * [[Advanced random number library][SamerAbdallah/index.txt]] * [[Matlab interface][SamerAbdallah/index.txt]] ---++ Miscellaneous * [[Etalis][http://code.google.com/p/etalis/]] _|Event-driven Transaction Logic Inference System|_ @tbd Make more categories @tbd Complete migration of pointers to contributes libraries @see [[Packages][<../pldoc/index.html>]] @see [[Semantic Web][<../web>]]