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Normal applications use almost exclusively XPCE generated references. Many of the examples in this manual are typed from the terminal and Prolog specified references are easier to type.
The attributes of an object state are called slots. In other languages they may be called instance variables or fields.
Prolog would normally print `@display'. The library(pce_portray) defines a clause for the Prolog predicate portray/1 that prints object references as `@Reference/Class'. This library is used throughout all the examples of this manual.
Initial versions of XPCE lacked the obtainer. In this case the browser B would be passed to the predicate view/1, which would extract the current filename from the browser. Obtainers improve the readability and avoid the need to mix UI related code with application code.
This conversion is implemented with class dict_item. In fact, the browser just specifies the desired type and the message passing kernel invokes the conversion method of class dict_item.
Given the dynamic nature of delegation, the system cannot possibly determine all methods available through delegation. Consider a slot specified with type graphical. The system can infer it will surely be able to use behaviour defined at class graphical. If at runtime, the slot is filled with a box, all methods defined at class box will be available too.
This example uses XPCE user-defined classes. The details of this mechanism do not matter for the argument in this section. User-defined classes are described in chapter 7.
XPCE defines four implementation techniques for methods. C-function pointers are used for almost all the built-in behaviour. C++-function pointers are used when classes are defined in C++ (Wielemaker & Anjewierden, 1994) . Instances of c_pointer are left to the host object for interpretation and finally, code objects are executed.
Value must be an int, name or constant in the current implementation.
To facilitate the translation of old code, the construct :- send(@class, ... is treated automatically as if it was embedded using pce_class_directive/1
On Windows systems, ~ expands to \%HOME\%, \%USERPROFILE\%, \%HOMEDRIVE\%/\%HOMEPATH\% or the root of the current drive. See expand_file_name/2 of the SWI-Prolog manual.
See section 8 for the default syntax.
Attach a drag_and_drop_dict_item_gesture to a list_browser to enable dragging the items in the dictionary
Using the Unix/X11 version XPCE can manage windows on multiple desktops. For MS-Windows users this is not supported.
To remember this sequence: V for Visual and all defined modifiers to avoid a conflict with application defined key-bindings.
We will mix the terms instance and object freely in this document. They are considered synonyms.
Class class is an instance of itself. In other systems (SmallTalk, Goldberg & Robson, 1983), classes are instances of a meta-class. Yet in other systems, classes have a completely different status (for example widgets in the X11 Intrinsics)
Multiple inheritance introduces various technical and conceptual problems. XPCE uses delegation and templates to achieve similar results. This is explained in section C.4 and section
PCE assumes the object has become a support object. This is generally not correct for code objects. Class code therefore has `class<-un_answer: @off', which implies that objects that fill a slot of a code object will not loose their `answer' status.
A `ground' term is a Prolog term that has no unbound variables.
Colour screens create their colour by mixing the `primary' colours `red', `green' and `blue'. With an `RBG' triple, we refer to a triple of three numeric values representing the intensities of the three primary colours