---+ XPCE Screens -- Optica [[optica.gif]] This screendump shows Optica, a multi-lingual (shown in Dutch) application to study students behaviour while carrying out experiments using lamps and lenses. Optica is a large application, covering the modeling of `ideal-' and `real-lenses' various light-sources, measurement tools for distances and angles, a graphical `scenario-editor', annotation tools, logging facilities and an `[[hypothesis scratchpad][sc_hypoth.txt]]'. The development took 2 person-months. The application source is 13,500 lines defining 107 classes and 660 methods. The installed application requires 3 MB disk-space. Minimum system requirements are Windows-95 on a fast 486 with 8MB memory. It runs without notable delays on a 160Mhz Pentium with 16MB. Platforms: Developed on Unix, screendump on Windows-NT 4.0.