var A4_HASH_SIZE = 1000; var A4_DIRECTION_NONE = -1; var A4_DIRECTION_LEFT = 0; var A4_DIRECTION_UP = 1; var A4_DIRECTION_RIGHT = 2; var A4_DIRECTION_DOWN = 3; var A4_NDIRECTIONS = 4; var A4_ANIMATION_IDLE = 0; var A4_ANIMATION_IDLE_LEFT = 1; var A4_ANIMATION_IDLE_UP = 2; var A4_ANIMATION_IDLE_RIGHT = 3; var A4_ANIMATION_IDLE_DOWN = 4; var A4_ANIMATION_MOVING = 5; var A4_ANIMATION_MOVING_LEFT = 6; var A4_ANIMATION_MOVING_UP = 7; var A4_ANIMATION_MOVING_RIGHT = 8; var A4_ANIMATION_MOVING_DOWN = 9; var A4_ANIMATION_INTERACTING = 10; var A4_ANIMATION_INTERACTING_LEFT = 11; var A4_ANIMATION_INTERACTING_UP = 12; var A4_ANIMATION_INTERACTING_RIGHT = 13; var A4_ANIMATION_INTERACTING_DOWN = 14; var A4_ANIMATION_TALKING = 15; var A4_ANIMATION_TALKING_LEFT = 16; var A4_ANIMATION_TALKING_UP = 17; var A4_ANIMATION_TALKING_RIGHT = 18; var A4_ANIMATION_TALKING_DOWN = 19; var A4_ANIMATION_DEATH = 32; var A4_ANIMATION_DEATH_LEFT = 21; var A4_ANIMATION_DEATH_UP = 22; var A4_ANIMATION_DEATH_RIGHT = 23; var A4_ANIMATION_DEATH_DOWN = 24; var A4_ANIMATION_CLOSED = 25; var A4_ANIMATION_IDLE_FULL = 26; var A4_ANIMATION_CLOSED_FULL = 27; var A4_N_ANIMATIONS = 28; // aliases: var A4_ANIMATION_OPEN = 0; var A4_ANIMATION_IDLE_EMPTY = 0; var A4_ANIMATION_OPEN_EMPTY = 0; var A4_ANIMATION_OPEN_FULL = 36; var A4_ANIMATION_CLOSED_EMPTY = 35; //var A4_LAYER_BG:number = 0; //var A4_LAYER_FG:number = 1; //var A4_LAYER_CHARACTERS:number = 2; var A4_N_LAYERS = 4; var A4_TILE_WALKABLE = 0; var A4_TILE_WALL = 1; var A4_TILE_TREE = 2; var A4_TILE_CHOPPABLE_TREE = 3; var A4_TILE_WATER = 4; //var A4_INVENTORY_SIZE:number = 8; var A4_INVENTORY_SIZE = 256; // some very large number var A4_N_MESSAGES_IN_HUD = 5; var A4_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 42; var CYCLES_IN_PERCEPTION_BUFFER = 50; var TEXT_INITIAL_DELAY = 60; var TEXT_SPEED = 8; var animationNames = [ "idle", "idle-left", "idle-up", "idle-right", "idle-down", "moving", "moving-left", "moving-up", "moving-right", "moving-down", "interacting", "interacting-left", "interacting-up", "interacting-right", "interacting-down", "talking", "talking-left", "talking-up", "talking-right", "talking-down", "death", "death-left", "death-up", "death-right", "death-down", "closed", "full", "closed-full" ]; var direction_x_inc = [-1, 0, 1, 0]; var direction_y_inc = [0, -1, 0, 1]; var WarpRequest = /** @class */ (function () { function WarpRequest(o, map, x, y) { this.o = o; = map; this.x = x; this.y = y; // this.layer = layer; } return WarpRequest; }()); var A4Game = /** @class */ (function () { function A4Game(xml, game_path, ontology_path, GLTM, SFXM, a4of, a_sfx_volume) { this.xml = null; // the XML definition of the game this.drawTextBubbles = true; this.gameName = null; this.gameTitle = null; this.gameSubtitle = null; this.gameTitleImage = null; this.storyText = null; this.endingIDs = []; this.endingTexts = []; this.allowSaveGames = false; this.characterDefinitionFiles = []; this.objectDefinitionFiles = []; this.cycle = 0; this.cycles_without_redrawing = 0; this.in_game_seconds = 0; this.gameComplete = false; this.gameComplete_ending_ID = null; this.game_path = null; this.GLTM = null; this.SFXM = null; this.graphicFiles = []; this.objectFactory = null; this.tileWidth = 16; this.tileHeight = 16; this.mapTiles = {}; // AI: this.ontology = new Ontology(); // HUD: this.HUD_state = SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_MESSAGES; this.messages = []; // [text, color, timestamp] this.trade_requested = null; this.console_first_message = -1; this.HUD_hseparator = null; this.HUD_vseparator = null; this.HUD_tseparator = null; this.HUD_uparrow1 = null; this.HUD_uparrow2 = null; this.HUD_downarrow1 = null; this.HUD_downarrow2 = null; this.HUD_button1 = null; this.HUD_button2 = null; this.HUD_oxygen = null; this.HUD_oxygen_bar = null; this.HUD_inventory_start = 0; this.HUD_remote_inventory_start = 0; this.HUD_remote_inventory = null; this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = -1; this.HUD_text_input_buffer = ""; this.HUD_text_input_cursor = 0; this.inputBufferHistory = []; // messages typed by the player, so that she can browse it quickly ussing up/down this.inputBufferHistory_position = -1; this.lastInputBufferBeforeBrowsingHistory = null; this.maps = []; this.players = []; this.currentPlayer = null; this.currentPlayerIndex = 0; this.warpRequests = []; this.deletionRequests = []; // camera: this.zoom = 1; this.targetZoom = 1; this.defaultZoom = 1; // scripts: this.eventScripts = new Array(A4_NEVENTS); // script excution queues (these contain scripts that are pending execution, will be executed in the next "cycle"): this.scriptQueues = []; // story state: this.storyState = {}; this.lastTimeStoryStateChanged = 0; // error logging (the engine just logs them into these arrays, it's up to the specific game to do // something with these): this.errorMessagesForLog = []; this.inGameActionsForLog = []; this.debugTextBubbleLog = null; // this is already defined in A4Game this.screen_width_last = -1; this.screen_height_last = -1; this.mouse_x_last = -1; this.mouse_y_last = -1; this.mouse_draw_skip = -1; // LOGICMOO ADDED window['theA4Game'] = this; this.objectFactory = a4of; this.loadContentFromXML(xml, game_path, ontology_path, GLTM, SFXM); this.sfx_volume = a_sfx_volume; } A4Game.prototype.loadContentFromXML = function (xml, game_path, ontology_path, GLTM, SFXM) { this.ontology = new Ontology(); Sort.clear(); this.screen_height_last = 1; this.screen_width_last = 1; var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.overrideMimeType("text/xml");"GET", ontology_path, false); xmlhttp.send(); this.ontology.loadSortsFromXML(xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement); A4Object.s_nextID = 10000; this.game_path = game_path; this.GLTM = GLTM; this.SFXM = SFXM; this.xml = xml; this.gameName = xml.getAttribute("name"); this.gameTitle = xml.getAttribute("title"); this.gameSubtitle = xml.getAttribute("subtitle"); console.log("game name: " + this.gameName); console.log("game title: " + this.gameTitle); console.log("game subtitle: " + this.gameSubtitle); var title_xml = getFirstElementChildByTag(xml, "titleImage"); if (title_xml != null) { console.log("Title image:" + title_xml.firstChild.nodeValue); this.gameTitleImage = title_xml.firstChild.nodeValue; } var tmp = xml.getAttribute("allowSaveGames"); if (tmp != null) this.allowSaveGames = (tmp == "true"); if (xml.getAttribute("cycle") != null) { this.cycle = Number(xml.getAttribute("cycle")); } var story_xml = getFirstElementChildByTag(xml, "story"); if (story_xml != null) { var story_lines = getElementChildrenByTag(story_xml, "line"); this.storyText = []; for (var i = 0; i < story_lines.length; i++) { var line_xml = story_lines[i]; this.storyText.push(line_xml.firstChild.nodeValue); } } var ending_xmls = getElementChildrenByTag(xml, "ending"); for (var i = 0; i < ending_xmls.length; i++) { var ending_xml = ending_xmls[i]; var ID = ending_xml.getAttribute("id"); if (ID == null) { console.log("Ending in game definition file does not specify an ID!"); continue; } var ending_lines = getElementChildrenByTag(ending_xml, "line"); var endingText = []; for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < ending_lines.length; i_1++) { var line_xml = ending_lines[i_1]; endingText.push(line_xml.firstChild.nodeValue); } this.addEnding(ID, endingText); } var tiles_xml = getFirstElementChildByTag(xml, "tiles"); var targetwidth = Number(tiles_xml.getAttribute("targetwidth")); this.tileWidth = Number(tiles_xml.getAttribute("sourcewidth")); this.tileHeight = Number(tiles_xml.getAttribute("sourceheight")); this.defaultZoom = targetwidth / this.tileWidth; this.zoom = this.targetZoom = this.defaultZoom; // In a first pass, we just trigger loading all the images (since browser games load them asynchronously) // later in finishLoadingGame, the rest of the game is loaded... for (var _i = 0, _a = getElementChildrenByTag(tiles_xml, "graphicFile"); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var graphifile_xml = _a[_i]; var file = graphifile_xml.getAttribute("file"); var gf = this.getGraphicFile(file); if (gf == null) { gf = new A4GraphicFile(file, this.tileWidth, this.tileHeight, this.game_path, this.GLTM); this.graphicFiles.push(gf); } else { console.error("Cannot find graphic file: " + file); } } // for(let i:number = 0;i = onstart_xml.children; var script_xml_l = onstart_xml.children; for (var j = 0; j < script_xml_l.length; j++) { var script_xml = script_xml_l[j]; var s = A4Script.fromXML(script_xml); if (tmp == null) tmp = new A4ScriptExecutionQueue(null, null, this, null); tmp.scripts.push(s); } if (tmp != null) this.scriptQueues.push(tmp); } // event rules: var eventrules_xml = getElementChildrenByTag(this.xml, "eventRule"); for (var i = 0; i < eventrules_xml.length; i++) { var rule_xml = eventrules_xml[i]; var r = A4EventRule.fromXML(rule_xml); if (this.eventScripts[r.event] == null) this.eventScripts[r.event] = []; this.eventScripts[r.event].push(r); } } this.currentPlayer = null; { var players_xml = getElementChildrenByTag(this.xml, "player"); for (var i = 0; i < players_xml.length; i++) { var player_xml = players_xml[i]; var id = player_xml.getAttribute("id"); var className = player_xml.getAttribute("class"); if (className == null) className = player_xml.getAttribute("type"); var x = Number(player_xml.getAttribute("x")); var y = Number(player_xml.getAttribute("y")); var mapIdx = Number(player_xml.getAttribute("map")); console.log("Spawning player " + className + " at " + x + "," + y + " in map " + mapIdx); var completeRedefinition = false; if (player_xml.getAttribute("completeRedefinition") == "true") completeRedefinition = true; var p = this.objectFactory.createObject(className, this, true, completeRedefinition); if (id != null) { p.ID = id; if (!isNaN(Number(id)) && Number(id) >= A4Object.s_nextID) A4Object.s_nextID = Number(id) + 1; } p.loadObjectAdditionalContent(player_xml, this, this.objectFactory, objectsToRevisit_xml, objectsToRevisit_object); p.warp(x, y, this.maps[mapIdx]); this.players.push(p); } } // load messages: { var console_xml = getFirstElementChildByTag(this.xml, "console"); if (console_xml != null) { for (var _m = 0, _o = getElementChildrenByTag(console_xml, "message"); _m < _o.length; _m++) { var message_xml = _o[_m]; if (message_xml.getAttribute("timeStamp") != null) { this.addMessageWithColorTime(message_xml.getAttribute("text"), message_xml.getAttribute("color"), Number(message_xml.getAttribute("timeStamp"))); } else { this.addMessageWithColor(message_xml.getAttribute("text"), message_xml.getAttribute("color")); } } } } for (var i = 0; i < objectsToRevisit_xml.length; i++) { objectsToRevisit_object[i].revisitObject(objectsToRevisit_xml[i], this); } // set initial camera: if (this.players.length > 0) { this.currentPlayerIndex = 0; this.currentPlayer = this.players[this.currentPlayerIndex]; } this.gameComplete = false; this.gameComplete_ending_ID = null; this.ensureUniqueObjectIDs(); console.log("A4Game created\n"); console.log("currentPlayer = " + this.currentPlayer); }; A4Game.prototype.saveGame = function (saveName) { var complete_xmlString = "\n"; var xmlString = this.saveToXML(); console.log("A4Game.saveGame: game xmlString length " + xmlString.length); complete_xmlString += xmlString; for (var i = 0; i < this.maps.length; i++) { xmlString = this.maps[i].saveToXML(this); complete_xmlString += "\n\n\n" + xmlString; console.log("A4Game.saveGame: map " + i + " xmlString length " + xmlString.length); } complete_xmlString += ""; // save it: console.log("Size of sample is: " + complete_xmlString.length); var compressed = LZString.compressToUTF16(complete_xmlString); console.log("Size of compressed sample is: " + compressed.length); localStorage.setItem(A4SAVEGAME_STORAGE_KEY + "-" + saveName, compressed); // downloadStringAsFile(complete_xmlString, "A4Game-saveGame.xml"); // savegame name: var seconds = Math.floor(this.cycle / 60) % 60; var minutes = Math.floor(this.cycle / (60 * 60)) % 60; var hours = Math.floor(this.cycle / (60 * 60 * 60)); var name = hours + ":"; if (minutes < 10) { name += "0" + minutes + ":"; } else { name += minutes + ":"; } if (seconds < 10) { name += "0" + seconds; } else { name += seconds; } localStorage.setItem(A4SAVEGAME_STORAGE_KEY + "-" + saveName + "-name", name); }; A4Game.prototype.saveToXMLInnerContent = function () { var xmlString = ""; if (this.gameTitleImage != null) { xmlString += "" + this.gameTitleImage + "\n"; } if (this.storyText != null) { xmlString += "\n"; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.storyText; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var text = _a[_i]; xmlString += "" + text + "\n"; } xmlString += "\n"; } for (var i = 0; i < this.endingIDs.length; i++) { xmlString += "\n"; for (var _b = 0, _c = this.endingTexts[i]; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var text = _c[_b]; xmlString += "" + text + "\n"; } xmlString += "\n"; } // tiles: xmlString += "\n"; for (var _d = 0, _e = this.graphicFiles; _d < _e.length; _d++) { var gf = _e[_d]; xmlString += "\n"; // xmlString += "\n" // for(let i:number = 0;i\n" // for(let i:number = 0;i\n" // for(let i:number = 0;i\n"; } for (var _h = 0, _j = this.objectDefinitionFiles; _h < _j.length; _h++) { var tmp = _j[_h]; xmlString += "\n"; } // maps for (var idx = 0; idx < this.maps.length; idx++) { xmlString += "\n"; } // players: for (var _k = 0, _l = this.players; _k < _l.length; _k++) { var pc = _l[_k]; for (var idx = 0; idx < this.maps.length; idx++) { if ( == this.maps[idx]) { xmlString += pc.saveToXMLForMainFile(this, "player", idx) + "\n"; break; } } } // save state: var onStarttagOpen = false; /* for(let sa of this.knownSpeechActs) { if (sa.performative==A4_TALK_PERFORMATIVE_ASK) { if (!onStarttagOpen) { xmlString += "\n"; onStarttagOpen = true; } xmlString+="\n"; } } */ for (var v in this.storyState) { if (!onStarttagOpen) { xmlString += "\n"; onStarttagOpen = true; } xmlString += "\n"; } if (onStarttagOpen) xmlString += "\n"; // each execution queue goes to its own "onStart" block: for (var _m = 0, _o = this.scriptQueues; _m < _o.length; _m++) { var seq = _o[_m]; xmlString += "\n"; for (var _p = 0, _q = seq.scripts; _p < _q.length; _p++) { var s = _q[_p]; xmlString += s.saveToXML() + "\n"; } xmlString += "\n"; } // rules: for (var i = 0; i < A4_NEVENTS; i++) { if (this.eventScripts[i] != null) { for (var _r = 0, _s = this.eventScripts[i]; _r < _s.length; _r++) { var er = _s[_r]; xmlString += er.saveToXML() + "\n"; } } } // console messages: xmlString += "\n"; for (var _t = 0, _u = this.messages; _t < _u.length; _t++) { var m = _u[_t]; xmlString += "\n"; } xmlString += "\n"; return xmlString; }; A4Game.prototype.saveToXML = function () { var xmlString = ""; xmlString += " 0) this.cycles_without_redrawing--; return true; }; A4Game.prototype.updateInternal = function (k, additional_maps_to_update) { if (this.cycle == 0) { if (this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_START] != null) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_START]; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var rule = _a[_i]; rule.executeEffects(null, null, this, null); } } } this.zoom = (0.95 * this.zoom + 0.05 * this.targetZoom); // update all the objects in the game: // figure out which maps to update: var maps_to_update = []; for (var _b = 0, _c =; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var m = _c[_b]; if (maps_to_update.indexOf(m) == -1) maps_to_update.push(m); } for (var _d = 0, additional_maps_to_update_1 = additional_maps_to_update; _d < additional_maps_to_update_1.length; _d++) { var m = additional_maps_to_update_1[_d]; if (maps_to_update.indexOf(m) == -1) maps_to_update.push(m); } for (var _e = 0, _f = this.players; _e < _f.length; _e++) { var player = _f[_e]; if (maps_to_update.indexOf( == -1) maps_to_update.push(; } for (var _g = 0, maps_to_update_1 = maps_to_update; _g < maps_to_update_1.length; _g++) { var map = maps_to_update_1[_g]; map.update(this); } this.processWarpRequests(); for (var _h = 0, _j = this.deletionRequests; _h < _j.length; _h++) { var o = _j[_h]; o.event(A4_EVENT_END, null,, this); this.objectRemoved(o); } this.deletionRequests = []; // rules: if (this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_TIMER] != null) { for (var _k = 0, _l = this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_TIMER]; _k < _l.length; _k++) { var r = _l[_k]; r.execute(null, null, this, null); } } if (this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_STORYSTATE] != null) { for (var _m = 0, _o = this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_STORYSTATE]; _m < _o.length; _m++) { var r = _o[_m]; r.execute(null, null, this, null); } } if (this.currentPlayer == null) return false; this.executeScriptQueues(); return true; }; A4Game.prototype.processWarpRequests = function () { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.warpRequests; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var wr = _a[_i]; var m =; var createRecord = wr.o.isCharacter() || wr.o.isVehicle(); var acceptWarp = true; if (createRecord && m != null && !m.walkableConsideringVehicles(wr.x, wr.y, wr.o.getPixelWidth(), wr.o.getPixelHeight(), wr.o)) acceptWarp = false; if (acceptWarp) { if (m != null && createRecord) { PerceptionBufferObjectWarpedRecord(wr.o.ID, wr.o.sort,, wr.o.x, wr.o.y, wr.o.x + wr.o.getPixelWidth(), wr.o.y + wr.o.getPixelHeight())); } wr.o.warp(wr.x, wr.y,; //,wr.layer); } else { // can't warp, since there is a collision! if (wr.o == this.currentPlayer) this.addMessage("Something is blocking the way!"); } } this.warpRequests = []; }; A4Game.prototype.draw = function (screen_width, screen_height) { var tileSize = (screen_height / 24); var split = Math.floor(tileSize * 17); // do not draw anything unless we have already executed a cycle: if (this.cycle == 0) return; if (this.cycles_without_redrawing > 0) return; this.drawWorld(screen_width, split + tileSize); this.drawHUD(screen_width, screen_height, split); }; A4Game.prototype.drawWorld = function (screen_width, screen_height) { this.screen_width_last = screen_width; this.screen_height_last = screen_height; if (this.currentPlayer != null) { var map =; var mapx = this.getCameraX(this.currentPlayer, map.width * this.tileWidth, screen_width); var mapy = this.getCameraY(this.currentPlayer, map.height * this.tileHeight, screen_height); var tx = Math.floor(this.currentPlayer.x / this.tileWidth); var ty = Math.floor(this.currentPlayer.y / this.tileHeight); map.drawRegion(mapx, mapy, this.zoom, screen_width, screen_height, map.visibilityRegion(tx, ty), this); map.drawTextBubblesRegion(mapx, mapy, this.zoom, screen_width, screen_height, map.visibilityRegion(tx, ty), this); } else { var map = this.maps[0]; map.drawRegion(0, 0, this.zoom, screen_width, screen_height, map.visibilityRegion(0, 0), this); map.drawTextBubbles(0, 0, this.zoom, screen_width, screen_height, this); } }; A4Game.prototype.drawHUD = function (screen_width, screen_height, split) { ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillRect(0, split + PIXEL_SIZE, screen_width, (screen_height - split)); // this is game dependent, so, this function is empty: // ... }; A4Game.prototype.mouseClick = function (mouse_x, mouse_y, button) { if (mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17) { // click in the game screen: this should skip text bubbles, etc. this.skipSpeechBubble(); if (this.currentPlayer != null) { if (!(this.mouse_draw_skip > 0)) { this.mouse_draw_skip = 100; this.mouse_x_last = mouse_x; this.mouse_y_last = mouse_y; var map =; var screen_width = this.screen_width_last; var screen_height = this.screen_height_last; var mapx = this.getCameraX(this.currentPlayer, map.width * this.tileWidth, screen_width); var mapy = this.getCameraY(this.currentPlayer, map.height * this.tileHeight, screen_height); var tx = Math.floor(mouse_x / this.tileWidth); var ty = Math.floor(mouse_y / this.tileHeight); var vr = map.visibilityRegion(tx, ty); // map.drawRegion(mapx, mapy, this.zoom, screen_width, screen_height, vr, this); console.log("map.drawRegion(".concat(mapx, ", ").concat(mapy, ", ").concat(this.zoom, ", ").concat(screen_width, ", ").concat(screen_height, ", ").concat(vr, ", this);")); } console.log("mouse_x/y= ".concat(mouse_x - this.currentPlayer.x, "/").concat(mouse_y - this.currentPlayer.y, " = ").concat(button, " ")); } } if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 27 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 28 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { this.playerInput_ToogleInventory(); } if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_INVENTORY) { // inventory window: if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 29 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 30 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { this.HUD_inventory_start -= 2; if (this.HUD_inventory_start < 0) this.HUD_inventory_start = 0; if (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0) { while (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= this.HUD_inventory_start + SHRDLU_INVENTORY_DISPLAY_SIZE) { this.currentPlayer.previousItem(); } } } if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 30 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 31 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { if (this.currentPlayer.inventory.length > this.HUD_inventory_start + SHRDLU_INVENTORY_DISPLAY_SIZE) { this.HUD_inventory_start += 2; if (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0) { while (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem < this.HUD_inventory_start) { this.currentPlayer.nextItem(); } } } } if (mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 12 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { var y = Math.floor((mouse_y - PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) / (PIXEL_SIZE * 8)); var selected = this.HUD_inventory_start + y * 2; if (selected < this.currentPlayer.inventory.length && this.currentPlayer.inventory[selected] != null) { this.currentPlayer.selectedItem = selected; } } if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 14 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 26 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { var y = Math.floor((mouse_y - PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) / (PIXEL_SIZE * 8)); var selected = this.HUD_inventory_start + 1 + y * 2; if (selected < this.currentPlayer.inventory.length && this.currentPlayer.inventory[selected] != null) { this.currentPlayer.selectedItem = selected; } } // Use if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 27 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 19 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 20) { this.playerInput_UseItem(); } // Drop if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 27 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 21 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 22) { this.playerInput_DropItem(); } } else if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_SPLIT_INVENTORY) { if (mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 12 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { var y = Math.floor((mouse_y - PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) / (PIXEL_SIZE * 8)); var selected = this.HUD_inventory_start + y; if (selected < this.currentPlayer.inventory.length && this.currentPlayer.inventory[selected] != null) { this.currentPlayer.selectedItem = selected; this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = -1; } } // select on the other inventory: if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 20 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 19) { var y = Math.floor((mouse_y - PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 19) / (PIXEL_SIZE * 8)); var selected = this.HUD_remote_inventory_start + y; if (selected < this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length && this.HUD_remote_inventory.content[selected] != null) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = selected; this.currentPlayer.selectedItem = -1; } } // arrows (inventory): if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 10 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 11 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { this.HUD_inventory_start--; if (this.HUD_inventory_start < 0) this.HUD_inventory_start = 0; if (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0) { while (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= this.HUD_inventory_start + SHRDLU_INVENTORY_DISPLAY_SIZE / 2) { this.currentPlayer.previousItem(); } } } if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 11 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 12 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { if (this.currentPlayer.inventory.length > this.HUD_inventory_start + SHRDLU_INVENTORY_DISPLAY_SIZE / 2) { this.HUD_inventory_start++; if (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0) { while (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem < this.HUD_inventory_start) { this.currentPlayer.nextItem(); } } } } // arrows (remote): if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 29 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 30 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_start--; if (this.HUD_remote_inventory_start < 0) this.HUD_remote_inventory_start = 0; if (this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected >= 0) { while (this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected >= this.HUD_remote_inventory_start + (SHRDLU_INVENTORY_DISPLAY_SIZE / 2) - 1) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected--; } } } if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 30 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 31 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { if (this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length > this.HUD_remote_inventory_start + (SHRDLU_INVENTORY_DISPLAY_SIZE / 2) - 1) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_start++; if (this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected >= 0) { while (this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected < this.HUD_remote_inventory_start) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected++; } } } } // buttons: // take if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 14 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 19 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 19 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 20) { if (this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected >= 0 && this.HUD_remote_inventory.content[this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected].takeable) { var item = this.HUD_remote_inventory.content[this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected]; var idx = this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.indexOf(item); this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.splice(idx, 1); this.HUD_remote_inventory.objectRemoved(item); this.currentPlayer.inventory.push(item); this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = -1; this.playSound("data/sfx/itemPickup.wav"); } } // put if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 14 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 19 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 21 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 22) { if (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0) { var item = this.currentPlayer.inventory[this.currentPlayer.selectedItem]; var idx = this.currentPlayer.inventory.indexOf(item); this.currentPlayer.inventory.splice(idx, 1); this.HUD_remote_inventory.addContent(item); this.currentPlayer.selectedItem = -1; this.playSound("data/sfx/itemPickup.wav"); } } } else { // message window: if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 29 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 30 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { this.messageConsoleUp(); } if (mouse_x >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 30 && mouse_x < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 31 && mouse_y >= PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 17 && mouse_y < PIXEL_SIZE * 8 * 18) { this.messageConsoleDown(); } } }; A4Game.prototype.setGameComplete = function (gc, ID) { this.gameComplete = gc; this.gameComplete_ending_ID = ID; }; A4Game.prototype.executeScriptQueues = function () { var toDelete = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scriptQueues; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var seb = _a[_i]; while (true) { var s = seb.scripts[0]; var retval = s.execute(seb.object,, ( == null ? this :, seb.otherCharacter); if (retval == SCRIPT_FINISHED) { seb.scripts.splice(0, 1); if (seb.scripts.length == 0) { toDelete.push(seb); break; } } else if (retval == SCRIPT_NOT_FINISHED) { break; } else if (retval == SCRIPT_FAILED) { toDelete.push(seb); break; } } } for (var _b = 0, toDelete_1 = toDelete; _b < toDelete_1.length; _b++) { var seb = toDelete_1[_b]; var idx = this.scriptQueues.indexOf(seb); this.scriptQueues.splice(idx, 1); } }; A4Game.prototype.addScriptQueue = function (seq) { this.scriptQueues.push(seq); }; // if an object is removed from a map, this needs to be called, to notify // the game that this happened. A4Game.prototype.objectRemoved = function (o) { var idx = this.players.indexOf(o); if (idx >= 0) this.players.splice(idx, 1); if (this.currentPlayer == o) { this.currentPlayerIndex = 0; if (this.players.length > 0) { this.currentPlayer = this.players[this.currentPlayerIndex]; } else { this.currentPlayer = null; } } for (var _i = 0, _a = this.maps; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var map = _a[_i]; map.objectRemoved(o); } if (this.HUD_remote_inventory == o) { this.HUD_remote_inventory = null; if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_SPLIT_INVENTORY) this.HUD_state = SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_INVENTORY; } }; A4Game.prototype.contains = function (o) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.deletionRequests; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var o2 = _a[_i]; if (o2 == o) return false; } for (var _b = 0, _c = this.maps; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var map = _c[_b]; if (map.contains(o)) return true; } return false; }; /* - Prevents the characters from accidentally going to a map that they should not go to - Should be overwriten by each specific game with any custom rules necessary */ A4Game.prototype.checkPermissionToWarp = function (character, target) { return true; }; // Teleports an object to a requested map and position. This queues up the request, // but it is not executed until at the end of a game cycle, to prevent this from // happening while we are still looping through lists of objects (concurrent modification) A4Game.prototype.requestWarp = function (o, map, x, y) { this.warpRequests.push(new WarpRequest(o, map, x, y)); }; A4Game.prototype.requestedWarp = function (o) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.warpRequests; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var request = _a[_i]; if (request.o == o) return true; } return false; }; // waits until the end of a cycle, and then deletes o A4Game.prototype.requestDeletion = function (o) { this.deletionRequests.push(o); }; A4Game.prototype.setStoryStateVariable = function (variable, value) { this.storyState[variable] = value; this.lastTimeStoryStateChanged = this.cycle; }; A4Game.prototype.getStoryStateVariable = function (variable) { return this.storyState[variable]; }; A4Game.prototype.playSound = function (sound) {; }; A4Game.prototype.getGraphicFile = function (file) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.graphicFiles; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var gf = _a[_i]; if (file == return gf; } return null; }; A4Game.prototype.getMap = function (name) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.maps; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var m = _a[_i]; if (name == return m; } return null; }; A4Game.prototype.getMapIndex = function (name) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.maps; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var m = _a[_i]; if (name == return this.maps.indexOf(m); } return -1; }; A4Game.prototype.getCameraX = function (focus, map_width, screen_width) { var target_x = 0; if (map_width < screen_width / this.zoom) { target_x = (map_width - screen_width / this.zoom) / 2; } else { target_x = focus.x + this.tileWidth / 2; target_x -= (screen_width / 2) / this.zoom; if (target_x < 0) target_x = 0; if (map_width - target_x < screen_width / this.zoom) target_x = map_width - screen_width / this.zoom; } target_x = Math.floor(target_x); return target_x; }; A4Game.prototype.getCameraY = function (focus, map_height, screen_height) { var top_HUD = 40; var bottom_HUD = 56; var center_Y = (screen_height - (top_HUD + bottom_HUD)) / 2 + top_HUD; var target_y = 0; if (map_height < (screen_height - (top_HUD + bottom_HUD)) / this.zoom) { target_y = (map_height - (center_Y * 2) / this.zoom) / 2; } else { target_y = focus.y + this.tileHeight / 2; target_y -= (center_Y) / this.zoom; if (target_y < -top_HUD / this.zoom) target_y = -top_HUD / this.zoom; // 40 pixels to leave space for the HUD if (map_height - target_y < (screen_height - bottom_HUD) / this.zoom) target_y = map_height - (screen_height - bottom_HUD) / this.zoom; } target_y = Math.floor(target_y); // target_y = (target_y - target_y%PIXEL_SIZE); return target_y; }; A4Game.prototype.setDoorGroupState = function (doorGroup, state, character) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.maps; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var map = _a[_i]; map.setDoorGroupState(doorGroup, state, character, map, this); } }; A4Game.prototype.checkIfDoorGroupStateCanBeChanged = function (doorGroup, state, character) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.maps; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var map = _a[_i]; if (!map.checkIfDoorGroupStateCanBeChanged(doorGroup, state, character, map, this)) return false; } return true; }; A4Game.prototype.addMessage = function (text) { this.addMessageWithColor(text, "white"); }; A4Game.prototype.addMessageWithColor = function (text, color) { this.addMessageWithColorTime(text, color, this.in_game_seconds); }; A4Game.prototype.addMessageWithColorTime = function (text, color, timeStamp) { // Prevent an infinite stream of error messages: if (this.messages.length >= 3 && text.substring(0, 7) == "[ERROR:" && this.messages[this.messages.length - 3][0].substring(0, 7) == "[ERROR:") return; // split longer messages into different lines: var buffer = ""; var last_space = 0; for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { buffer += text.charAt(i); if (text.charAt(i) == ' ') last_space = i; if (buffer.length >= A4_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { if (last_space == 0) { // a single word doesn't fit, just split it! this.messages.push([buffer, color, "" + timeStamp]); buffer = ""; } else { var backspaces = i - last_space; var tmp = buffer.substring(0, buffer.length - backspaces); this.messages.push([tmp, color, "" + timeStamp]); buffer = " " + buffer.substring((buffer.length - backspaces)); } } } if (buffer != "") this.messages.push([buffer, color, "" + timeStamp]); }; // message added only if the "originator" is in the same map as the "this.current_player" A4Game.prototype.addMessageWithOriginator = function (originator, msg) { if ( != return; this.addMessage(msg); }; A4Game.prototype.addMessageWithOriginatorAndColor = function (originator, msg, color) { if ( != return; this.addMessageWithColor(msg, color); }; // getting input form the player: A4Game.prototype.playerInput_ToogleInventory = function () { if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_INVENTORY || this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_SPLIT_INVENTORY) { this.HUD_state = SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_MESSAGES; this.HUD_remote_inventory = null; } else { this.HUD_state = SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_INVENTORY; } }; A4Game.prototype.playerInput_UseItem = function () { if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_INVENTORY) { if (!this.currentPlayer.isInVehicle() && this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0) { this.playerInput_issueCommand(A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_USE,, A4_DIRECTION_NONE); } } else if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_SPLIT_INVENTORY) { if (!this.currentPlayer.isInVehicle() && this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected >= 0 && this.HUD_remote_inventory.content[this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected].takeable) { var item = this.HUD_remote_inventory.content[this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected]; var idx = this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.indexOf(item); this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.splice(idx, 1); this.HUD_remote_inventory.objectRemoved(item); this.currentPlayer.inventory.push(item); this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = -1; this.playSound("data/sfx/itemPickup.wav"); } } }; A4Game.prototype.playerInput_DropItem = function () { if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_INVENTORY) { if (!this.currentPlayer.isInVehicle() && this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0) { var item = this.currentPlayer.inventory[this.currentPlayer.selectedItem]; if (item != null && item.droppable) { this.playerInput_issueCommand(A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_DROP,, null); this.currentPlayer.selectedItem = -1; } } } else if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_SPLIT_INVENTORY) { if (!this.currentPlayer.isInVehicle() && this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0) { var item = this.currentPlayer.inventory[this.currentPlayer.selectedItem]; if (item != null && item.droppable) { var item_1 = this.currentPlayer.inventory[this.currentPlayer.selectedItem]; var idx = this.currentPlayer.inventory.indexOf(item_1); this.currentPlayer.inventory.splice(idx, 1); this.HUD_remote_inventory.addContent(item_1); this.currentPlayer.selectedItem = -1; this.playSound("data/sfx/itemPickup.wav"); } } } }; A4Game.prototype.playerInput_NextItem = function () { this.currentPlayer.nextItem(); }; A4Game.prototype.messageConsoleUp = function () { if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_INVENTORY) { this.currentPlayer.previousItem(); } else if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_SPLIT_INVENTORY) { if (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem == 0) { if (this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length > 0) { this.currentPlayer.selectedItem = -1; this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length - 1; } else { this.currentPlayer.previousItem(); } } else if (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem > 0) { this.currentPlayer.previousItem(); } else if (this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected == 0) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = -1; this.currentPlayer.previousItem(); } else if (this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected > 0) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected--; } else { if (this.currentPlayer.inventory.length > 0) { this.currentPlayer.previousItem(); } else { if (this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length > 0) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length - 1; } } } } else { if (this.console_first_message > 0) this.console_first_message--; if (this.console_first_message == -1 && this.messages.length > A4_N_MESSAGES_IN_HUD) this.console_first_message = this.messages.length - (A4_N_MESSAGES_IN_HUD + 1); } }; A4Game.prototype.messageConsoleDown = function () { if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_INVENTORY) { this.currentPlayer.nextItem(); } else if (this.HUD_state == SHRDLU_HUD_STATE_SPLIT_INVENTORY) { if (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0 && this.currentPlayer.selectedItem == this.currentPlayer.inventory.length - 1) { if (this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length > 0) { this.currentPlayer.selectedItem = -1; this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = 0; } else { this.currentPlayer.nextItem(); } } else if (this.currentPlayer.selectedItem >= 0 && this.currentPlayer.selectedItem < this.currentPlayer.inventory.length - 1) { this.currentPlayer.nextItem(); } else if (this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected >= 0 && this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected == this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length - 1) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = -1; this.currentPlayer.nextItem(); } else if (this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected >= 0 && this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected < this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length - 1) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected++; } else { if (this.currentPlayer.inventory.length > 0) { this.currentPlayer.nextItem(); } else { if (this.HUD_remote_inventory.content.length > 0) { this.HUD_remote_inventory_selected = 0; } } } } else { if (this.console_first_message != -1) { if (this.console_first_message < this.messages.length - (A4_N_MESSAGES_IN_HUD + 1)) { this.console_first_message++; } else { this.console_first_message = -1; } } } }; A4Game.prototype.playerInput_issueCommand = function (cmd, arg, direction) { /* if (cmd==A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_WALK) { // detect whether we should change "walk" to attack or talk if we walk against an enemy or npc: // only change action if there is an obstacle and we cannot walk around it: if (!this.currentPlayer.canMove(direction, false)) { let map:A4Map =; // detect whether we will collide with another character/object, and decide whether to change to another action: let collisions:A4Object[] = map.getAllObjectCollisionsWithOffset(this.currentPlayer, direction_x_inc[direction], direction_y_inc[direction]); for(let o of collisions) { if (o.isCharacter()) { // determine whether the character is friendly or unfriendly if (o.isAICharacter()) { let ai:A4AI = (o).AI; if (ai.isUnfriendly(this.currentPlayer.ID)) { // attack! this.currentPlayer.issueCommandWithArguments(A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_ATTACK, arg, direction, o, this); return A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_ATTACK; } // if (ai.conversationGraph!=null) { // // talk: // // don't issue anything, the calling code will trigger the talk dialog // return A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_TALK; // } this.currentPlayer.issueCommandWithArguments(cmd, arg, direction, null, this); return cmd; } } } } } */ this.currentPlayer.issueCommandWithArguments(cmd, arg, direction, null, this); return cmd; }; A4Game.prototype.playerInput_issueCommandWithOther = function (cmd, arg, target) { this.currentPlayer.issueCommandWithArguments(cmd, arg, 0, target, this); }; // This function returns a list with the hierarchy of objects necessary to find the desired object // For example, if an object is directly in a map, the list with be length 1, but if // the object is in the inventory of a character, then we will get a list with the character and then the object A4Game.prototype.findObjectByName = function (name) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.maps; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var m = _a[_i]; var o2 = m.findObjectByName(name); if (o2 != null) return o2; } return null; }; A4Game.prototype.findObjectByIDJustObject = function (ID) { var tmp = this.findObjectByID(ID); if (tmp == null) return null; return tmp[tmp.length - 1]; }; // This function returns a list with the hierarchy of objects necessary to find the desired object // For example, if an object is directly in a map, the list with be length 1, but if // the object is in the inventory of a character, then we will get a list with the character and then the object A4Game.prototype.findObjectByID = function (ID) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.maps; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var m = _a[_i]; var o2 = m.findObjectByID(ID); if (o2 != null) return o2; } return null; }; A4Game.prototype.skipSpeechBubble = function () { if ( > 0) {[0][1] = 0; return true; } if (this.currentPlayer.talkingBubble != null) { this.currentPlayer.stateCycle = this.currentPlayer.talkingBubbleDuration; return true; } return false; }; /* Checks to see if there is any repeated IDs, and returns false if there are any repeated, pringing info about them */ A4Game.prototype.ensureUniqueObjectIDs = function () { var IDs = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.maps; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var map = _a[_i]; for (var _b = 0, _c = map.objects; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var object = _c[_b]; var ID = object.ID; if (IDs.indexOf(ID) >= 0) { console.error("Repeated ID: " + ID + " in map " +; } IDs.push(ID); if (object instanceof A4Character) { for (var _d = 0, _e = object.inventory; _d < _e.length; _d++) { var o2 = _e[_d]; var ID2 = o2.ID; if (IDs.indexOf(ID2) >= 0) { console.error("Repeated ID: " + ID2 + " in map " +; } IDs.push(ID2); } } if (object instanceof A4Container) { for (var _f = 0, _g = object.content; _f < _g.length; _f++) { var o2 = _g[_f]; var ID2 = o2.ID; if (IDs.indexOf(ID2) >= 0) { console.error("Repeated ID: " + ID2 + " in map " +; } IDs.push(ID2); } } } } //console.log("IDs: " + IDs); }; // To be overwriten by each individual game A4Game.prototype.checkCustomVehicleCollisionEvents = function (vehicle) { }; return A4Game; }());